Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1445: Downton

"Masters, I am going to the capital of Twilight King to marry Di Lanxue. At that time, Deranke will be extremely dependent on Saint-Jean and even war will break out in the Twilight Empire. It may even spread to more countries. If you are afraid, please leave!"

In the conference room, there was a powerful declaration by Downton Clang, all of whom could be trusted, so he did not hide it.

No one spoke, and the generals all squinted, waiting for Downton to follow.

"Withdraw now, I won't say anything, but once the war starts, if someone puts me behind, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Downton was not a fraudulent man. After so many years of friendship, he allowed them to make new choices. After all, he fought with Heinrich for a lifetime.


The generals headed by Arnold and Thyssen stood up together, clenched fists in their right hands, and slammed their left chests.

"May your heart be given to Your Majesty!"

The generals have no complaints or regrets.

"Very well, then, discuss combat deployment!"

Downton's eyes swept the loyal men one by one. He didn't have hypocrisy and said some tearful declarations and promises, because he would personally lead these men who follow him to reap their own glory.

The combat meeting was lengthy and had been open for a full day, but no one felt tired, but instead looked excited, and they were all ready to fight and do a big fight.

"If the generals have no objections, then act according to the plan!"

Drizzt, the chief of staff, stood in front of the tactical board, stared at the crowd, waited a few minutes, and after confirming that there was no answer, closed the meeting minutes and presented it to Downton.

"Your Majesty, please look around."

Glancing roughly, Downton announced.


Click! Click! Click!

The generals stood up and shouted in salute.

"Drank Fu is glorious for all generations!"

The guards outside the meeting room also began to follow the cry, and then spread farther away. The entire palace, the entire king, and all the citizens are long lived in the mountains.

In the morning, Sissy walked into the bedroom with a team of maids.

"No need to be so grand!"

Downton after bathing, under the service of the maids, her hair, nails, and eyelashes were all taken care of meticulously, and then she put on a new light blue military uniform.

"You are representing the flag of Drankfor now!"

Sissi helped Downton fasten the style button, "Are you tight?"


Downton turned his neck to the side.

"Let's go!"

When the maid was about to get the saber, she was stopped by Sissi. She personally picked it up and tied it around Downton.

The battleship was already parked in the square in front of the palace. As soon as Downton went out, he saw that the citizens were already crowded.

"I don't know who leaked your itinerary, but His Majesty's popularity is huge. They all came to see them off voluntarily."

Abagong leaned in and explained in a low voice.

Long live the king!

When the citizens saw Downton, they knelt on the ground immediately, just like the falling Mai Lang.

"lets go!"

Sissy raised her head and looked at Downton with a smile. She was going back to the country and went with her father and emperor. After all, she was not his wife.


Downton suddenly held Sissi's waist and kissed her on the lips.

The citizens froze for a moment, followed by cheering with excitement, clapping hard.

"what are you doing?"

Cici pushed Downton away, her face blushing shyly.


There was a smile on the corner of Downton's mouth, and after nodding Sisie's forehead, he turned and boarded the battleship.

"Wish Your Majesty have a nice ride!"

Looking at Downton standing at the bow of the ship, the citizens gave farewell. They did not know that the King might not be able to return to his country.

This grand wedding is rare for thousands of years, so many aristocrats and big businessmen who have a little spare money come to Twilight to visit the style of Heinrich and his wife.

This is definitely a big business opportunity, so it has attracted more businessmen, speculators, travelers, adventurers, and even robbers and thieves. Anyway, all three religions and nine masters are beginning to crowd into the kings to see if there is a big hair. One chance.

Because of the battleship, Downton's time is very rich, but he has no mood for sightseeing at all, either hiding in the cabin and meditating, or deducing the battle situation.

Nicole was in charge of the command of the whole ship. He was not idle all day long, training soldiers and horses, and Walnut rode a dead dragon and became a follower.

Looking at Nicole's handsome commanding operations, Walnut felt that it was much cooler than heads-up, so she was prepared to move towards the commandership, just reading those classic cases, it made her head big.

It's not lonely along the way. You can often see steam airships with guns and roses crossing the flag flying at full speed. They are all affiliated with Gunhua Airlines.

The journey that used to take several months to reach, since the airship with gun flowers, could arrive in a few days, it was almost convenient to die.

When long-distance is no longer an obstacle, the rich big aristocrats and big merchants finally found new fun, that is, traveling, to see more scenery.

I used to go out, the boat and car were tired, and I had to worry about water and soil, disease, and even robbers and robbers. There were not many people who died on the road, but now they are not used. As long as they get on the airship, the big bosses can think in a short time. Go anywhere.

Gunflies Aviation has been operating at full capacity since its establishment. Now, the two major factories of underground city shipping and Bavarian shipping are working overtime to build steam airships. There are dozens of ships delivered every month, which can be in short supply.

Of course, the gun flower also made a lot of money. The nine empires saw this market, and they also vigorously developed airlines when they felt Downton's economic acumen and Sissi's business skills.

This time, the major companies were flexing their muscles, preparing to brush their faces, and opening the market in one fell swoop. As a result, Gunhua launched the leasing business and directly lent the airship to the messengers who came to the wedding.

Small countries do not have airships, but they do not want to lose face. Renting an airship is the best option. As for the cost, it is expensive, but it is a public holiday, and it is not in vain.

So, Gunhua was ahead.

Although the entire sky is an airship, the airship flying the national flag and the flag of the spearheads of various countries must be the most dazzling.

On a continent, more than two-thirds of the small countries are flying in the airship of Gunflies. This publicity is simply enough to rank first in commercials.

The power value of Sissi is not good, but after this battle, the whole mainland knows that she is the most profitable princess.

Men across the continent are envious and jealous of Downton. Even in his life, even if he has squandered his energy, he can't keep up with the speed of Sissi's making money.

At this time in the past, it was a time when the robbers made a lot of money, but this time, they could only look at the battleship looking at the sky.

Those small business groups and travelers who took non-take-off boats were attacked.

On the plain, a caravan is on the verge of extinction.

"I beg you, I don’t want anything, please don’t hurt my wife and children."

The boss is struggling.

"Go away, that was Lao Tzu's stuff."

The robber kicked the boss off, and went to catch his beautiful wife and play with people~wife or something. It was the best.

Shouting, wailing, crying, chaos.

Suddenly, a huge shadow crossed the sky, and the scene of the robbery was suddenly quiet.


The robbers raised their heads subconsciously, and then froze, a huge, grisly undead dragon, soaring in the sky, covered with pale bones, grievously biting.

"I am General Walnut of Frankfort, lay down all his weapons, surrender on his knees, or kill him."

Little Loli raised her flag and fluttered in the wind.

"General? What the hell?"

The robbers could not understand how a little loli became a general, but this did not prevent them from escaping. They were riding a dragon. Even if the little loli was weak, the dragon alone, Can also destroy their own party.

Without any hesitation, the robbers who were just doing evil suddenly seemed to be ants that had been boiled by water, and fled one by one.

"Oh, they are going to run, go chase!"

Walnut yelled, chasing towards the robber leader, which was good, not stupid enough to be recognized by the boss.

The robbers didn't turn around, but when they turned around, they were scared to pee. In the sky, dozens of undead dragons passed through the clouds, swooped down, and quickly caught up.


After a white frost breathed out, a life-like ice sculpture was born, and a frost road appeared on the ground.

"Oh, don't kill me directly, I will be a scarecrow too!"

The robbers who heard this shout were startled by cold sweat. Where did this little loli come from, so cruel?

The so-called grass stealer is to pass the sharpened wooden stick ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from the prisoner's fart~, through the internal organs, **** it from the mouth, and then insert it on the roadside.

The clever executioner can make the scarecrow suffer a week before dying. It can be called torture.

There was no suspense in the fight, and Walnut stood proudly on the side of the road, watching Barrett, the dragon lich, execute.

"This arm is not high enough!"

Walnut pointed.

Barrett wants to cry without tears, but he is a Necromancer, dare to perform this kind of execution of the executioner, and set a high point, do you think it is performance art?

"Thank you...Thank you!"

The boss thanked his wife and children, but his teeth kept trembling, not to mention the horrible scene of execution, that these undead dragons could scare people alive.

"Now, in the future, for convenience, speed and safety, let's take the airship of Gunhua Shipping!"

Walnut took the opportunity to advertise.

"Sit up!"

The boss smiled bitterly.

"Well, this is a limited edition membership card, you can get 50% off."

The walnut is a mess.

"thanks, thanks!"

Looking at the membership card with the magic bronzing pattern, the boss is overjoyed, but this is genuine, its value is more valuable than the sum of its own goods.

"Come on, if you want to make money, go to Drankford!"

After making a scarecrow, after a round of appreciation, Walnut waved towards the family, "Goodbye!"

"Dad, I like her!"

The little boy hugged the boss's thigh and looked at the walnut with longing.

"Then keep her in mind, work hard to make money, grow up, and marry her!"

The wife encouraged his son, and the boss smiled bitterly. (To be continued.)

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