Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1399: War vortex

The materials of the Evil Army are not infinite, they longed for a bloodthirsty and hard-working cannon fodder.

The orcs are not bad. They are notoriously poorly eaten and do much more. Even the logistics team of the Western Territory camp is also responsible for female orcs. There is no way. During the jihad, the number of males will fall sharply.

Various orc variants were born from the Horror Laboratory of the Evil God Army. Perhaps the potion technology is immature, or the war is too cruel. In short, these orcs are dying non-stop, and only a small part of them survived.

Because of their physical relationship, it is too difficult for them to want future generations, but for tens of thousands of years, there will always be some lucky ones born.

From generation to generation, it is so difficult to reproduce. In order to distinguish it from the orthodox orcs, they are called half-orcs, which means incomplete.

The half-orc IQ is not high, in order to give the commander better control, but there are always exceptions. No one likes to work day and night, but they don’t eat or wear clothes. Some half-orcs with high intelligence lead the clan. Resistance, escape.

The wanderer's land is barren, dry, and heavily deserted. It was the place where prisoners were once exiled. The escaped half-orcs occupied it, and it took several generations to build a fortress named glory.

Most of human wars are for the benefit. These half-orcs clank for their poor, fight fiercely, and are still stationed in such a ghost place. No legion is willing to fight.

It is also a good thing for the Orcs to plunder humans from time to time and add casualties to them, so they acquiesced in their existence.

The high level of the Orcs has always been wise, and they can’t survive, so they robbed the adventurers, the mercenary regiment, and harassed the logistics forces at most. For the military station, it has always been able to avoid it, which is why the military is too lazy to take care of them. One of the reasons. But this time, they actually robbed the Dragon Blood Holy Medicine as the highest reward.

"The brains of these half-orcs are really broken!"

Outside the glory castle, tens of thousands of adventurers waited quietly, without even hiding their camouflage. Because an air fleet of the military is conducting air strikes.

Pieces of shuttle-shaped metal bodies fell from the projectile opening, with a sharp roar of sound, like a tuna group, hit the city.

boom! boom! boom!

A huge flame rose. Countless gravel flying around, thick smoke rolling, even if the distance is far, everyone can feel the shock.

"What it is?

Looking through the telescope, looking at the broken limbs that were constantly bombed into the sky, someone asked with a pale face.

"Goblin bombs are said to have been purchased from Drankford by the military after seeing the airstrike tactics of His Highness Downton."

"It looks so powerful. If the carpet bombards it again, will the people in the city die?"

"The lethality is great. But it is also expensive. Do you know how much a goblin bomb costs? Ten thousand gold coins!"

The adventurers talked a lot.

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that after a while, tens of millions are lost? My Emperor Polo, this is too much money."

"War is to burn money and burn human lives. I think the military also has the power to test goblin bombs. The meaning of the receipt data, otherwise it will definitely not open the way for us to bomb."

"I heard that the Chancellor of the Tranquility was a goblin rescued by His Highness Downton, and hey. Who could have thought that it would make money?"

Downton, as the hottest newcomer on the surface in recent years, is still a gossip boyfriend who was chased by Sissi. Although people in the abyss have not seen him, they are still heard. After all, such a thing as using a goblin as a minister has not happened for tens of thousands of years.

"Don't talk nonsense, the air force retreats, it's time for us to get on."

The heads of the delegations issued orders, and the troops of the Xitu camp have been weak. The only few trump cards are also used as reserve corps and cannot be rushed out, so the task falls on the adventurer.

To the naked eye, you can see the gap in the city wall that was blasted, the crossbow car and the arrow tower are all rotten, and the corpses are buried in the gravel pile, and there is no danger to life, so the adventurers have nothing but chaotic dragon blood in their hearts. Coveted.

Downton was riding a hot nightmare, standing on a breakthrough, using binoculars to check the condition of the fortress. Behind him, there were more than 200 adventurers.

These people are all lonely men who did not join the adventure group, and there were soldiers who ran to see if there was a chance to make money while taking breaks. Without exception, they all came here admiringly and wanted to hug Downton’s thighs.

"Your Excellency, shall we attack?"

Someone can't wait.

"Fool, let others rush in and consume the orc's strength."

Some people are very cunning, but after the talk, there is a series of sarcasm.

"You're stupid. The fortress was bombed into this way. The defense collapsed long ago. Now you can't drink it without rushing in."

This resonated, and some people didn't think they could grab the Chaos Dragon Blood, just go through it and just write a fortune.

"It seems that the capacity of underground military factories is good, otherwise it will not be sold to the military!"

Downton suddenly discovered that he had been away from home for a short time and began to miss his hometown.

"Your Mightiness!"

A group of people looked at Downton hopefully.


Downton shook the reins, the heels slammed the horse's belly, the nightmares were like arrows from the string, sprinted out, and the horseshoe left a burning mark on the ground.

The adventurers quickly followed, and pulled out their weapons, waving hard, with a screaming shriek in their mouths.

This is a deterrent and a drive to make the orcs feel their horror, and then pick up the soft persimmon.

The sparse Lala's arrows shot over, and the half-orc warrior responsible for the defense of the Western City Wall made every effort to stop the enemy.

The adventurers laughed, and the Orcs were really stupid enough. At this point, they should retreat to the second line of defense and reorganize the defense. Now they stay, they are almost dead.

"Look at me!"

The archers in the team took off their long bows and bent their bows directly on horseback.

collapse! collapse!

During the tremor of the rhinoceros tendon bow, the arrow shoots out, and in a blink of an eye it is nailed into the orc's eye socket. The strength is so great that even the skull is lifted off.

Watching the body decay from the city head, everyone cheered loudly.

The Orcs had no fear, a crossbow car was pushed out, and flight-like Warcraft appeared in the air, and they began to plunder.

call out! call out! call out!

The archers burst into flames and a wave of arrows rained down. The three orcs operating the crossbow car were shot into horse honeycomb, but soon, several orcs rushed out and continued to operate the crossbow car. After they were shot dead, the orc infantry next to them bit their swords in their hands and began to operate the crossbow vehicle awkwardly.

The Orc knew that the crossbow car was the focus of the enemy archer's care, and whoever touched and died, but did not flinch.

"Fight for survival!"

A roar sounded. A huge shout broke out along the walls, and the popularity of the half-beast rose.

"Use phosphorus rockets!"

Before the archers changed their arrows, they saw that Downton's right hand holding the whip shook to the side, followed by hundreds of magical power punches from the sky, and hit the city's head.

boom! Click!

The crossbow car was smashed directly, and the spattered wood chips were also shot into the face of the orc, but the screaming just sounded, and it was dumb, because they were blown into a piece of minced meat.

Other blood-covered half-orcs struggled to climb. Then there was another heavy bombardment, looking at the corpses on the floor, even if they had low IQ, they stopped and dared not support them.

"Can you hit it this far?"

"What martial arts is this? Absolutely epic!"

"too frightening."

The adventurers were amazed.

Downton mentioned the reins and the nightmare jumped into the city from the collapsed ruins.

"Silver Lord Majesty!"

The adventurers yelled, and when they swarmed up, they felt that they were really wise, and the true value of this thigh hug.

After entering the city, the eyes were full of ruins. The ground was covered with dust, and a corpse was dilapidated.

The bandaging half-orc infantry saw the intruder and immediately grabbed the weapon and rushed up.

"It's up to you."

Downton just glanced at it, and no longer cares. Instead, ride a horse and slowly move forward to see the effects caused by the bomb.

"It is our honor to be able to serve you!"

The adventurers shouted, and then they dashed across Downton and took out their weapons to fight. For magic energy, ordinary soldiers are hardly even fish.

The battle showed a one-sided situation, even if they had not cooperated before, but these people are old fritters, and a balanced team of their own duties is immediately formed.

Of course, the backbone is naturally Downton.

"Head, the road is clear, shall we go to the temple quickly?"

The adventurers suggested that Downton didn't refuse to call everyone that way, so he was a little excited.

Perhaps because of the genes, the orcs’ race structure is similar to that of the orcs, not only imitating the temple, but also the statue of war. The big shamans and chiefs rule in weekdays, which is in the temple. It can be said that this is their most important building.

Downton suddenly turned to a street on the right, and the surprised crowd quickly followed.

In the ruins ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ stood a three- or four-year-old orc girl with a panic and helpless child crying in her ears. ,

An adventurer didn't think about it, so he raised his hand to open the bow, but was stopped by his companion.

Downton turned and dismounted and walked over.

Sensing the breath of these strangers, the little girl's crying became smaller, her red eyes swollen, and she looked at them suspiciously.

"where is your mom?"

Downton squatted in front of the little girl, her whole body was dusty, like a mud monkey, with two pieces of mud flushed away with tears on her face.


The little girl pointed to the ruins next to her. She was too young to know that these people were enemies or her mother. She probably died.

Downton took out a packet of candy and handed it to the little girl. His expression was a little sad, because under the mirror, the cold body was detected.

The little girl was suspicious and did not pick it up because she had never seen such a thing, but the colorful sugar paper made her very curious.

Downton peeled one and stuffed it into the little girl's mouth. The sweet fragrance and sweetness unique to toffee immediately conquered the little girl's taste buds.

A smile bloomed like a daisy on the grassland!

Downton smiled, rubbed the little girl's hair, and then got up and left. He wanted to tell her to live a strong life, but when he talked to his mouth, he found that he had no position at all. (To be continued.)

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