Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1389: Pinnacle of power

"This is not dead?"

Downton groaned and noticed that the golem was running, her eyes began to shoot red beams again, and a light blue light appeared on her chest. ┞┞┞ want ╟ to read a book ╟

"Can't it be the source of power?"

Downton was about to try it out, and was pulled by Holy Lily.

"What do you want? Retreat!"

Holy Lily urged, this is a monster that is dozens of times more difficult than t-. During the run, she silently chanted the hymn, and the white angel wings appeared behind him, taking her to the air.

Downton started the Lord of the Rings and entered an invisible state, wanting to put pressure on the Golem and distract him. If there is a chance, he will also attack.

The female demon made a leap and ejected towards the Holy Lily.

The hand of judgment!


In the deafening roar, a large blue hand was overwhelmingly pressed down, and a thick thunder meandered like a jungle python, completely sweeping the golem.

Thousand yards all turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


A blue light mask surrounds the golem's body, blocking the violent lightning. Just when the impact force knocked her back to the ground, her arms were down, and two flames suddenly sprayed from the palm of her hand. Let her add, the shells were generally fired at St. Lily.


Tang Dunjia, conducting a sneak attack, these lightnings are quite spiritual, and they will suddenly bend and pass by when they encounter him.

Facing the close-up female golem, Saint Lily calmed herself, suddenly turned around, and raised her hand to draw a cross. Want ┢┞┠┞ to read a book┢

call out!

Cross Golden Light Dasheng suddenly soared to more than ten meters in size, like a crossbow car, and shot the arrows of Holy Light.

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of arrows are like a tuna group, and instantly hit the golem.

The bursting sound was intense and the elements were agitated.

It's just that the degree of the Golem is undiminished. Those light arrows hit her, just like the ice and snow that met the sun, it melted directly.

Downton got close. Just about to accumulate power, hit a big burst, the golem suddenly turned her head, her eyes burst into a bright beam.


Downton tried his best to dodge. But he was still bombed and smashed heavily on the ground, but seized the time when the female demon was distracted and shot down by the cross ruling.


The golden light cross hit the golem, a big explosion. Because it was too fast, a cross-shaped halo burst out on the ground in the next moment.

"Lightning exposed your position?"

Holy Lily shook his hands and gave dozens of healing magic to Downton.

"No, didn't you show up? This guy locked us in a strange way!"

Downton spit out the dust and blood foam in his mouth.

St. Lily tried in stealth. Sure enough, the beam of the Golem shot without hesitation, without any errors.

"It won't run away this time!"

Holy Lily appeared next to Downton. ┟To read┟┞┞Book 1┡

"Then fight, I haven't been afraid of anyone since my debut!"

Downton gritted his teeth and didn't want to fight the Golem. I don't want to be picked up by others, but I'm not afraid of each other.

"Okay, let me help you!"

Saint Lily threw out **** praises. In fact, she wanted to help, but she was helpless. The Golem was immune to the legal system. The series of holy hands hit, and even no scratches were left.

The halo of blood floated to his feet, Downton's momentum began to climb, and his soul was like a volcano. The surging power and magic energy will flow to the limbs.

The golem suddenly stopped, and the various values ​​in the field of vision were climbing at an extremely rapid rate.

Downton's right foot slammed. Disappearing in the space, the next moment, the Golem was flying, Downton chased, and fists.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton's punch broke through the sound barrier and the air was broken. It spreads in a ring shape to the surroundings, and there are continuous sonic booms.

The golem had to adjust her posture so Downton would not let her do what she wanted.

Step into the moon and dance, floating combos!

Downton's body swayed, stepping on a subtle pace, and in the blink of an eye, he divided dozens of phantoms. Besieging the golem, he had no time to take out his weapons and replaced the sword with a fist.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

All the magical energy blades shot, all of them hit the female golem, her leather clothing was torn, and the debris fluttered like snowflakes.

A perfect snow white ketone ~ the body is exposed to the air, because it is constantly flying, the chest and hips are violently shaken, and it is tempting.

Downton didn't even sweep his eyes. ╟┠要┡╟Read a book.ww.╟


Holy Lily secretly praised, Downton did not pursue attack damage, but mainly to destroy the balance of the Golem, as long as this guy stays in the air, it is a sandbag.

The golem clearly also had this problem, and a purple light burst suddenly from her body, exuding a powerful gravitational field.

The ground is steel. This time, even Downton was helpless. The female demon sucked like a magnet with a bang.

Downton fell like a ghost.

The field is domineering and endlessly broken!


Downton's fist hit the golem's face!


The steel floor immediately sags, and because of the squeeze around, there are irregular undulations and twists, and the legs of the golem are even more warped.

Click! Click!

The air and the ground seemed to be broken glass, cracks appeared, and then burst into small pieces.

Downton’s astral field is magical. This punch is the one after the fusion of the field and the domineering boxing. It can shatter everything.

"Be careful, she is not dead yet!"

Holy Lily reminds.


A beam of light emerged from the left eye of the golem, Downton ducked his head away, and the motion of the make-up knife was also slowed by half a beat.


The golem waved her fist, and the two collided again, and then her fist exploded, banging, and the impact force flew Downton. ╟┟╟Read ┝Book┢

The battle is temporarily suspended.

The golem stood up, her right eye was ruined, and she was staring at Mars. Her right hand exploded, revealing the metal layer, which was covered with some wires, and sparks were flashing.

The metal layer was activated, wriggled, stretched, and changed to the shape of the right hand again.

Saint Lily was about to attack. She saw a light blue light shining on the chest of the golem again. No surprise, this should be the core of power.

"Lily, you flash away, this is my fight!"

Downton's tone hardened hard.

"If I were beaten to death, I wouldn't collect the corpse for you!!"

Shengli lied to complain. In fact, there was a little sweetness in her heart. The female demon attacked and broke the demon, and she would be suppressed indefinitely, so Downton would take the initiative to take over the enemy.

"Huh. The taste of being cared for is really good!"

Seeing the two men fighting together again, Shengli Li actually squatted on the ground, holding his cheeks in both hands, admiring the heroic attitude of Downton fighting.

Some little angels appeared. As a cheerleader, cheer for Downton.

"Can you be more serious?"

Downton rolled his eyes, and was beaten into the floor.


At the same time, Death Star was carrying out plan b. An elite team of twenty people successfully stole a worm egg covered with cursed patterns and fled to the remains of the Titan.


Worm-piercing bugs rang through the worm's nest, and the worm mother was completely irritated, chasing down the elite squad.

"It's already here, hold on again!"

Captain cheer.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

An arrow of green slime shot, and an elite could not dodge. It was just that his arm touched some, and the mucus immediately boiled and spread, looking down on his entire body, leaving only a puddle of pus.


Looking at the stone gate, the worm mother stopped and attacked like a vent.

After the community settled down, the worm mother tried to invade the ruin because it could feel a huge energy inside and attracted it deeply. But its pace was blocked by a terrifying monster, so for hundreds of years, it was safe.

After only a few minutes of choice, the worm mother plunged into the stone gate.

The stolen egg. It is a king egg, gestating a female worm, it shoulders the important task of the ethnic group to spread leaves.

If at ordinary times, in view of the strength of the monsters in the ruins, the worm mother may have given up taking back, but this time. After just losing hundreds of thousands of ethnic groups, it needs daughters to give birth and grow the ethnic group quickly, otherwise the jihad is imminent and there is not enough power, they Zerg will not be able to grab sufficient benefits.

"Very good, start implementing the third step plan, try to create chaos, and attract the annihilators to appear!"

The captain watched the worm mother chase in, and threw a fist in excitement. This command was almost suicidal. After all, they thought that the chance of escaping from the annihilator was less than one thousandth, but for the master's plan, they still had no chance. No regrets.

Bang! Bang!

The explosion sounded intensively. If it was in the past, the annihilator had already appeared, but today, there is no ghost.

"what happened?"

The captain was dumbfounded. If the monster did not appear again, the plan would fail. After all, these dead men could not stop the crazy chase of the lord-level worm mother.

"Head, plan b failed."

The adjutant arrived in a hurry to report the situation.


The commander's airy eyes were all cracked, but after listening, he made up immediately, "Implement plan c, the first and second corps meet the worm mother, all the scout groups are dispatched, to search for the annihilator's trail, be sure to lead it to the worm mother. ."

After learning that there is a Titan ruin here, Heinrich's staff of thousands of people formulated hundreds of strategies, and finally, after repeated deductions, the most optimal plan was selected.

In order to prove themselves, the princes and princesses formed a group to come to the ruins and take risks. In fact, all of these are part of the battle, and the staff of the staff is behind.

Taking advantage of the riots in which this group of people invaded the worm's nest, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and the Death Star sneaked into the ruins silently. During the hardship, it is needless to say that the first goal was to bring the Lord of Flames back. In order not to disturb the defensive system of the ruins, they stayed for more than a month, and did not even dare to move those valuable battleships.

Once discovered, it will induce the worm mother and the Titan guard to fight, and then benefit the fishermen. This plan has a lot of casualties, but now, even this plan has not succeeded, and only the soldiers of the Death Star can be dispatched to go Fight against worms.

It was the turn of the regiment's turn to decide whether to take advantage of the soldiers to delay the enemy and bring an incomplete Blaze Star Lord back, or to concentrate on defeating the worm mother and the Titan guard, and completely occupying the remains.

Of course, this last step will definitely make the death star's elite dead and wounded.

"Leader, let's fight, just take a crippled product back, how can you see the commander with a face? You will be laughed at by other legions!"

The adjutants were surging in their wars, so as to go to the unfavorable record, so that they have a high spirit, and doing it, we must be perfect! (To be continued.)



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