Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1450: Queen Cersei

"You and I……"

The elven man was overwhelmed with embarrassment, he just said that the Empire rookie had no eyesight, and now he was beaten, and he was almost ashamed.

"A duel?"

Walnut asked very seriously, but the words fell in the ears of everyone, but they felt a lot of sarcasm, even if the elven prince is a legendary peak, another dozen, not Downton's opponent.

That's Saint O'Hun, the ultimate existence that the magician looks up to. Once the forbidden field is unfolded, it will be stripped of its power to use elemental power and become a waste.

"It's losing!"

After the prince confessed his defeat, he concealed his face directly out of the hall, and he had no face left to attend the banquet.

"Who else?"

Walnut licked the ice cream and glanced at the audience. Elaine proudly embraced her brother's arm. The feeling of being the first person in the world, great!

There was no one to speak, and the look was all entangled in the tangles. It stands to reason that when I saw a Saint Aoxun, it was necessary to go up and smash a fart and connect the feelings, but Downton’s age is too great Small, and there is a contradiction with Heinrich, yes, this guy has also caused a lot of giants...

"Huh, the enemies of those giants, I'm afraid they can't be reported."

Some people were gloating and looked at Hohenzollern and the Dupont family who had a longing dream with Downton. Sure enough, these people's faces were very ugly.

On the countertops, there are only a handful of Saint Ao Xun in the whole continent, but in fact, after reaching Saint Ao Xun, they have had at least thousands of years of life, so almost every giant has one or two such old monsters. It is also one of the foundations that they have stood for less than ten years.

It's not difficult to destroy Drankford with the power of a wealthy man, but what about afterwards? Want to kill a Saint Auxun. Only St. Aoxun can do it, but who would be so stupid as to send revenge for one or two heirs? Not to mention death. Both defeats will bring great shock to the family.

The heir is dead. Can be re-elected, St. Aoxun is finished, and the family is not far from perishing.

"Damn, is this guy a human being? Saint Ao Xun in his twenties, what did he grow up eating?"

Many people are jealous and mad, especially those who are stuck in the bottleneck and unable to take a step closer, watching Downton's eyes almost burst into flames. But when Downton's eyes swept over, these guys immediately changed their eager smiles.

No way, can't afford it!

"Goddess, bless the ancestor!"

Just now, the young man who first proposed a duel with Downton now only had a lot of happiness in his heart. If it was not the right occasion, he knelt down and thanked the goddess. God, he actually challenged a Saint Aoxun, I'm really impatient.

and many more. The head hurts, and the name can't be mentioned.

The atmosphere of the banquet, because of this sudden burst of news. There was a stagnation, and most people's looks were unnatural, but there were exceptions. The emissaries of Lombardi and Saint Laurent were very surprised, as if they were hit by a huge lottery ticket.

"Is St. Aoxun amazing?"

The masked woman spoke, and in the quiet hall, it was as if Zhu Yu was shattered, and she was shocked.

"What is this woman doing? Mad?"

"It's a big talk."

"Oh. It depends on the origin, since I dare to offend Downton. It means there is a hole!"

The guests knew the girl, Heinrich's sister. In a short period of time, he got the reputation of the demon queen, and his power was terrifying.

"Okay, courageous, and worthy of being my brother-in-law's sister!" Anna was happy and looked at Downton provocatively, "but she has prepared a generous gift for you!"

"what gift?"

Walnut sniffed and looked at the masked woman suspiciously, really familiar.

Snapped! Snapped!

The masked woman slapped her slap twice, and a girl wearing a samurai costume came out. She was carrying a sword box and wearing a demon mask.

"Sister Molia?"

Walnut screamed, even if the mask was covering it, but this Valkyrie, who was dubbed as the tea ceremony girl by Downton, possessed an outstanding temperament, which was easy to see at a glance.

"How will you be here?"

Yi Lian was amazed that a while ago, everyone was only looking for Downton. Moria song did not return after leaving, and everyone did not mind, thinking she gave up the challenge, but did not expect to meet so.

"Moria song?"

Many VIPs stared at the girl, repeating in amazement the name representing the supreme glory.

No words, compared to the spirituality when she first saw it, Molya Song had a more old-fashioned breath, like a puppet. Even her elegant, demure temperament, as always, was also contaminated, just like a deep from a paradise. Travellers everywhere, covered with wind and frost and worldly, could not find their way home.

"What did you do to her?"

Downton raised his eyebrows, his expression unpleasant.

"Haha, do I have to answer?"

Looking at Downton's irritability, the masked woman felt relieved and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't digress, do you dare to agree with the Valkyrie challenge?"

Anna persecuted.

"This is the Valkyrie!"

The guests got closer, wanting to see the style of Moria song.

Those who had followed the dragon queen who had the reputation of the dawn of Venus and the undefeated Wushen, built the Dragon Temple on the island of No Flying, claiming to be a guardian.

Girls in the clan, with the title of battle master, are eligible for the title of Valkyrie, and the first person to defeat all competitors will be named Moria Song and called the Valkyrie.

The God of War will be synonymous with the challenger in the Western Continent. Their favorite thing to do is to defeat the famous strongmen in the world and dedicate their martial arts and weapons to Moria Song,

Of course, for such an expensive bet, Wushen will also have to pay the price. That is, if he wins, he will take everything from his opponent. Once he loses, he will serve the principal as the strongest sword in their hands and be the culprit for them.

"Downton, Molya Song is not only the Valkyrie but also the God of War. If you win her, you will get a God of War maid."

Masked female lure ~ confused.


The audience gasped and looked at the tea ceremony girl in shock.

Any martial arts general is willing to give his master's life. Once the owner dies, no matter how colorful the time is, they will choose to be buried. No complaints or regrets.

It can be said that the warrior general got. It is equivalent to a second life.

"Can warm the bed, help fight, hum!"

"Don't envy, that's the God of War, you have to win before you talk."

"Ma Lei, compared with these monster geniuses, I feel like I'm alive."

The guests whispered, excited and disturbed. They wanted to see a wonderful matchup, but they were worried that Downton would be loyal to the Valkyrie in case.

"Please enlighten me!"

No matter what happened to Moria Song, she was subject to the masked woman, but once it involved the duel, her expression immediately became holy and serious.

This is faith and cannot be infested.

"I won't fight you!"

Downton shook his head.

"Haha, why? Are you afraid?" Anna mocked. "Not even this courage, what do you compare with my brother-in-law?"

"I come!"

Walnut cannot bear the ridicule of Downton at all, and if he rolls up his sleeves, he will go to war.

"I don't care what you do to her. In short, I am very angry!"

Downton stared at the masked woman, and the pressure of his soul broke out. The latter suddenly fell like an ice cave, and his body shook uncontrollably.


The purple breath overflowed, and a epiphany pattern appeared at the foot, followed by a demon illusion behind the masked woman, helping her defend, which was a lot of pain.

"Oh, if you are afraid, you will be afraid. Don't find any reason!"

Anna sneered.

The guests did not dare to laugh at Downton, but looked at him. They are all questioning looks, after all, the half-step God of War is even more powerful. It can't beat the God of War!

"The farce should stop, it's time to do it. Willing to fight Downton!"

A young man came over with a glass of wine, his expression proud,

"Go, what does this have to do with you? Don't mess up."

Anna knew the young man, cursing angrily.

"His Highness Downton, I have long admired my name and I am glad to meet you!"

The young man stood in front of Downton, smiling and extended his right hand.

Stretching out his hand without making a smile, everyone is just as Dunton prepares to shake hands. The other party suddenly splits two phantom avatars, assassinating Elaine and Walnut, and the body kills Downton.

Downton and Walnut reacted super fast, knowing that Elaine's defense was the weakest and didn't care about her safety at all, and rescued and intercepted directly.


Because of his anxiety, Downton couldn't care about the convergence strength, and the soul shock directly burst like a tsunami, covering the entire hall.

The astral field expands, gravity increases!


The air settled, and all the guests seemed to be hit by meteors in an instant. They knelt down directly, their knees were almost rotten, and the blood was squeezed down to the body, directly dizzy.

Not to mention the poor physique, even those who slaughtered the dragon, could not afford to fall one by one.

The shock of Saint Auxun seemed to be a sharp blade, almost making their spirits collapse, and each body was uncontrolled and incontinent.

boom! boom!

Downton and Walnut punched at the same time on the point of assassination of Yilian.


Furious energy poured in, and the avatars directly exploded into a pool of rotten flesh.

Seeing the assassination failed, a black halo appeared on the young man's head, and then suddenly expanded, with a bang, he exploded.

The black spots spread like rainstorms, and some guests responded super fast and released shields. Unfortunately, the black spots penetrated everything and contaminated the body.

It's like the ink 氤氲, spread on the skin, immersed in blood, soul, curse erupts.


Almost everyone screamed, it was a pain of torn souls.

"Save me, save me, it hurts!"

Anna rolled on the ground, scratching her skin hard.

"Be careful!"

Walnut reminded her that she could feel a terrifying dark power spreading.

There were only a few dozen people present who were unharmed. From this point, it can be seen whether the strength is strong or not.

Downton and Walnut are naturally okay. Elaine, as an alternate saint, still has some defensive abilities, and Kamen and Moria Song are also okay.

"Go to the Archbishop in Red."

A guest shouted.

"Downton, your natural tribute, quickly lift me the curse!"

Anna growled.


Downton popped a platinum-gold halo.


The halo fell on Anna, and a holy flame rose, and she burned and howled continuously.

"Holy Lights?"

The masked female frowned, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. As the demon queen, this bright power is her natural nemesis.

"Sorry, wrong."

Downton explained, but it took a few tens of seconds to throw the natural praise to Anna. As for the others, he was too lazy to control them.

Downton took the risk of being attacked by the tea ceremony girl and threw a natural tribute to her, wanting to dispel the magic that controlled her mind, but it had no effect.

"Ha ha!"

The masked woman sneered.

The Royal Priest Corps arrived, purifying everyone, and at this point, no one had the leisure to appreciate the duel between Downton and Moria Song.

"His Highness Downton, the Queen invites you!"

A maidservant walked over and invited Downton to the back bedroom.

"Go, come on!"

Elaine waved her fist, hoping that her brother would give a good impression to the future mother-in-law.

When Walnut lifted his foot, he would follow, and was stopped by the maidservant.

"Help me protect Elaine."

Downton touched little Lori's head and took a deep breath quietly, calming his emotions.

"Please come in!"

The maid chief pushed open the door of the palace.

Downton nodded his thanks and walked in.

The dormitory is very large and empty, with a copper stove curling in blue incense, and a sweetness permeates the nose.

There are veiled tents stacked, and no mirror is needed to stop the water. Downton also saw that there is a voluptuous woman figure lying on the side of a bed.


This is a woman's voice, very sweet and waxy, as if tired of feeling in your heart, as long as the pronunciation, you can stir up a man's most primitive urge.

Downton's brow furrowed, enough to pinch a sea crab, because the voice not only had a commanding tone of condescending, but also contained a magical charm of enchantment.


When Downton didn't move, his voice rang again, and there was a hint of threat and anger.

Downton was helpless, opened the layers of yarn tents, walked in, and then stopped for a moment, because in the suddenly bright vision, it was a woman wearing only light gauze, holding her head with one hand , Lying on the bed on the side.

The gauze is too thin, the bulge on the chest can't be covered at all, and the uneven body, with Downton's eyesight, is simply unobstructed.

Almost instinctively, Downton turned his head away from his sight.

"look at me!"

Order of Queen Cersei.

Downton frowned, but didn't turn his head.

"Oh, upright knight!"

Cersei is happy, she likes to pick ~ tease and tune ~ teach this kind of awkward man, it will make her feel a kind of ruin ~ weak feeling.

"If nothing happens to the queen~www.wuxiaspot.com~, please allow me to quit!"

Downton pouted, and there were rumors that Queen Cersei was a slut. He hadn't believed it yet, but now it seems that what he said is true.

"Humph, are you rushing to die?"

Cersei threatened.

Downton turned around and left, no matter what, this was also Dilanxue's stepmother, and it was unreasonable to see what should not be seen.

"Stop me!"

Cersei was stunned, followed by anger. Any man who sees himself is granted by Soul ~ Soul, but this time, he is directly ignored.

Downton only didn't hear it, but he underestimated Cersei's lower limit. The queen directly teleported and appeared in front of him.

Without wearing a belt, the gauze opened her arms, and the hidden and private parts of her body were unobstructed. (To be continued.)

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