Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1397: Return home

Kazak's face was full of anger, and he wanted to give this human a little bit of color to look at, but he took two violent steps and stiffened in place.

"Dead? All dead?"

Kazak's body trembles uncontrollably, which is almost a one-sided slaughter, and the efficiency is very fast, even if Saint Aoxun comes in person, it is only so!

Aura emerged from the top of Xingjue's head, and dozens of beams were output from above, cutting irregularly on the ground, leaving a big crater of explosion.

Even if you get away with the bombing, you will be killed by shock waves.

"What is this? Arsenal?"

Downton noticed that the magic array on his shoulders lit up, and then delivered a cylindrical weapon with a length of twelve meters.

"Thunder Gun?"

Downton silently read the Titan text, grabbed the cannon and aimed at Kazak.

In an instant, Kazak’s body hair was all raised up in shock, almost even his skin was torn off. It was also a legendary super beast anyway, and he had a natural sense of danger. The muzzle of the black hole was There is an endless breath of death.

"Is it used that way? Be careful and accidentally hurt!"

The voice of Saint Lily had just dropped, and Xingjue pulled the trigger.


The muzzle gathered energy, first lit a light blue light, and then shot out.


A blue-white beam with a diameter of up to one meter burst out, as if the blade pierced the fragile tofu, directly penetrating the insect wall.

boom! boom! boom!

The explosion raged and the smoke filled.

The walls around the beam, visible to the naked eye, became reddish, softened, and then turned into a fluid shape, snorting with white steam.

Kazak Wraith Hat, even if it is more than ten meters away from the light beam, it can feel the terrifying heat coming from it, and even its chitinous carapace must be scorched.

The light beam didn't disappear, Downton grabbed it, and slashed towards Kazak like a sword.

Kazak's shield was fully opened, blasting the insect wall, and fleeing in other passages, but the light beam was chasing after it. After cutting the insect wall, it cut through its body.


Kazak was divided into two, his stomach partly vaporized, and the remaining two amputations were completely charred, so that no blood could flow out.

"I don't want to die!"

Because the attack was too fierce, Kazak had not died for a while, and he was climbing on the ground with a painful expression on his face. The insects had already seen this scene and had already dispersed.


Killing a super beast with one blow, the destructive power of the Thor cannon is terrifying.

"The consumption is amazing!"

Looking at the circular sign representing energy on the display, Downton smiled bitterly, just one shot, the body consumed one-tenth of the energy, and converted into gold coins was enough for the living expenses of a town of ten thousand people for several years.

"Quickly clean the battlefield. The bodies of the super beasts are all superb magic materials." Saint Lily pouted, "You are all kings, and still care about what the little money is doing?"

Downton just complained that he wasn’t stupid. He could make more money without it, high-end weapons, but he could not meet the demand. If he could mass-produce the Thunder Cannon, it would mean that the magician’s dominance would be ended. Ordinary people also have the ability to kill legends.

The worm mother did not know where to go, the highest commander Kazak was killed again, the defense of the worm's nest collapsed completely, and there were scattered insects everywhere.


Upon reaching the incubation area, Holy Lily sensed the fluctuation of human soul.


Be careful, Downton put away the star lord, the mirror was fully open, and after looking through the waves, he saw the captives who had not been transported.

"Silver Demon? Hum, hurry up and save us!"

"His Royal Highness? That's great. I'm saved."

"Goddess is on. I must have done a good thing for a hundred years in my life, otherwise how can I be so lucky now?"

Seeing the appearance of Downton and St. Lily, the captives ran to tears, just like the prisoners who had been dragged onto the scaffold. They suddenly encountered an amnesty in the world, and then on the way home, they won another lottery ticket. Kind of ecstasy.

"Is there anyone else? Go and save."

Downton was too lazy to go to the prison area again.


The captives communicated with their eyes, which dare to leave Downton around.

"Don't be any more, the worm mother and worm will be killed by me, and the worm nest is now safe!"

Downton waved his hands impatiently and headed to the incubation area, where he was going to accept the loot.


"No, the combat power of the worm mother is at the level of Saint Aoxun!"

"You trash, actually questioning Your Highness and the Silver Demon? Find a fight!"

The news was amazing. The first reaction of the captives was that he was lying, but some clever people saw that the expression of Saint Lily remained unchanged and immediately reacted, yelling at others.

"No, I don't mean that!"

The awakened captives quickly explained that if they offended anyone now, they could not offend Downton!

Once bitten by a snake and afraid of a well rope for ten years, the captives did not dare to go to the prison area and followed into the incubation area together.

Different from the expected stench and messiness, it is tidy and unreasonable, and full of sense of technology. The huge glass jars are neatly arranged, filled with unnamed red liquid, and huge worm eggs. Just soak in it

The eggs are quiet, but from time to time a series of white bubbles will rise, which means they are alive and healthy.

This magical scene that has never been seen before, amazed the eyes of a group of princes and princesses.

Some eggshells are relatively thin, and you can see the larvae inside. They are extremely uncommon. If they grow up in the future, they will definitely be more terrible.

"Evil God Army has been experimenting with the Astina Zerg and wants to improve their combat effectiveness." Holy Lily Science, "It seems that it has reached the stage of mass production."

Insects have long been separated from the stage of natural hatching, but adopt high-tech assistance, from selecting eggs, breeding, hatching, and then feeding, every process is full of wisdom.


Someone's hands were cheap, the petri dish opened, and as the nutrient solution flowed out, the eggs also fell off. After contacting the air, it shrank one by one, just like breathing, and then pulled, the sharp blade armor was cut open. Insect eggs, a crystal combat beetle that is taller than the mammoth giant elephant, appear in everyone's field of vision.

The eight pairs of compound eyes on the head are shining scarlet, rotating at thirty degrees, and they can monitor everything without dead ends. Its six pairs of gastropods are sharp and like steel brazing, which allows it to climb on a vertical wall. The hollow barbs covered above can shoot out mucus with strong corrosion and soften the steel, so even the steel fortress can walk freely.

The forelimbs are long, narrow, and sharp, similar to a praying mantis, and can easily cut through the steel. It is a natural enemy of heavy armored infantry.

"I did not mean it!"

The prince with a cheap hand shouted and immediately attracted the beetle's attention. It jumped over and jumped, and the blade arm bounced off, drawing a silver afterimage.

boom! !

A demon was able to hit with a heavy punch, hitting the beetle's back, and smashed it to the ground without climbing for a long time.

The prince was so frightened that his legs were weak and fell to the ground, using both hands and feet, trying to stay away from the beetle. A pool of yellow liquid drenched his pants and dragged a trace.

No one laughed at him. In the face of this terrifying beetle, no one would dare to guarantee calmness, of course, Downton is definitely an exception.

"This is the Duke's thing, don't move it!"

Downton is very depressed, a beetle is more valuable than the prince.

"Sir Silver, can you sell me a beetle, how about five million gold coins?"

A prince pretended to be calm and walked over. He could either buy one and take it back as a combat spoil to fill the facade, or bribe Downton to let him say a few good words for himself.

Someone also woke up and immediately shouted a higher price.

"Ten million, I will give ten million!"

A group of people is just rushing to pay, and someone who wants to stop me, I will fight desperately with him.

Downton shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Someone gave money, so silly carving didn't want it.

Worried about the support of the Evil God Army, the princes did not want to stay here for a long time, but they dared not leave alone. They could only wait for Downton to clean the battlefield, watching him look like you wandering. Under the deep admiration, this is the strong, fearless!

"I don't know how the battle is inside?"

"The movement is not small, why not send a scout to see it?"

"You are among the top ten adventure groups on the front line, there should be more people."

The forces of all forces were not reconciled, and quietly lurked back, only because everyone wanted to take advantage, so the plan could not be made.

"Head, someone came out!"

The scout report caused a group of group leaders to whistle away and ran to the forefront.

On the cursed rotten soil, a team came out carefully, Downton was not fast, and they naturally dared not urge it.

"It's the Virgin and the Silver Demon!"

"It's our prince!"

"What's going on? Did they knock the worm's nest down?"

The adventurers murmured, but some people rushed out after seeing His Highness came out, selling their personal feelings, and then returning to China~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also considered a network.

Seeing the appearance of strangers, the princes were shocked first, and when they were determined to be humans, they immediately took a high-profile stance, riding on the crystal combat beetles, straightening their backs, just like a triumphant general.

"We worked hard to get Kazak out."

A prince brags about his hard work and glances down at Downton and finds that he has not refuted, so he is assured that the gold coins sent in secret are worth the fare.

In Silvermoon City, Downton took more than 2,000 people from the Uyghurs to carry out rescue operations. No one was optimistic about it, but the number of worm nests was nearly one million, and the mother of St. Aoxun’s worm was sitting in town, even with a Holy Lily The best result is to give away the head, and the two also fled back.

Some adventure groups were dispatched, and they waited on the road, ready to meet Downton and the Virgin, selling their favors, but they waited for a mighty and triumphant return team, the crystal battle beetle under their crotch was fierce and fierce, A dazzling luster flashed in the sun, and behind it was a cart carrying Kazak's broken body.

In order to save face, the princesses and princesses beat 10 billion yuan and promised various preferential conditions to turn Kazak's body into his own loot.

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