Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1403: All burst

"Hum, don't want to lose face, just kill this man for me!"

The dragon untied the chain, and the slave woman who was temporarily freed, turned directly and hit an elbow, hitting his throat.

In the legendary position, even covering your eyes will not affect the combat power too much, because they rely on the six senses to fight the enemy, instead of pure vision.

The dragon had long been expected to raise his hand to block, and after grabbing the slave girl's arm, blue lightning flashed out, spreading all over her body.


The female slave screamed and fell to the ground, convulsing into a ball.

"Hey, your training ~ teaching is obviously unsuccessful!"

The dragon kicked the slave girl like a dead dog, mocking the female devil.


The female demon teleported, wielding a leather whip, which was a sudden pumping. I have to say that the Templar’s ​​will was too strong. Doctor Victor used reforms, drugs, punishments, and dozens of measures to go together, still Did not allow her to succumb completely.

If it weren't for drug dependence, her courage to commit suicide had already been wiped out. The female slave had retrenched herself. After all, this kind of humiliation was even worse than death.

"kill me!"

The slave girl begged Downton, her voice full of despair and shame.

"It turned out to be you!"

Even if the woman's voice is dehydrated and hoarse, and there are obstacles to stop the ball, Downton still hears it. Isn't this the witch of the sword in the famous two-person beauty and the beast in the Holy See? That's the magistrate, with a high status.

I thought that Dinesa was entrusted by someone to help Downton block the blame of the magic lamp, but she looked down on this man. At that time, the tone was high. Downton still remembers it, but I didn’t expect to meet again. You can squeeze the dead fish into a legendary strongman, and the other party is reduced to such a miserable state.


Seeing Dinisha unlucky. Downton wanted to say that there was no hint of comfort in his heart, that was deceiving, but then it turned into anger, "You all perverts. All die!"

With Downton's mind now, he will not be as general as Dinisha, and the rest is only the indignation of the warriors of the same camp being insulted.

"Death is not dead, but it's not up to you."

The female demon suddenly pulled out a syringe and stuck it on Dinisha's body. After the bubble-filled red liquid was injected, the witch’s blue tendon burst from the surface of the body, wriggling like an earthworm, mixed with blood-stained dripping and overflowing.

"Go away!"

Dinisha squeezed out a pleading, and after being injected with a potion, she would become a killing machine completely, until she died or exhausted her physical energy, otherwise she would never stop.

"Please enjoy this battle as much as you can!"

The female devil made an elegant dress-up ceremony for her own hunter, because she took Dr. Victor's medicine for a long time. There will be a special smell that will make the violent Dinisha instinctively avoid everyone, so don't worry about accidental injuries.

"I'm going to slaughter those miscellaneous fish first!"

Dragon people are not stupid, and they won't die with Downton.

"Humph, the Duke killed you first!"

Downton's words did not fall, the whole person had already shot, tearing the rain curtain, appeared in front of the dragon, and blasted a right fist, for this pervert bastard. It's hard to dispel the hate of your heart without hitting him by yourself.

"Not self-restrained, Lao Tzu's physical strength, but the first person on the front line of the legion. Even the dragon can tear to pieces alive, which bird hair do you count?"

The Dragon did not avoid, sneered and smashed his fists.


The energy was tumbling, the rain was scattered, and the two fists were too fast. So that the air was squeezed, there appeared a backward arc.


The fists collided, the air wave exploded around, and the rain was all washed away.

The two men remained motionless, and the second punch blasted again.

boom! boom! boom!

A punch is faster than a punch, a punch is harder than a punch, because of the power of the shock, the floor under the feet of the two people is all broken, and it is still spreading far away.

"Huh, I think when can you hold on?"

The dragon sneered, a purple halo spread under his feet, and the curse rune tattoos on his body flashed with fluorescence, bringing strong power.

Furious gesture!

The dragon's muscles swell and their physique grows. It looks a lot more burly, especially the strong and powerful heartbeat, even the onlookers can hear it.

But Downton's forced retreat did not happen.


The female demon was surprised. Downton's body looked like a slender bodybuilder, not a muscle~ a stick, but unexpectedly it contained such a surging power. If you know the dragon after the violent, but you can beat the dragon.

"On this point?"

Downton mocked.

"Less proud!"

The dragon's tail suddenly lifted up from below, like a poisonous tongue spitting out a letter, and the pointed cone at the tail stared at Downton's lower body, which was extremely insidious.

Downton does not block, he will die, block, the defense will inevitably become weak, he can take the opportunity to get the first chance, and then blow him up in one breath.


Downton kicked and kicked off his tail.


The female demon and the dragon are all unbelievable. Downton actually blocked his sneak attack with only one foot. This is off the ground, which means that he only stood on one foot, which offset the wild impulse. Without crushing the strength of the opponent, this step is absolutely impossible.

Dinisha rushed, because she had no weapons, so she could punch Downton.


Downton whipped his legs and pulled them **** her face, blasting her away.

"You are not human!"

The dragon retreated, panting and breathing, a flash of terror flashed in his eyes, sprinting fast, he never missed, but today he encountered a hard stubble.

"Huh, this is your skill?"

Downton spit out his eyes, disdainful, "Let me teach you how to fight?"

"Be careful!"

The female demon no longer lost her previous arrogance and wanted to run away. The Dragon was the strongest man she had ever seen, but after a violent attack, Downton couldn't even breathe. How terrible was this?


Downton broke the floor with one foot, and quickly left the field of vision. The right fist shot hit the dragon with a residual image and strong wind.

The dragon subconsciously blocked his arms.

"Fool, here it is!"

Downton stepped on the star and moon dance, the movements were like a goblin, appearing behind the dragon, and fists together.


Vitality penetrated through the dragon, squirting from his chest. The rain curtain was shaken open, and he himself was almost bent to ninety degrees, and his spine was to be broken.

Grit his teeth. The dragon forcibly turned around to restore balance, and its tail swept towards Downton, forcing him to stay away.

Downton stepped away from the attack. The right hand fell.


"Your footsteps are unstable!"


"Your hands are weak!"


"You are unresponsive!"


"You are stiff!"


"There is no decent attack, but you still want to beat me? Be your spring and autumn dream!"


The dragon spit blood and flew out.

"You... cough!"

The dragon's skin was fleshy and bloody, and Downton cursed every time he punched, but he wanted to fight back, but he couldn't reach anyone. This is a naked ~ naked ~ naked humiliation.

"Physical power comes first? Who sealed it? Just like your dregs, even my little walnuts can't compare!"

Downton fiercely compared a middle finger. Dinisha took the opportunity to attack and kicked him again, flying directly hundreds of meters away.


Long's popular lungs all hurt, and he wanted to fight back, but he began to vomit blood when he opened his mouth.

"Don't you just rely on the mutated body to fight? If you want strength but no strength or martial arts without martial arts, it's up to you to fight me?"

Downton said, appeared in front of the Dragon, and punched his chin again.


The dragon who fell out spit out half of his teeth this time.

The adventurers who were fighting the Orc hunters listened to Downton's lesson. Watching the dragon who had no one's eyes turned into this tragic picture, they were all stunned.

"You forced me to die!"

The Dragon took out a syringe and stuck it around his neck. As the potion was injected, the curse rune on him became more intense.


The female demon shouted Dinisha, out of the light of the battle circle, but that was a potion made by Dr. Victor. After the injection, the combat power would increase sharply. But he will lose his mind, and will not stop until he kills all the life he can see.

"Just like your miscellaneous fish, you still force me?"

Downton sneered.


The Dragon charged, Downton retreated slightly, the opponent's fist rubbed his nose bridge and hit the ground, and then the radius of a thousand yards was like an earthquake of magnitude 9, and the floor was all broken.

"Look, or will you only fight by brute force, then let me teach you, how should the dragon fight?"

Downton said that the shape had changed, and fine scales appeared on the body surface, which seemed to reflect the moonlight, a thin layer, but the intensity could support the Saint Aoxun level blow, his pupils became vertical, and the forehead appeared One horn, a tail, protruding behind the tail vertebra.


Not only female demons and dragons, but also the adventurers were frightened. The silver demon turned out to be not a demon, but a dragon!


Downton roared excitedly, he could feel that endless power was bursting from the depths of the soul, the cells roared wildly, and conquered everything.

This is the form of a Titan dragon. Countless fine blue and golden lightnings are swimming like fish, slamming around.

Downton shot.

boom! boom! boom!

Everyone could no longer see the figure of Downton, only a dragon was like a sandbag, beaten like a plantain in a storm, and fluttered randomly.

Circle after circle of sound barriers spread out, and the piercing striking sounds exploded, and the onlookers all knew that when they heard these sounds, the dragon had already suffered a thousand fists again.

The blood was splashing, the dragon's body was getting faster and faster, so that in the end, he was beaten up and could break through the speed of sound. I have to say that Victor's medical technology is powerful, even if it is replaced by a dragon, it will break up at this time. Too.


The huge pain was stunned to keep the dragon who was supposed to be violent and irrational to keep calm, and he always prides himself and begs for mercy.

"Doctor, the dragon is about to be killed!"

In the main control room, the assistant shouted suddenly.


Victor subconsciously refuted the sentence, but the dragon is his masterpiece, especially after the rage, the fighting power is comparable to the peak of the legend. Except Saint Aoxun, who killed him?

Hurrying to the crystal ball, Victor suddenly widened his eyes as he watched the effects above.

"Is this... Dragonman?"

Victor's face was almost attached to the crystal ball. From the initial suspense and surprise, he gradually became excited, and finally solidified into ecstasy.

"This is the limit I am looking for!"

Victor stared at Downton's body, and his eyes were greedy and coveted. The transformation of the dragon can be made as much as needed, but Downton is different. This is the charm and crystallization of wisdom.


Downton's right leg extended straight, a flip, and after spinning like a windmill, hit the dragon's head hard.


The dragon hit the ground, and the entire head even with the upper body broke into a pool of rotten flesh, and a pale spine stained with blood was exposed to the air.

"Block him!"

The female demon commanded Dinisha, she was busy running, and the dragon was killed by a second? The dragon on the front line of the legion, who had torn a giant dragon alive, was completely crushed by that human like a dog slaughtered?

Until now, the female devil still suspects the facts.

"Where are you going?"

Downton flashed, blocking the path of the female demon, and stretched out her right hand, pinching her neck.

Dinisha attacked, Downton's right hand appeared lightly in front of her head, just a fingertip!


Dinisha flew out again.

Without any persuasion, Downton's five fingers tightened, and the female devil's neck creaked.

"Don't kill me, I can free her!"

The female devil is very clever and uses her soul to transmit sound.


Downton threw the female devil on the ground, this gesture of throwing away trash, driving her crazy, but he didn't dare to complain.

A new reagent was pulled out, and the female demon injected it into Dinisha's vein.

After tranced for tens of seconds, Dinisha looked around and suddenly slapped her head towards her head, she wanted to punish herself.


Downton kicked his foot and kicked over, without any sign of pity for Xiangyu.

"Want to die away, don't dirty my eyes!"

Downton scolded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dinisha's series of rollovers, covered with dust and gray face, was worse than the funeral dog on the roadside.

After all, it is the magistrate. If Downton persuaded her, Dinissa could not wipe her face away. Such abusiveness made her understand.

"After killing Victor, I will punish myself!"

Glancing at the dragon's corpse, Dinisha released his magical power, and used a light ball to blow him directly into a rotten flesh, and then grabbed it with one hand, and a purple-purple broken soul was extracted.

"I won't let you die so happy."

Dinisha tortures this soul fiercely.

"Take me to Victor."

Downton kicked the female devil, and Dinisha was still alive.

"it is good!"

The female demon did not resist, Victor was the deity in her heart, she felt that the doctor must have a way to clean up this man.

"Let the guards gather, I'm going to welcome the new specimen, haha, captured him, maybe I can create the dragon corps that the master dreams of."

Victor laughed and turned away. His hands were inserted in the pockets of the white coat. How chic and chic. The sutures on his face did not appear ugly. Instead, he had an attractive charm.

After finishing the hunters, the adventurers looked at each other, and followed them one after another. With Downton’s thick thighs, they could make a fortune. (To be continued.)

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