Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1326: Don't look back, go forward!

White snow flying, silver frost on the earth.

Downton, a ghost-like state, as a bystander, witnessed Hilde, who was holding a big belly, desperately fighting for the safety of his children, and running wildly.

Downton's fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth had bitten his lips. He wanted to help, but he was helpless.

In this icy and snowy ground where everything is frozen, Hilde finally lost his energy after completely destroying a corps of Evil God.

The fetus was born prematurely.

"I named Downton for you, I hope you can become an indestructible giant shield, a barrier, guarding those who care about you and love you!"

Hilde hugged the baby child, her eyes were gentle, her character was so kind, until she was on the verge of this, she never thought of revenge.

Cheap God sighed a long time.

Downton was born in the pool of blood, in the blood of loved ones, in the blood of terrifying enemies, his life was full of blood from birth.

The hunt did not stop, and it was even more crazy, especially the series of conspiracies of Oni and Mist, which made Hilde's situation extremely critical.

Saint Laurent is the empire that has the closest relationship with the Holy Flame in the nine empires. Because of the great blessing of Saint Columbine Lorraine Sasha, every virgin will be born in Saint Laurent, and the king will take the virgin as Righteous girl.

The **** queen is Downton’s aunt. Although the relationship between the two is not close, the saint’s being chased is a big event.

Oni didn't want Hilde to be sheltered by Saint Laurent's royal family, so he stolen the **** queen and gave birth to the three princesses who had given birth to less than a full moon, and pointed her target at Hilde quite skillfully.

Oni’s abacus played well. As long as the **** queen traced it, he soon discovered that Hilde’s “conspiracy” was just as bad as the sky. The king was seriously ill. The **** queen had to help her husband to fight for the throne. Every point of strength It is precious, so the queen recalled the elite soldiers sent to find her daughter.

It is for this reason that Hilde was able to continue to escape under the heavyweight team sent by the Light Flame Vatican and the Evil God.

Only with luck, Hilde could stand out among the millions of priest girls, and finally wear the crown of the Virgin, which is talented in itself. In so many years of experience, she has saved several cards. Holding them, getting out of danger again and again.

It's a pity that O'Neill became Hilde's enemy. As a girlfriend and a life-saving benefactor, Hilde was intimate with O'Neill. All secrets were not fortified.

So Oni disguised, mixed into the squad that killed Hilde, and hit her hard.

"I'm going to die, leave with two children, find a remote place, raise them to grow up, this is my last request!"

This was a fatal blow. If it hadn’t been for the blessing of St. Lorraine Sasha in the courtyard of the Virgin, Hilde could not escape the overwhelming snare of Oni, but it was also a fatal blow that made her Understand that he has reached the end of his life.

"Any mother is eager to watch children grow up, and every child is eager to have a happy childhood!"

The devil looked at Hilde, ignited his soul, and activated life sharing. At the expense of himself, he wanted to save Hilde's life.

It's just that Hilde's injury is too heavy, even if its demon servant is a lord-level phoenix, it only gives her eight more years of life!

"Child, for you, so many people have died, you are carrying their lives, so I hope you live well, don’t avenge, don’t cover your eyes with hatred, let your life shine as much as possible. !"

Hilde looked around. Those who were loyal to himself laid down their lives one by one and fulfilled their original oath. It can be said that Downton's life was watered with their blood.

In order not to allow the two children to be disturbed by the dunya, Hilde changed his face and came to the morning fog earthquake next to the dragon hill, which was too small to be small.

That's why Downton didn't know that the former saint was his mother, because it was easy.

Downton's vision changed and found that he had short legs and short hands and became a baby.

Hilde went to work with his children on his back and went home to weave cloth, like an ordinary peasant woman, and lived a plain life.

Downton, who has the mind of an adult, once again experiences his childhood, and the memories of those children are like a tide, surging.

Eight years later, the mother did not die. Downton was happy like a fox who stole grapes. He did everything he could to give his mother happiness.

"Downton, wake up, this is an illusion!"

The cheap **** roared, and even used soul shock, but unfortunately it was invalid.

"Useless, the foggy method is too clever. She pinpointed the softest point in Downton's heart, understand? It's because he doesn't want to wake up from a dream!"

Homer sighed, and had been in contact for so long, it had known for a long time that Downton was more than affectionate, and his mother was an irreplaceable position in his mind.

Don't look at Downton as a priest, but the status of the goddess of flame is definitely not as high as his mother.

Five-year-old Downton, carrying Elaine, running on the golden farm, eight-year-old Downton, carrying Elaine, digging a honeycomb in the green forest, ten-year-old Downton, followed by Elaine in the buttocks, at Milk delivery from door to door on the street...

Hilde looked at all this comfortably. Behind them, her mother's soft and indulgent eyes will always be.

"I will be the most reliable man!"

Little Downton patted his **** and vowed to make his mother happy.

The persuasion that the cheap God did not give up was completely ignored.

"Well, I will see the day when you marry a wife and have children and start a family!"

Hilde, who was debilitating day by day, lay on the hospital bed, staring at Downton with doting eyes.

"Haha, succeeded!"

The misty land laughs, this is the horror of her field, so that the enemy is deeply trapped in the dream, and does not want to come out.

These ubiquitous mists have a powerful erosive effect, which will poison the enemy's spirit, use the weak soul fragments of the enemy's heart, and radiate emotional power, so that they can't extricate themselves. After staying in the mist for a long time, they will crystallize Become a puppet, and eternal life cannot escape.

Downton and Elaine grew up day by day.

"I want to marry my brother and be his bride!"

Elaine hugged Hilde's neck and lay on her back, whispering her wish, "I don't want to be separated from my brother."

"it is good!"

Hilde touched Elaine's head with a smile, but for the first time after turning around, he said sharply, "How long will you stay here?"

Downton froze.

"Cici, Dilanxue, Xia Luo, and Yilian, your friends, your men are waiting for you and lead them to counterattack. How long will you stay here?"

Hilde asked.


Downton spoke.

"Shut up, you coward, a powerful man, know how to look forward and walk forward. The most beautiful scenery is always in front!"

Hilde slaps and hits Downton's face.

"No, my scenery is my childhood, the days with you and Yilian."

Downton wept bitterly.

"what happened?"

The misty land sat up in horror, looking at the prism, Hilde, who was educating Downton, a phantom, why did he have an autonomous consciousness?

"Wait, this is a blessing imposed on Downton's soul. It is worthy of the predecessor's majesty, did you even predict this step?"

The mist was shocked, and she remembered a rumor that Hilde had great prophecy before she repeatedly escaped the chase.


Hilde, who had never beat Downton's hair, gave him a slap again.

"Waste, don't you live in the past? Where do you put Dilan Xue and Sissi?" Sheard hates iron and steel, "Without a parent, I don't want my child to be happy. What I want to see is Your future, not a self-deceiving fool!"

Downton wept silently. The eight years of his childhood were so short but so warm. For him, that was his most gorgeous memory.

"Go back, your beloved love of life and death, your friends who are close to each other, and your loyal and brave men are waiting for you, go forward, don't look back!"

Hilde patted Downton's back.

"Go! You are a man, go! Go bear everything you should bear, and don't let those who entrust your lives to you disappoint!"


Downton exclaimed.

"Don't look back, otherwise I will never be your son, go forward and keep going!"

Hilde bit the back of his hand, tears cut his cheeks, blurring her eyes, but she did not dare to cry, she was afraid that Downton would worry.

Downton step by step, finally, after hearing this sentence, he began to run,

"I won't let you down!"

Downton growled.

"my child!"

Hilde took a step forward, stretched out her hands, and looked at her son's back, she wanted to hug him, but she did not shout after all.

"That's it, let's go, go forward, you can not be a king, but you must be a real man!"

Hilde murmured, starting from his fingertips, his body gradually shattered into a spot, drifting in the morning light of the dragon hill.

In the end, only one tear left, and a new green grass was wet.

"Get out of the mist!"

The running, roaring loudly, shattered the sky like a thunder.


The strongest illusion is broken.


The black-haired woman rolled over from the bed, her entire body burned like a black smoke, and she was seriously injured. Some parts even turned to ashes.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! I knew this woman wasn't that simple. No wonder Oni was so afraid of you!"

Curse in the fog.

"Did you feel it?"

Homer asked.

"Well, there is a powerful mysterious force in Downton's blood, which is the guardian of her mother!"

Cheap God marvels.

The place where Downton reappeared was an angry town. All the townspeople gathered and took a nail rake and a pitchfork to hunt down a mother and daughter.

"Kill them!"

"Kill these two demons!"


The roar of the townspeople almost tear the eardrum.

"Please, save us!"

The woman couldn't run away, regardless of Downton's ability, he knelt down in front of him at once, grabbed his trousers and pleaded.

Downton, who had not recovered from his anger, stared at the woman and almost killed her.

"Don't hurt my mother!"

The little girl rushed out and stood in front of the woman, scolding Downton loudly.

Downton's body was shocked.

"Please, take my daughter away, just take her away!"

Seeing that the townspeople were catching up, the woman entrusted her daughter to Downton, so she had to be a bait to attract those townspeople.

Downton was indifferent, so he watched the mother and daughter caught.

"You demon with iron heart, I curse you not to die!"

Woman swears.

"Mom is not afraid, I will always be with you!"

The little girl hugs her daughter, comforting like a little adult.

"Go away, otherwise you will be slaughtered together!"

The mayor waved a pitchfork, demonstrating towards Downton, and then took the townspeople, **** the mother and daughter, dragged them with rope, and returned like a victory.

"You haven't calmed down yet, why not save the mother and daughter?"

Homer asked.

Downton didn't answer, raised his hands, slap, slap, slap, slapped himself hard, and then chased.

The mother and daughter were tied to a wooden pile and firewood was piled on the ground, apparently to burn them.

"Burn to death!"

"Burn to death!"

There was no trial, the town people shouted in unison, and some people showed a hideous look.

"If you don't save it, it's too late!"

Seeing that the mayor lit the fire, Homer yelled, and even prepared to do it himself, even if there was really a problem with the mother and daughter, at least save it first.

"At least save my daughter?"

The woman pleaded.

"Okay, I save!"

Just when Homer thought that Downton was going to put out the fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when he killed these thug townsmen, he suddenly punched and hit the little girl.


Pakong fist raged, and the air blew, blasting her out.

"what are you doing?"

As soon as Homer finished asking, she saw a little girl who flew out and floated steadily in the air.


The misty realm was hit hard again. She did not wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, but asked in disbelief, "Why didn't you win the bill? What is your heart of humor?"

After Downton experienced the death of his mother, he used a pair of cruel mothers and daughters to arouse his love. It can be said that this conspiracy was perfect, but it was a pity that it was broken.

"I was promoted to a combat master at the age of eighteen, and now I am closer to the realm of God of War. I am practicing several epic martial arts and the realm of fog. Do you think the camouflaged wounds on this little girl can fool me?"

Downton sneered.

A little girl with problems, no matter what, should be tested by this punch.

"you are vicious!"

The Mist Realm clamored, but in fact, I was deeply convinced that Downton could find flaws under such intense emotional fluctuations. This talent is terrible.

Step by step ladders, layers of mist, were quickly attacked by Downton. He seemed to be favored by the goddess of luck, like a broken bamboo!

"Damn, you can only use the trick!"

The tragedy uses the trump card.

Downton discovered that he had returned to the Royal Palace in Ruinsfield, except that everyone was sleeping, and as he was about to investigate, an assassin launched a sneak attack.


Downton's pupil shrank sharply, and the other party was so powerful that even he was moved.

(To be continued.)

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