Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1347: Advance to Tier 5

Frontline, Tower of Light, Hellcat Station.

"Wouldn't that silver demon be Leon?"

At dinner time, a group of idle members chatted about the hot topic recently. Over the years, there will always be some newcomers rising like a comet, but they have experienced several hard battles. It is rare to be as fast as Leon.

"Shouldn't it?"

Many people shook their heads and glanced at Bonte. The silver demon was a legendary strongman, killing the high-end forces of the Evil God Army, and the wolves rushed away. This kind of person has a great temper. If it explodes, you have to kowtow for mercy.

"But our **** cat has a long face this time, and when we go back, there must be a lot of people rushing to join."

The new people are very excited, no one does not like the strength of their team.

"Huh, less proud, what you should worry about is our safety. Others say that silver is the person of Hellcat. Do you think the evil spirit army will trouble us?"

Bunte made everyone silent.

"Not so bad?"

At the moment an old man's voice fell, a huge explosion came, and the entire Tower of Light and Flame shook.

"Start the guardian goddess!"

Aiwen shouted, and Kleina rushed out for the first time.

Outside the tower, there is a twilight dragon that is nearly 100 meters long, hovering in the air, and its neck is rapidly turning red, which is a sign of breath preparation.

"Start tower defense!"

When a golden light came on, the dragon breathed out, and a huge flame rolled, tearing the air and hitting the ground.

The flames were splashing, and the decaying soil was melted into magma in an instant. In the hot air, everyone's cheeks were roasted.

"Twilight Dragon?"

The members rushing out of the tower saw the dragon. They all took a breath, no one knows how the Twilight Dragon was born. There is no record of them in the dragon family tree, but this does not hinder their power. Compared to ordinary element dragons, this guy not only With strong physical strength, it is also very sensitive to elements, so it can be called a double training of magic and martial arts, and it can be terrifying.

Twilight dragons are few, but every one. All are fierce names, and there are many strong blood in their claws.

"I don't know what you mean?"

Ivan was not reckless, Kleina's eyelids jumped on the side, a dragon was enough to destroy them, and a female demon stood on its back.

The female demon has wings on her back and wears a bikini armor, which can only cover the key parts. The full chest is supported by the breastplate, and every time you breathe, it will draw an attractive arc. Her hips are also extremely upright, which makes people want to pinch, but the most dazzling is a pair of long legs , Leather knee-high leather boots. Outline the perfect curve.


The female devil waved her whip. She threw out a loud whip, and she didn't answer. Instead, they looked down proudly at these people.

"Is this a royal family?"

The new people feel that their legs must be like sieve chaff, and they can't control the tremor. Just like humans have royal families, there are demons, but in the abyss of power, the royal family is not hereditary, but is robbed by power, so everyone The royal family, regardless of pedigree, talent, talent, is a genius in a thousand miles!

The cumbersome patterns on the female devil's armor and the double horns on the head clearly show her identity, so she is qualified to despise everyone.

"You are **** cats?"

The female devil's voice was crisp, but it was far from the queen's dress.


Aiwen felt Kleina's fear and stepped forward to shield her from the wind and rain.

"Do you think this is useful?" The devil's lips flicked, "I can kill all of you in ten breaths."

"It's your business to kill or not, it's my business to do it or not!"

Ivan was not afraid.

"There are really good men in humans. I originally planned to kill you, leaving only one to report to the silver devil. Now, I changed my mind and only killed half."

The female demon embraced her chest with both hands and smiled loudly, "Compliment my kindness!"


The members of the group were cold and cold at the moment, only to feel that the neck was covered with a lasso of death. This was not a joke. The opposite was a cruel demon, an abyss who killed for pleasure.

"Choose it yourself and wait until I get it, but it's no different."

The female demon looked at these people playfully. She likes to play with people's hearts the most. In a word, they can let them fight internally. Then, when those who have their peers think they are alive, they cut off their heads. This desperate expression is simply a supreme delicious meal.

"Think about it, so excited!"

The female devil couldn't help but stretch out her red lips, licking her lips, her hands still grabbed her chest and kneaded hard.


The twilight dragon roared, exerting dragon power, and everyone felt like a huge stone crushing.

"How to do?"

No one wanted to die, looking helplessly at Ai Wen, and some new people with more thoughts backed away, and the old people were also watching the eyes and communicating quietly.

"All blame that Leon, breaking the balance on the front line, this royal demon, how can we fight?"

Bunte complained.

"To shut up!"

Aiwen scolded, "He is fighting for humanity!"

"Then let us die for him?"

Bunter's words resonated a lot, and they felt that Downton caused the enemy.

"I let you shut up." Ivan roared, "You are human, you are a noble race, don't let the glory and glory of Xitu fall from your hands!"

This sentence also made other people ashamed.

"Demon, let's do it, we humans will not kill each other, we will only hold our steel knives, and then fight to the last moment!"

Knowingly lost, but Ai Wen at this moment is fearless.

Kleine stood silently behind Ai Wen, gazing at his back with loving gaze, which is why she likes him without complaint or regret.

"Tuan Zhang, we swear to follow you!"

A member of the regiment stood up, and the leader who always hurt the spring and the sadness of the autumn. Let them be willing to follow him to the end of life.

"you guys……"

Bont's jealous eyes were full of blood, and he had wanted to slap the old people and kill the new ones. As a result, Ai Wenquan messed up, "Damn!"

"So I said that humans are a terrible race, their bodies are very fragile, but their spirits are very powerful!" The female devil looked bad, and ordered the demon servants, "Kill them!"

This is a battle without suspense. With only five breaths, half of the members fell. All are spikes.

"Tell that silver, my demon princess Adjani, waiting for him in the city of bones in the skinned wilderness!"

Glancing at the scorched earth and broken corpses in front of her, the female demon rode away on the dragon.

That day, the demon launched an elite and launched a raid, destroying a thousand lighthouses on the front. The heads of all the war dead were piled up into Jinguan.

On the same day, the Western Territory camp was shocked. While arming urgently, even the Supreme Command also knew the name of the silver demon. Countless people were discussing whether he would fight?

It's day. People in Castlevania know. Her Majesty's favorite princess, began her hunting journey again. They bet it would take a few days for the princess to make the human skull into a wine glass and place it on the wine cabinet.

Downton didn't know this at all. He had already found a safe place and started to step up.

The Heroes' Corridor is the secret state of the township of the Breton Empire. The immortal blood produced in it is the heart of the secret state. It is the crystallization of countless heroic forces and wisdom. Downton drank it and could have been directly promoted to St. Aoxun , But the battle with Queen Oni made him consume too much energy, but the blood of immortality is too powerful, still moisturizes and solidifies his body, so that his rank is stable at the peak of the legendary fourth order.

After this period of sleepless fighting, Downton began to integrate these fighting wisdoms. Today, he finally has to break through.

Every time the magician rushes the stage, he needs huge energy, not to mention the legendary stage, but it is known as the strong man in the realm, the legend is the god, and the soul is immortal, but he does not need it. In his body The immortal blood absorbed began to feed back.


In the huge earthquake of elements and laws, Downton was like the center of a storm, and began to radiate energy frantically to the surroundings. The strong shock wave scraped the soil away.

In an instant, the area of ​​tens of thousands of yards was covered with sand and dust, just like a sandstorm, and all the obstacles such as boulders and rock walls were torn by frantic energy.


With Downton as the core, the stars are solidified, dotted around, and then connected. Soon, a galaxy covering a hundred yards unfolds, the stars continue to solidify, and then the range of a thousand yards. With a little increase, the Milky Way in the sky seems to descend into the abyss.

Downton’s previous field was relatively monotonous, but now, there are many stars alone, and their colors are different, but they all revolve around him.

"This energy is so manic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is anyone on the rise?"

A keen demon glanced northwest, "Go, go and see!"

"I'm not going to die!"

Companion refused.


The devil is puzzled.

"Are you trying to take advantage of the weakening period of the opponent's fight against the law? Tell you, don't dream, this strength of the order, even if the opponent is seriously injured, can easily kill us."

The companion looked out, his eyes full of wonder and fear, "I'm going to change course."

The devil had to persuade him again, but found that the old men of the hunt group had no hesitation and all left quickly.

"Young man, greed is right, but moderate control is required."

The demon of the old qualification teaches the new man, this is the lesson of blood and tears.

Of course, there are always some unbelievable guys who want to get a cheap one. They think that they can benefit from the ambush in the periphery, and the moment the element strikes down, it is completely dumbfounded.


Thunder and lightning struck a tens of thousands of yards in a circle. They meander like a silvery python and dance with mighty power.

"Why is the elemental strike so wide?"

The mischievous guys wanted to escape, but they found that the thunder all around was mad and raging, and the turbulent flow of magic energy in the space also prevented them from using it smoothly, resulting in slow defense. (To be continued.)

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