Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1301: Love Song Arena

Under the bright starry sky, the sword dance meeting begins!

Hundreds of people fight in chaos, let the Love Song Arena enter the climax instantly!

"Everyone team up for the time being, after finishing playing other people, if there are more than ten people, then go to war ~"

A man with a mask, who can't hide the thick beard, shouted. He is the head of a thousand-person adventure group. He is used to giving orders, so there is naturally a dignity between the lines.

"Don't hesitate, before they form an alliance, break each one first!"

Waving his tomahawk with his beard, he rushed out first, "I'm going to make the way!"

More than a dozen people thought this was a good idea. They followed, but a few others remained in place, waiting for the situation to be clear.

"Kill, charge!"

The walnuts chew popcorn while cheering.

At this time, the arena is completely a form of sentient beings, some of them are headlessly fighting, others are avoiding, waiting for the opportunity, and others lobby other contestants to form a temporary alliance.


Don Dun couldn't help but he also saw an adventurous adventurer, standing there waving his weapon and roaring loudly, but he just didn't do it.

Roars, roars, weapon impacts, and screams of unlucky eggs converge into a unique symphony.

This is the epitome of the adventure world. Courage, Wu Xun, treacherous, insidious, and so on. Everyone is doing whatever they can to advance.

Some girls aged seventeen or eight, carrying a basket, shuttled on the audience stand and sold food and toys.

They wore uniforms with uniforms, a short skirt with exposed thighs, and a low-cut vest with a V-neck on the upper body. Because they were tight-fitting, they showed their figure perfectly.

Some cheeky adventurers chatted up to see if there was a chance to go to the tavern for a drink after the sword dance event.

The organizer has long turned the Love Song Mask Conference into a large-scale event, tapping out all the potential for gold digging, and the large-scale gambling games led by giants are even more popular.

"Betting, the second game is about to start. Is anyone betting?"

These girls who sell gambling tickets are no longer limited in age, and they are even more glamorous. They are all dancers in the big pubs of the imperial capital. They know how to pull out the gold coins from the pockets of men.

For every gambling ticket sold, the girls have a commission of two copper coins, so they are particularly hard-working. After all, at this time of year, they can earn a lot of extra money, but this year, the goals of the girls have changed. The audience had already been allocated, but most of the girls were still pouring into the seat where Downton was. ,

Downton watched the game boringly, and even Yu Guang didn't sweep towards the girls, which made them quite disappointed, but they were not discouraged, but instead made their voices sweeter and sold harder.

"A gambling ticket with only one silver coin is likely to change your life. Come and try your luck!"

Seeing this scene, the men around were envious of the spitting blood of jealousy and hatred. At this point, the women simply wanted to climb into his bed.

"Uh, I want to buy a few!"

Walnut's ear moved and stood up, waving at a girl.


The girl was excited and her voice was shaking, but this was a great opportunity to approach Downton, but she hadn't started yet, and the dozens nearby had already ran over.

"Don't grab it, they call me!"

The girl was in a hurry.

"Serving guests is our duty!"

The passage between the auditoriums was not wide. Several girls grabbed each other and shoved each other, stepping on each other's toes. There was no way. Even if you don't get Downton's favor, you can get a huge tip, after all. In such a large public, big people will never be stingy, and then be looked down upon.

"Master Duke!"

"Your Highness!"

The girls saluted and lost their smiles. As dancers, they had been in the tavern all the year round, and their news couldn't be more informed.

"I want to buy Big Brother, Molya Song, and me, and get the third place in the Champions League!"

Walnut said, opening the small purse, holding the right hand upside down, shaking hard into the girl's basket.

Wow! Wow!

Gold coins, precious stones, gold tickets, rare magic diamonds, and unnamed stones fell into a pile and crashed into a crisp sound.

The audience around them heard these words, and they all cast their eyes in amazement. Is this little loli too arrogant? Actually want to take the top three, where did she come from?

The girls don't care about them. They look at the various gems in the basket, and their eyes are almost glared out. These things are converted into gold coins. Even if they have worked for ten lifetimes, they can't earn it, but now, they are caught by a small loli. Pocket money as pocket money.

"Isn't Downton afraid of losing her?"

The girls looked at Downton, but the latter didn't care.

"Eh, wait!"

Walnut touched his pocket and found no gold coins. He simply took a large bag from the space ring and handed it to the girl.

The girl unconsciously reached for her hand, but the bag was too heavy, and it hit the ground all at once, almost flashing the girl's waist.

"What is it?"

People around stretched their necks and looked around.

The girl shuddered and opened the bag, and then the full of rare diamonds shimmered under the moonlight, and shook everyone's eyes.

This is hard currency that can circulate in all planes.

The sigh of cold air roared, and the audience looked at the walnuts and looked at Downton again, their eyes moving back and forth over them.

"That's right, Downton is definitely a Luo~Likong!"

"Sure, otherwise who will give so many magic diamonds to a child? The goddess is on, the bag is worth at least 100 million gold coins!"

"People are more dead than popular!"

The audience talked.

"Sister Sissi, don't you buy some?"

Walnut suggested.

"Are you worried about losing?"

Sissi teased.

"Why lose?"

Walnut tilted her head and looked puzzled. The expression was full of innocence, letting the audience around understand that she was really confident.

"Okay, then buy ten million!"

Sissi doesn't matter if she wins or loses, she just wants to win.

These words made the girls all around excited, even if it was a bet ~ two copper plates, they could make a huge fortune under such a huge bet.

"No, you can't buy it like this!"

Finally, there was a girl who didn't be dazzled by the money and reacted.


Walnut questioned.

"This is a sword dance conference. Every contestant wears a mask of love songs, so you can only buy the corresponding number, and you can't appoint people."

The girl explained.

"Ah? What about that?"

Walnut grabbed her hair, and her head was covered with question marks. There was no way, the little idiot could not think of a solution.

"You can see your number plate!"

Elaine reminded.


Walnut scrambled out a bronze medal, "I bought No. 1222, the elder sister of the Valkyrie is..."

"Forget ours!"

Looking at the guys with ears all around, Downton didn't want to show off his identity, as for gambling~ Bo, he was not interested.

Walnut sulked.

"The third walnut, buy one million gold coins!" Cici told the maid chief, "Give them 10,000 yuan each, which is a tip!"

"Thank you, Highness, and Duke!"

The girls are going to die happily.

The audience finally saw what is called a super tyrant. There are more than thirty girls here, and the tips given by Sissi are all huge sums.

The battle is proceeding very quickly, and some talents have shown outstanding standards. Ten out of a hundred people can stay, and all of them are unique in a certain way.

"Please prepare players for Game 13!"

The magic broadcast sounded, announcing the audience.

"So lovely!"

Walnut rested comfortably on the back of the chair, drinking soft drinks.

"It's your turn, don't you go?"

Elaine reminded.

"Huh? So fast?"

Walnut flipped through the numbers. "Isn't it the 13th game?"

"Little idiot, you are!"

Sishen Nijun couldn't help it.

"I'm leaving!"

Walnut wanted to jump directly into the arena and was caught by Sissi. She asked the maid chief to accompany Little Loli to the backcourt.

In order to avoid the civil war, Sissi separated the three people when registering.

The referee announced the start, the fence was raised, and a hundred contestants entered the arena through twelve gates. As usual, they did not attack, but observed the opponent.

There was a lot of noise in the auditorium.

"Two little loli?"

In the previous year’s conference, the youngest contestants were also in their teens, and it was impossible for them to be seven or eight years old. However, everyone knows about the walnut next to Downton, so it’s not surprising. The strange one is another. what happened?

This is a little girl wearing a crystal mask, wearing a purple long dress, she has long black hair, up to the ankle, looking forward, look proud, quiet temperament, like a little princess.

The battle started, and the contestants moved away from the two little girls.

"what's your name?"

Walnut asked.

"Beat me, let me tell you!"

The little girl teased.

"it is good!"

When Walnut kicked the ground with his right foot, he ejected like a cannonball. Several unlucky eggs blocking the assault route were directly waved by her with a warhammer and flew like a fly.


The warhammer fell to the ground, the smashing dust was flying, and the shock waves were splashing, and even the people in the audience could feel the blown body lean back.

The little girl dodged flexibly, like a raccoon cat, and Walnut chased behind, attacking all the way.

"What do you think?"

Sissy worried.

"Being teased, walnuts don't always have a brain!"

Downton pouted.

The little girl walked and always approached some contestants. Walnut didn't attack them, but Yu Bo would fly them away.

Everyone was moving away quickly, but unfortunately to no avail, three minutes later, only walnuts and little girls were standing in the arena.

"competition is over!"

Hearing the referee’s announcement, Walnut stopped, and the Warhammer pointed at the little girl, "You are great, but I will beat you!"

After a few more games, Downton got up, and in an instant, all his eyes were cast.

"It's Downton!"

The audience was excited, and Downton would certainly be able to present a wonderful battle.

Sissi accompanied Downton to the background.


Sissi took a silver mask and walked to Downton.

The two faced each other and their breath was audible.

"I wish you triumph and return with victory!"

Cici kissed Downton's cheek and put a mask on him.

Participants watched this scene, remembering Downton's clothing, and praying, don't be grouped with him.

"Everyone has seen it, and wearing a mask is useless!"

Downton teased.

"Just let them know that my Downton is the best!"

Sissi snickered.

The time soon came to the eighteenth game. When the adventurers saw Downton standing in front of the door and waiting, they complained.

"Are there any mistakes, why is this group?"

"Before the start, there is one less place!"

"Don't dream, people will definitely kill everyone, and one will be promoted!"

Participants whispered and originally planned to win some results, but now they have given up all. Downton's record is like a terrifying mountain, and they can't breathe.

"what happened?"

When the game began, the audience found that no one had started, but instead gathered together subconsciously, all staring at the silver mask with vigilance.

"Everyone, anyway, we have little hope of advancing to the top ten. It is better to join forces to kill Downton here, which is also famous!"

"Yes, I heard that Duke Downton learned all epic martial arts, and it would be worthwhile to get some experience!"

"What are you afraid of? Everyone has the same rank and the same magic power, so I don't believe that he is one enemy against a hundred, is it possible for a hundred people to cut!"

Participants' minds are different, either for bonuses, for fame, or for experience. In short, it is an amazing opportunity to compete with Downton. All 70% of the people suddenly blinked their eyes and burst out with great enthusiasm.

The rest didn’t do it because they feared being retaliated by Downton.

"Please start fighting as soon as possible, otherwise you will be disqualified according to the rules!"

The referee is in a hurry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to remind everyone.

"Go together, besiege him!"

Someone shouted, but nobody moved.

Ninety-nine people gathered together in the arena at this time, and Downton stood opposite, admiring the starry sky in a leisurely manner, but the momentum was completely exploded.

"Has the discussion been finished?"

Downton didn't want to be watched as a monkey, so he suggested, "Don't waste time, go together!"

"To bully too much!"

Some people can't stand such contempt, pulling their legs to charge, holding their swords high, and beating them. Some contestants looked at each other and sprinted in unison.

Downton's toes were a little bit, his body turned, he avoided the attack, followed his knees, and slammed into the other's stomach.


A wave of gas overflowed from the other person's back and spread to all sides. He even flew straight out and fell unconsciously.

Dozens of people besieged, slashed with swords, halberds, and Downton were hacked to death.

Downton's movement is similar to that of teleportation, and it appears directly at the next position. If you look closely, you will find that it is all between two points, the shortest distance, and he will not waste a trace of excess power.

The angel's wailing still hangs around his waist. Downton's right hand eats with **** up. Every stab is like a sword, hitting the opponent, and like a siege hammer.

boom! boom! boom!

As long as the adventurers met by Downton, all were beaten, without exception, and they could not even touch Downton's clothing corner.

"So arrogant?"

The audience looked dumbfounded. They must know that in the arena, the ranks are the same as the magical energy. Downton still crushes many opponents with absolute advantage, which shows that he is a downright genius! (To be continued.)

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