Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1313: Empire glory

"Pay attention to your wording..."

Steinway scolded Ed. He was the prince of the empire. From his standpoint, it was not a big deal for Duke Ed's family to die, but he could not say it at the banquet, because it would lose Brittania Face, let Rong Guang hurt.

But when the image appeared, Steinway was like a duck whose neck was pinched by an ogre, and he couldn't say anything.

The Thai language, which has always been presented in an elegant and solemn gentleman style, appeared on the screen with his body naked. He smiled wickedly, shrugged ~ and moved his body to ravage the flower season girl. It was completely a pervert, ugly and incompetent.

The guests throughout the hall were silent.

The whip of the leather whip on the girl's fart ~ the stock, the girl's screams, and the laughter of the Thai winner like crazy, mixed together, showing the ugliest aspect of this world.

"Huh, the Duke of Thai can really play!"

A drunken noble could not help blurting out, followed Thai's **** gaze and stared at him, the soul shock exploded, causing his pale face to spit blood back.

Thai eyes swept.


The guests bowed their heads and dared not look straight at them, but everyone knew that this was an absolute scandal. The Stuttgart head is a perverted reputation and will spread throughout the capital tomorrow.

"Don't look!"

Elaine covered Walnut's eyes.


Little Loli is very curious.

"Woo, my daughter!"

Ed's wife was crying very sadly. Every time she saw this picture, she was heartbroken. Her daughter was tortured for more than a year before she died in pain.

"Is this evidence enough?"

Ed asked.

"You are slandering!"

Shir jumped out and asked sternly, "Say, who instructed you to fake Diwei crystal to defile my father?"

Some guests pouted, how could Diwei Crystal falsify? But even though they all knew that Shire was arrogant. But no one dared to stand up and make a statement, and there is no way. The Stuttgart family is the giants of the nine empires, and their forces are deeply rooted.

"Ed's grievances can't be washed away!"

Some kind nobles sighed. The Thai family is the rear party, Oni's number one horse and beater, doing all the dirty work.

With Oni's control of the empire, how could she not know these shady scenes, she did not punish Thai. But it is to continue to let him be a dog bite.

"Come here, press him down and interrogate the envoy behind the scenes!" Shire was even more arrogant when he saw no one talking. "This must be someone smearing Britannia!"

After seeing Steinway's gaze, the Chief of the Guard quickly rushed out with his subordinates. This farce should be quelled as soon as possible, otherwise who knows what crazy Ed will do?


Downton dropped the glass on the ground and roared towards Shire. "You are blind, this old man is not your father, he should be caught!"


The audience was sighing coldly. The guests looked at Downton, as if they saw a goblin and then a giant dragon bursting into a chrysanthemum. This was incredible. He choked Shire, he Don't you know the power of this family?

"Downton, it doesn't matter what you do, get away!"

Shire does not want to provoke Downton at such times. Even if he doesn’t want to, he has to admit that this guy really didn’t take the giants into his eyes, because he inserted a bar horizontally, and it’s a bad thing to do well.

"Duke Downton. Thank you for your loyalty!" Duke Eide thanked Oi Ni. "Queen, I hope you hanged Thai and give my daughter justice!"

"Steinway, you have to deal with it!"

Onie finished. Shaking his sleeves away, Ed refused to be convinced, but a powerful soul swept over him, making him unable to say a word.

"Let me carry the pot again?"

Steinway was so depressed, he could only persuade him, "Ed, you go back first, and I will inform you when things are cleared!"

"Haha, do you believe this sentence?"

Ed sees the queen leaving, and his heart is dead. He is a veteran nobleman, so he knows the tricks used by politicians and politicians. Once it leaves the public's sight, justice and justice will be greatly reduced, and the shadow of power will be cast. .

"What do you want?"

Steinway seems to be asking, but he is actually threatening.

"The evidence is solid, I want Thai and his three sons to die!"

Ed growled.

"whispering sound!"

Charles sneered, with a disdainful expression on his face, and a deceased marquis who dared to say this, was really not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue.

"Ed, the laws of the empire, you did not hang the Duke of Thai in one sentence." Steinway persuaded, "you go to the political ~ law ~ court tomorrow, read those documents."

Steinway seems to reprimand Ed. In fact, some people understand that his subtext is to give Ed a political authority in the political court, and let him abandon the investigation of Thai crimes.

"Haha, my only daughter is dead. Do you think I am alive to live?"

Ed stood up and looked at Steinway playfully.

"You still have a wife!"

Shire interjected, his voice sharp.

"What do you mean? Threats?"

Walnut accused.

"Regarding your fart, the child will go away!" Shire was impatient. "What are you waiting for? Take him down soon, who knows if he is a subordinate of the evil spirit, and deliberately provoked the Briton nobility. Conflicts?"

Steinway did not stop this time, and the heavily armed guards rushed up immediately, arresting Ed and her wife.

The Duke of Thai drew a wink, and the guards understood that the action immediately became violent, and wanted to remove the jaws of Ed and his wife, so that they could not defend themselves.


The wife struggled.

"Go away!"

Ed broke out and bounced off the guards and hugged his wife, but he was too weak after all, even if he was in a magic outfit, he was not an opponent of the guards.

"Ed, I'm so disappointed. I thought that at least His Majesty would stand up to do justice for us. Sure enough, they changed, and this country also changed."

Wife murmured.

"Yeah, this is not the royal family and country that my family deserves to defend with blood and life. What she did today made me feel ashamed."

Ed burst into tears, not only hating her daughter's grievances, but also mourning the decline of the country.


The wife grabbed her husband's hand.

"You go first!"

Ed smiled.


The wife murmured and stared deeply at her husband's eyes. He squeezed his big rough hand and didn't kiss goodbye, because the fifteen-year-old couple's feelings had been moist and silent. Melted in every subtle look.

"Haha, my ancestors were sixty-three generations, loyal to the royal family for generations, and there were 562 people who died in battle, defending the banner of the empire with blood. I know that my blood cannot be washed out. I don’t know when it was contaminated. Flag, but I have no complaints!"

Ed said here, suddenly looked full, his arms solemnly shouted.

"Britain's Empire is glorious for generations! Glory lasts forever! Wins!"

A sound full of worship and hope penetrated the magnificent hall dome, resounding over Buckingham Palace, and then it seemed to leap all over London and the whole empire!

"Grandpa, Father, I am worthy of this empire!"

There was a smile on Ed's mouth. He remembered that when he was a child, he liked to sit by the fireplace. He listened to his grandfather proudly telling the history of the empire, the glory of the empire, and his family. He would never betray the empire. That is the happiest of his body. Time.

The audience was silent, watching the standing figure of the standing arm, they didn't expect it. The Ed couple would choose death to fight against the Stuttgart family.

"No, this is not resistance, but allegiance. They are using their lives to defend the glory of this empire!"

Nicole sighed deeply.

"Brother, he is laughing!"

Walnut whispered.

"Yes, he is laughing!"

Sissi choked, as a princess who witnessed many empires, this moment. She understood Marquis Ed, helplessness and guilt for her daughter's tragic fate? Hate of incompetence? Regret for not spending the rest of your life with your wife? These have disappeared, and in his heart, there is only a deep love and deep love for this empire!

Marquis Ed loves this empire more than anything else!

"What are you doing? Haven't taken this body away yet?"

Shire roared angrily.


The guards came up.


Downton's eyes glared, and Shenwei radiated away all the guards.

"Downton, what are you doing?"

Shire questioned and even pulled out the saber.

"Why are there always tears in my eyes, because I love this empire deeply!"

Downton didn't take the ants like Richard. He murmured and bowed deeply towards Ed's statue-like body to express his respect.

Sissi, Elaine, Walnut bowed, even Moria Song and Cheap God, at this moment bowed their heads slightly, paying tribute in silence.

Affected by Downton, some guests bowed, even if Stuttgart's power is even greater, there are always people who are just and unyielding!


Looking at those who bowed to Ed's body, Thai twitched his face. This was a bare face, naked, naked. If not for fear of fame, he really wanted to destroy this **** corpse.

"Shut up, you don't deserve to call my name!"

Downton growled.

"Your Highness, you don't have to blame yourself!"

Butler comfort.

"I hurt him!"

The prince of the iron face blamed himself. He gave Ed the evidence of Thai’s crime. He wanted to use his integrity and courage to redress his grievances, and then to see what action Downton would take. He did not expect that this tough man would choose to punish himself. .

"You are also for the future of the empire!" The butler sighed and stopped the iron prince who was going to end. "If you go out to deal with it now, everything will be in vain."

"Damn, what is Leon doing? Isn't he always claiming to be the embodiment of justice?"

Black Charlie cursed, this situation is too embarrassing, as a prince, he did not want to get involved in this kind of thing.

Freya is silent. This time, if it is not possible to plan the iron armor, otherwise he will punish Thai with his style of action.

"what did you say?"

Shire shouted.

"Thai, I'm going to fight you with life and death!"

With a choking noise, Downton pulled out his long sword and pointed directly at Thai. There was an angel's wailing echoing.


The guests gasped and almost evacuated the main hall. Downton is dead. Thai is a veteran legendary strongman. How can he be a rival of his newcomer? But many people also understand that Downton is actually justifying Ed.

From Downton's stand, there is no way to interrogate Thai, so he can only fight life and death.

"Downton, don't go crazy!"

Chadley persuaded, "You are the king of a country, the first thing you have to consider is the interests of the country, and don't use your will."

"If justice cannot be reached, then I would rather not be this king!"

Downton's roar shocked all the nobles to be speechless. This guy is serious, not making a show!

Sissy's lips moved a few times and held back. Elaine folded her hands and prayed for her brother. She knew that once her brother made a decision, she couldn't pull it back.

"Big brother, come on and beat this villain!"

Walnut yelled, took out the Battle Flag of Drunk, and unfolded it, standing behind him, cheering him.

Homer didn't speak, the cheap **** didn't speak, Nicole and Moria song also didn't speak, but their eyes fell on him, full of comfort and appreciation.

"Are you afraid of Downton's death?"

Homer teased.

"If he doesn't stand up, I will be disappointed!"

Cheap God pouting, there is no perseverance, how to call it human? Call it a hero?

"Downton, is it true that you are also a duel with my father?"

Shire is in front of Thai, his father can’t shoot, otherwise he will fight with this junior, no matter whether he wins or loses, his face will be greatly damaged. Don't think so.


Downton kicked the ground violently with his feet and shot straight, hitting Shire with a punch.

"Go away!"

When the Titan roared, the sound rolled and boiled like a thunder, and the people were so unstable that they were standing, and there was a small lightning in the space, and there were signs of collapse.

Shire gritted his teeth and didn't block, but took a losing streak. He wanted to force Downton to retreat. At the same time, all the magical outfits on his body were activated and the shield was fully open.

boom! boom! boom!

In the continual tremors, Shire's shield shattered into pieces and collapsed into a stream of colorful lights. The right chest was hit, and the power poured in crazy, directly bursting into a ball of minced meat.


Half-shattered Shire fell over and fell into a severe coma.

Downton had no defense, so Shire's long sword pierced his shoulder, but he didn't take a look at it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly pulled it off and thrown it away.


The blood-stained long sword fell to the ground, making a crisp sound, and there was blood splashing, Yin Hong's dazzling.

"Thai, duel!"

Downton stared at the Thai language violently, because the fighting spirit was surging and there was no restraint, so the unbridled style of venting suffocated the audience.

"Okay, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Thai couldn't retreat anymore, flicking his robe sleeves, humming, the field was launched.


The pale green mysterious magic rune lights up, and then the haze overflows, forming a giant, attacking Downton and attacking his body.

Cunning Thai, take the lead and suppress Downton! (To be continued.)

PS: Very satisfied with this chapter! ()

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