Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1477: Downton Legion, a **** victory!

The original clear sky, I don't know when I climbed up some dark clouds, but this is not important, the eyes of the citizens have all fallen on the flying dragon cavalry.

The flag of the legion, marked by the cross-blooded two-headed dragon head, is hunting and flying.

These small yalong beasts are not only extremely fast and flexible, but also have the spleen-hunting spleen nature. They are best at group attack and fighting, and they are also good at bows and martial arts riders.

They were all captured and domesticated in the secret realm of St. Judeland by Heinrich. It can be said that this flying unit was completely established by him.

There were too many of them. They were so densely packed that they flew for a few minutes before the figure disappeared completely into the sky, and then it was the turn of the Eternal Vision Fleet.

This is a huge fleet of hundreds of air battleships. It seems to be used to show off the force. All of them were transferred. When they passed the Wangdu, it was like the top of the mountain, covering the sun.

Every citizen felt great pressure, followed by deep pride and comfort.

"These legions will become our imperial barriers!"

With powerful force, there is no need to worry about ruining the country and ruining the home, and the weather of the great powers will always make people look forward to.

It is said to be St. Judeland's regiment, but everyone knows that these are the direct regiments of Heinrich, and he has full authority to listen to him.

"It's over!"

When the legion passed, the citizens' emotions relaxed naturally, and most of the guard of honor behind them took the form, not to watch.

Some people go home, some people go to the Spring Square in front of the Summer Palace, continue to watch the wedding, and grab a good place by the way. After all, I heard that at noon, there will be a free buffet on the square.

So the crowd on the long street began to retreat.

The guards of honor in various countries can't wait for these citizens to walk away, so they don't have to stretch their faces to be serious, they can also be sloppy and lazy.

"I knew I was at the end of the line, and I couldn't see anything, so I stopped coming."

"Come on, in our Principality status, it's good to be eligible to attend. You don't know how many Principalities broke the head grab for this quota."

"Well, the worst thing is that the one behind us is so good that we can't even get a familiar face."

The soldiers of Liechtenstein were full of grievances, but it was relieved to think of Frankfort's experience. You are so powerful, how can you fight? It's not ashamed behind the team.

"Go forward...go!"

Casimodo growled suddenly.

The abominable warrior who was walking was shouting a slogan with his throat, after adjusting in two steps, he directly raised his leg and smashed it to the ground.


boom! boom! boom!

Thick military boots stepped on the ground and made a heavy noise.

The soldiers of Liechtenstein were frightened by a cleverness, could not help but look back, followed by another trembling.

These abominations are so murderous.

"What kind of arms is this?"

"Reload infantry?"

"So what are the iron cans on them? Could it be that people were killed with iron balls?"

The citizens who had not completely left, looked back again, because they could not see what kind of arms they were, and they were a little curious, but they were quickly shocked by the hatred.

With a height of nearly six meters, the burly body is comparable to a chariot. They are covered with light armor. Except for the armed bag that is hung across the chest and a large military backpack on the back, they have no weapons.

The onlookers looked at the battle flag, looking for the number and name.

"Ah, I remember. This is the abomination grenadier regiment. It first defeated the heavy infantry regiment of Hellbird, and then killed the chariot regiment of the devil hornet. It became famous in one battle, known as the steel abomination, the undead regiment. ."

A student from a military academy shouted and immediately caught his eye.

The abominations did not squint, stepped forward, shouted trumpets, and walked across the long street.

The master wants to grab the marriage and show his strength. Arnold and his subordinates naturally spare no effort to support. Which one is Heinrich? Mao? His death star has a fart cow~

The title of the strongest army in the world must belong to Deranke.

Downton’s legion is made up of the most elite soldiers of all races. It is proud of itself, and listened to the people’s marvel at the death star, they have long sighed and want to break out.


A magic signal flew into the sky and exploded a huge firework, which meant planning ahead.

Including Casimodo, every soldier, with a heavy hammer in his chest, did not hesitate to activate the magic magnifier carried on his body, and the grand and magnificent march of the empire immediately resounded on the street.

Our Drunk will punish the entire world,

Everything will succumb, we will crush all sentient beings,

The roar of battle will sound from every corner,

The giant of Frankfort is here!


The ferocious military music immediately conquered the ears of the citizens, let their hearts tremble, their blood boiled, and the citizens who were going to leave also stopped.


Casimodo praised, and at the same time had to sigh with the master’s all-round talent. They always thought that Drankford lacked a passionate national anthem. To know that Downton is a big writer, he wrote ten for the Toffee Opera Company. Several classic operas, so he was given the responsibility of compiling music.

Downton, who can’t stand the harassment of his subordinates all day long, created the national anthem belonging to Drankford based on the Soviet march in the dream world. After performing the Royal Symphony Orchestra sought by Madeleine, he simply praised explosion.

The unanimous vote, called the Empire March, implies that the Empire is moving forward.

After the undead abomination, it is the mechanical golem corps, a steel demon with a height of twelve meters, every step on the foot will make the floor continue to vibrate,

Cross! Cross! Cross!

The tidy footsteps, coupled with military music, naturally have a shocking expression.

"One or two!"

In the hot slogan, kicking the marching barbarian corps into view, they only wore a pair of leather pants and white bearskin, which was peeled off from a giant bear, a huge bear head It is made into a bib, which is slanted on the shoulder, and two eyes are inlaid with gems.

The whirlwind giant axe, braids, military boots, all **** murderous murder.

The citizens were shocked and speechless. They noticed a detail, that is, all the barbarians' chests were full of scars, but their backs were as clean as new, with no scars.

This means that the barbarian has been charging and never ran away, leaving his back to the enemy. The barbarian is either charging or is dying on the road to charge.

Heroes are fearless, this is the case.

The Krupp Giant Phalanx debuted. They all carried a huge steel box with hellfire armor. As long as they sat up, they could be fully armed in just ten seconds. Their weapons except one can be used as a warhammer The dragon gun used still hung a Krupp handcuff around his waist.

Since Downton used the knowledge in the dream to find a new formula of fire medicine, and after mass production, the technology and power of the Krupp family have been greatly improved.

Said to be hand gun, but that is for the giants, it is a hand gun when it is changed into human hands. If it hits, it kills a dragon-slayer magician in one shot, which is not a problem at all.

Because the power of the hand gun was too great, Downton rigorously released this weapon, and no one wanted to equip it except the guardian guards.

"What weapon is this?"

The citizens asked, but found that the students of the military academy also shook their heads with doubt, and then began to ask which country's honor guard.


"My Emperor Polo, he brought so many regiments, is it a demonstration or a provocation?"

"You think too much? He should just want to prove himself!"

The citizens discussed it, but ignored it. They regarded the behavior of the honor guard of Drankford as provocation, that is, subconsciously, they recognized their strength and considered them threatening.

The loud and powerful bugle, the uniform sound of stepping, and the impassioned imperial march, like a dragon gun that pierced the sky, penetrated the eardrums of the citizens.

"what sound?"

"And the regiment is marching?"

"Oh, my heart is uncomfortable and my head hurts."

The citizens who had dispersed had gone back again, and when they saw the Frankfort army, they could no longer look away.

These soldiers, like a storm, swept across the long streets of the king's city with a swift and swift and violent sweep.

Royal Avenue, because it is closer to Xia Zhimian's palace, so there are more and more people gathered. Some people even squeezed through the guards and walked onto the street.

The guards also felt that the city-wide parade in the back was about to end, and the back was full of miscellaneous fish. Don’t pay attention, and then slacken off, but soon, I found something wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some soldiers from other countries, mixed together The few citizens, like the seawater at low tide, are rushing towards here quickly, as if being chased by some terrifying monster, and everyone's face is inexplicably panicked.

The general in charge of public security was about to come forward to solve it. Suddenly, a faint symphony passed on, and it quickly became heated, bloody, and boiling. When the heart was resonated, a terrifying army was kicking forward. , Turn around the corner of Keses and embark on the Royal Mile.

boom! boom! boom!

The neat stepping sounds, as if to break the heart, immediately made the citizens stunned and stood still.

The parade on the Western Continent, that is, the uniformed height of the selected soldiers, walking horizontally and vertically, is relatively neat, but it has never been in such a posture.

It has to be said that when thousands of soldiers, in an expressionless gesture, mechanically repeated the same action, neatly to the point where they could not be added, they showed a different kind of beauty.

Undead abomination corps!

Steel Golem Corps!

Barbarian Corps!

Hellfire Giant Corps!


The Royal Guard of the Dota appears. These two-headed ogres are wearing heavy armor one by one, and even two heads are no exception. Their lip skin is valgus, their canines are violent, and their scarlet eyes reveal a bloodthirsty light.

Their weapons are huge spikes covered with barbs, like Roman stone pillars. With their height, they can wield them, and even heavy cavalry can easily fly.


The citizens couldn't help but blew their breaths, swept away by the ogre's eyes, as if they were heartbroken by the cold winter of the polar frozen soil, and their hands and feet were cold.

(To be continued.)

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