Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1280: 1 step legend, supreme power

There was silence on the square in front of the Iron Castle, only the shocking weather that broke out when Downton stormed the steps.

In the Dragon Cemetery, Downton took the kiss of the Holy Spirit given by Ye Meng, eliminating the negative state of dragon humanization, curing various curses, and has become the pinnacle of the Grand Marshal. Now because of consciousness, he is called by the Lord of the Realm Resonate and directly impact the legendary stage.

"This luck..."

Blonde Shire's nose was crooked.

"Oh, not necessarily good luck, if he can't bear the power of these laws, he can't pass the test, he will die!"

Othello watched with cold eyes, not to mention the difficulty of hitting the legend, even those dark forces hidden in the dark will not make him successful.

"Brother will not die?"

Elaine was almost frightened. Downton's bleeding was too large. They flowed out of the body and merged into the hero aura under his feet, smearing the original golden aura into blood.

In this process, a large number of law fragments are merged and tempered, transforming them into the blood of heroes, and then reinfused back into Downton's body.

On Downton's body, the golden light and the **** light radiated each other. His blood was no longer ordinary, but evolved to a higher level. The energy contained in a drop of blood was enough to explode the total blood of other marshals.

In the air, the debris of the law gathered more and more, and gradually formed a huge spiral, which rushed to the top of Downton's head, which looked like a funnel from a distance.

The legendary strongman no longer draws magic power or elemental power. It is pure power of law, use them to condense the body.

boom! boom! boom!

Endless momentum radiated from Downton.

"Come back, be careful of being affected!"

Some onlookers reminded. Retreat quickly, but no one is willing to leave, shocking the legend. This is a rare scene. Most of them have been out of this state in their lifetime, and there are still some people. Desire to accumulate more experience.

Of course, there are still some people who harbor ghosts. Want to keep Molya Song and Walnut away from Downton in order to sneak attack.

In the air, a light spot began to flash.

The law of red fire, the law of green nature, the sacred law of platinum, and the law of darkness like darkness. There are also blue Titan laws, golden hero laws, red war laws...

"With so many pieces of law, what is the main attribute of Downton?"

"Goddess is up, isn't Downton a sacred and natural attribute? What are those dark laws? It seems that they are all high-level, just look at these, you and I say he is a demon, I believe it!"

"It's terrifying, thirty-six and seventy-two. No, there are more than one hundred rules, my emperor Polo. How powerful is this after he became a legend?"

Onlookers were dumbfounded, and the scene of Downton's rushing stage was really overbearing.

"It's my brother!"

Freya doesn't know what to say. The performance of Downton alone is enough to scare many legendary strongmen.

"Haha. My daughter's vision is sharp. From now on. Downton has already qualified to challenge Heinrich positively. Who dare not admit it, then give it a try!"

Similian II naturally paid attention to the heroic realm, and he was very relieved to see this scene.

The same legend, there are also strong and weak points, like Downton, it is definitely a leader.

boom! boom! boom!

The debris has accumulated too much, and due to different attributes, a small-scale meteoric explosion has begun, and various light spots flicker, making it impossible to look directly at.

"Can we start the derivative field?"

Washington noticed that the power of the law in the surroundings had to be evacuated, and the ‘vortex clouds’ in the sky were already incredible and violent like a tornado.

"Not enough, Dark Death Star!"

The more solid the foundation is, the greater the chance of successfully hitting St. Aoxun in the future. Downton will not lose due to a small one. Although some marshals have entered the legend, they have no hope of being promoted again for life.


The dark light flashed, and a black dot the size of a peanut was born on top of Downton's head, and then became visible to the naked eye. In the process, those law fragments were even more crazy.

Tide and tsunami!

When the black dot expands to the size of a watermelon, and then to a diameter of half a meter, the rules in the entire secret area begin to converge to the steel fortress.

"what happened?"

Adventurers in other places dare not use magic and martial arts, because once they communicate the magic energy, they may be repulsed.


Some people exclaimed, some people looked up, and then saw the rapid debris of the law in the sky, like the aurora only seen in the extreme north, dazzling and gorgeous, forming a strip of light, converging toward the direction of Downton.

"The time has come!"

At this time, Downton was rushing to the stage with all his strength, and he had no time to resist the sneak attack. The army of evil spirits in the hidden crowd was preparing to start, and suddenly felt a terrifying soul sweeping the audience.

Molya Song turned her head and looked across the audience. Her momentum rose instantly. Her hand rested on the hilt. As long as someone moved, she would give the strongest blow.

"Whoever dares to move will die!"

Walnut was also aware of the crisis. The whole person lowered his body like a furious little lion, patrolling the audience. For the first time, her soul pressure exuded unreservedly, as if it were pervasive throughout the audience.

Everyone shuddered. Even the strong men of Othello and Shire felt tremble, as if they were falling into the end of the world.

"This little loli is definitely not human!"

Many people looked at Walnut, but they quickly took back their sights, because Downton finally accumulated to the limit and started to derivate.

The Grand Marshal's order is to let the soul fruit mature and give birth to a second soul. The Legendary Order is to take the second soul to a higher level, plus the law to refine its own flesh and soul, and transform into a realm.

The reason why the legendary strongmen are so powerful is that in their own exclusive fields, they are the rules, the masters, and everything that is supreme!

Downton's blood power began to erupt. The natural Downton and the Holy Downton of the two soul trees, dawn dawn and holy flame of heaven, appeared, and countless angels appeared. They chanted ethereal hymns. Then the platinum flame suddenly ignited.

Crackling! Crackling!

This flame seemed to burn everything and spread frantically around.

The onlookers once again retreated in a hurry, and the scorching heat, even their skin cracked, as if the soul had melted. The officers across the screen also subconsciously leaned back, as if the flames would burn through the crystal wall. Ignite yourself.

Suddenly, Downton took a step.


The whole mystery was shocked.

The golden sea of ​​flames instantly extinguished, and what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a huge sea of ​​stars. Downton stood there, like the center of Xinghai.

Downton looked back blankly, and then took the second step.

The originally fixed Xinghai suddenly moved up, and began to move according to the law of the beginning of everything.

As if the sound of morning bells and drums echoed in my ears, the onlookers seemed to see the mountains and rivers changing day by day, and the vast seas and fields!

There is a breath of years!

Step three out.

Downton's expression became firm, and his already beautiful black pupils seemed to be covered with starry night. It is also like a star, bright and dazzling.

With the change of Xinghai, people saw the birth, evolution and death of a single cell. Spring, autumn, winter and summer of a plant!

Downton is like a puppet, as if he has exhausted his life and took the fourth step!


In the world of our country, the time is like a shuttle. Everyone looks at the changes of the years and feels their own insignificance. It's like a mantis arm when it's a car.

But this broken bone. Have the most brilliant will.


Xinghai shocked.

The silk bound to Downton seemed to be broken, and he took the fifth step with agility!

Everyone who looked down at Downton had only themselves in their eyes, watching their past, present, and future...

The sixth step!

Downton started running!

Everyone begins to experience birth, experience death, taste the bitterness and sweetness of this life...

Step 7...

As Downton's right foot fell, everything was dumb, and all the illusions disappeared. It seemed that the scene just now was just Nanke's dream that Xia Chong, who could not speak Yu Bing!

Bang! Bang!

Xinghai turned, forming a gorgeous star map, then disappeared as Downton woke up.

In front of the steel fortress, it was as quiet as death. Everyone was still immersed in the illusion just now and couldn't extricate themselves. I didn't know that after a long time, somebody reacted.

"What field is this?"

Someone asked.

"I don't know, I'm also a group reader, but I haven't heard of it at all."

No one answered, even the proud sons of Washington and Othello were silent at this time, because Downton's talent is too rare.

"There are stars, should it be the space department?"

"Nonsense, there are hallucinations, I also say it is a spiritual system!"

The onlookers started arguing, but there is one thing that cannot be refuted, that is, Downton’s field is unprecedentedly powerful and terrifying to the point of being frightening.

"It's actually that. Isn't this the legendary field? It really exists!"

There are also people who can recognize it, such as the Peerless Queen and Similian II.

"Haha, Downton's field can definitely be ranked in front of you!"

Homer laughed happily. Among its previous owners, Downton's field may not be the most powerful, but it is definitely the rarest. It is rare to be born for thousands of years.

"Come on, you are not a child anymore, don't you know that there is no most powerful field, only the most powerful magician?"

Cheap gods despise, fighting wisdom is the most important thing to decide victory or defeat.

"Did we forget something?"

An adventurer asked, followed by waking up, and turned and ran like a rabbit with an arrow in the ass.

Downton derived the field, then the rule exclusion is coming, and the past is the success of the order. If Downton is so strong, then the elemental attack is also necessarily terrifying. They don’t want to be affected.

Not to mention the exclusion of the legendary rule, which is the Grand Marshal, they are very rare, so everyone has their eyes widened and does not want to miss any scene.

There is no sign, a hero condensed by the law appears in front of Downton, the dragon gun trembles in his hand, pierces thousands of gun flowers.

There was a loud explosion in the air.


Downton pulled out the angel's wailing, a big cross cut, centered on the tip of the gun, just like the midstream hitting the water, all the gun flowers disappeared, and then he swung the sword a little, pierced the hero's head.


The hero was broken, leaving only a piece of mahjong-like thing, and flew into Downton's eyebrows.

"Heroes of heroes?"

Othello and Shire exclaimed, and their eyes were jealous and red.

"what is that?"

Washington asked.

"There is a level in the Hall of Heroes. After defeating Heroes, you can get a soul of heroes, which includes martial arts, magic, magic, and even combat experience in front of the hero."

Shire clenched his fists, and their family's epic martial arts came from a powerful hero, so he was nervous.

The heroes continued to appear and were then killed by Downton. After ten people, there was a short pause, and then stronger heroes appeared.

The evil spirits in the crowd gazed at each other to attack Downton, but Moria Song and Walnut stared at each other so that they could not shoot.

The soul of the hero carries the most essential soul energy. As the number of Downton's kills increases, more and more enters his eyebrows, nourishes every cell, and makes the realm more stable.

When a dragon appeared, Zhangkou breathed out with a breath of dragon.

Flame-immunized Downton rushed out of the scorching breath, and beheaded vigorously. The dragon evaded. Just about to attack, he was shattered into fragments by a barbarian illusion.

"Wait, this doesn't look like a rule of legendary exclusion?"

Someone saw the clue.

"It seems that the Lord of the Secret Realm is quite optimistic about Downton, Madeleine, did you do anything from it?"

Queen O'Neill's face was cold, this is a secret realm, so the rule of heroes ruled everything, they interfered with Downton's elemental strike, and replaced it with the spirit of the spirit.

This is a reward, as long as Downton kills them, you can get all of them.

Half an hour later, when Downton's kills reached one thousand, his body shone brightly.

Another wave of heroic spirits appeared. The huge soul pressure directly swept across the audience, making people almost bow down. They don’t have to look at it, and they know that they are powerful.

Faced with the siege, Downton's face remained unchanged, and a huge black planet appeared above his head.

Dark Death Star, endless devouring!

In an instant, all the light seemed to disappear, making the entire field of vision dim. The death star was like a **** hole, twisting the bodies of those heroes and sucking them in.


Downton stretched out his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ scratched the dead star with a stern grip, it instantly shrunk to the size of a walnut, and then smashed out in the direction of ten o'clock.

A guardian spirit had just appeared, and he was smashed into a frontal post. He was badly hit, and before he responded, he was hit by Downton overwhelmingly until he died.


The soul of the hero shoots into Dunton's eyebrows, and then his body suddenly explodes like a tide. After devouring so many heroic spirits, he actually starts to advance again.

"Are there any mistakes, consecutive steps?"

"My emperor Polo, the Heroes Corridor is indeed one of the nine secret realms. Downton's luck is so good!"

"Then you must kill those heroes."

The officers had a lot of discussions. After receiving the merits, they would also be rewarded for entering the secret realm. At that time, if they could get a heroic spirit, it would be worthwhile to do so. Downton is good. Many, so they were not surprised to see him advance again. (To be continued)

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