Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1258: Devil Hornet

boom! boom! boom!


   The fireball raged, the limbs that were directly blown flying, and the flesh and blood were scattered, even if the will of the infantry was tough, even in the face of death, it would reveal instinctive fear.


   screams spread.


   "Shoot them!"


  Klopp ordered calmly.


   The flag and the signal light waved at the same time. After just a few breaths, the wind breaking sound of the arrow pierced the eardrum.


  咻! call out! call out!


   The bow corps shot, and then the scream came to an abrupt halt. All the infantry regiments taken care of by the catapults were shot and killed on the spot.


   "There will be no more rioters, no amnesty to kill!"


   Klopp's voice was cold, like a cold night killing god.


These soldiers ignited by the fireball are dead, killing them is also a relief from the pain, and also to prevent morale from falling, but knowing is one thing, accepting is another thing, after all, it is a comrade-in-arms, who dares to guarantee that he will not encounter These ones? Just thinking of the strict military regulations, no soldier dared to complain.


   The twelve battleships belonging to the First Fleet of the Downton Regiment were launched, and the frost dragons of five brigades rushed past.


   The detailed battle report was sent back to Jutland, so the devil hornet not only brought his own air battleship, but also mobilized two additional fleets, the total reached 100.


   In the face of the enemy, the fleet that had been standing in the air immediately accelerated to meet the enemy, and the other two began to take off. The energy consumed by the battleship was too large. Even in Jutland, it was impossible for them to keep cruising in the air.


   Boom! boom! boom!


   shelling started. Flames exploded in the air, scattered, beautiful and gorgeous like a fireworks festival in midsummer night. It's just that they are stained with the color of death.


   "I see what tricks you guys have!"


Klopp sneered and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. He was not the commander of Feng Boke's fair duel with the enemy for the glory of the legion. In his eyes, only victory was the only one, so even if the soldier's combat power had crushed his opponent, he would still As far as possible to expand the strength advantage.


   Those warships are the best evidence. For this reason, domestic political opponents have begun to attack him, for a third-rate country. With so many fleets dispatched, it is really a matter of mobilizing the masses. It is a huge expense to know the maintenance cost. It is worth half a year of national taxation for a principality with a population of one million.


   On the battlefield, the Hornet lightly attacked wildly. Because of the twilight relationship, a few people fell into the horse, and were dragged or trampled to death instantly. Such **** did not scare them, but let them break out a more powerful fighting intention.


   "Don't worry about these fishes!"


  The black hand yelled and brought his subordinates. The cannon fodder tactics against the Bumblebee rushed, thanks to heavy riding, otherwise it was overturned by a strong shock wave.


   "Hurry up and fill. I want to kill those guys!"


  A thousand people long heard this, and his anger jumped like thunder.


   "Sir, the arrows are out!"


  Hundreds of people reminded.


  Thousands of people were silent for a few seconds, then pulled out the command knife and held it high.


  Hundreds of people froze for a moment, and then they all pulled out their swords with determination. Their faces are dignified, but there is no slight regret.


   choking! Choking!


   The sound of the long sword coming out of the sheath sounded. The soldiers pulled out their swords one by one.


   "Bumblebee rides lightly, invincible world!"


Thousands of people screamed and swung the command knife forward. The light cavalry who had been reduced to more than 900 yelled. Their legs were clipped. The spurs on the military boots hit the horse's stomach and blood splashed. In the meantime, the entire corps accelerated suddenly, like a chariot, roaring, rushing toward the enemy without looking back.


  The dwarves are experienced and without any fear, they put their hands on the short-handed flying axe, and as soon as the black hand ordered it, they threw it and blasted them into a slime.


   "Disable flying axe, charge!"


   The black hand is staring closely at the opposite thousand. This is an awesome enemy, so he gives the enemy a chance to confront each other. This is respect, recognition, and sympathy for the warriors!


   "Leader, do you want them to come back?"


  Long Talk of the Chief of Staff is extremely fast. The light and heavy rides are hedging. It is definitely a tribute arm. With the power of the bumblebee, it attacks the human heavy ride and has the possibility of winning. However, in the face of the black hand dwarf, there is no chance of winning.


   "No, let them use blood and life to defend the glory of them and the legion!"


   Klopp converged his mad expression for the first time, took off his military cap, clipped it to the left rib, and drew a cross on his chest with his right hand to pray and bless them.


  The staff whispered blessings, they did not bow their heads, but want to print this scene deeply in their minds.


   "For the glory of Dortmund!"


   "For His Majesty Downton, glory will last forever!"


  The two cavalry regiments roared from the bottom of their hearts, and for the will to follow each other, it was like two torrents of steel, crashing together,




   After a loud noise, there was a dense bang, the dwarf's heavy riding impulse was not reduced, the long-handed warhammer struck, smashing a bit of light riding, and stunned a path.


  The light riders are not afraid of death, but their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the dwarves and their response to arms. It is like an egg hitting a rock, and there is no chance of winning.


when! when! when!


  The long swords of the light riders were chopped on the armor of the heavy ride. Except for a jump of Mars, even a slash mark could not be left.


Thousands of people charged at the front, the first met the black hand, the black hand threw his arm, threw a hammer of the storm, and led him to the horse and hit the sky, followed by the warhammer bombardment, directly bursting the whole person into a ball flesh.


   Less than ten seconds, he drove by and ran, leaving behind a carpet of flesh and blood, smelling smelly, broken corpses everywhere.




  The light riders saw this scene, and the eyes were all split. Not only were they not scared, but they rushed even more crazy. This time they forced them closer, only to aim their heads and shoot. After all, the defense here is the most vulnerable.




   The hoofs thundered, and Dortmund's heavy cavalry finally stepped out of the camp and ran to the battlefield.


   "Flying axe attack, three consecutive shots!"


  With the order of the black hand, three thousand handles appeared to be shot by the bed crossbow. Rotating and chopping towards the heavy ride 300 meters away, the axe blade was bright, in the twilight. The gleaming black luster is like a dreadful demon, gritty and fierce.


boom! boom! boom!


  The axe blade broke through the heavy armor, embedded in the body, and had a huge impact. It also lifted the soldier off the war horse, just one face. The cavalry formation was uneven and sunken.


   "Sure enough!"


  The staff were cold. This dwarf cavalry is simply irresistible except for the magic tank troops or the use of warships.


   "Isn't it alright? Quick, fast. Be sure to shoot the first round of "Demon Fire" shells before the cavalry attacks the Mage regiment!"


The captains of the catapult troops roared, not only urging their subordinates, but also fighting in person, just to grab that few seconds.


   "The first car is loaded!"


   "The second car is loaded!"




  After the voice of "waiting for shooting" exceeded 80%, the commander could not wait any longer, raised his saber, and waved fiercely toward the front.




  The shooters who had been on standby raised their hammers and smashed them **** the plane.


   Boom! Boom! Boom!


   The bowstring trembling made with Warcraft's hamstring. It was the creaking noise of the frame, and then it turned into the wind-breaking sound of a shell projecting across the sky.


   One meter radius, one meter high wooden barrel rises into the sky. Draw a beautiful trajectory and fall to the mage.




   The defensive mages immediately cast a spell, propping up a blue magic barrier.


   "Drankfoss doesn't want to kill us by these barrels, right?"


  Mages are defamatory, even the most cautious and timid, they have not activated the magic costume and opened the shield. After all, this is for life-saving use, at least you need to see the other party's attack methods.


  Under the gaze of many eyes. The wooden barrels fell like meteors and hit the barrier.


   Boom! boom! boom!


   The blue flames rose suddenly, as if the flowers were in full bloom, instantly lit up the night sky, the powerful shock waves scattered, and the huge roar filled the eardrums in an instant.


   Except for the explosion, no one on the battlefield can hear anything.


   "Not good, the magic barrier is broken!"


   As soon as several mages shouted, the barrier shattered under this intensive bombing, followed by a wooden barrel, and exploded in the crowd.




   screamed everywhere, and the mage who was too late to open the shield was directly killed.


   The head of the mage is a grand marshal. Upon seeing this, he immediately casts the group defense. The priest group at the back also begins to cast spells, adding all defense magic.


   At the moment when the barrier was raised again, the dwarves' flying axe flew in one by one, and a fleshy promenade was opened in the mage group, leaving a body.


   After the attack of the black hand heavy ride, it turned out an arc, instead of charging the infantry regiment, but returned to the castle. As a heavy ride, once the speed was changed, the greatest advantage would be lost.


   "How can heavy riding appear in this position?"


   was suddenly turned around by the stunned staff of the cask, and found that the heavy cavalry dispatched to intercept the enemy had been destroyed.


   "To send out the Magister Chariot, I want to wipe out that cavalry!"


  Klopp was decisive.


   "Announce the whole army, the main attack begins, and you must take down the castle before midnight!"


   "Announce the whole army, the spoils in the city, the army does not need a copper plate, all of them, and the first city-breaker, bounty, baron title,


   "Destroy the dead group!"


Orders were issued quickly. The death squad was composed of prisoners. As long as the city was broken, the death penalty was exempted, so these people are also the most intrepid and fearless of death, and their officers are also guilty of crimes. The nobleman served, so the combat effectiveness was not low.


   Soon, the whole legion moved, and the various departments advanced in an orderly manner, just like a giant waking up from dormancy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ exposed its gritty fangs.


   "The enemy is not going to attack?"


  Some human officers standing at the head of the city watching the battle are going to scare their urine.


   "Damn it, Blackhand hurt the enemy."


  Harley hit his head with a fist, the strength of the dwarves, and the firepower of the catapult troops, so Klopp decided to solve them before Downton arrived.


  The shelling continued in the sky. Just under this spark, the tide of soldiers of a team rushed in. The head was a base dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters and a height of more than 60 meters.


   "To summon the whole army, ready to fight!"


  Harley pulled off his cloak, pulled out his sword, and was ready to fight.


The defenders at the head of the city are very nervous and breathe like a windbreaker. The base dragon is a sub-dragon, herbivorous, and has no attack power, but God has given them excellent defense, as long as the whole body is armored , Even super beasts, it takes a lot of effort to bite their armor.


The backs of these gigantic dragons are very wide, and the tails are usually used as siege ladders. Soldiers can step on them and rush to the head of the city without using ants to attack the city. Tactics.


   "Let the barbarians retreat first, they will be used as a reserve team!"


  Harley saw that the belligerent barbarians were about to enter the first battle sequence, and quickly sent the herald to inform.


   Everyone in the field of vision is full of enemies, and ears are full of fighting roars, except for shock and tension, soldiers

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