Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1366: Devil's marvel

On the gloomy island, people were in a mess, some people cursed others for rash actions, ruined the ambush plan, some people shouted, asking everyone to go together, and some people, obviously a team, stuck in Downton On the way to the soul gate, he looked at him greedily and coldly.

"It's over, it's over, I wanted to inform you, but there is no chance!"

The mermaid hid in the grass and looked at those strong people who were familiar with it, and couldn't help feeling emotion. I'm afraid this metamorphosis is about to grow up this time.

"Poseidon is on, you must not be brave, even if you commit suicide and leave, it is better than being caught by them!"

The mermaid would like to shout and tell Downton this method, but he dare not, because doing so would make a lot of anger, and she would not want to gain a foothold in the soul continent in the future.

"Everyone pay attention, don't let him run away, and go out in the sea to block all his escape routes!"

A masculine man with Mosigan's hairstyle obviously had a high status and gave orders directly.

Downton turned his head and looked at Mo Xigan, showing a handsome smile, eight white teeth, shining in the sun.

When people didn't know why, Downton moved, shooting like a meteor, and shot at Mosigan.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Mo Xigan immediately urged that this guy was the leader, so there were many men on his side, and he had a lot of experience in the battle. He knew that Downton wanted to sacrifice his flag, so he stepped back and wanted to trap Downton in the battle. in.

call out! call out! call out!

Ice guns, light arrows, lightning, fireballs, all kinds of magic, soared from all directions, set fire to Dunton.

The Starlight Guard expands, and nine liquid masses rotate around Downton's body, one of which expands to take over all the magic.

Field skills, total reflection!

boom! boom! boom!

All the magic was condensed into watermelon-sized elemental bombs, reflecting the enemies in front of Moses.

Someone hides, some people turn on the shield to resist hard. For a time, the elements collided, igniting the dazzling Mars.

"Be careful! Here he is!"

Just at the moment when the scouts monitoring the battlefield finished, Downton entered like a hurricane.

Titan Flurry!

Uh! Uh! Uh!

The long blades of the two elements reflect the sunlight. A trace of silver thread was left in the air, and the screams were continuous. There were constantly broken pieces of the magician falling from the sky, and then before falling to the sea, they broke into pieces and were kicked out of the mainland.

Just a blink. Downton broke through the intercept and appeared in front of Moxigan.

"So strong?"

Moxi was taken aback and clenched the battle axe. "What are you waiting for? Come on!"


Downton intersects Moses, who stiffens a bit, then dismembers and breaks up into corpses.

The magicians who were charging were as if they were blessed with time-stopped magical magic, and all stopped, looking at him with a horrified look.

"This attack power is too terrible? One face to face, nearly a hundred dead?"

"It seems that he is the rumor of God of War. It should be true!"

"My Emperor Polo, if they were on the Western Continent, these people would die!"

Even if it doesn’t die, the awe of the power also makes the magicians have a great deal of fear.

"Don't stop, keep rushing!"

Downton hooked his finger.

People couldn't figure out what Dunton meant and didn't dare to act rashly.

"Okay, then I'll come!"

Downton was killed, and another **** storm blew up, wherever he went. There is no unity of enemies at all, only broken bodies.

"He wouldn't have thought of running away at all, but would destroy us?"

Quickly discovered Downton's intentions.

"No, there are nearly a thousand magicians here. Even if he is the God of War, can't he kill him?"

Many people don't believe it, but in just a few breathing hours, more than a dozen magicians were beheaded. Downton, who has the sky dance technique, shuttles freely like a shark in the sky. Hunt these enemies that are no different from tuna in his eyes.

"Why not? He just wants to wipe us out!"

"Damn, this guy is so arrogant!"

"Ah, I was wrong, let me go!"

Faced with a strong Downton, people have different choices, and some are even scared to beg for mercy on the spot.

Downton froze his face and killed the special killer. Once he met the enchanted enemies, he immediately took the initiative to attack, kill the commander, and break them up.

Under this tactic, even if there are many enemies, but the loss of command is completely scattered.

"This this……"

The mermaid looks stupid and can’t find an adjective to describe Downton. Whoever encounters this siege, he must be thinking about how to escape in the first place. He is okay. He turned against the current. What’s more terrifying is that the enemy actually blocked him. Can't live.

The people on the island watched Downton chase down the magicians in the air, and then he suddenly lowered his head.

At that moment, the people on the island retreated subconsciously, as if they were being stared at by a super-level beast, the skin was tight, the hairs were raised, the adrenal glands were rushing, and the heart was beating fast, almost jumping out of the throat. .

Downton rushed down!


I don’t know who shouted. The magicians took out the floating bones, crushed them at the fastest speed, and fled the nightmare.

Downton is like no one.

Every second, there is the death of the magician, the wailing and screaming before death, resounding in the sky.

Finally, the world is quiet!

The mermaid was dumbfounded, and when a long knife stopped in front of his nose, he reacted and screamed, "Shut up, it's me!"

Downton shrugged his shoulders, of course he knew it was a mermaid, otherwise he would have been hacked to death while waiting for the other party to call for help.

"Huh, it's terrible!"

The long knife was removed, and the mermaid patted her chest, calming her heart.

The plump chest shook a tempting wave, but unfortunately Downton's eyes didn't glance, which made the mermaid mad.

Downton went to the soul gate.

"Are you too strong, actually killed so many people?"

The mermaid glanced around, still a little unbelievable.

"It's just a group of people from all over the world. The real masters haven't been dispatched at all!"

With the mirror stopping the water, Downton had long noticed several ambushing very hidden guys, apparently observing the situation.

"I understand, you will definitely come to the Soul Continent, so it is better to gather information than to act rashly. It is the final word!"

The mermaid is a little smart.

"Thank you for venting the news, go back early!"

Downton waved his hand.

"Okay, don't you have a hug bye? Hey!"

As soon as the mermaid opened his hands, he saw Downton disappearing into the soul gate. The angry nose is all crooked. The mermaid family is born with handsome men and beautiful women. Coupled with the unique style of the sea clan, it is very charming. In the slave market, it is a high-priced slave equal to the elf beauty. The big aristocrats and big businessmen are all rushing, but this man is a good one.

"Humph, ignore you next time!"

He grumbled and complained, but in the bottom of his heart, the mermaid was already looking forward to seeing Downton again.

The field of vision changed from black to dim, and the air moved from stagnation to stagnation, which made Downton not open his eyes and knew he was back in the treasure trove.

"How do you feel? Wait, your temperament!"

In order to avoid depleting the remaining divine power. So after sending Downton into the Soul Continent, he returned, so he would be surprised to see him now.

If Downton's will was like a sword embryo before, then now, it is a sharp scabbard, which pierces people's eyes and makes people unable to look directly at it.

"God of War? What a joke? I know your talent is very good. You have become a master of battle early, but God of War. That's a realm that countless people are climbing and can't do!"

The devil's eyes were like lasers, staring at Downton, glancing back and forth, wishing to see him through. What is God of War? It is the ultimate state of martial arts. It is the same difficult to be a **** and a **** of war. Don’t look at those gods in front of a **** of war. Must sigh Furu.

Cheap God and Homer looked down at Downton appreciatively, contentedly, and they knew he would not disappoint, but this day did come a little earlier.

"I'm worried that he will be proud and will stop moving forward!"

Homer worried.

"Downton is not that kind of person, in order to match God Lan Xue, he will work hard!"

The cheap **** frowned, and the demon **** was also an enemy.

"Huh, it seems that I chose you, really it is right!"

The devil also planned to see Downton as a toilet, and throw it away after use. Now, it is a bit reluctant. This is the God of War, "If I get his body..."

Because he was worried about what plot the devil was playing, Downton did not dare to stay in the soul continent for a long time, but at present it seems that he is thinking too much, just like the cheap god, they will willingly pay a great price in order to rekindle the fire.

"Work with me, the benefits I can give you are far better than that goddess!"

The devil's whisper rang in Downton's ear, tempting him to fall.

"Yes, but you have to show your sincerity. At first I helped the goddess of brilliance. I became a Templar from a civilian. I learned three of the eight praises and possessed two divine levels of magic!"

Downton pouted, deliberately showing a greedy expression, "Don't try to fool me!"

"No wonder this human is full of lies, there is no knightly style, it is wild!"

The devil snorted and followed the temptations, "Okay, I will teach you a blood-staining technique. Those who learn it can change their signs at will, except for a few god-level spells, I don't want to see through, because it is a god-level dark secret!"

"tell me the story!"

Downton snapped his fingers, "Don't think that if you hang on the **** level, you will be satisfied!"

"Huh, to be honest, I'm afraid you will die. This is the seal of God's Word. It is directly imprinted into your mind. If you can't understand it, your head will burst!"

The devil warned Downton, in fact, this is a double-handed means, through the magical skills to test whether Downton is qualified to help himself, dead, a hundred, if the study is successful, Wanhua technique can also make him live like a fish It took a long time for him to seize the body.

"bring it on!"

Downton sat cross-legged on the ground, dispelling distractions.

The devil opened his mouth, the air swayed, and everything in the treasure trove trembles. With his pronunciation, one after another mysterious text appeared in the air, and then hit me like a meteor.

boom! boom! boom!

With Downton's ability to fight, his head was back, his forehead was blue, he was bleeding, and he fell to the ground with his head, and hugged his back in pain.

"Don't you faint? Gee, it's a half-step **** of war. This willpower is tough and frightening!"

The demon sighed with emotion, like appreciation of antiques, appreciation of Downton, and after discovering his blood, talents, and even the advantages of the body, he couldn't put it down. He wished to strip him and play it carefully for several years.

Downton's head was completely messed up with a porridge, completely unable to think, just like the brain pulp was fried, thrown into the polar ice and frozen quickly, and like being crushed back and forth by the chariot, afterwards, it became It is penetrated by iron rods that have been red-hot.

When all the words entered the mind, they began to inflate, just like a balloon filled with water, about to burst.


Downton was terribly painful and called it out. These are, after all, sacred scriptures that carry magical skills. Even if he and the cheap **** fit together, they can read some, but they still cannot understand them all.

"Damn, what are these things!"

Downton was very annoyed, and consciousness did not dare to touch these words at all, otherwise it would be wiped out, which is a phenomenon in which consciousness could not bear the divine power and collapsed.

"Don't try to think anymore, with me, at least you won't die!"

Cheap God discourages.

"If I can't figure out even a few broken words, how can I compete with Heinrich for Dilan Xue? What qualification do I have to marry her?"

Downton growled, simply touching the words with his soul, of course, it was more painful than conscious contact.

The devil lipped his lips and looked at Downton's twisted cheeks. He felt pain.


Black flames suddenly appeared on Downton's body, which was a characteristic of the unfolding of the scripture.

"Look at it like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~It takes at least one month to read, I think you will die!"

The devil ridiculed.

Downton did not answer, because he found that after unraveling the first text, the flame of the goddess on his body burned, and then those gods and scriptures, like the refined ore, were directly dismembered and flowed into the bloodstream, naturally Comprehend.

The black flame gradually extinguished.

"Isn't it? You want to unlock the prose?"

The demon stunned, how many minutes? But Downton's expression gradually converged, undoubtedly proving that he had obtained the secret technique.

"Is there any more? Let's increase the fighting power!"

Downton sat up and took a long breath.

"My Emperor Polo, are you a monster?"

The Demon God was frightened. If he still had a body, it would definitely be a big jump, away from Downton. He really saw the undead. He learned faster than he was back then.

"Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and teach me the dark secrets. After I’ve finished, I will capture the devil princess and let her taste the ravaged taste!"

Downton urged.

"Ji Jie, yes, it's a pity to kill, turn her into a female slave, let her be a bull and a horse, and torture it once a day!"

The Demon God smiled and incited Downton. The cruelest way to deal with the enemy was not to kill her, but to torture her, let her hate you, but unable to resist, it is definitely a double torture of the body and the soul. (To be continued.)

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