Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1415: The wedding is approaching

"I'm very happy, Anna, can you calm me down?"

Looking at his sister, Lion Ji showed a warm smile.

"No, you see, this is an invitation written by the brother-in-law. What a beautiful font."

Anna, who was always capricious, didn't care about her sister's emotions, and forced her to force her to show her invitations.

The typeface is very beautiful, but during the marriage period, the names of the bride and groom, like the arrow, stung Di Lanxue's eyes and stab her heart.

"By the way, that abominable Downton, actually spreading rumors that it was your gossip boyfriend, huh, what is he? Is it also comparable to the brother-in-law?"

Anna was very dissatisfied, suddenly fisted angrily and smashed the stone table, "Brother-in-law also prepared an invitation for him."


Di Lanxue was shocked.

"Don’t worry, as long as the guy comes, he will definitely die. Only in this way can the slanders of your brother-in-law and you be washed away, but I think that the guy must be scared to death, let alone appear, I am afraid I have already escaped early Go to a hole in the frozen soil in the north."

Anna's mouth overflowed with a smirk smile. In her heart, her brother-in-law was the first in the world and the best man in the world.

Di Lanxue's lips moved a few times, but she still gave up the argument. Her character is weak in nature and indisputable. Especially in the face of her family, she gave too much tolerance.

"Huh, although you didn't speak to that **** Downton, but look at your expression, there must be a leg."

Anna glanced at her sister's expression, and she was uneasy. "I must bring that guy. If I disturb the wedding, can I marry my brother-in-law?"

Simple Di Lanxue touched her sister's hair and lost her mind again, not knowing that Anna's mind was wandering all kinds of vicious thoughts.

"Oh, you shouldn't disturb Huang, stealing love from your brother-in-law, it should be more exciting than marrying him, let this woman stay alone for a lifetime, oh? Haha!"

Anna laughed heartily in the heart. She and Dilan Xue were half-sister. Since a few years ago, after the king's death, this harem was the one who had the final say to her mother.

In fact, the empire's right to speak is all in the hands of Di Lanxue, but she is too spoiled for her family, plus the perennial presidency, running around, and very busy, so she has no time to manage the things in the court.

The queen's power, coupled with her rich background, her ambitions have gradually expanded. If it wasn't for Di Lanxue's personal force and prestige, it was too high. She had long been on the throne and became the queen of the Twilight Empire.

"I will definitely get my brother-in-law!"

Anna has developed a selfish character, from small to big, as long as she wants, there is nothing she can not get. As for the truth and right or wrong, she does not care at all.

"Princess Five, do you need afternoon tea?"

The maid asked close.

"no need."

Anna got up and sorted out her skirt. She suddenly flicked the corner of the knight's sword that Dilan Xue comfortably placed next to her, and could not help screaming, "Ah, this is not the will of heaven that you got in heaven?" "

With that, Anna reached out impatiently.

"Be careful!"

Di Lanxue was worried, trying to prevent her sister from being injured, but worried about being misunderstood by her, because she didn't want her to appreciate it, so hesitated for a while, and Anna's finger had already touched the scabbard.


The platinum lightning flashed out instantly, spreading along Anna's slender index finger directly, and then swept across the body.

Anna's defensive magic outfit activates autonomously, but can't stop these lightnings at all.


Anna screamed terribly, and was rolled over by the electricity directly. Her body twitched uncontrollably, and a hot and humid liquid flowed down the base of her thighs, moistening her skirt.

"Are you OK?"

Di Lanxue quickly went to help.

The gang of maids were also frightened, their faces pale, they knew how polite and impolite the five princesses were, and they would be killed if they could not.

"You go away, are you trying to kill me?"

Anna pushed away Di Lanxue and looked at her fiercely. The maid came, and as soon as she lifted her up, she vigorously fanned toward the maid's cheek.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The maid was soon beaten with blood.

Anna can’t stand hard, and she can’t, but after all, she’s an imperial princess with a lot of superb life-saving costumes, but even so, she can’t stop the outbreak of the will of heaven. And the relationship between Dilan Xue will control the power.

"Are you OK?"

Di Lanxue did not complain, and quickly spread the magic to heal her and the maid.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind, but just a broken sword. What's wrong with it? Actually call me back."

Anna growled.

Lion Ji smiled bitterly. This is really not under his control. The will of heaven is an artifact and the original will of the heavenly plane, so it is a sacred sword. Only a person with 100% pure heart can touch it. Once there is a trace of evil in my heart , You will be bitter.

For this reason, how dare Dilanxue tell her sister, it is hard to say, because your heart is not pure enough?

"Little, do you treat me like a sister?"

Anna complained, kicking her feet on the side of the maid, and leaving with a sleeve, "Go away, don't you see the road?"

The maids climbed up in a hurry and quickly followed.


Di Lanxue sighed.

A blue robin with a beautiful tail broke through the clouds and flew. She cried happily and landed on Di Lanxue's shoulder, rubbing her fingers intimately with her head.

"You are too thin!"

Di Lanxue nodded the robin's head with his finger.

She remembered the white pigeon she had raised when she was a child. She couldn't help Anna's soft and hard foam, and finally she endured the distress, and gave it to her, but the next day, she saw the white pigeon in the back garden. The bite is fragmented.

Lion Ji knew that it was her sister’s intention to leave it to her. Since then, she no longer kept pets until she met a robin.

"Help me send a message to Downton!"

Di Lanxue decided to compromise, in order not to be enslaved by evil gods and for the father's last wish, he should marry Heinrich.

"Five Princesses, invitations!"

The maid presented an invitation that Anna had forgotten.

"do not bother me!"

Seeing the three characters Dilanxue written on the back of the bride on the invitation card, Anna was furious, grabbed the invitation card, and tore a smash. This was still unbearable, and stared at the maid again, punching and kicking.

"Princess spares life!"

The maid curled up into a ball, begging painfully. She dared not hide because it would lead to more brutal beatings. As for the other maids, they were all chilling, trembling with their heads down, to the birds in the cold wind.

"Why are your servants getting stupid now? Pull her down and sell it to a brothel!"

Anna, who vented enough, ordered to turn around and leave.

The blood-stained maid was dragged away by the guards, and the stern begging for mercy completely did not attract Anna's attention, because she suddenly thought of an attention.

"I'm going to personally send an invitation to Downton, haha, it would be even better if I could get some handles."

Anna thinks she is a genius, "Right, if you want to call a large group of people, it is best to humiliate that Downton in public, what the first star in the north, I bah, in front of her brother-in-law, scum is not."

The awe-inspiring arrived, and I don't know when it would rise, the sky began to have fine snowflakes falling.

Downton left at the king's coronation ceremony, making him known as the most capricious on the continent by the people, and making Britannia a joke for all countries.

The country cannot be ruled for one day, and the iron-faced prince Leon died in the hands of the misty realm. The black sun prince Gloucet launched a political change ~ after suppression and suppression, he was exiled and could not return to the imperial capital for life, now only the grand princess remains Freya is qualified for the position of king.

Freya, who has always been passionate about power, has changed her mood after the great changes in the empire. She turned down the minister’s pleading for her to become the queen and insisted on taking the seat of the regent, insisting that Downton only Is the king most suitable for this empire, as long as she returns, she will return to power.

Once, the three heirs of Brittania are the most enviable royal families in the world. Downton, the prince of the iron face, and the prince of the black sun have all proved that they have extraordinary powers of ruling. , Will laugh happily, but this empire, there are three, but the final ending, but it is awe-inspiring.

Knowing that Downton's fortress was at the frontier, Freya immediately put down the government affairs at hand and hurried to her, urging him to change his mind.

"No, you are doing very well. Deranke is my home!"

Downton stood on the deck, looking at the distant mountains like Rudai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ full of sorrow. Here, he would be unable to restrain his memories of his mother and Leon.


Freya was still saying that she was interrupted.

"Do me a favor? To cleanse the three dark forces in the country, I want the Assassin's Creed, the Black Flame Church, and the Brotherhood to have no place to stand."

Downton pleaded.

"Lombardi and Saint Laurent will also join this alliance!"

Sissi, who stood aside, added, "It is our responsibility to make the people of the Empire happy!"


Elaine nodded, not to mention that she was the favorite princess of the **** queen Liv, and that she was the favorite sister of Downton, giving her a great voice in the country.

"Okay, but Downton, this is your hometown after all. Whenever you want to come back, you can!"

Freya sighed, no wonder he will become a good friend with Leon, and this character hurts the character, making it similar to people speechless.


Downton waved his hand and lost his mind again.


"Yeah, if Downton is king, then the Lombardi Alliance will surely be in our pockets, and it will be able to annex part of Saint Laurent. I have heard that Elaine worships Downton very much and is a heavy brother. control."

"What is this, don't forget that there is another twelve-year-old who suppressed the domestic rebellion and took the throne of Princess Dylan Snow. If she and His Highness Downton join forces, which empire will be the opponent? , Will be our territory in Brittany!"

The ministers who stood behind Freya looked at the fortress and left with regrets in their hearts. An opportunity to become the first empire of the mainland and to reproduce the glory of the sun, so missed.

(To be continued.)

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