Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1330: Star Eye

Habit is a terrible thing, because it will be incorporated into the bone marrow and affect you in a subtle way.

The little girl clearly came from the left, but you have to defend the right, psychologically and physically, it is a huge sense of awkwardness, and it is extremely easy to judge mistakes.

In the eyes of the adventurers, the little girl was attacking, and Downton defended the opposite direction, as if there was an airman.

The two played faster and faster, but Downton made no mistakes.

"Don't be proud, this is just the initial battle!"

The little girl snorted, the black mist on her body condensed into an arrow, and suddenly shot up, Downton opened the shield, but they penetrated without obstruction.

"Visually reversed!"

Downton's vision instantly turned 180 degrees, but the person was still standing. This sense of disobedience made him almost vomit blood.

"How does it taste?"

The little girl ridiculed and continued to attack. The dagger waved fascinatingly, her long hair flicked, and the poisonous mist drifted away.

Downton's body glowed with green light, purifying toxins.

"Not enough!"

Downton pouted and kicked a foot, hitting the little girl's chest, kicking her.


The little girl cursed.

Downton has to seize the time to kill the little girl, but his vision changes again, every interval is different, so he needs to constantly adjust.

Those adventurers are also experiencing these, and several of them are uncomfortable and spit upside down.

"Hearing deprivation!"

The little girl grabbed her right hand out of thin air, and Black Mist coagulated into a spear, which was stabbed into Downton's body. "Useless, my Black Mist can ignore any defense!"

It's a pity that Downton can no longer hear this sentence.

"I will look at you and die from torture." The little girl grinned. "It's the most terrifying thing to keep walking towards death but there is nothing you can do!"

Multiple mirrors stop water!

Tick! Tick!

Downton's soul power is like a lake in which stones have been thrown, continuously radiating circular ripples. Collect all information.

Although it may take some time to judge and correct the enemy's attack direction, Downton's nervous response is too fast to make up for it.

"Damn, so I hate fighting with you masters!"

The little girl cursed. Downton's performance made her amazing, more and more wanted him to be a puppet, but she understood that with her own strength. It is impossible to catch him alive.


In such a distraction, the little girl punched her cheek, flew out, and one of her teeth was broken.

"It turns out that you are in the misty realm!"

Downton almost gritted his teeth to say this.

"you caught me?"

The little girl floated up and waited for her hair to straighten her hair.

In the misty realm, the best is all kinds of conspiracies and tricks. The adventurer wants to climb on the two towers of magic fog, and after passing through each floor, he will subconsciously think. The top leader is the ultimate leader, while the other leaders are small, so they must slack off and even retain their strength. Therefore, if they suddenly encounter the fog in the third floor, they will lose due to their carelessness.

"Little trick!"

Downton pouted, "I really want to know how you fooled walnuts?"

"Don't forget that my best is deception!" The little girl showed off, "Is this your own mirror to stop the water? Well, without it, I see what you fight!"

Six senses obliterate!

The power of the law fluctuates. Eroding Downton.

Downton had opened all the defenses long ago, but it was still ineffective. In a blink of an eye, the mirror stopped water and collapsed. All sensory failures.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton immediately carried out range strikes indiscriminately, preventing the enemy from approaching.

"Is the reaction fast?"

The little girl smirked. Ordinary people encountered six senses of assassination, and they would directly fall into chaos and tension. Downton was better and immediately took the most perfect response. It's just that his magical energy is absolutely unsustainable, as long as a slack is his death.

It was only when the little girl thought that Downton would fight, but he stopped, she just wanted to assassinate, and the other party's range skills swept away, making her almost hit.

"What the hell!"

This time Downton stopped, the little girl was about to attack again, and the other party's mouth moved.

"Do you think I can't see?"

Downton sneered.

"You never want to lie to me!"

After the little girl finished speaking, she deliberately put on the offensive momentum, but did not move.

"Haha, you didn't move at all!"

Downton sneered.

"Can he really see me? Impossible!"

The little girl hesitated, and the person who hit the six senses of obliteration could not get any information, not even the guidance of the demon servant. Downton's behavior should be speculation.

After the Misty Realm wanted to understand, just before the shot, the sky lowered the domineering fist, and once again made her wonder and stop.

"It seems correct!"

Downton's face remained the same, but there was a deep breath in his heart. Of course he couldn't see it. Those were cheating.

Generally speaking, one's fighting style will reflect the character of the other party, and Mist is obviously a suspicious person.

Downton speculates that Mist has suffered a great loss in the illusion attack and will be unable to wait to kill himself, plus the other party’s horrible success rate, so after losing his six senses, the confident opponent will attack immediately, so he immediately The range of blows, forcing the other party to step back.

The second time later, he used the other party’s desire to end the battle urgently. Then, he could not determine when the other party ended the battle, so he could only use his mouth to lure the enemy to attack, but these are small tricks. Must find a way to crack as soon as possible.

"Haha, these are psychological battles, I understand, you are delaying time."

The little girl laughed.

"You guessed it?"

Downton made a mocking expression.

"Nonsense, if you could really see me, you would have launched an attack."

Mist finished smugly, and suddenly his face turned black, and he attacked angrily. The words of Downton obviously delayed the time, "Dare you dare to fool me?"

A strong man like Mist must choose to obliterate his opponent when he is angry, so Downton's range skills just cover the mist.

boom! boom! boom!

Although he hid fast enough, the fog was still a stroke, and he looked embarrassed.

"Look, I caught you again."

Downton teased.


The fog does not believe. But there was no offensive attack, but a cautious move of the position, and the verbal abuse was only pure vent. Because Downton couldn't hear it at all.

Homer and Cheap God watched Downton fall into a passive and powerless, and worried that he would panic. Unexpectedly, the calm and inexhaustible emotions, he couldn't help feeling, he really was a natural fighting genius.

After concentrating. Downton made an attacking gesture. Since he couldn't find the opponent, he captured his opponent by the pain he felt after being seriously injured.

This time the fog stabbed Downton, but then he was caught by his big hand and poured heavily on the ground, and then a series of violent beats broke her several ribs.


The little girl stared at Downton resentfully, giving the other person a sense of pain, in order to make him suffer more, and was unexpectedly used instead.

"It's so hard!"

The little girl recalled. I found that I have been suppressed since the battle. If the rank is high enough, the ability is strange, maybe I was killed.

Downton also came through several life-and-death battles. This time the situation has not made him emotionally unbalanced. It is this stable state of mind that allows him to see a little light in the endless darkness.

"what is that?"

A light spot like a firefly. Dangling in the dark, Downton mobilized the soul and made it feel like tentacles, carrying consciousness. All bets on it.


When consciousness touched the light spot, Downton's entire soul was shocked like a lit lamp, illuminating the mist.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

As the soul power was injected, the lights flashed and became brighter and brighter. In the end, it has been like the star of the sky, spreading the glory all over the heart of Downton.

Something was ignited, and the dark mist that seemed to linger on Downton's mind, like the night, was dispelled. The whole field of vision was bright for a time, like dawn.

"this is……"

Downton was amazed that the world he saw was not brighter than before, but it had more colors, which seemed to be a sublimation of will!

The power of the bloodline was activated, and the glorious fragments deposited in it, like the tide, swept through Downton's mind.

"Star Eye?"

Downton murmured, this is a gift, an innate ability, a gift from the goddess of flame.

Stabbing Downton in the misty state of the knife, preparing to thoroughly understand him, but as soon as the dagger was close to the neck, she saw the other party suddenly turned around and looked over.

What kind of eyes are they, bright, shining, shining, as if the stars hanging above the nine heavens are cast!

The moment she was stared at, the subconsciously shrunk her neck, and she felt that the most secret areas of her were seen through by the other party.


It was too late to realize that the unfavorable misty realm wanted to be blocked, and Downton's iron fist came over like a siege hammer, hitting her head.


The little girl flew out and fell into an awkward situation.

"How could he see me?"

The little girl whispered in her heart, that for so many years, no one could break her hole card, so that kind of shock made her trance, so that the defense was slowed by half a beat.

The little girl was about to float, but Downton sprinted and made a leap, hitting her like a meteor.


Downton stepped the little girl into the ground, and the huge impact caused this layer to collapse.

Six senses, all erased!

The little girl recasted the spell unbelievably, and was kicked on the face by Downton. The entire chin was broken and bloody.

Downton reached out, grabbed the ankle of the flying girl, rounded her arms, smashed her to the ground, and beat her madly.

In fact, Downton's mind was not attacking. In front of him, a lot of silk thread appeared in a sudden and indistinct manner, like a silk, he reached out and grabbed it, but couldn't touch it.

"Homer, what is this?"

Downton's inquiry, like the sinking sea, did not respond.

Sleep forever!

A circle of black and blue aura appeared on the little girl's head, and then spread out. Wherever he went, everything was silent, life was withered, and he fell into a deep sleep.


Downton noticed that when the magic was released in the misty realm, a thread lighted up instantly. If the bright light in the dark night, he could not do it if he wanted to ignore it.


A guess appeared in his mind, Downton subconsciously brandished his sword and beheaded the past.


The silk thread was cut off, don't look at the thin one, but the overflowing impact was like a nuclear explosion. Even when Downton's defense was fully open, it was also blasted out and suffered a lot of injuries.

"Is this the line of law?"

Downton was fortunate that if he didn’t have the artifact of the dragon crying, he could only cut off the line of the law with his best efforts.

The black aura collapsed, the light shined on the earth, and the eternal sleep was broken.

"how is this possible?"

The little girl's mouth was wide open, enough to put a goose egg, "Yes, it must be those eyes!"

The star eye is a talented power. At the initial stage, you can see the line of law. After cutting off, it will make the power of the law disappear.

Legendary powerhouses no longer use elements and magical powers, but instead use rules and powers to fight. It can be said that Downton’s star eyes destroy the opponent’s skills at the root.

Of course, using it consumes too much. In just a little time, Downton has felt dizzy and disgusting, and his soul is showing signs of exhaustion, and his eyes are sore, painful, and the scenes he sees have doubled.

"It must be quick and fast!"

Downton packed his mind and launched a mad attack.

The ninety-nine stairs, eternal sleep, and six sense obliteration of the three ace tragedies in the misty realm were broken, and they suddenly fell into a critical situation. In the final analysis, she relied on various mysterious and unpredictable abilities. Yes, it's not enough to look at geniuses like Downton.


Downton struggled to hurt and pierced the heart of the little girl, but instead of dying, she grabbed a spear of black mist and pierced his head. If Downton reacted fast enough, she was absolutely half dead.


Downton was shocked and retreated quickly.

"Haha, I have ten lives!"

The little girl wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and was about to escape.

"Downton, did you hear that? How are you doing there?"

Leon's voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"In the decisive battle, but this guy looks like he can't die!"

Downton's words, Leon must have heard the secret.

"Prepare your big move, I count one, two, three, attack together, you must kill the body and illusion of the two towers of the illusion fog at the same time, otherwise I can't kill her!"

Lyon's words made Downton realize that he was worthy of the death of a hundred-footed insect and not stiff. If the misty environment is so simple, it will be killed, and it will not get the nickname of demigod.

Lead the magic, the maze of stars!

Downton seemed to become the center of the universe, a magic circle spread out under his feet, and then rose upwards into a three-dimensional outfit, which looked like a galaxy came.

The misty land wants to retreat, but will find no way out for a while.

Field skills, astral storm!

Downton made a single punch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Stars started shaking.

"It's a delusion to want to kill me by this!"

The misty state despised and began to break through.

"Okay, lore!"

Lyon's words fell, and the barbaric Downton illusion that had been hiding in the labyrinth appeared, and his right hand was lit with a golden light, and he punched out.

Diamond stars!


The wind of the astral wind was blowing wildly, and everything it went to was frozen into diamonds, and it seemed that even time had condensed.

"It's over!"

The little girl maintained a running posture, directly painted a layer of diamonds, and then froze in place.

The battle of the twin towers of magic fog, Downton and Leon, win! (To be continued.)


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