Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1243: Strong return

"Do you want me to go to war?"

Nicole watched the battlefield with great interest, and there was a warlike look in his eyes. For a military enthusiast, there is nothing more fanatical than the murderous battlefield.

"No need!"

Downton's cold-blooded rejection, any iron-blooded legion was fought out in battle and fire, he needed a brave warrior, not a cream soldier who was sheltered. Besides, he couldn't get enough records. How to make these Awkward and unruly death totem soldiers?


The chief of the guard wanted to say a little overwhelmingly, and was stomped on the instep by Beronica's high heels, and twisted once.

On the battlefield, the strongest collision came, and the troll hunter and the bear-man cavalry, like two torrents of steel, slammed into each other.

boom! boom! boom!

The javelin was like a jelly, and the sharp spear tip flashed a **** light under the setting sun, then strangled together, and Mars was splashing and falling.


The commander of the corps shouted loudly, and the green bars in his forehead bulged.

call out! call out! call out!

The soldiers on both sides were elite, and they would never do anything to see the results of the battle. They stared at their opponents violently, pulled out the shooting spear with the action that had been trained in the bones for ten million times. Throwing at the enemy.

boom! boom! boom!

The javelins are dense, just like the migrating swordfish swarms in the sea, constantly colliding and falling constantly.

Boom! Boom!

Javelins always leaked into the battle array, shooting some unlucky eggs off the mount, but they all clenched their teeth, even if they were stepped into a pool of rotten meat by the subsequent bear.

"Bearman Hunter, invincible!"

Seeing the bravery and bloodiness of the local soldiers, the orc phalanx exploded with great cheers and cheers, but the generals and the staff were extremely embarrassed, because they saw more than ordinary soldiers.

Although the javelins of both sides throw the same wave. However, there are more soldiers lost in one's own side. It is necessary to know that there are nearly two thousand more people than the other side. This means that the trolls' shooting skills are more exquisite and more terrifying. The distance of the javelin in the sky gradually moved forward, away from the troll square.

"Bearmen are also known as the Hercules of the Orc Empire, but their strength is not as good as these trolls?"

Inside the bridge, Capello and his party watched this scene. I couldn't help whispering, and then the next second, there was exclamation.

The millennial trolls suddenly burst into a roar, followed by blue and red magic patterns all over their bodies. Their hand speed immediately erupted, and their power surged, like a crossbow, throwing a seventh round of the gun.

At this moment, most of the bearmen had just grabbed the handle of the gun, and could only watch the javelin fire quickly.

puff! puff! puff!

Javelin hit. Tear the leather armor directly, through the flesh, and in a time, thousands of bearmen fell into the horse.

Some bears responded quickly and avoided the key, but the javelin's impact was too great. After hitting the body, the powerful inertia fell with the body uncontrolled, even if the saddle was clamped, there were some Go out. Blocking directly with their arms, only they underestimated the power of the troll.

The bearman's swaying arm, like a warhammer, can break a big tree together. But facing the troll's javelin, it was like a mantis.

call out!

The eighth round of javelins crossed the sky, and the orc warriors on the opposite side immediately fell like autumn leaves, planting a large area.

call out!

In the uniform roar, the ninth round of javelins was fired, and then there were no more bear men who could stand upright.

The two sides crossed. The trolls had fewer than a hundred employees, and the bear-man squadron, except panic and unrest, rushed past, leaving only the commander-in-chief sitting on it.

The captain of the corps held a javelin, completely dumbfounded.

"it is mine!"


The commander of the troll screamed, his spear shuddered, pierced the neck of the commander of the bearmen, and the blood spurted. His power was so great that he directly pierced his neck bones, so that his head leaned back to 180 degrees.

The whole audience was silent. The orc army that was originally cheering seemed to be pressed the pause button, and it was stuck directly. One by one, it was incredible to watch the battlefield of flesh and blood, almost glaring his eyes.

"Actually destroyed?"

"That's the Bear Man Hunting Corps, a thousand-year-old troop troop, just like this one, was killed by bombing?"

"I must be dazzled by this battle loss ratio!"

The orcs wiped their eyes vigorously and couldn't believe this scene at all. It wasn't the first time that the Bear Man Hunting Corps had not suffered a defeat.

"Damn, why did you lose to those troll natives?"

The commander-in-chief is a bear man, so when he saw that the clan was all destroyed, he broke his lips at once.

The generals and the staff looked ugly. In general, the commanders were the first targets to be shot, but just now, there was only one commander, a lone charge, without any momentum, but witnessed those millennium trolls. Meritorious service.

"Quick! Quickly, send out warships, support the sacrificial regiment, and dispatch the cavalry regiment to drive away the trolls!"

The commander was not stupid enough to come home and knew to protect the sacrificial corps, but the order was not late, but the trolls were killing too fast.

"Target sacrifice group, burst javelin, three rounds of continuous shooting!"

The head of the regiment burst into tears.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Thousands of bursting guns, like a cloud, directly submerged the Thousand People Sacrificial Mission.

boom! boom! boom!

The explosion raged and the fire was tumbling.

The screams and wailing immediately became the main melody of the battlefield.

The priests opened the lightning shield, but it was useless. The destructive power of the burst javelin was equivalent to the ruling order, and this large-scale carpet bombing doubled the damage.

The mages of any country are the gathering place of mediocrities. Those talented and outstanding generations have been recruited by the upper nobility as private forces, so the sacrifices ushered in death without suspense.

The shield was broken, and the life taken away by the javelin was easier. Those who were blown into serious injuries and burned into torches were simply tortured like hell.

In the three rounds of projection, except for several sacrificial leaders of the Dragon Slayer, the rest were killed, but their doomsday also came soon.

The javelin was shot, shooting them as hedgehogs, and then the troll's pioneer pulled the reins. Start riding a bear to change direction and leave the battlefield.

The Centaur Regiment rushed up and opened the bow quickly to suppress them.

"Troll Hunter. Precise projection!"

The head of the regiment burst into tears.

This time, only six hundred shots were made. The dark clouds formed by the javelin were much thinner, but the killing caused. It is even more terrifying.

The arrows were full of fire, all the six hundred javelins were hit, and a total of 324 people were killed. The Centaur Cavalry Regiment immediately became headless and did not know what to do, because all the officers were shot by name in the previous round of attack. .

"Can this record be achieved?"

The guards exclaimed loudly.

The eyes of the orcs were even wider. They knew that all officers had differences in military uniforms, epaulets, and sabers. Trolls are good at projecting and naturally have extraordinary eyesight, but trying to shoot them in a cavalry running at high speed is almost as difficult as going to the sky.

"Troll hunter, that's the millennium troll hunter, as long as he shoots, the enemy's head will be taken away!"

Some recruits trembled with fright.

Without the command, the Centaur Cavalry Regiment didn't know what to do. Taking advantage of this interval, the Troll Hunter Cavalry Regiment burst out of the enclosure.

"Hunter Regiment!"

"Warrior Chief Downton!"

"Drank Fu Man Sheng!"

Indigenous people in the hills witnessed the scene of the mass extinction sacrificial corps in the army. I just felt that my blood was boiling, and the fighting was surging forward, and I wanted to kill it.

Suya held the binoculars tightly and waved her arm fiercely. In fact, he was also nervous, but fortunately the tactics were right, and the first round was not messed up.

Although this cavalry regiment is called a troll hunter, most of them are ordinary troll pitchers. After all, hunters are too rare, and there are no more than ten people in a tribe. So those six hundred are the trump card, and their task is to shoot the officer.

In order to protect them and not be killed by a pan, the ace hunters are scattered and placed in the formation. At present, it seems that the effect is good.


Nicole whistled frivolously, exclaiming aloud.

"Oh, what's this? You haven't seen the dwarf heavy cavalry regiment led by Uncle Blackhands, let alone the axe attack, just rolled over, and the ground is full of minced meat!"

Little Walnut pouted, this violent loli prefers the kind of tyrannical crushing battle to this skill projection.

"There are trolls killed, why not use airships to drop goblin bombs to solve the problem?"

Elaine drew a cross on her chest to pray for the dozens of dead trolls. She was very kind, and she couldn't see the casualties most.

"There are also warships opposite!"

Capello explained that the number of airships is too small to constitute an overwhelming advantage. They can only be used as a deterrent. Otherwise, once they are destroyed, the spiritual support of their own soldiers will disappear and they will be defeated.

"Give me the **** trolls, kill them, no, go and destroy those shamans first!"

The commander ordered his teeth.

With the annihilation of the sacrificial corps, the indigenous shamans without repression fully fired and bombarded the orc formations, but unfortunately these guys had not received the battle formation training, otherwise the casualties would be even greater.


The shamans were so unruly that when they saw the orcish warship coming, they ran immediately, and even the ogre natives were a little shaken.

"The Warlords stepped forward and dared to run away, killing without amnesty, and shamans were no exception!"

Su Ya ordered decisively that his words were full of murderousness.

"Queen, the main gun of the entire fleet is fully charged!"

Report of the witch who operated the battery.

"The forefront battleship, salvo!"

At the moment when Nicole's voice fell, the signal soldiers also finished the order, and the witches pressed the launch button, and a thick beam of light was immediately emitted from the main guns of each warship.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

For a time, the sky was shining brightly, followed by the battleship being hit, a continuous explosion occurred directly, and a large amount of debris fell off.

The soldiers on the ground dodge in a hurry. They haven’t reacted yet. They just feel that the warships of the uninvited guests are very powerful, and the generals are already cold all over. This fleet is a reinforcement of Drankford, which means , Your side will be destroyed.

The commander swallowed a bit, but with his mouth full of interference, he wanted to give an order to retreat, but in that case, it would collapse across the board.

"Can't win!"

The commander murmured, facing such a powerful air fleet, the ground arms ushered in one-sided slaughter.

"Queen, please allow us to play!"

The chief of the jail guards the ranks, and the other Death Knight officers are all fanatical. Don't look at the hundreds of thousands of troops below. The death totem is not afraid.

"How can we waste this place in our initial battle?"

Nicole disdains.


The battleship hit the ground, and there was another big explosion, flying debris debris flying.

Looking at the huge and fierce battleships in the sky, the orcs were already very nervous, but it turned out to be dessert.

The space was violently fluctuating, and then a large vortex was produced, and a fortress more magnificent than the castle jumped out.

That visual shock almost slammed people's eyes.

"It's the Frankfort!"

On the fortress, a huge battle flag is depicted, indicating its camp.

"Why does Downton have an air fortress?"

The commander doesn't understand, is it the Lombard League who lent him? But it shouldn’t be known. Even in the nine empires, the air fortresses were the fortresses that the kings traveled on, representing the glory of the empire and the royal family, how could it be lent to others.

"Look, let's raise the national flag!"

An orc officer holding a telescope roared, and when the battleship raised the flag of Drankford, their last hope was broken.

"Damn, where did this fleet come from?"

"I have never seen this military flag!"

"It seems to be an undead force?"

The staff had a lot of discussions. The battle flag was swallow-tailed, and above it was a portrait of a crying female dragon lich, wearing a mask, and blood and tears sliding down.

"General, great situation, charge?"

Aborigines are fighting.

"hold on!"

Suya looked at the battleship in the sky. How dare he make a decision, he waved his hand and asked the herald to slogan and ask how to act.

"What are you hesitating?"

Nicole looked at Silent Downton and grinned, "Don't want to kill? These people have been killed in front of your house. If you can't stop it, your people will be slaughtered, ravaged, and captured as slaves!"

"This kind of battle..."

As a younger sister, Elaine understands Downton's thoughts, and the one-sided crushing is really invincible.

"Women's kindness!"

Nicole snorted.

"Order, the whole army will attack, annihilate the enemy, without leaving alive!"

Downton finished~www.wuxiaspot.com~I couldn’t bear to see Dilan Xue, kind? Feeling soft? No, his heart is hardening. He considered the wives and children behind these orc families, but in a flash, what he cares about is how Lion Ji sees himself, and he does not want to be regarded as a butcher.

When the mirror stopped underwater, Downton felt that Lion Ji was shaking his head. In her style, she must have captured the captives and sent them to the mine to work, but she would never kill them.

boom! boom! boom!

Red, blue, and yellow magic flares were launched, and the decisive battle began.

"To bully too much!"

The commander's mouth was all crooked. He thought that Downton would negotiate with himself. Who knew that the guy was so decisive, and the answer to him was the shelling of the warship.

Without much, a few bombardments will completely collapse the Corps.

In front of the fortress, the orc warship dared to advance, did not dare to cover the retreat and quickly fled at full speed. (To be continued.)


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