Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1266: Malia Song

"Did your brain break?"

As soon as the girl's words came out, it caused a lot of laughter, which was simply too overwhelming. After defeating Wood, Downton was the first person under the recognized legend, and fighting with a legend a few days ago also proved He didn't get ridiculous.

There are two kinds of people who dare to challenge Downton. Apart from Skoda’s self-confidence, they are the genius children of the giants. The rest are all miscellaneous fish, because they have a shallow vision and they look at how big the gap is with Downton. If not, I just feel that there is still a chance of victory.

"Another innocent idiot who wanted to become famous in one battle."

Chadley sneered and waved his hands disdainfully, "Go, go, you should go home early and have children to grow. The world of adventurers is not for you, a guy who can only daydream."

The girl was unmoved, she sat on her knees calmly and took off her cloak. Even if it was damaged, she couldn't even sell ten copper plates. She folded it carefully and put it beside her, then took off her waist. Put the sword in front of you.

This calmness under the eyes of everyone is worthy of praise, but what makes the guests even more curious is that the sandalwood box that this girl is carrying, the kind of respectful expression, gentle movements when placed, and even the last hands There is a feeling of pilgrimage in the pilgrimage to the Tenth, and people unconsciously put away their sneering smiles and became serious.

"Can you give me a glass of water?"

The girl sat on her knees, her hands on her thighs, and nodded toward the maid next to her. Open the inquiry.

The maid was at a loss.

"Give her a cup of coffee!"

Angelina has a bad tone.

"Thank you, if you can, please replace it with the oolong tea of ​​the Oriental Kingdom!"

Girls are neither humble nor overbearing. New requirements were put forward.

"Haha, she still wants tea!"

A guest laughed and ridiculed, but immediately closed his mouth again, because he found no one attached to himself, the whole hall was quiet and terrible, everyone's eyes were deeply attracted by the girl.

The girl sat quietly on her knees. Closed her eyes, her temperament was elegant, demure, and seemed to be a traveler from the depths of the world. An invincible breath filled the fragrance like a lily, and the restless mood calmed down involuntarily.

"It's so beautiful!"

Many guests murmured and subconsciously went to see Sissi in their minds. The Bavarian Rose is the girl with the most outstanding temperament and the most beautiful appearance in the hall.

This action has proved that the girl drinking tea has a beauty comparable to that of Sissi, and in fact, the guests found that she was indeed not bad.

"No, Sissy's looks and temperament are more outstanding, you are just attracted to the girl's uniqueness."

Even Angelina couldn't help but comment, the guests nodded, and the royal education that Sissy had received since she was a child allowed the noble temperament to be integrated into her bones. Words and deeds, smiles, all elegant, calm, decent and generous.

It can be said. Sissi is the kind of unattainable girl, even if the prince is standing in front of her, there will be a feeling of self-sufficiency.

"I think she and Elaine are a series of beauties!"

Walnut licked his mouth and tweeted Downton's trouser legs before whispering in her mind. Sissi, Dilan Xue, and Xia Luo are the most perfect, followed by the literary girl Lorraine, Xiaolian Jasper's Yilian, and the strong and brave Juliet. Thinking of this, Little Lori couldn't help vomiting.

"Brother, you have so many confidantes!"

Downton rolled his eyes, what kind of looks, and had seen these superb beauties such as Lion Ji, he was already immune. The girl most concerned about him was the two sword eyebrows.

The maid walked out quickly, crouched next to the girl, and placed the fragrant tea cup in front of the girl, "Your tea!"

"Thank you!"

After the girl thanked her, she unfolded her left hand, held the tea cup with her right hand, and placed it on top. Then she lowered her head and sipped slightly after a few blows.

Suddenly, the girl's eyebrows were raised, and at that moment, it seemed that the peerless sword was out of the sheath, and a sharp sword swept across the audience.

The guests felt as if they were held against their throats with a sharp blade, and their bodies were frozen. They didn't dare to blink their eyelids, but the sword dissipated quickly.

"Is it an illusion?"

The guests looked at each other, and some found that their backs were soaked.

"Tea is good tea, water is acceptable, but the tea is too bad, a pity!"

Girl evaluation.

"It's a fan!"

Elaine sighed. The girl drank tea, raised her hands to the feet, and was pleasing to the eyes. It was entirely the style of a tea ceremony master. Even if she had not drunk that cup of tea, she felt that what she said was true.

The maid panicked.

"Go on!"

Downton waved his hand, he would not punish the maid for this trivial matter. As for the girl’s evaluation, he recognized that because the hospitality tea and the brewed tea are all carefully selected by Abagong, absolutely famous. , This pot of tea is converted, there is no one hundred thousand gold coins, I would like to buy.

"No matter how bad the tea is, as long as you taste it carefully, you can taste a unique taste."

The girl whispered, sitting on her knees in the hall, tasting this cup of tea, her face was intoxicated, and there was no one beside her.

For a time, the guests felt that all the people around them disappeared. Looking at the girl, it seemed as if they were in nature. They were fresh and natural, and the scenery of empty mountains and fresh rain.

No one broke this tranquility, even the powerful Angelina was waiting.

For a long time, the girl slowly exhaled a breath, put down the tea cup, and leaned down to salute Downton.

"thanks for treatment."

The girl looked up and stared straight down at Dunton's eyes. "Sorry, please forgive me for not introducing myself for the first time. I am the song of the warrior Moria from the far east."


"I must have misunderstood, there are people who dare to use this name? How arrogant it must be!"

"Students get favored!"

The guests were originally because of the girl's temperament. There was a lot of goodwill, but this sentence directly destroyed everything.

Who is Moria Song? A well-known epic hero with a well-known reputation. One of the eight holy coffins, she came from the far eastern dragon empire. Because of her great merits, she was called the'breaking golden star', which meant to bring light and hope to the mainland. She once entered Dragon Island alone, defeating the dragons at that time. All masters. So he got the title of dragon queen, and then achieved the great achievements of challenging the strong people of all continents and races. Become a recognized Valkyrie.

When it comes to mastering martial arts, Moria Song is definitely the first person in history. No one can ever kill her with martial arts, which is the highest praise and praise for her.

Facing hostility. Moliya song is neither humble nor overbearing, unpleasant or angry, calm like a pool of water.

"You say you are a warrior general, then you are the guardian of the Dragon Temple?"

Angelina asked.


Molya Song spoke.

"Right, she is a warrior general!"

This time, there was a series of exclamations, but no one questioned the girl's strength. Those who had followed the dragon queen were on the island of no-fly. Built the Dragon Temple, claiming to protect the clan, and the girls in the clan. Only by winning the title of battle master can you be given the title of Warrior General, of which the strongest who defeated all competitors are eligible to be named "Moriya Song".

Wushen will be synonymous with the challenger in the Western Continent, because these girls will walk out of the no-fly island. Entering the WTO challenges all kinds of powerful people.

Defeat the famous strongmen in the world and dedicate their martial arts and weapons to Moria Song. It is the most fanatical cause of the Warriors.

Of course, the more you offer the weapons of the powerful, the more rewarding you will get.


Sissy looked down at Downton anxiously and took his hand.

The guests looked at Downton, which was both envy and worry, because being chosen by the warrior meant that the martial arts were recognized, at least the level of the master of combat, but the warrior would be too powerful. Judging from the mainland’s past record, The chosen person has almost a 9-9 chance of defeat.

"Downton, if you dare not go up, give me the chance?"

Skoda stood up, and despite his pretentious calm, his trembling voice revealed his urgency.

"I also want to get involved!"

Ram couldn't help but walked out and snatched the first move. The other noble children with extraordinary strengths all glared at Molya Song excitedly.

As we all know, Wushen will take himself as a bet. If they win, they will take away their opponent’s martial arts and weapons. Once they lose, they will treat each other as their hero and become the strongest sword in the hero’s hands. Take a look at the enemy's head.

Wushen will be favored by the dragon queen, and has a long life and a strong body. He will not get sick in his life, but once the protagonist dies, no matter how splendid their years, they will choose to be buried, without complaint or regret.

This is the belief and conduct of the warrior general, and no one doubts, because in the literature on the warrior general recorded throughout the continent, they all ended up in martyrdom.

After several knowledgeable diplomats explained it, the messengers from small countries finally understood why Skoda was so keen to challenge.

Getting a warrior general is equivalent to getting a sword, a shield, and a loyal servant who will never betray.

"Sorry, my challenge goal is Your Excellency Downton!"

Moria sings her servant, and she doesn’t know how long she wears the samurai clothes, there are wear and stitches, but this does not damage her manners, but adds a convincing temperament.

"I am also a master of battle, isn't it qualified yet?"

Skoda raised his chin proudly.

There was a lot of exclamation, because the title of God of War is so unattainable, so the battle master is the limit pursued by the warriors, and to reach this level, it does require constant hard work.

Not to mention being 30 years old, becoming a battle master at the age of 40, is a heavy news enough to shock their eyeballs, because it is so difficult.

Molya Ge looked at Skoda, her eyes turned like a vortex, and then shook her head, "No, you are not!"

The admiration stopped, and the guests looked at Skoda in amazement.

"You nonsense, Marshal is the master of battle!"

Skoda's face suddenly turned red. Although he was righteous, he actually lied, because the master of combat did not have a clear sign to measure, so he had the confidence to open the river, but he did not expect to be seen through by the other party.

"Well, you are, maybe your standards are different from mine!"

The girl who tastes tea has no disputes or disdains. Her goal is always just a master of battle.

The guests wanted to laugh but didn't dare to hold back. It was very uncomfortable. With the titles of Forbidden Island, Wushen Temple, and Moria Song, they would all believe in tea tasting girls.

Puff haha!

Little Walnut didn't have so much scruples. With a finger at Skoda, all the tears of laughter burst out, "It's such a shame for such an adult, so shameful."

Skoda was furious, grabbed the hilt, and was about to attack, and saw Downton's eyes staring at him, his soul seemed to be locked, and the little Loli was also like a angry little leopard, waiting for the opportunity.

"I will let you see my strength!"

Skoda gave up the challenge to Downton, drew his sword and angered, and waved a crescent moon light, shooting at Moria Song.

Getting the allegiance of the Warrior General is more valuable than defeating Downton, but his ideas are too naive.

"Be careful!"

Elaine kindly reminded.

This kind of sneak attack really lost the gentleman's demeanor, not to mention that Moya Song's saber was still in front of her, and she didn't pull it out.

"do not worry!"

At the moment when Walnut talked, Molya Ge raised her hand and flexed her fingers, accurately hitting the chopped blade.

The sound of ding was crisp, and the blade of light shattered into a flare.

Skoda's face changed, but he was already riding a tiger, so he was violent, charged, and with the momentum of the herd, he killed Moria Song.


A huge magical energy blade fell from the sky, beheaded vigorously, and huge death pressure made the guests tremble.


This was the most perfect blow, and even Skoda couldn't help but praised, and there was a smile of delight in the corner of his mouth.

"Damn, won't he just let his hand go?"

Ram bit his lower teeth and attacked the electric flint, and he had no time to intercept it.

Mo Lige sat down on her knees, and lifted her right hand, still popping out with one finger. Her movements were soft and chic, just like a smile, but her attack power burst.


There was still a crunch, and everyone saw that Skoda's full blow was not only broken, but the whole person seemed to have been hit hard and stumbled back.


Skoda strongly endured the severe pain from the chest and abdomen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magic energy squeezed to the limit and attacked again.

Molya groaned, and a trace of the naked eye appeared in the air, hitting Skoda.

boom! boom! boom!

Skoda was beaten a dozen meters away and fell to the ground in embarrassment. He struggled to get up, but failed, and because of excessive force, he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The members of Jutland's diplomatic corps hurried to help.

"He is okay, just within half a month, do not want to use force!

Molya's song was light, like doing a trivial trivial matter, but the guests were shocked and beat a Grand Marshal with their hands, how terrible was this martial art?

"No, this is already crushed!"

Angelina sighed. (To be continued)

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