Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1385: Ancient Technology

"Is it considered cheap?"

Holy Lily's poisonous tongue, "Let you not do it, do not let you shy and plead!"

"Human, believe it or not, I swallow you now?"

The Demon God roared, and the mighty divine power spread out, causing the black lightning to rush from the top of his head and bang.


Shengli didn't evade, the magic wand shone with the goddess' blaze, breaking all darkness.

"Go together, I will kill him for you!"

The cheap **** joins in the excitement, and suddenly makes the demon **** sigh.

"Okay, stop. Everyone is a team, let's work together!"

Downton appeased.

This usually sounds okay, but now it is full of sense of disobedience, not to mention the goddess of splendor and the demon **** are incompatible, even the sage, but also the hostile camp that wants to stab the other party and spit on the body.

"Devil God, my cooperation with the Cheap God is very happy. Do you want to replace her, and always show some value?"

Downton poses as a villain in terms of conditions.

"It's really a scumbag with no discipline, and I want to use me, but it doesn't matter, as long as you have, I can slowly erode your soul."

The devil murmured, but with a smile on his face, "Relax, leave it to me."

The fire is extinguished, and there is no soul power to supplement it. The devil has been consuming the source, but it has no choice. The cheap gods and virgins value Downton, which really makes it Alexander, knowing that they can’t take advantage of it, people will definitely not trust themselves. .

"Take the Devil God like a dog, you are so powerful!"

Holy Lily folded his hands together, his beautiful big eyes flickered, and looked at Downton with admiration, like a fan. I just shouted a word for ‘fuck’.

"Do not consume it, how can we kill him?"

Downton was helpless. He could not feel good about himself, because the voice of the saint was full of reproach.

"Can you become a deity, do you know what to experience? Even if it falls, it is also supremely powerful. You count others and lose your life is light."

Holy Lily sighed.

"Do not worry!"

Downton patted the saint's shoulder, then hugged it, the soft touch made him enjoy, but walked a few steps. I realized that this action was too offensive, and let go.


Downton apologized with embarrassment.

"Well, a man with no guts, he will definitely be killed by Lion Ji Xun in the future. Let you drink soup and never dare to bite the bone!"

Holy Lily rolled her eyes, "Go away."

"This attitude. Will she fall in love with you?"

Homer and the cheap **** are stunned. Even if it is because of the relationship between Di Lanxue, the Saint will not look down upon her because Donton is a girlfriend's boyfriend?

"what's wrong with me?"

St. Lily, who was walking a few steps, frowned tightly, and she found that she was particularly comfortable with Downton. There seemed to be a breath on the other side. Fascinate yourself inexplicably. Just like a moth puffing fire, want to pounce.

"All this. It should be related to the goddess of flame!"

There is a big secret that St. Lily didn’t tell Downton, that is, her connection with the goddess is always intermittent, which means that the goddess’s will is unstable, and only the gods on the verge of falling will have this problem.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Saint Lily would not dare to think, that is, the goddess has fallen, only enough sacrifices to make up for the fire, she has the power to lower the Oracle!

With the Demon God leading the way, the team progressed smoothly.

"Three hundred meters in front, on the left, there is a team of bugs ambush!"

As the Devil God's words fell, Downton immediately accelerated, Holy Lily chanted the mantra, and the aura shot from the wand, blessing him with a brilliant aura.

The insects that were about to sneak attack were still counting down. As a result, after seeing a human teleport, they rushed over like a chariot, wrapped in strong momentum.


The worm screamed with excitement. Just before he charged, a heavy punch fell from the sky and smashed the flesh and blood from the ground. , Downton entered the unmanned state, and opened a killing ring.

When St. Lily arrived, all he saw was broken corpses.

Moving along the winding and rugged worm road, more than an hour later, the two came to a huge underground square. In the north, a gate made of worm shells was erected, which was full of worm words and runes. Dazzled.

"Open the door!"

Because he engulfed the insect's soul, the devil knows how to open it.

"and many more!"

Downton stopped, watching carefully in front of the door.

"what happened?"

The demon thought Downton was troublesome.

"Someone came early!"

Holy Lily also looked dignified.


The devil is puzzled, "Fuck, maybe it's a bug passing by!"

"No, there are no footprints here!"

Downton explained, "If it is a bug, it will not deliberately remove the mark left."

"Then do you know how someone came?"

The devil inquired that after possessing absolute power, he has rarely used wisdom, because the divine radiation can destroy all enemies.

"The dust on the stone door shows signs of flaking."

Downton pointed to the ground, because the stone door would eventually be closed, so no matter what, no one could leave behind.

"Have you noticed such a faint thing?"

The demon **** glanced and found that the dust near the stone door was indeed a little thicker, and the new and the old are different. Such a subtlety, how terrible observation must be noticed!

"Be careful, everyone!"

Downton urged.

Opposite the stone door, there is another scene, different from the pungent smell of the insect nest and the full green, everything here is the color of steel, even the floor is made of Downton’s indescribable metal, so it is extremely eye-catching. Looking around, it is all metal texture.

"It's a luxury, how much ore does this have to use?"

Shengli Li knocked on the ground, according to the feedback of the sound, at least a few tens of meters deep, all made of steel.

"It's a Titan ruin!"

Homer sighed.

"Where do you go?"

Downton radiates soul power, the mirror is fully open, searching around, searching for possible ambush enemies.

Holy Lily is calming down and is about to use the sixth sense to predict a most valuable position. Suddenly, all the hairs stood up, like a wild deer walking on the grassland after a full meal, and it suddenly ran into a lion emerging from the grass.


It was too late to speak. Holy Lily's soul will be like boiling water, rushing towards Downton, at the same time, the scepter shines brightly, and layers of quick shields refresh on the body.

As we all know, the more powerful the magic, the longer the casting time. After all, in this way, more magic energy can be mobilized, so the Holy Lily did not dare to use it, and he was not at ease. Activate the defensive magic in the magic equipment storage.

Holy Lily turned his head, at ten o'clock, under the dark curtain, there were a pair of scarlet eyes, shining with cold light, and there was a snorting sound before the Saint Girl looked over. Two red beams came.

Downton did not hesitate to choose a meat shield, but his reaction, even teleportation, was half a beat slow.


The beam hit St. Lily's body, the shield burst instantly, and the debris was scattered. She was hit by a strong impact. Roll back.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The red beam continued to shoot.

"Don't hardwire!"

Holy Lily reminded loudly. The forehead is full of scared sweat beads, the enemy's attack is terrible. She was able to survive, completely because of her old combat experience. If she didn't release the shield in the magic costume, she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

"Defense with all your strength, don't go too far!"

Seeing the holy lily's shield broken by a single blow, Tang Dun dares to resist, the starlight body launches, seven astral **** appear around him, the Shield of Fury of the Lonely Mountain pops up, a large number of brow runes, one The flame banshee shot out and revolved around her body.

Downton punches.

boom! boom! boom!

The beam came continuously, smashed the heavy boxing, and hit Downton again. Because he wanted to protect Saint Lily, he did not dare to dodge. As a result, he was famous for his defense. He only carried three shots and the shield broke.

"All right!"

Holy Lily has rich experience. After venting his impulse and restoring his balance, he immediately dodges and always maintains a range with Downton that he can support at any time.

In such a kung fu, Downton took another two shots, and the flame banshee was broken, shattered into a firefly-like light spot, and scattered in the starry night.

The assailants rushed out. The guy was two and a half meters tall, with muscular knots, wearing a peculiar leather outfit, and pedaling with a loud bang, which showed that he was full of strength.


There was a strange weapon in the hands of the attacker. After a metal impact, a slamming sound was fired and a red light mass was shot.

The light group is extremely fast, almost surpassing Downton's ability to capture vision.


The light group rubbed Downton and struck the ground, hitting the ground directly, not to mention, the ground melted into a big pit with a radius of two meters.

"Steel Golem?"

Seeing the attacker approaching Downton, St. Lily flew him with a punch, and couldn't help but take a breath. She knows how powerful Downton's melee ability is. She has barely been suppressed since her debut.

boom! boom!

The Golem's combat experience is also extremely rich. After flying Downton, he immediately manipulated the weapon in his hand and fired three times in a row.

Downton opened the shield and was shattered again, but then with an impact, he flipped back and recovered his balance.

"Discover the intruder and get rid of it!"

The golem's eyes suddenly flashed red, and after turning around and sweeping over Downton and Holy Lily, he left him and rushed towards the Saint.


Downton kicked the ground with his feet, and his knees uttered an overwhelming groan~ followed by a sprint, successfully intercepting the golem~www.wuxiaspot.com~Bang!

Downton flew out with the golem, pulled out the dark heart, and stabbed it.

Zi Zi!

The wallet was scratched, but the Golem was splattered with only one scratch.

"My Di Polo, what kind of defense is this?"

Downton swears, but he has an epic weapon in his hand, and even the dragon can stab him. The result can only cause this damage, which is too scary.

"This is definitely a defender built by the ancient technology, don't love to fight, run!"

Homer urged.

"Do you think we ran away?"

Holy Lily Tucao quickly refreshed Downton's various defensive magic techniques. The golem looks like a muscle that walks the tough line ~ stick, but it is extremely agile and firmly suppresses Downton's front line. (To be continued.)

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