Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1260: Downton

As night fell, the brutal war was like a grand symphony, rushing to the climax, the death permeated, so that the moonlight was stained with a thick blood!

Souls are wailing and souls are crying!


A hot blue-and-white beam cut through the sky like a holy sword, and the shining ground was white. Some soldiers looked up subconsciously and saw it penetrate the fleet.

A large-scale meteoric explosion occurred directly on the battleship directly hit by the beam.

boom! boom! boom!

In the violent explosion, the warship disintegrated with naked eyes and turned into burning debris, falling into the sky like a firefly.

The warship began to fall, was slightly blocked by the beam of light, and continued to bombard. Six warships were affected along the way. Two of them were severely grazed, lost their balance, and had to make a forced landing. The remaining several ships also burned flames and could not continue. After fighting, it is necessary to carry out repair work.

"this is……"

The staff was completely shocked. The might of a gun was so horrible that the King Jutland's flagship would have such terrible destructive power.

Air combat above the blue sky is the most influential to morale. Although Bumblebee still has dozens of warships, the scene of one gun leaving six warships out of the battle sequence is still deeply imprinted on the eyes of some soldiers. The offensive subconsciously slowed down.

The soldiers are not highly educated. In their view, the result of such a victory means that the enemy is very powerful and unnaturally has a fear of the enemy.

"Continue to attack, it's just by accident, with more effort, you can break the castle, and loot is at your fingertips!"

The centurions were all experienced veterans, shouting with screams and encouraging morale, but they finally lifted their fighting spirit. In the night sky, a huge fortress broke through the clouds and appeared.

The lighting system on the fortress is running at full power. All the magic headlights are turned on, so the people on the ground can clearly see the vivid style of this Titan fortress.

It is so powerful and so fierce. As if the gods came into the world, with the majesty of majesty, the king came to the battlefield!

That horrible sense of oppression made everyone's eyes convulsed, as if squeezing bloodshotness and bursting.

"The main gun is fully charged!"

In the bridge. The mechanical sound of the magical auxiliary support system sounded, Downton named her Lisa and set a virtual personality.

On the main screen, the Hornet's fleet is changing, and it is dispersed at the fastest speed to reduce the number of battle damages as much as possible.

"Aim at the opponent's flagship and launch!"

It is worthy of the fleet of the great empire. It has rich combat experience, and the commander's talent is outstanding. The energy consumed, converted into gold coins, is worth tens of millions. Although he knows that the results will not be too great, but Downton has no choice. He must suppress the battlefield, otherwise he can't repel the enemy simply by relying on conventional combat power.

The front of the fortress suddenly lit up a dazzling blue and white light, making people unable to look directly. That is the main gun.

"Quick, avoid, avoid, cough!"

Bumblebee flagship. The captain growled loudly, followed by a coughing violently, and he used too much force to tear the vocal cords.

The helmsman clutched the operating rod tightly, screwed to the limit, and turned the battleship. The sweat on his forehead raged like the Nicaragua waterfall, and his clothes were soaked.

"It's coming!"

On the main screen, the blue and white light beam broke through, causing many people to scream and follow the battleship.

The beam is too thick for the warship to evade completely. Through the inertia of the giant earthquake and falling, the crew knew that the warship was hit.

"Can live! Can live!"

Someone held the cross on his chest with both hands and prayed reverently, but the next moment, a desperate cry rang through the bridge.

"No, that beam turned!"

The main gun moved, making the beam like a saber, directly chopping off and submerging the flagship, and smashing it into a mass.


The blue and white beam gradually thinned, weakened, and finally disappeared into the night sky. The rest, only the flagship wreckage fluttered like snowflakes.

On the battlefield, it instantly fell into silence, and the offensive of the Dortmund army was one of the suffocation. You should know that the flagship is the logo of the Legion, so it is not only extremely large in construction, but also quite unique in shape, which can be recognized at a glance.

How many times have the soldiers of the Hornet stormed under the protection of the flagship and conquered all enemies, but this time, they actually saw its destruction.

"Has been shot down?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, it must have been hiding in the clouds, yes, it must be so!"

"Dortmund is invincible, long live Jutland!"

The soldiers shattered their thoughts, and some shouted loudly, and only in this way could they temporarily suppress their fears.

"Subpoena, withdraw troops!"

Klopp stared at the fortress in the sky, his face black as if painted with ink.


The staff wanted to persuade, "In just a few minutes, you can lay the castle."

"Withdraw troops!"

Klopp suddenly shouted. He, who had always loved his men, waved his whip for the first time, and with great force, he directly tipped the chief of staff to the ground, and half of his cheeks were swollen.

The desolate trumpet sounded and spread across the battlefield.

The staff were silent, with unwillingness and anger flashing on their faces. They actually understood that the commander of the legion was good. As the fortress intervened in the battlefield, the situation between the enemy and the enemy had been greatly reversed.

"What's the matter? The soldiers are closed?"

The soldiers who were still fighting in the city's blood were dumbfounded when they heard the horn sound. It was so easy to get away from the city, the merits, and the loot, but...

"Let's go, there is no follow-up support. If you hit it again, it will be dead!"

A bald head pulled a hundred people long.

"That's it? How can it be worth the dead robe? Look, they can't look away!"

A hundred people spit out a spit, trying to shake off the veteran's arm.

"Ma Lei, you want to die, don't drag everyone, people who are alive, you still have to live, otherwise who will take care of their family!"

The veteran cursed and pushed away a hundred people. The next moment, the barbarian's tomahawk came down. He blocked a bit, but he couldn't resist at all, and half of his body was cut off.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Hundreds of people snarled, turned their heads and jumped onto the back of the base dragon. Although he didn't look back, the veteran's face was already imprinted in his mind.

Looking around, the battlefield was full of defeated soldiers who retreated like tide, listening to the loud cheers of the army of Drankford behind him. The hundred-person chief suddenly didn't understand.

"Why should we fight this war?"

The hundred-person chief glanced and found that there were only six left in his hundred-person team, and all of them were injured.

He forgot that when they set foot on the territory of other countries, killing their men, occupying their wives and daughters, and snatching their wealth, there was only laughter, only endlessness. There is also the ambition to continue the battle, but this time, they have fallen apart and paid the price of their lives!

"It turns out that we are not invincible!"

When the thought broke into the mind of a hundred people, he suddenly felt a cold neck, like a bite from a mosquito, followed by severe pain spread all over his body.


A hundred people fell down in the soil soaked with blood, and a long arrow was inserted on his neck.

Each cavalry is like a group of hungry wolves. The night was ripped open, and he rushed out from the right side of the battlefield, biting the defeated soldiers.

The long arrow flew, nailed to the remnant soldiers like a manta. Taking their lives away, when approaching, it was a machete slashing.

The bright blade reflected the moonlight, like a dance of death!

"It's the dark elf!"

A soldier exclaimed.

The battle flag fluttering, the **** fighting Drow Ranger Corps, triumphant return!

"Kingdoan's Light Cavalry Regiment. Was it also defeated?"

The staff were all ashamed, although the number of rangers was less than one and a half, but they came back after all, which means that Jingduoan who went to round them up failed.

"There are nearly ten times more troops than Drow, why haven't they annihilated them?"

The deputy army commander is cold, this battle, the devil hornet will be completely humiliated.

"Is that our stronghold?"

"Nonsense, it must be His Majesty Downton!"

"Good domineering!"

The soldiers looked up at the starry sky, and there was a lot of discussion. After two shellings, the enemy retreated, and their emotions were instantly rendered to the extreme.

"Long live His Majesty Downton!"

The shouts that followed one another rang through the battlefield, knowing that it was the troop corps of the Jutland Empire, not to mention that Frankfort was only a third-rate country, even a second-rate country, and had to kneel, but now, they have been repulsed...


The barbarians couldn’t help but rushed out of the castle. The human soldiers were already timid. But when they saw this scene, they also became emboldened. Now the battlefield is full of loot. Even if you don’t chase down the enemy, pick up some while in the dark. Valuables are also good.

"Quick, play the horn and let them all get back to me!"

Harley’s lungs are exploding. How many barbaric talents are there? Once in a melee, the opponent’s strength will explode completely. The fleet wants air bombing support. The Air Force does not help either.

"Dortmund seems to be withdrawing. Hell, Downton's legion actually blocked their offensive?"

The messengers were also brought. They were squeezing in front of the porthole of the parlor and looking down. The smoke-filled battlefield made people shudder.

At this moment, many messengers were anxious for the success of Jutland's invasion, and gave Downton a dismount, so that they could relieve a lot of pressure, but the reality is cruel.

"Are these soldiers immortal? How can they block each other's offensive?"

The messengers did not understand, but understand that after this battle, Downton's prestige will reach an unprecedented level, and the countries around Deranke will live under his shadow.

The two sides returned to the camp after a truce that coincided with each other. Klopp was worried about the terrorist attack power of the fortress, while Downton, because the ground troops were too weak, he needed time to mobilize the army.

boom! boom! boom!

Three green flares dragged their beautiful tail flames and rose into the sky, unfolding into dazzling fireworks.

This is an internationally-used magic logo. After begging for the winner to allow the other party to clean the battlefield, the priest group can be sent into the battlefield to conquer the dead body of the war dead.

Strictly speaking, the Hornet is not a loser, but the other party's posture is so low that it only shows that it has a gentlemanly manner.

"Reply to them, you can now send a priest group!"

Downton is very generous, there are some valuables on the body, but he will not lose character for these trophies, as for infantry, he will compensate them.

Two priest groups with red cross flags entered the battlefield, searched and rescued the wounded, and the auxiliary soldiers identified the nameplates, recorded them and moved the bodies.

"Be careful, this is the comrade's body!"

"Why didn't we clean the battlefield first?"

"Come on, the money on the corpses is so important? Deranke will also become a great empire in the future, so we also have to show the empire's strength and mind!"

The soldiers talked.

"Relax, I have followed His Majesty Downton when he defeated the indigenous bandits in the Western Realm. After so many battles, I have never seen him treat the soldiers badly."

A thousand people comforted his subordinates.

Some soldiers thought they were not angry, after all, those loot should belong to them, but after seeing some Jutland soldiers passing by, they not only did not guard, but raised their hands to salute, thanking their own tolerance, the soldiers suddenly Relieved.

A prestigious empire division must not only defeat the enemy, but also defeat the enemy!

Facing the opponent's raised hand, the soldier of Drankfors no longer complained, but subconsciously lifted his chest and returned the salute in the most standard posture.

"Your Highness!"

In the command room, Downton saw the prince, embarrassed.

"Call me Harley. Actually, you know, I have no interest in that throne. Now I am very happy to see that the people have a good life under your governance!"

Harley punched Downton in the chest, "Don't be psychologically stressed!"


Downton smiled bitterly.

"I still remember the scene where you rescued us from the crow, Downton, you are a friend worth making!"

Harley stared down at Dunton's eyes, and said sincerely, "In this life, no matter what happens, you are my best friend!"

"I promise, I will never take the throne of Drankfork in my life!"

Downton vowed.


Harley is angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't say it anymore, as the hand of the king, I am already very satisfied. "Downton waved his hand to stop Harley," said the battle? "

"The loss is heavy, especially the undead abomination corps should be wiped out!"

Harley sighed.


Downton was shocked that some of those hated officers, but some of them he brought out from the dungeon, had already turned on wisdom, which was the birth rate of nothing.

"The enemy's tank troops are too strong, and the warship cannot provide air support. If it is not the abomination corps, the castle has been broken."

The abominations destroyed all three hundred chariots of the Hornet’s chariot troops. This record is enough to be proud of the nine empires.

Of course, this is also thanks to the combustion bombs invented by Downton, otherwise, even if they are the body of steel, they can't block the track of the chariot. (To be continued.)


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