Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1241: Drankfork, renewed fighting

Canglin is like the sea, the sun is like the blood

The entire Frankfort was shrouded in a thick cloud of war, panic and tension continued to spread.


Except for the elderly, women and children, we can no longer see the shadow of any man. Even a sixteen-year-old boy went to the battlefield as early as the second round of the National Recruitment Order.

On the long street, there were all teams of teams driving to the front to deliver supplies. Occasionally, someone would pull the servants and ask about the battle on the front. All the answers were good.

"Don't ask, didn't the propaganda team say that? General Suarez led the troll corps and beat the Tauren corps in the dragon hills to annihilate tens of thousands of enemies."

"Do you think it's possible? We are just a small third-rate country. When did the orcs send troops, we didn't rush to pay the money. This time, our attitude was tougher, and we still beat the enemy to death."

"Nonsense, the ruling king is not the former waste king, but the Duke of Downton. Have you not seen the military and financial power of our country?"

The old men have nothing to do and naturally worry about their loved ones on the front line.

"What duke, isn't he the uncrowned king? If he didn't like to cause trouble, how could other countries come to attack us?"

"Yeah, how does his diplomacy work? The neighboring countries have actually started. I think the country will definitely be finished this time."

Some timid old people still remember the past peacetime.

"Since it's almost over, why don't you run?"

"Don't forget that the fuse of this war is the free trade zone of Japan and Japan, and the neighboring countries can't see that our lives are getting better."

"Your family hasn't seen a meaty meal in the past month, but now it's just three to five times to stew meat to improve your life. When you're eating with a mouth full of oil, why don't you say the bad things about Duke Downton?"

Some people can't stand it anymore. Scolding at these gossip old men.

The guys who were scolded were speechless and ran away.

The citizens are not stupid, war is coming, if before, a large number of citizens will flee the country, forming a huge wave of refugees, recruitment will be very difficult, but this time, except for some noble families to go abroad to take refuge, not only no refugees tide. On the contrary, the people actively joined the army.

No one is willing to give up the good life now. The Drankford businessman is very high in the international arena, as well as the civilians on the border, and often see people from other countries fleeing, willing to do anything for that nationality certificate thing.

I was eaten full, I was dressed warmly, and I was given a high glance. These elements gradually condense the national pride of the people, and it is also the reason why Deranke is still unbreakable until the war.

"Why drive us away? We can still play iron!"

A group of old blacksmiths stuck in front of the workshop, rolled their sleeves and questioned loudly.

"Uncle, please go back, our current weapons and equipment. They are all produced in the workshop with assembly lines. It is the Krupp giants who are responsible for manufacturing from the lava secret realm. Even if you work hard for a year, you can't keep up with us. Half a day's output!"

In spite of the broken heart of the affair, unless strict orders were placed on it and the patriotic enthusiasm of the people was not allowed to be attacked, he would have drove away these troublesome people.

"Where is the workshop? Why didn't I see it?"

The old man didn't believe it.

"Of course in the underground city, but it is the industrial base of Drankford. Okay, let me tell you another news. The mechanical tanks produced by our country will drive to the front today. You can go to the municipal square now and you can see Oath Master Conference!"

The manager wiped the sweat on his forehead, and had to deal with various things while dealing with people.

"If you lie to us, we will break your bones!"

A group of old men left in a fierce manner, and then waited for the square to see a group of children running towards the main road and gathering.

"Go and see, there are so many spiders!"

"What a spider, that's a multi-legged chariot!"

"What's new, we have read it in the textbook of the Military Academy!"

The children were noisy, and some older children pretended to be disdainful, reflecting their rebellion, but instinctively, raised their chins, and raised their chests, making the badge on the school uniform more prominent in the sun.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The old men took a short cut, and before they had passed through the alley, they heard a uniform sound, and then they saw the mechanical tanks.

These chariots are larger than the luxury carriages drawn by six horses. They are all assembled from steel. The huge rivets are neatly arranged. Their height is close to three meters and five meters wide. They walk like spiders. Similarly, they have eight steel thighs with steel braces in the legs, which can penetrate half a meter thick steel plates or can be sprayed. Because of the use of steam power, their range is up to 500 yards.

The tanker’s leg compartment also contains a wheel saw for melee combat. In addition, its mouthpiece is two huge serrated guillotines, enough to shatter the bones of the heroic level of Warcraft, as for the heavy cavalry, To face it, it was crushed on one side.

Not only to reduce weight, the multi-legged chariot is originally a goblin technology, so the drivers are all green goblin.

They wore tank caps, and their faces were meticulous.

"It's a goblin!"

Some people whispered, but there was no contempt in the words, because it is no stranger to see, and the Minister of Finance is a goblin.

"For Drankford, for the Duke of Downton, for the people!"

The commander of the chariot opened the hatch, drilled out, raised his hand in salute, and roared.


All the tank hatches were opened, the captain stood up, his face was serious, and he roared loudly.

"Death fight!"

The goblins that used to be synonymous with thieves are relying on their efforts to change other people's impressions of them and create a world where they can live freely for future generations.

"Goddess is on!"

A cry of exclamation sounded.

The black carbon anti-oxidation coatings of these mechanical tanks gleamed in the sunlight, like a respected steel monster, rushing to the battlefield.

"Come on!"

"Must be triumphant!"

"Return alive!"

Citizens standing on both sides of the street froze for a moment before they waved their hands to bless these warriors.

"Drankford is invincible. Long live Duke Downton!"

A student suddenly shouted his arms, resonating with more students. Screaming, he gradually merged into a torrent.

"Don't look at it again, it's almost late!"

A head student shouted and turned to run.

The students in the crowd followed with firm eyes, their pace was faster and their fists clenched tighter.

The citizens looked at the children wearing the uniforms of the First Military Academy as if they were looking at the bright future!

This university, founded by the Duke of Downton, is the dream of all children because they entered there. She can become a general and command thousands of horses. She is naturally the expectation of all families. The former civilians, even if they become magicians, have little chance of becoming nobles, but now they are different. As long as his son successfully graduates from the military academy, he will get a baron title.

In a two-story loft, a man leaned sideways against the wall and saw a scene on the long street from the window.

"How many years has Downton been in the hands of the king? Has the country been so cohesive? It's terrible!"

The man sighed.

"This is the best opportunity, and we must destroy Drankford and Downton's base!"

Many people in the attic are checking weapons. As long as the signals are together. They will launch a raid on the main facilities of the city.

Boom! Boom!

The knock on the door rang.

All the terrorists~ were shocked, and the team leader pressed his hands down quickly. Indicate a little restlessly.

"Knock the door and match the code, it's you!"

A person in charge explained, while whispering to the secret signal, "Nightingale chicks!"

"Yellow Oriole Echo!"

People outside answered.

"What's the situation now?"

The person in charge opened the door, and there was a flower in front of him. A whole body was covered in black leather armor. The assassin with a triangular face towel was like a hungry tiger, rushing forward and covering his mouth with his hand.

puff! puff!

Not waiting for the person in charge to draw a knife to resist, the low bowstring sounded, and the crossbow in the assassin's hand fired continuously, shooting the green oil and the highly toxic arrows into his heart.


The elite who carried out the sneak attack plan were all elites. The leader did not respond slowly, but just after shouting, a red blood line appeared in the neck and a head flew to the ceiling.

boom! boom! boom!

At the same time, the walls, ceiling, and windows were all broken. With a bang, a dark ball of light exploded, obscuring the field of vision, and the assassins launched the raid.

"Damn, the killers of the eyes of Odin!"

"The wind is leaking!"


Seeing that the Drow elves were attacking, the terrorists were scared. Since Beyoncé took control of Odin’s eyes, various terrorist methods have made people in neighboring countries shy away from this organization.

It is better to die than to fall into their hands. From this sentence, you can see how terrifying the deterrent power of the Eye of Odin is.

"Kill them all, don't stay!"

The female drow who led the team stretched out the tip of her ruddy tongue and licked away the blood that had spattered on her mouth. A cruel smile appeared on her face.

Or is it interesting in the human world, where there is racial disagreement in the ground, what fun.

Russia, the battle is over, for the drow elves who are good at assassination, these tasks are not even warm-up.

"Leader, I have killed six enemies. With the previous merits, are you already qualified to have dinner with Lord Servant?"

A female drow asked excitedly.

"Why? Can't help it?"

The leader laughed and scolded, "Solve it by hand!"

"I also want to see Lord God Servant!"

The female drows talked eloquently, after Beyoncé became Downton’s slave, she did her best to use the methods learned in the fighting martial arts to start brainwashing these female drows so that they would no longer be loyal. The family is paying attention, but loyal to Downton.

At present, the effect is excellent. These female drows are willing to dedicate their lives and souls to Downton, which is arguably the most fanatical believer.

"I will communicate your wishes!"

The team leader also wanted to see Downton.

At the same moment, the Eye of Odin launched a full-blown operation to destroy the enemy's strongholds in the royal city and kill all terrorists.

Palace, study!

Abagong has been working tirelessly for a week. His logistics, internal affairs, and all are now under his overall responsibility. If there is a fifty-member staff, he will be exhausted.

"Sir, the action of the Qing Dynasty ended perfectly!"

Staff report.

"Don't bother me with such trivial matters, let Beyonce decide for herself."

Abagong answered without looking up.

"The 7th Legion of St. Judeland is assembled and the march begins."

The staff turned over another report.

"Haha, I can't wait any longer, do I have to do it myself?"

Abagorn smirked. Saint Gerald didn't even think that the Frankfort army could last for so long under the circumstantial circumstances. In order to win it in one go, he could only tear his face and go to war. "What do you think?"

"Tell the Air Force to march towards the Saraje border!"

In addition to Drizzt who was born as a fighting martial arts and trained as a martial arts chief, Downton's men are all Nojiko, so only he can sit in the headquarters.

"Is it okay? Will other countries take advantage of it?"

Abagong is very worried that there is no problem with financial resources, but military strength is a big problem. After all, there are too many enemy countries and too many recruits.

"No, everyone is waiting for this battle. If we lose, it will be a full-scale war. If we win, it will last for a while!"

Drizzt sees clearly that he is not alone.

"Ah, the master doesn't know when to come back?"

Abagong sighed, then folded his hands and prayed for Downton.

Huge dragon hills, along the Red Bank line, hundreds of thousands of troops confronted each other.

"What are you doing so hard? Look, now the bears are out!"

In the formation, the blood mallet roared towards Suarez. Because of the previous victory, the bearmen became angry and rushed with the servants, and they rushed to the national border.

"When have the hill ogres become soft eggs?"

Suya rode on the back of a Sherman battle bear and held the binoculars calmly to observe the enemy.

"You're the soft egg, I just don't want to see the current situation get worse because of your recklessness." Bloodmaul growled, two heads, four nostrils, all breathlessly breathing heavily.

"Huh, what about fifteen times more troops, we troll hunters, one can fight ten, and we will definitely recreate the glory of the troll millennium empire!"

Suya has been expecting this battle for a long time. He wants to fight out the majesty and momentum of the troll family and let the world see it again.

"You madman, think about the big picture!"

Bloodmaul was furious.

"Okay, shut up, the enemy legion is up!"

Suya put away the telescope~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Orcs were the first to kill the Tauren Infantry Regiment and Zebra Cavalry Regiment,

Behind the battle array, the neat and ethereal chanting of the shaman priest sounded, and in the air, the elements were as joyous as elves, and the magic energy oscillated rapidly.

"Quick, quick, prepare the shaman regiment to intercept magic!"

Blood Maul hurriedly urged, but the mage regiment was the decisive force on the battlefield. Once his own side was defeated, the legionary formation would become an undefended beauty and be ravaged by anyone.

boom! boom! boom!

The first wave of magical attacks, the shaman priests gained a repressive advantage.

"I already knew!"

The blood mallet face is like dead ash, the opposite is the regular army, knows team fighting, his own shaman are indigenous, only personal warfare, and he will be sentenced, so he has foreseen that a massacre is about to begin. (To be continued.)


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