Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1316: Prince duel

In the quiet lounge, the magic energy wall lamp sprinkled with bright white!

"It's you?"

Downton looked up and saw the upright posture of the silver mask that also entered the quarterfinals. He stood there, although his appearance was covered by the mask, but his eyes were shining.

"Sorry to bother you."

Silver armor is always so polite.

"Please sit down!"

There was tea in the room, but it was prepared by the organizer. Downton didn't know if there was any problem, so he didn't give silver tea.

"I hurriedly visited, I wanted to ask a few questions!"

Silver Armor didn't care about this and sat down safely. "You don't have to worry. I have shielded the surroundings with mystery. Our words will not be heard by anyone."

"There is nothing to say to people!"

Downton shrugged his shoulders, but he was shocked in his heart. With his spectacle to stop the water, he didn't notice what the other party did.

"Haha, I'm worried that you will cause you trouble."

The silver mask is quite domineering.

"Don't you need to prepare for a duel? Your opponent should be that little loli?"

Downton chuckled, not knowing why, when talking to this man, there was always a feeling of ease. His eyes were calm, and there seemed to be a trace of concern, which made people feel at ease.

"She should abstain!"

After sitting on the silver mask, she took out the tea set from the space ring and placed it on the table to start making tea. "My teacher is from a distant and mysterious East. She not only taught me martial arts, but also taught me to taste tea."

"please say!"

Downton is also sitting. In the world in the dream, he has seen the tea ceremony, so even if the posture is not standard, but there is no ugliness.

The silver mask's eyes lit up, and he glanced in praise. Then he paused and gave Downton a buffer time to start asking, "What do you think of the past, present, and future of the Britannia Empire? "

Downton froze for a moment, then shook his head, "You are such a troublesome question, sorry, you should ask the king or prince of this empire!"

"What if you are a prince?"

Silver Mask asked.

"I'm not!"

Downton answered very simply, leaving the silver mask blank, without any hesitation, indicating that he never considered himself an illegitimate son of Henry.

"Did you hear the rumors about you being a prince? I can tell you with certainty that it is true!"

The silver mask was silent for a moment, and a big piece of material broke out. He looked at Downton's eyes, trying to see some emotions in the other's expression, and then speculating on his mind, but he was destined to be disappointed.

Downton's calmness is like an old man with a sparse age, and like a spring of water, the old well does not wave.

"and then?"

Downton asked back.

"You are a prince, and you have the power to inherit this empire." The silver mask added a tone. "And with your talents, it is likely to sit on the throne and take control of the king's scepter!"

Downton smiled, a little longing, a little self-deprecating, and a little unwilling, but in the end, as he shook his head, it turned into a touch of perseverance.

"My home is in Drankfork!"

Downton's voice is not loud, but there is no doubt about it!

The silver mask suddenly choked up, because he knew that this man was not kidding, that was the inheritance of the nine empires. Once he got it, it was one of the nine most powerful emperors on this continent, but he actually regarded it as a fraud. .

The small red clay stove in front of me was quite exquisite, burning bamboo charcoal, and soon boiled the spring water, with white steam rising.

There was silence for a while in the room.

The silver mask crushed tea bricks, made tea, and skillfully performed tea art, and then handed it to Downton, "Sorry, I'm arrogant."

There was a smile on the corner of Downton’s mouth, and he took the tea and drank it. He knew that the man understood himself. It’s good, even if Brittania is sacred and powerful, and even conquer the mainland in the future, only Drank Blessing is his own home, and it is worth defending her with his life.

"Good tea!"

The fragrance of tea overflows, and the lips and teeth remain fragrant, which makes Dunton couldn't help but praise.

"What do you think of the noble forces?"

Tea with silver mask.

"Do you need to ask this?"

After Downton said a word, the two smiled unconsciously.

"You are very humorous!"

The silver mask ridicules, just look at Downton's taking over the political power, and continue to suppress the nobility, even if it is to support the upstart, but also consciously control their power and limit the scale, you can understand his ruling strategy, "So, the society Development?"

"Who knows? But I think Kuta and Lombardi seem to be taking the right course."

In fact, Deranke also began to have a capitalist ~ Yi Bud.

"Capital dominates the world?"

Silver Mask shook his head, "That kind of society is too utilitarian."

"What society is not utilitarian? Desire is the foundation of the development of this world. People want to eat more, wear warmer and live more comfortably. It is this desire that makes people struggle."

These things boil down to one point, which is gold coins!

"People should have a higher pursuit!"

Silver Mask nodded and raised another objection.

"World peace? Maintain justice? Heroes have no regrets?" Downton pouted. "Come on, that's what we people should do."

"Ordinary people should also have the consciousness of being heroes!"

The silver mask disagrees.

"Ha, yes, but I prefer to see that after a hard day, they can go home with the cakes and ham they bought for a salary, in exchange for the laughter of their wives and children!"

Downton looked forward, "I think that is the happiest scene!"

The silver mask froze, and began to think.

"If even an ordinary person is reduced to being a "just hero", I think that is the greatest insult to my king and a symbol of my incompetence!"

Talking to the silver mask made Downton very comfortable and had a tacit understanding, so he couldn't help saying more.

Madeleine stood in the hallway, leaning her back against the wall, holding her chest in her hands, because of these words, she smiled comfortably.

Molya Song remained in a posture of knocking on the door and fell into contemplation.

"Let me substitute tea for wine, respect you, please!"

Hands with silver mask serve tea.


Downton took tea in his hands, his expression cautious.

The next time, the two had a good laugh, and the organizers urged them to prepare for the game, but they were blocked by Madeleine.

"It's so fast time, when I talk to you, I feel a sudden and cheerful feeling."

Silver Mask praised heartily.

"You are also very powerful, if you ascend to the throne, you will definitely become a king!"

Up to now, if Downton can't guess the true identity of the silver mask, it's even worse than the dog's brain.

The silver mask shook his head.

"I'm not a compliment!"

Downton served tea, "Respect you!"

The ruling ideas of the two people are actually very similar. If Downton does not rely on the knowledge of the world in the dream, he has no power to parry.

"You don't have to be arrogant. You are a prince. You are a civilian postman. The level of education and knowledge you have received is really too much."

Homer comfort, in essence, Downton can talk to the silver mask and get praise from the other party, which is a success in itself.

"So, the last question!"

Silver Mask didn’t take over the teacup, but looked at Downton, "If Queen O'Neal killed your mother, what are you going to do?"

In this sentence, the unusual difficulty of the silver mask asked, as if there were ten thousand pounds of boulders pressing on the tongue.

"I will get revenge!"

Downton's answer was decisive.

The silver mask froze a little, then smiled, took a drink from the tea cup, and turned around. When he walked to the door, he stopped.

"Thank you!"

After talking, the silver mask opened the wooden door and left without looking back.

"Why tell him?"

Moria song is puzzled, Downton's answer may cause death.

"Because I regarded him as a friend!"

Downton sighed. Although the silver mask thank you is only two words, it contains thousands of words and thoughts.

"all will be good!"

Madeleine came in with his long legs, stretched out his arms, and clamped Downton's head under his armpit. "Go, go and play for me!"

"Goddess is on, you finally figured it out, come on, the audience will have to dismantle the stands."

Several masters are dying.

"Let everyone wait for a long time, the next game is the third quarter of the quarterfinals, Downton against Moria song, the former's fame, presumably everyone is familiar with him, he is the first person under the legend, the first star in the north, His fighting power is beyond doubt, just the day before yesterday, the veteran legendary Duke of Thai died in his hand!"

There was a sudden silence in the arena with huge cheers. No one expected that the narrator would explode the Thai name. This is a very sensitive topic.



The young people didn't care about those, they just felt that Downton's behavior was cool, so they shouted, and in a moment, the cheers of'justice' rang through the sky.

Downton went to the duel and held his right hand up to thank!


The entire grandstand was chaotic, and screams arose.

"Duke Downton, I love you!"

"You are my idol!"

"I want to give you a monkey!"

At first, it was just the girls who lost their love letters, and then they became Nei~Yiyu, and there were still a lot of guys shouting.

"Please calm down, don't affect the game. Downton should not easily win this game because her opponent is a Valkyrie."

After the narrator reported the origin of the Moria song, it caused a series of exclamations. The first believer after the holy coffin, this name, already represented too much meaning.

After the staff quickly cleaned the venue, the game began, and when the audience was wondering if Molya Song could force Downton out of the sword, she made a sword pull.


The power of the law condensed, forming a dragon, which roared, flicked its tail, and rushed to Downton.

The audience covered their ears with numbness and stunned. They didn't expect that the Valkyrie just made a sword-drawing action, so terrifying.

"Swords are transformed!"

Many audiences who knew the goods exclaimed that the trip was worthwhile.

Downton draws his sword, his movements are freehand and freehand, as if he is splashing ink.

Titan? Magic flash!


A blade of light flashed, slashing the dragon as if it were a dahlia, bursting in the sky, and splendid fragments splashing.

Downton didn't turn around, Bakong avatar came out of the body, grabbed two magical energy blades, and slashed the Valkyrie behind the surprise attack.

Molya Song teleported, returned to the original position, after taking a deep look at Downton, put away the long sword and turned to leave.

"Huh, why didn't you fight?"

The audience was puzzled.

"Downton, keep your strength in the final!"

The girl who loved the tea ceremony took off the box she had been carrying behind her and threw it to Downton. "Unless you have to do it, don't use it, because it will cause great trouble. Of course, if you are not afraid, just let it in the final. It will be brilliant again!"

"What a mystery?"

Downton frowned, but he also knew that the Valkyrie after the epiphany was very powerful, and he was probably not her opponent.

"This is over?"


"con man!"

The audience spent a lot of money, but it wasn't for watching this farce. It was a slapstick one time. Of course, if they didn't dare to offend Downton, they would scold the organizer.

The organizers are not inside or outside. If they are replaced by ordinary contestants, they will be intimidated and lured. Various means will take turns to ensure that they will beg on their knees and beg for mercy, but they will not bother Downton and Moria.

"Quick, start the fourth game!"

The organizer wanted to save the scene with the silver mask and Xiao Loli, but the latter abstained, which made them depressed to vomit blood, and had to start the semi-finals in advance.

The audience thought that the dragon fight did not appear. Downton and the silver mask crushed their opponents with overwhelming strength and entered the finals.

On the day of the game, the entire city spent in madness. Many people went to bet Downton. There is no way. His fame is too great, and another silver mask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is almost unknown.

Many people are expecting a black horse to be killed, but some people have revealed that the real body of the silver mask is Heinrich, and the citizens have switched to it.

No matter how dazzling Downton is, it is recognized that the first person in the younger generation will always be Heinrich. He is a gift from heaven to the Westland Continent, a man who makes all geniuses in this world dull. It is a leading figure standing on the front line against evil spirits.

It is also said that the silver mask is the first new star, Dvorak, the first in combat power in the mainland, or the lion, the queen Dilanxue camouflage, or even a holy coffin, no matter which answer is this game , Are destined to be brilliant.

"It should be in history!"

The organizers looked at the sponsors who waved huge gold tickets and could only decline because they had no chance.

The merchants who bought the seat in advance shouted fortunately, watching the sales soar and the brand value rising. In the envious eyes of others, they thank Downton, which is all his credit.

The Gun Flower Merchants Group in the most dazzling advertising space instantly opened its popularity. In addition to the Bavarian rose, Sissi has a title of business queen. Since then, no one dares to say that she is just a useless vase.

In this hot atmosphere, the finals began.

"Please give warm applause and welcome our two contestants. Later, among them, this year's champion will be produced!"

The narrator aroused the emotions of the audience under the passionate music.

"Big brother, come on!"

The figure of Walnut waving the flag of war was submerged in flying handkerchiefs, and today, throwing clothes at popular contestants became the iconic celebration of the Love Song Mask Contest!

(To be continued.)

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