Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1320: Downton's true identity

"This is charity?"

Oni is a beautiful young woman, but in Downton's eyes, she is abominable, and from the other party's words, he also knows his life experience.

"Leon is destined to become a generation of Mingjun, you will follow him, and you will also be famous in history!"

Oni's attitude is high. Even sitting down, she still looks down at Downton mentally. This is not to look down, but it is like the instinctive disregard of the dragon when facing the ants.

"Sorry, I'm not rare!"

Downton turned away, he didn't ask how his mother died, because he knew that the proud queen would never confide a word, so why bother to mock?

"Stop, do I let you go?"

Oni's face was blue, and she said, "No one can ever disobey me!"

"Really? Then there is the first one today!"

Downton kept walking.

"act recklessly!"

Oni sneered, the temperature in the back garden dropped sharply, and the white frost filled the air. Everywhere, there was a crisp click and a layer of frost was frozen.

In an instant, the back garden became a frozen kingdom, and everything became an ice sculpture.

The frost spread to Downton's feet, climbed up directly, and quickly frozen the two calves, but in an instant, there was a white and golden light overflowing, melting the ice.

Click! Click!

Frost shattered and flaked, and Downton kept walking.

Oni raised her hand to bombard Downton, but when she thought of Leon, she gave up again, at least in the heart of her son, she wanted to keep a mother's tenderness.

"Yao, young man, you came out alive, gratifying!"

A woman with long black hair embraced her chest with both hands and stood against the pillar, her right leg bent and stepped on the pillar.

Downton glanced blankly and left.

"I know a lot of secrets!"

The black-haired woman is frivolous.

"What is the origin of this guy?"

Downton asked, pursing his lips. Restrained the desire to attack ~ he can feel the strength of the other party, definitely not a fish that can be bombarded, then once the time is delayed. The guard will come, and Oni will have a reason to kill herself.

"I don't know, but she has a hint of power."

Homer explained.

"Huh, it's so calm. Your mother was so wise. But she still died in our hands." The black-haired woman didn't have any magical powers, but suddenly moved in front of Downton, blocking the way. , "Kill her, but one of the most proud records of my life."

Downton's fists were clenched, and his angry eyes seemed to kill.

"Oh, I'm so scared!"

The dark-haired woman patted her **** to make her full **** sway for a while, attracting eyeballs, and she even bent down. Holds Downton's cheek and bows his head to kiss.

A force of law came and bound Downton's body.

Bakongwushuang, everything collapsed!

boom! boom! boom!

The illusion of brutal Downton emerged, and she rushed towards the black-haired woman, and her long skirt was blown by the furious wind, revealing two long, slender, white legs.

But Downton didn't want to appreciate it.

"Huh, it's such a puzzling man!"

The black-haired woman brushed her hair down on her forehead, then pointed to Downton's cheek, giggled, and then disappeared.


Downton cursed. Go to the lobby.

"A powerful neuropathy!"

Homer added that the cheap **** has been on the sidelines. The dark-haired woman should have felt her presence, otherwise she would not let Downton leave so easily.

"The curse has been planted."

The dark-haired woman returned to the back garden. Sit in front of Oni, "After contacting him, I understand why Evil God didn't kill him. Such a good container, I am not willing to change it."

"Mist, don't get over it!"

Oni finished warning. Get up and leave to preside over the ceremony.


The dark-haired woman, that is, the misty land, the frost melted when the finger touched the tea cup, and Darjeeling black tea re-emerged with white heat, and the fragrance of tea was pervading.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Dunton return to the main hall, Sissy and his party immediately greeted him, but after seeing his face, he was a little stunned.

Downton shook his head, not wanting to say more.

"Brother, your face!"

Elaine whispered.

"what happened?"

Downton wiped it subconsciously, a bright red on the back of his hand.

"Lipstick lip print!"

Walnut covered his mouth to remind, fearing that others would hear.

It didn't take long for Tingchen's voice to sound.

"The ceremony begins!"

boom! boom! boom!

The salute roared, and the guests rushed to their respective positions.

"Congratulations to the queen!"

The voice of Tingchen fell, and people who knelt on the ground began to play, and a solemn and respectful atmosphere began to spread.

Oni appeared, it caused a lot of exclamation, because she didn't wear the queen's costume, but changed her body, and looked like the king's clothing.

The first thought of the ministers was that the queen wanted to usurp the throne.

Ignoring those amazed eyes, Oni stepped onto the throne, sat on the throne of the queen, and handed a scroll to the courtier.

Tingchen took it respectfully, untwisted the red silk thread, opened the reel, cleared his throat, and announced aloud.

"The King of Brittania, Tudor? Henry VIII, here appoint Leon? Colovette? Tudor, as the new crown prince, from now on, take the king's scepter and handle all affairs of the country!"

There was no small exclamation in the hall, although Leon had long been expected to become the crown prince, but actually heard, the ministers were still a little surprised. It should have been the king’s will. Oni personally did it, and did very well Thoroughly, even the power was handed over.

It can be said that as long as the ministers approve, Leon has the power of the king.

According to the usual practice, the will has a final sentence. If there is any objection, it can be proposed to show the legitimacy of Chu Jun’s election, but Oni directly omitted it, which further proves that she wrote the will.

Freya and Black Charlie glanced at each other, and looked at their respective arrangements.

A robe aristocrat got up and stood out.

"Queen, I have objections!"

"The ceremony is not over. Who allowed you to speak? Come, drag him out, whipping, a hundred."

The queen scolded, and the heavily armed guards rushed up. Pulling his arm, he dragged out like a dead dog.

As if poured into a pot of cold water, the morale of Freya's side suddenly fell.

"Can't go on like this!"

Freya knew that she could not let the nobility be beaten, and went down a hundred. Absolutely dead, if they can't be rescued, these nobles who are loyal to themselves will inevitably be disappointed and fall to others.

But at the moment the grand princess stood up, Oni's eyes shifted, and the coldness in it made Freya instantly fall into the ice cave, as if the blood all over her body froze, and she couldn't help shivering.

"Motherhood, today is a great day, don't let blood stain it!"

Black Charlie stood up.

"Chu Jun Dadian. No murmur is allowed."

Oni sneered, threatening words.

Being watched by the queen is like being stared at by a top predator. Black Charlie prides himself on being strong, but at this moment, his teeth tremble.

"But... but the identity of Duke Downton has not yet been ascertained, and we have a responsibility to give him justice."

Black Charlie defended arrogantly. In fact, he didn't care whether Downton was a prince or not, but he couldn't always say that he wanted to be a prince, and Leon was not qualified. So we must find an excuse to postpone the ceremony.

"Yes, mother, the royal family does not allow stains."

Freya's righteous words.

"He doesn't care about himself. What do you care about?"

Oni looked unhappy.

"Duke Downton, don't you want to give your mother a clean innocence?"

Freya is very cunning. If you ask, he directly drags Downton down the muddy water. If he refuses, others will think that he is not filial, because he is afraid of Oni's power. Even his own life is afraid to find out, if agreed, it will become their shield.

"Of course I want!"

After the conversation in the back garden just now, Downton had no affection for Onnie and could disgust her, and he enjoyed it.

"Downton, you are as bold as they said."

Oni sneered.

"Queen, anyway, the inspection ceremony is not complicated and time-consuming, is it better to clarify? Others in the province slandered the reputation of the royal family."

"In such an occasion where all the distinguished guests are present, it just proves!"

"This is also to guard against someone swindling under the banner of the prince."

The robe nobles and the military personnel fired artillery, and it was rare to unite the front. At least, Leon was beaten down, and everyone was fighting for it.

"Who are you talking about?

Walnut shouted loudly, suppressing the voice of a group of people, and everyone turned their heads to see Little Loli staring angrily at an aristocrat.

"You defamed Downton's reputation, I have the right to put a duel on you!"

Sissi accused Elaine of not being angry.

"Sorry, it's my fault."

The hapless egg who said the wrong thing quickly apologized, and the anxious forehead was cold and sweating.

"Idiot, I can't even talk!"

A group of nobles cast their disgusted eyes on the unlucky egg and changed others. You can scold casually, but can Downton do it? Even if people are not princes, it is not because you were offended by a robe and noble.

"You still need to prepare magic reagents, too troublesome."

Oni was very impatient.

The elders of the Presbyterian Church had expected it and said, "We are ready, as long as Duke Downton is tested!"

The three royal pharmacists in robes carried the medicine and walked into the hall, don’t look at the old man, but everyone was saluting towards them, because they wore a golden badge on their chest, representing the identity of the great magician. .

"Unpretentious, who allows you to come in without the queen's order?"

After the party jumped out, they did not dare to target Freya and Black Charlie, but it was not a problem to pack Downton, anyway, even if he really became a prince, it would not be possible to sit on the throne, which would not cause any harm to their future. influences.

The nobles quarreled in an instant, which was annoying.

Leon wanted to stop all this, but his mother tried to put him in a dilemma for himself. In the end, when he looked at Downton, reason still overcome his feelings.

"Mother, I beg you to return Downton with justice!"

Lyon came out, and in a word, everyone shut up.

The ministers knew that Oni was most fond of this son. Of course, Leon was talented and did not disappoint her.

"Then check it!"

Oni dragged her cheek with one hand and rested on the chair. Although her face was expressionless, her eyes were full of the jokes of a group of monkeys.

"Please ask the Duke to take off his clothes!"

The pharmacists began to prepare.

When each prince is born, the magic potionist of the palace will configure the secret medicine, leaving a unique imperial pattern on them. Each one is unique and cannot be copied.

Downton took off his clothes, strong muscles, and perfect body lines, which made some ladies feel itchy and unbearable.

The pharmacists smeared the potion on Downton's back, but nothing happened.

There was silence in the hall.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong?"

Freya is unbelievable all over her face. If the pharmacist is hers, then the answer is that Downton is not a prince.


Black Charlie knew his target had been broken.

Leon frowned, looking at Onie, who looked away.

"Not good!"

Sissi warmly comforted that she didn't care about Downton's identity, or she wouldn't fall in love with him during the civilian period.


Downton chuckled and gave Thumb a thumbs up. In fact, he had guessed long ago that if there was no such means, it would be impossible for him to hold the government for so long.

You must know that Henry’s youth was known as the Ming monarch, and he was hailed as the greatest chance to become the greatest monarch. Although his wife’s death has been in a decadent state for many years, but there is no suppression by Oni, there is no killing People believe.

"Do you still have opinions?"

Oni asked.

Black Charlie and Freya were silent, they couldn't recommend themselves. As for the nobles, just about to speak, Tingchen stood up and began to read the achievements of Prince Leon in power for ten years.

This is unquestionable. The nobles knew in their hearts that Lyon was indeed raising the national strength, the country was at peace, and Brittania was not decaying, falling apart, and he made great contributions.

To be honest, Leon has enough qualifications to be a prince.

Black Charlie looked at Freya and flipped her fist.

The grand princess shook her head.

The two still have the final trump card, which is to overthrow the rule of Oni, but in that way, it will inevitably cause a lot of deaths and injuries, and the country will be turbulent.

"Women's kindness!"

Black Charlie cursed, he represents the military, the natural military is the strongest, so I don't want to give up, after all, that is the king, the entire continent, only nine people!

"Only me can make this country better, so your sacrifice is meaningful, and I will remember it too!"

Black Charlie comforted himself ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and exchanged glances with several military gangsters. After seeing them nodding, to show that he was ready, he suddenly pulled out his sword and shouted.

"For Brittania's glory for all generations, slaughter Onie and return to his majesty!"


Black Charlie charged and killed the throne. At the same time, his ring overflowed with golden halo, smeared all over his body, and then turned into an armor.

"Protect the queen!"

Tingchen stood up and steadily blocked Oni in front of him.


Tingchen was beheaded, his head attached to half of his shoulders, rolled down on a luxurious carpet, and Yinhong's hot and humid blood sprayed like a fountain. (To be continued.)

PS: The climax begins, and this volume is also coming to an end!


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