Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1271: Iron Face Prince

The bright sparkle and dim street lights cast a blurred brilliance, and the long street shines like a dream passageway leading to a fantasy land.

"It's just a waste of your time to wander around like this. I know the best place to play, and I know where the most beautiful dancers are."

The driver showed an ambiguous smile that all men understood, jumped off the carriage, and went to help Downton. "There are some blocks. It is not safe at night."

"Take me to the slums!"

Downton took the driver's hand and stepped into the carriage.


The coachman thought he had heard it wrong, and until Downton repeated it, his expression became weird, as if looking at a peculiarity~good metamorphosis~.

You big man don’t go to the Moulin Rouge to see the dancers, even if I can’t help finding a nightingale swaying under the street lights, what the **** is going to the ghetto?

"Do you want to go?"

Downton frowned.


In the mind of being rich or not making money, the driver was on the road, but he still kindly reminded, "Aristocrat, buying slaves privately in London is an illegal act. If you want young prostitutes, you have to go to the slave market."

The coachman ushered in and worked out a pair of flamboyant eyes early. Although Downton disguised, the clothes on his body were not gorgeous, but the workmanship was definitely master. If you know that this kind of clothes is harder to buy than Chinese clothes, it means that there are private tailors. There is that temperament, at first glance is the person who has been in high position for many years.

He is definitely not the kind of poor ghost who lives in a slum and wears good clothes to go out of the pit and is kidnapped. He must have bought and sold slaves. After all, those people are often poor and unable to eat. Do Liuying.

Downton was silent, enjoying the night view, and from time to time a carriage passed by. Aboard the well-dressed aristocracy and the flowery women, it was a feast at first sight.

The coachman was very good at being a man. After seeing that the persuasion was invalid, he started to introduce the scenery of the slums. During the period, he also revealed some precautions.

After the carriage turned on a street in Nancheng District, the light dimmed immediately. The roads were damaged and bumpy, and the street lights were damaged a lot. The pedestrians walking on the street looked very bad.


The coachman stopped the carriage at a blackened intersection, "a total of six silver coins."

"keep the change!"

Downton popped a gold coin, which was spinning and buzzing with the air.


The driver bit a bit and beamed his brows. If it weren't too dangerous for this place, he would really like to wait here and pull the hawker again.

Downton strolls. It is getting more and more amazing. Unlike the common slums, there is no disgusting smell in the air, and there are no broken tiles and litter. Instead, it is a row of neat huts, although narrow, but Enough to see the life of a family of four.

In order to leave the lamp oil, the women borrowed street lamps. Hard work washing clothes and sheets, these will be delivered to the guests tomorrow. So they have to be busy until late at night, but in the face of the workload of the hill, they are used to it.

Life is not easy, and some children are helping.

Seeing Downton passing by, some women stopped their work and got up to bow. Respectful and terrible.

"Acknowledge the wrong person?"

Downton did not respond.

"Brother, give it to you!"

A little girl ran to Downton under the gaze of a group of playmates, holding a muddy pinched dragon in both hands and handed him.

"Thank you. Beautiful!"

Downton touched the little girl's head with a smile, took Xiaolong, took out a gold coin, and put it in her hand.

"This...this is a gift for you...no...no money!"

The little girl finished stammering, bowed, put down the gold coins, turned and ran away, and those playmates immediately gathered up and tweeted something to her.

"Who do they think of me?"

Downton wondered and waved at the little girl, "You all come over!"

A bunch of children came running like pugs.

"Master Lowe!"

An old man shouted a name that Downton was not familiar with.

"This is for you."

Downton did not explain, took some snacks from the war space and handed them to the children.

No one answered, but from the sound of their swallowing saliva and hopeful eyes, Downton knew that they wanted it very much.

"Eat, it's Xiaolong's return!"

Downton said sorry to Lowe in his heart and went on the road again, with several small tails behind him.

"It's too late, go home!"

Downton dare not let them follow, even if they are familiar with the environment here.

"Master! Master!"

A petite girl in a maid costume yelled and ran out of a slanted road. After seeing Downton, it was like seeing the savior. She came over with great joy and pulled him away. "Come on, There are bad guys."

After crossing only three long streets, Downton had heard the curse of the men. They pulled a woman and tried to take it away.

"Let her go!"

The maid scolded, as long as there was a young master, she was not afraid of these people.

"This aristocratic lord, you owe money to repay your debts, it is justified that you will not hinder us?"

The man leading the team had a scar on his face, and looked down upon Dunton without any trace of humble tone.

"Master Lowe, I didn't owe them money." The towed girl saw the Scar Man take out a contract and quickly clarified, "I'm a dancer, I didn't promise to be a prostitute!"

"But it's always correct that you advance 20 gold coins?"

This method is used too much. Even in court, the scarred man can retreat with his body, so there is no fear.

"How much does she owe you, I will pay it back for her!"

Faced with a group of small people at the bottom, Downton did not bother to use force.

"I'm afraid it won't work!"

The Scar Boy is very depressed. It stands to reason that he can get money and make a lot of money, but this girl is named by a Viscount Lord, and he can't offend.

"Why? My gold coins are worthless?"

Downton frowned.

"It's the Viscount of Onco."

Scar Man lifted out of the background.

"Angko? What the hell?" Downton was impatient. "You either get money to die or die here. As for the Viscount, go back and tell him, if you are not convinced. Go to the Golden Tree House Hotel!"


The little maid Yaowu Yangwei put her hands on her hips and grunted, "Don't go yet?"

"A total of 150 gold coins!"

Scar Man decided to compromise.

"Don't give them, I don't owe so much money."

The girl was anxious.

"Leave it alone!"

Downton drew out two hundred-dollar gold tickets and handed them to the Scar Scarf, just when he reached for it. Downton grabbed his neck.

"Looking to her troubles again, I will take your soul out and pour it into the mechanical puppets, so that you will never survive or die!"

The pattern of the hanging spider in the left eye flashed by, and the divine power was radiating. When the scarred man came to his wake, Downton was gone.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Why let go of that injustice? I saw a lot of gold tickets in his wallet, but it was a big fat sheep."

"That seems to be Master Lowe. Let's not mess with him. He has a good reputation in the slums. Those houses were built by him."

The chatty talk. One kid who lived in the area couldn't help whispering, he didn't want to lose to such a good person as Lowe.

"Alas, I am ready to go back to the country and beg for life in the city. It is too difficult. And I have left my wife and children for too long."

Scar Man didn't dare to tell his subordinates. His clothes were soaked. At the moment Downton urged him, he really felt death linger on his side, but he didn't know that it would become a luxury.

"Go, kill them. The most painful way to die!"

Beyoncé squatted on the roof of a bell tower, watching everything through the dark eyes, and when Downton left, he ordered his men.

It is blasphemous for a humble human to dare to receive money from Lord Servant. The cruelest punishment must be given.


The girl was terrified.

"Don't say, the money is used for emergency, don't go to the pub, find a serious job." Downton interrupted the girl's thanks, "If you want, go to the golden tree house, someone will give it You arrange work."

After the girl left with gratitude, the maid immediately screamed and hugged Downton's arm. "Master, I adore you so much, you saved another person's life!"

"Are you sure you admit it?"

Downton teased.

"What's wrong?"

The maid tilted her head and blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at Downton unexplained, but also tipped her toes and reached out to touch his forehead. "Don't you burn?"

"It's okay!"

Downton shook his head, unable to communicate with this stupid maid.

"Master, it's time to go back, or let the housekeeper know that you will scold you!"

The maid chattered about everything she had born in the evening and pulled Downton into a carriage.

"Shouldn't it be a trap?"

Downton is curious about Lowe. How much must his face be similar in order to make so many people confess?

The carriage drove around, and finally stopped in front of a secluded mansion. The servants were only two or three people. Seeing the attitude, they also knew that Lovi was very kind to them.

"No need for supper."

After letting the maid back, Downton walked into the study, and the eyes were all tall shelves filled with books.

"It's so extensive!"

Homer ridiculed, from dragon language to elven language, down to the lizard man language on the side door, underground fish man language, and how many dozens of language books.

This is definitely not a facade, because all the comments above have been made.

There are everything from the most popular novels and opera picture books to obscure philosophical books.

"Oh my god, "Fennigan's Spiritual Night", Heidegger's "Existence and Time", don't tell it, he can understand it!"

Homer's exclamation wave was higher than the wave, and finally a stack of manuscripts with various data and text appeared, completely convinced.

On the window sill of the study, there is a quaint bronze lookout machine, with white paper next to it, a ruler, and it seems that Lowe is calculating the position of a certain star.

Downton sat down and read the manuscripts to understand a person and naturally started with his words.

The maid came in with a doughnut in her mouth, saw the master reading, and hurriedly left. She knew that the master hated others disturbing him at such moments.

Some were fascinated. Until the three poles of the day, the maid came in with breakfast, and Downton didn't recover. After looking out the window, his eyes were a bit sour.

"Master, have dinner."

Breakfast is very simple, a glass of milk, two slices of bread, plus an egg, alone can afford these books, Lowe is worth a lot, but his breakfast is so simple, which shows a relatively simple and simple life.

Waiting until midnight, Lowe did not appear.

"Master, it's time to go back. Someone sent an invitation!"

Beyoncé appeared and asked to settle down on one knee.

"it is good!"

With a sigh, Downton pulled out a piece of stationery, apologized, and after writing some ideas, got up and left.

When the bell of Li Min's arrival came from the distant clock tower, a tall young man appeared in the study room without warning, as if he had been there.

The footsteps sounded softly, the young man's fingers slowly crossed the spine, and finally stopped on a book with a red cover.

"What does Zarathustra say?"

The young man smiled, looking at everything in the room intact, placed in the original position, could not help but have a lot of affection for the uninvited guest go with!


The girl was wearing a white nightdress, holding an angel puppet with one hand and standing in front of the door. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, but she was still sleepy.

"go to sleep!"

The youth picked up the letter.

Now in London, with the approaching midsummer, the situation is strange and the forces are ready to move.

Xitu is a big 6 with the supremacy of power, but in Britannia, it is above the power of the king, because the great Queen Madeleine expelled the gods, and shattered the yoke strengthened on the people.

Here, the Holy See is more like a kind of mascot, a kind of spiritual consolation, the nationals are in trouble, they are more willing to rely on both hands to solve, rather than pray to any god.

So in the royal court, the Holy See's strength was weak and replaced by the queen, the iron-faced prince, black charlie, and the princess.

The power of the queen is unquestionable, she is standing high, looking down at the battle between the three heirs.

The iron prince lived in a simple way and hated these intrigues the most, so he was the weakest. Black Charlie received the support of the military, especially the Guardian Knights, which gave him the strongest fighting power. The imperial prime minister and the robe and nobles of the House It was standing behind the grand princess.

Because of the existence of Madeleine, the Bretons can not have too many prejudices against women in power. Instead, they hope that there will be another magic palace rose, the glory of the heavy cash bird dynasty.

This period of internal fighting, which has lasted for several years, will finally come to an end at the ceremony of Chu Jun.

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