Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1239: Promoted to Grand Marshal Pinnacle

"Don't let him escape!"

The Wolf King teleported, the machete cut across, and intercepted Downton's retreat, but the Evil God ran into it regardless of it, and they were determined to not dare to hurt this body. ±,


The wolf king really closed his sword and could only rely on martial arts to block it, but most of his strength was on the machete. In doing so, it was really his own short attack on the enemy.


Downton punched the wolf king with a punch.

The grass covered the ground instantaneously, huge vines shot out, twined towards Downton, and the Hulk pulled up to encircle and hunt.

"Yilian back away!"

Di Lanxue shot, the strongest offensive and the most lethal.

All the geniuses present were present, and they did not need to be commanded by the Wolf King at all, they all knew how to do it.

"How did this bottle of potion become the kiss of the Holy Spirit? Won't it be a problem?"

Elaine's concern is chaotic, worrying that Professor Abu and Ye Meng will conspire.

"If it is a kiss of the Holy Spirit, Downton will be saved!"

Homer explained that the kiss of the Holy Spirit is a potion configured by the ancient elf queen. It exceeds the epic level. It is the strongest sober potion, which can eliminate any magic and divine magic with charm, dementia, and seizure effects. The potion contains A ray of consciousness of the ancient elf queen, a shining law of the moon goddess, anyone who drinks it, the number of souls will be strengthened, can be broken through barriers, and promoted to at least three ranks.

In addition to this basic effect, you will also receive the blessing of the goddess of the moon and the praise of the elf queen. This is a god-level magic art and the best blessing of the gods. Even if the soul and body are destroyed, as long as the potion is infused within ten days , You can nirvana rebirth, restore to the peak state of the body, purify all the unclean effects and evil diseases and curses on the body!

If it is the blood of the elf queen drink it. You can also summon the Queen to come and communicate with the Star of Bethlehem located outside the crystal wall of the Western Earth Plane to carry out a punishment.

The destructive power of this blow can completely wipe out a large state from the map and instantly evaporate tens of millions of people.

The effect of this potion is so overbearing that it does not bombard the map. The resurrection alone is enough to attract countless kings, but its production materials are extremely rare and the refining technique is too difficult. Only seven pieces are formed, and finally they are collected by Saladin and sealed in the secret realm of the holy mountain.

This is a rare potion that no one has ever seen, and Homer doesn't know if it was told by Laxis.

"You have no choice. Give him a shot!"

Di Lanxue chose to believe Professor Abu. And if you let Downton leave, you will fall into darkness forever and become a puppet of the evil god.

These are the three geniuses: Lion Ji, Xia Luo, and Wolf King, but because of fear of hurting Downton's body, they are extremely handicapped.

"It turned out to be the partner I chose. They were all seriously injured like this, and their attack power was so terrifying!"

The Wolf King admired.

"A little bit of your heart. If you hurt your elder brother, I will peel your skin!"

Walnut threatened.

Sleep naturally!

Charlotte flew green fluorescent powder between her fingers. The grass on the ground has a light green mist. They have a strong hypnotic effect and will make all creatures sleep.

The liquid mass popped up and wrapped Downton.

"As long as the spell is useless!"

Elaine reminded.

The world? The cage!

Di Lanxue finally approached Downton and grabbed his shoulder. Unleash your talent.


The six-sided blue crystal wall force field was born, which was connected to form a cube, imprisoning Downton.


Homer threw the kiss of the Holy Spirit over.

Di Lanxue caught it with his left hand, and folded his fingers together with a snap. The bottle was squeezed, and then the force exploded. The scattered medicaments were pulled by invisible gravity, forming a ball shape, and then her long arm stretched out and penetrated the force field barrier.


Lion Ji’s palm covered Downton’s mouth, and the medicine ball was also inserted.


Downton roared, biting on Di Lanxue's finger.

"It's okay, you will be okay!"

Lion Ji frowned softly, comforting softly.

As the medicament flows into the stomach, the powerful medicinal effect immediately erupts, and Downton’s heart immediately glows green, like a seed sprouting, growing into a towering tree, with a green vine, from The heart rushed out and spread throughout the body.

The green fluorescence diffused.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Like the exhaust sound after the steam boiler reaches the limit, wherever the green vines reach, a plume of black mist overflows from Downton's body.


Evil God is making his final efforts. Dark runes break out and they are squeezed just after they expand.

"Damn Saladin, **** elf queen, have you already reached this point?"

Evil God roared, it was too anxious, if the curse completely occupied Downton's heart, then even if there was a kiss of the Holy Spirit, it would not be purified so easily.

Seeing that the great plan was destroyed as soon as it succeeded, the evil spirit could hardly be increased.

Yuehua pours, and the light haunts, condensing into an ancient elf beauty, dressed in veil, holding a scepter, and spreading peace and tranquility.

"What a magical potion!"

"This is the ancient elf queen? Jane is so beautiful that she can't breathe."

"No regrets in this life!"

The onlookers murmured to themselves, staring at the limit, and staring at the female elf without blinking.

The green light spreads like a tide, the natural force is tumbling and spreading quickly, which brings a fresh breath to everything.

Di Lanxue withdrew the world cage and quickly backed away.

The female elf floating in the air appeared in front of Downton, stroking his cheek with both hands, bowing his head and kissing on his lips.


For a time, Guanghua Dasheng!

The darkness is gone, the evil is gone!

"Wait, I will definitely come, and spill the death and fear on the Westland Continent!"

The evil spirit cursed with bitterness.

The female elf stared at the eyes, the power of the law exploded, and the black mist on Downton's body blew away completely.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Downton's heart was beating like a drum of war, and the surging vitality was injected into his body with the female elf's kiss.

Strips of vines wrapped around Downton. He soon wrapped him into a cocoon-like shape, the natural force overflowed, allowing the wound to heal with the naked eye.

Some slender vines are like needlework, stitching down Dunton's broken and damaged soul, and repairing two war-damaged souls.


The blood of the Holy Flame of Heaven was activated, and the platinum flame burned. It's so warm, so holy, just like the mother's arms.


The blood of the dawn broke out.

Because of the resonance of the same bloodline, Downton, who was sleeping, heard an ancient elf language and engraved it into the soul.

"Should it be saved?"

Walnut grabbed Di Lanxue's clothes corner sharply, staring at the green silkworm cocoon with his toes, not daring to look away.


Lion Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Downton really has the blood of the ancient elf queen, it seems that he is often the prince of the Holy Britannia."

The wolf king sighed. This is a rare bloodline of higher ranks, which is only available to the royal family in the elven family, and among humans, only the royal members of the Britanian empire will occasionally show up, because the elder queen's sister once married Prince Edward of this country.

Of course, it is the most famous Queen of the Madeleine Rose, Madeleine, that explodes the blood power to the limit.

The healing process had reached the second half, and the female elf held up her hands. As if the dew had condensed, as if the Holy Flame was burning. As if the stars were falling, two liquid gems appeared in the palm, and then she was embedded in Downton's eye socket.

A scorching sensation struck and almost burned away, and then became cool, like the nature after the rain. Refreshing and pleasant.


Downton opened his eyes, and a mixed eye of green, white gold, and light blue swept across the audience, and it came to nothingness.

"so beautiful!"

The onlookers all marveled and the cocoon broke, so everyone saw Downton's eyes. That is something that does not exist with the world, as if embedded in a piece of nature, embedded in a piece of paradise, and in the end, both become two stars.

If you look closely, you will find that it is not a star, but a starry sky, which contains the most reasonable, profound and mysterious.

"So beautiful!"

Everyone sighed and looked at Di Lanxue subconsciously. All of you present, only her eyes, were comparable to Downton.

"Fortunately, bloodline strength and talents are in effect."

Lion Ji quietly drew a cross in the bottom of his heart. The kiss of the Holy Spirit not only reshaped his eyes, but triggered the blood and talent of Downton. Naturally it was dawn and dawn, heaven is the flame of heaven, and the stars are the shift of the stars. Now If he uses pupil surgery again, the power is definitely different from before.

rustle! rustle!

The dragon scales on Downton turned into powder, peeled from the body surface, and turned into human skin again, but more tenacious.

The kiss of the Holy Spirit is worthy of the Holy Medicine, dispelling all the bad effects on Downton, but the powerful effects are all retained.

Downton is not a dragon now, but the skin is tough like dragon scales. Although he loses his ability to breathe, his physical quality is a little higher than the dragon. The soul is stronger and he does not need to. The general legal system releases spiritual magic towards him, even if Those who don't have to fight and move back and forth will bounce back, and those people will also be repulsed.

"The skin is so white, big brother has the potential to make a white face!" Walnut sighed, "like jelly, I want to take a bite!"


Watching Downton's dragontail fall, Nicole sighed deeply. She thought it was the most sexual part of his body, but then the sadness became relieved.

Downton is so powerful, it is good to recognize him as the master, and then look at his confidante, Xia Luo, Di Lanxue, Elaine, Walnut, these are all geniuses who have both beauty and wisdom, okay, Loli Is a fool!

After the healing was completed, a piece of ethereal elven language immediately resounded, and began to fill Downton's flesh~ the power of body and soul, let him sprint towards the legend.

The elements, power of law, and magical energy between heaven and earth, as if swallowed by a black hole, are all drawn, and enter the body of Downton through the medium of female elves.

"This is going to be a legend?"

"Can I actually witness the birth of a legendary strongman? It's so cool!"

"Tell a fart, don't run fast, the elemental strike after the success of the order will kill us!"

The onlookers sighed, marveled, and panicked. Ninety-nine percent of the magicians stopped at the pinnacle of the Grand Marshal, because it is too difficult to promote the legend, but now, no one is doubting that Downton will fail.

Downton's power and talent have deeply convinced them.


Inzaghi cursed and wanted to use the talent ability, but worried about being discovered, he could only quietly influence the law.

Di Lanxue and Charlotte's ears moved, and immediately stared at Inzaghi. The Prince of Milan quickly stopped.

"Damn, these two girls are so sensitive!"

If the mind was not tough enough, Inzaghi almost ran away.

The black light spot overflowed from Downton's body, re-condensed into a light ball, and injected into Downton's body.

"Ah, what is that?"

Walnut exclaimed.

"It's a fragment of the law, from the evil god!"

Di Lanxue looked dignified, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse that Downton devoured the debris of the evil god.

"It still has influence!"

Inzaghi snickered.

"Huh, isn't it going to fail? How much energy has all been drawn? How come there are no signs of breaking through the barriers?"

"No crow mouth!"

"My Emperor Polo, Downton has absorbed so much energy, how strong will he be after he is promoted to legend?"

The crowds were astounding and full of shock. It is known to all that the more energy that is drawn during the promotion, the more solid the foundation, the higher the future achievements.

Bang! Bang!

In the sky, the elements were stirred, and a huge thunder sounded, but when everyone thought that Downton was about to hit the legend, he suddenly stopped and stopped at the peak of the Grand Marshal.

The female elf loosened Downton's cheek and glanced at him with a pleased smile, then shattered into a spot and dissipated into the air.

"Big brother!"

Walnut cheered, rushed over for the first time, a flutter, hung on him.


Downton hugged the walnuts and turned around.


Elaine wept with joy.

"Don't cry, I'm all better, better than ever!"

Downton comforted and looked at Di Lanxue, his eyes were facing each other, there was a taste and a spirit inside.

Seeing this scene, Xia Luo sighed.

"Xia Luo!"

Downton turned his head, embarrassed.

"Why stay at the pinnacle of Grand Marshal?"

The sage wolf changed the subject.

"I don't know, it may be that my injury was too serious. The Holy Spirit's kiss repaired the body and consumed too much energy!"

Downton explained, "It doesn't matter, because of Laxis's sake, in the battle with the shadow of Tanan, I realized a lot of powers of the law, and I want to shock the legend, anytime!"

"Your luck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ makes me envious!"

The Wolf King came over and thumped Downton's chest.

"Thank you!"

Downton is sincerely grateful.


After Downton communicated with his friends, a group of onlookers flooded up impatiently, sending blessings and praises.

"Oh, I just forgot to shoot the wonderful scene just now!"

Megan regretted it.

"More than that, the previous battles were all classics, but unfortunately, they can only exist in our minds now, and we can't let the world appreciate the battle heroes of Commander Downton!"

Capello regrets. (To be continued...)


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