Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1340: Adventurer Union

Too late!

Downton punched hard, and the onlookers could not see anything, but for Twilight Shadows, the furious wind was like an endless storm, which directly sealed off the space and smashed like a meteorite falling, leaving him nowhere to hide .


Twilight Shadow's body was like being crushed by a chariot, directly squeezed into a piece of meat, and then slammed into a sky of minced meat.

"Are you kidding me?"

A group of legionnaires were dumbfounded, and each of Twilight's shadows was quite difficult. If they wanted to get rid of these guys, even if it was a long siege of thousands of people, they would have to pay a ten to ten exchange ratio.

"Maybe it's a fledgling guy?"

The hundred people whispered, no way, they could not accept the fact that Downton punched a big marshal.

"Huh, I can do it at this level."

Armored men sneered.

The attack of the demons continues, but their goal is not to kill, but to destroy the supplies, but the situation is still urgent, and the soldiers are trying their best to resist the offensive.

It is too difficult to carry out a raid behind the Western soil camp. The Demon sent a total of more than 100 females, but less than ten successfully arrived here, but the damage caused is really not small.

"Casio, help me take care of the children!"

A veteran hit by dozens of monsters roared, propped himself up, rushed to a female worm, and then detonated the faith bomb on his body.


A huge fireball rose into the sky, the flame radiation, the holy light shining, and thousands of demons around it were immediately burned.

The veterans who were badly wounded all confessed their last words, and then charged themselves, and by their sacrifice, humanity prevailed.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, blood and corpses were everywhere, and the smell was terrible.

"I am leaving here!"

The priest girl was scared and accused loudly, "You are military~nationalism, why do you let those veterans explode?"

No one cares about the pastor woman, the veterans' eyes are cold.

"Say that few words, they are voluntary."

The hundred of the team sighed.

"Nonsense, let alone one or two, but so many people explode and they are definitely brainwashed."

The priest woman does not believe that these veterans' fighting will is so tenacious and so noble.

"Then let me tell you that if we die in war, our children will get a title of Viscount, and until they reach adulthood, they can receive the best education for noblemen for free!"

Hundreds of people roared out, their eyes red and bloodshot, "Do you think we are masochism? Willing to die? We have no way, but we are dead, in order to maximize the value of our life!"

Hundreds of people clenched their fists and thumped their chests, not only the sadness of the death of their comrades-in-arms, but also the worry and lament of their future destiny.

"No, you can refuse!"

After the priest girl finished speaking, she was stunned. These adventurers had signed a contract. Then the soldiers of these camps must be more demanding.

"Don't say it, we are the legions of life, death is the price of the legion, we are dedicating youth and life to the entire continent!"

A soldier in his thirties grinned his teeth and pulled off his collar. A part of the magic tattoo was revealed on his neck. "Did you see it? This is the faith bomb, so that you can use it to explode yourself."

"Everyone who steps on the battlefield of the abyss must be imprinted!"

The veterans deliberately threatened.

"No, I don't want it!"

The priest girl covered her neck and screamed loudly.

"Relax, you will change your mind soon."

The veterans have to stimulate her again. After all, after a **** fight, ridicule a girl is also a kind of relaxation and pastime.

"Enough is enough, all work."

Thousands of people stopped drinking and came to Pastor Downton, "I apologize for them!"

"Do you really want to tattoo that tattoo?"

The priest woman was wronged and wanted to cry. She was a devout priest, tattooed on her body, and was the greatest disrespect for the goddess of flame.

"Yes, that's for your good!"

Thousands of people sighed, there are many races in the evil spirit army, such as demons and demons, who treat humans as food. The defeat of the Xitu people is treated as rations, so a tattoo of faith bombs will be born. .

The adventurers who had just arrived were silent, and the brutal battlefield in the abyss appeared **** in front of them.

"Boy, what is your name?"

Thousands of people came to Downton.

Downton shook his head.

"Sir, he is a dumb man!"

Ten commanders help.

"Will you join my legion? You will be treated favorably. Every six months, you can get an opportunity to sacrifice to the goddess of flame!"

Thousands of people opened the price tag.

Downton shook his head.

"Don't be too busy to refuse, come to me, come to me!"

Thousands of people took out a token and handed it to Downton. He believed that this kid had suffered enough, and he would change his mind. To know that in the abyss, not only the evil spirit army, but also the crowding and dumping of the Western soil camp are not uncommon.

"Your boy, gave up a chance to hold the thigh."

Hundreds of people expressed emotion.

As time went by, the boring and dangerous journey made enthusiastic adventurers also feel that it was a kind of torture. Fortunately, half a month later, a magnificent city appeared on the horizon.

"Is that Silver Moon City?"

Looking at the brightly lit light, like a lighthouse in the dark abyss, it illuminates the city of Yongye, and some people even have the urge to worship.

This is what the elven queen built. The Xituren are the largest, strongest, and last bastion on the front line of the legion. Even if the evil spirit attacked the ground and the war covered most of the continent, the city did not fall. Like a fish thorn, it gave the evil **** army a great harassment.

Guarding Silvermoon City is the younger brother of the current elven queen, Legolas? Morning Song Daxingjue, and also one of the nine commanders.

In addition to ability, the elves have always been isolated from the world. It is arrogant to say that it is unpleasant, and treats all people equally, so the elves can be fair and fair. All things are done in accordance with the regulations. If you want to go backdoor and play smart, it is not feasible here.

The Sanctuary of the Flame Flame is located in the city center. In addition to being a place of sacrifice, it also radiates sacred power to suppress the harsh illusion of the abyss, so when Dunton and his party stepped into the city gate, they immediately felt comfortable. Thai, the fatigue of the journey disappeared.

"The elves are really handsome men!"

The armored man looked at the guards on the city wall and blew a rogue whistle.

These female elves are wearing tight leather armor, and their bodies are protruding forward and back, not to mention, each one is beautiful and full of interracial style, which makes people covet. If it is placed at the auction, it will definitely make people crazy, but in the abyss, once After the elf disappeared and confirmed that the captured slave group was captured, all members of the family, whether they were heads or members of the group, would all be exiled to serve their sentences in the abyss.

call out!

A feather arrow swept across the armored man's cheek, nailed to the floor, and the tail of the arrow quivered.

"It's better for you to converge a little bit, normal pursuit is fine, but this kind of harassment will be sentenced!"

A hundred people are kindly reminded.

"Forget it, I won't wait for those elves!"

Armored males whisper, and the elves are notorious for their pickiness. Humans are inferior races in their eyes. Just like humans treat goblins, they will never marry.

"Okay, this is the Adventurer’s Union. After you have registered and received the nameplate, you can go to the pub next door and wait. There will be an adventure group to recruit you."

Hundreds of people handed a stack of parchment papers to the staff at the front desk. This is the new people's file. It seems to be attentive, but in fact they are still worried that they will run away.

The union hall is very spacious, with a sprite style, but there are also beautiful women of other races in the office. Although there are many people, it is very quiet.

"Please take it, it can replace the soul stone, absorb the soul of the evil spirit army you killed, and wait for a certain amount to be saved, you can sacrifice like the goddess of flame, exchange for divine grace!"

The female elf who received Downton explained the precautions. She seemed to be only 17 or 18 years old, but the life of the elf family was too long. The actual age of this one is definitely more than 200 years old.

"Those are tasks?"

Downton noticed a huge wooden board at the back of the front desk, covered with parchment paper filled with various texts and avatars.


The elf woman quickly glanced down at Downton, her attitude was kind. Even with the elusive eyes of the elves, Downton was a handsome man, so she gained some goodwill.

"Can you recommend some tasks to me?"

Downton is eager to fight, and only then will he forget his troubles.

The elf girl froze for a moment, then shook her head, "Sorry, the leader must come to lead the mission."


The priest woman was puzzled, "There seems to be no single mission!"

"Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The abyss battlefield is so dangerous, you must form a team of at least ten people. If you go out alone, you will find death!"

The female elf took it for granted.

"Thank you!"

Downton did not insist, took the nameplate, and turned to leave.

"Eh, cloak, you wait."

The priest girl hurried through the formalities and chased over, "We first arrived, we might be pitted, so I suggest team action?"

"Yeah, let's be together!"

The help of the female mage, Downton's strength, let her appreciate.


Downton refused.

"Wait, you are thinking about it!"

The priest girl did not expect Downton to refuse, and was somewhat at a loss.

"Well, people don't want to, even if it's funny, hot face sticks to cold buttocks?"

The armored man sneered, he thought Downton was too pretended.

Downton ignored the armored man and walked across the long street to open the door of the tavern.


A swell of alcohol and noisy heat wave came across, almost smoked Downton a follower, glanced at the vocal hall, a smile appeared on his face, this environment reminded him of the early morning The memory of the fog.

"Bartender, a glass of ale!"

Downton found a seat and sat down.

"Hey, don't blame me for not reminding you that you need to use magic stones for the cost here!"

The bartender looked at Downton. After he finished speaking, he smiled first, "Forget it, look at your dress, is it a newcomer? This glass of wine will be regarded as my gift."

"What kind of big-tailed wolf do you pretend to have? The boss has set rules early, and every newcomer ale that comes in is considered to be the wind and the dust!"

An adventurer roared and provoked a series of yelling

(To be continued.)

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