Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1387: Light Flame Star Lord

"Oh, don't be discouraged, but you are a civilian, and you have less resources and time than Heinrich!"

Holy lily comfort.

"The starting line is different, how do you compare?"

The cheap **** has a strong expectation of Downton, "If you put down your psychological mustache and get on the throne of Brittany, you are fully qualified to compete with him."

"What's better? Didn't Di Lanxue choose Downton? That means he is better than Heinrich."

I walked all the way with Downton. Although this kid was awkward in some places, it was really good. It was Homer's most satisfied host.

"What more?"

The devil couldn't get in his mouth, there was a sense of loneliness that was excluded.

"You don't understand!"

Holy lily and cheap **** blow.

"Okay, don't be noisy!"

Seeing that the two sides were going to quarrel again, Downton hurriedly stopped it, but he was thinking of the Golem t-800. He had also seen it in the dwarf kingdom. The model is the same. It is said to be the highest masterpiece of dwarf forging craftsmanship, but the fighting power and This comparison is hard to mention, especially it can be seen that the dwarf should have dug a Titan ruin and then copied it.

"What should we do now?"

Holy Lily aimed at Downton and handed over the command, which meant that if he chose to fight, she would also obey.

"Do you still need to say? Of course it is to kill them and monopolize the ruins."

The Demon God is arrogant, in fact, if he changes other teams, he will die the same choice. In the wild, who doesn’t want to monopolize the loot? So it depends on strength.

"Forget it, this is an abyss after all, don't kill each other."

Downton hesitated and refused, "Anyway, the ruins are so big that other loot can always be found."

"Women's kindness."

The devil despised.

"Hero. Alright, leave quietly!"

St. Lily smiled and was very satisfied with Downton’s choice. At present, the enemy, she naturally hopes that the West Territory camp will work together, only this time. A little bit pretentious.

Just when St. Lily planned not to alarm the other party to evacuate, two red light beams suddenly burst into the air and hit her head.


In the dizzying roar, a canine golem was killed from the oblique thorn, biting at Saint Lily's neck, and a beam of light was emitted from his eyes.

Saint Lily's body glowed suddenly, the defensive magic act was activated autonomously, and three shields popped up.

boom! boom!

The beam is blocked. The holy lily was thrown back by the impact of St. Lily.

Downton fists!

boom! boom! boom!

The dog golem rolled, Downton stepped on the Xingyue dance steps, and after intercepting, it was a fierce attack towards it.

The golem is invisible, and the mirror can't catch the water. This is obviously the booty of the death star. Downton doesn't want to give it a second chance.

The death star squad attacked the canine golem. Suddenly burst and rushed at full speed. And released their respective demon servants.

A flying eagle that is even bigger than a rhino, two yalong beasts, and a flaming lion beast that is known for its speed, air and land attacking Warcraft, plus surveillance, this team configuration is almost perfect to explode. It can also be seen that the Death Star Legion can contain the top ten contingents of the mainland, and it is not that it has won its name.

call out!

A red falcon bird cut through the sky, dragging a red trace, and shot like a lightning towards Holy Lily.


The devil gasped. These people have discovered Downton and the two, and everything just now is just a disguise for sneak attack.

"Stop, I'm Holy Lily!"

Holy Lily didn't hit the killer, and the scepter waved, summoning a golden light shield.


The Hayabusa collided on it and could not break through the defense, immediately lifted off and flew into the distance.

"Grab it!"

Downton raised his right hand, and Hayabusa obviously wanted to communicate. He would not let the other party do this until the situation was clear.

call out!

A flame burst out of the ring, and instantly turned into a firebird. It flew and flew to kill the red falcon.

"Furious, deadly fight!"

The captain roared, the five men's fighting intentions soared, and the offensive continued.

"Lily, your face is not good!"

Downton ridiculed that these people are all scepter ranks, and they are definitely a good hand on the outside, but here, it is not enough to watch.

"Hello, keep your hands on, don't blame me for being rude."

Holy Lily is very annoyed.

"How do I know if you are true or false?"

The captain spoke.

"Lily, don't count, these guys don't want to let anyone go!"

Downton's eyes flashed and his hand became heavier. The intention of these people was to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the enemy when he kept his hand.

"I know!"

Holy Lily is annoyed, it’s enough to say that other people don’t know themselves, but the Death Star will never, let alone the elite who penetrated the worm’s nest, they have already collected intelligence on those famous people from various countries. It is to get a little advantage without panic when fighting on a certain day.


The captain gave the order, but the behavior of the regiments was just the opposite, one by one rushed to Downton.

"Ma Lei, I thought I was bullying!"

Downton's anger also came up, anyway, it is a legendary strongman, tolerated for so long, has been on the face of Saint Lily.

Just when Downton was about to fly close to his enemies, the other party suddenly caught a punch and slammed it with a punch, but also hung it on his body.

"Be careful!"

Holy Lily was in a hurry, spreading the magic to Downton, "This guy wants to expose himself!"

The enemy glared at Downton, his lips twitched, his skin glowed with purple light, the dazzling irreversible complexion, the soul power soared rapidly.

"Suicide attack?"

Downton turned on the Starlight Guard because he knew he couldn't get rid of the other party.

"go to hell!"

The enemy roared with teeth and teeth, "For the glory of my Lord!"


The enemy exploded, the impact was full of waves, and Downton was unharmed, but three more enemies rushed over, with a firm expression, and it was completely a deadly look.

"My Emperor Polo, what did you do? Make people desperate?"

The demon was surprised. Life and death enemies, the war situation is just so intense to such an extent.

"For the glory of my Lord!"

boom! boom! boom!

The enemy exploded.

"Catch me alive!"

Downton came out of the waves, the fire was a mess, and the enemy's eyes looked at him like a hatred that was not a common enemy. Unwilling to retreat, he chose to explode. He wanted to know why!

A spirit shock of the demon **** controlled the captain's body and made him kneel on the ground.

"I need an explanation!"

Downton asked.

The battle is over, the powerful Firebird, in less than a minute, suppressed the five-headed Warcraft and burned them into black charcoal.

"Bah. Despicable villain, you deserve to compete with our master for His Royal Highness? Let's go for your spring and autumn dreams!"

The captain opened his scarlet eyes, glared at Downton, and after spitting out, his body glowed with red light, which was a sign of self-explosion.

"The Duke of Heinrich, Winning!"

With the fanatic roar of the captain, he blasted into a ball of minced meat.

Downton certainly didn't have any scars, but the other's gesture. But let him look dignified.

"Are they controlled by magic?"

Looking at the wreckage, Downton asked.

"No. The spirit is sound."

The devil is an expert in dark spells, "They worship that Heinrich, and they are willing to give everything for him."

In fact, according to normal tactics, after encountering the enemy. The Death Star will carry out a raid, and if it fails, it will retreat, but who knows that Downton summoned the Firebird.

As Heinrich's loyal loyalists, they also heard the rumors of Dilan Xue and Downton. Regardless of whether it was true or false, Downton only died to wash away the humiliation suffered by the owner, so they explored everything about Downton and recognized his identity the moment he saw the Firebird.

The battle is not dead, and they dedicate their lives to Heinrich, which is how they defend themselves and the glory of the legion.

"To be honest, if this is your enemy, you have little hope of winning."

If I can teach my subordinates to such a degree, even if the Devil God has never seen it before, he knows that Heinrich is definitely a leader of personality charm.


Downton didn't want to stay here.

"Knowing that the enemy won't explode, the dead are worthless."

Homer sighed.

"Who said there is no value?"

Saint Lily laughed at herself and looked in the direction of nine o'clock, the T-800 appeared, and they exposed themselves in order to make a movement and attract this terrible guy.

In the core area of ​​the ruins, a team of up to two hundred people carrying various high-tech equipment is working intensively.

In the warehouse, there is a huge mechanical Titan, kneeling halfway on the ground, densely packed tubular lines from all parts of its body, connected to some magic equipment, and some goblins engineers operate through these terminal devices .

"Isn't it alright?"

The leader was restless, this is the twelfth question today.

No one answered. It was all crackling operation sounds. Engineers had to concentrate on analyzing those data streams. Once they made mistakes, a few days of work wasted.

"It's been more than a month, but it hasn't been completed yet. It is indeed the essence of Titan Technology!

The adjutant served a cup of coffee, looked up at the mechanical Titan, and his eyes were obsessed. "This is the Magic God? Can a machine suppress the existence of a country?"

"No, the master's ancestor, the magic weapon **** owned by the unbreakable **** of war, is the elf queen and he made according to the mechanical Titan. This statue should be the original version."

"What is it called?"

The adjutant looked at this mechanical Titan with awe, dreaming that the legion under its leadership would be like a bamboo shoot and conquer the whole world.

"Light Flame Star Lord!"

The head murmured, and his voice was full of pilgrimage.

"The leader ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not good, the soul crystals of the sixth and seventh teams are all destroyed. It is estimated that the group was destroyed. The eighth regiment that contained the annihilators also sent first aid signals."

A staff officer came and looked ugly.

"Why did it happen at this time?"

The leader suddenly stood up, "How long will it take?"

The chief engineer still did not answer.

"Damn, execute plan b!"

It seems that it is impossible to accept the Lord of Flames safely. The leader is forced to plan in advance. In this way, a lot of data will be lost and a perfect body cannot be obtained.


With the command of the regiment, the adjutant and the staff stood up to salute, then trot and returned to their posts. (To be continued.)



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