Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1487: Di Lanxue, I'll pick you up!

In the palace of summer sleep where Sheng Yong reverberates, a piece of holiness is holy, and all the VIPs' eyes fall on Di Lanxue, waiting for her answer.

On this occasion, no one dared to make a murmur, otherwise he would be hit by a thunderstorm like Heinrich, so even if some forces did not want to see the Twilight Royal family and the Supperung family combined, they could only Endure, on the surface, also blessings.

Di Lanxue's hesitation caused many people to frown, but didn't think much about it. After all, a man like Heinrich was simply the most perfect husband. They only regarded Lion Ji as reserved and elegant, not Make yourself look like a vulgar girl eager to marry.

Until the palace gate was knocked open.


The loud roar shocked everyone and they looked back in amazement and saw a man standing there.

There was sunlight passing through his back, blurring his figure, leaving only a firm silhouette of Yuan Zhu Yue Zhi. ,

"What did he just say?"

Still no one dared to speak, only recalled the situation just now, and some people once thought they had auditory hallucinations.

The blood-stained man stood in front of the palace gate, Di Lanxue shuddered violently, the bouquet he held in his hand was directly clumped together, and there were petals floating, but she did not look back, Heinrich then Slowly turned around and looked at the door.

Downton's dark eyes, gazing affectionately at Di Lanxue, could no longer tolerate others or the world, as if there were only one another left in the world.

"Di Lanxue, I'll pick you up!"

Tang Dun twitched his lips, and then said this sentence incomparably, the perseverance in his voice, comparable to the rock, could not even melt the fire.


Some female guests finally understood what was happening, and subconsciously called it out, but then covered their mouths violently and dared not make any more sounds.

"Bold, don't step back!"

The middle-aged Saint Auxun snarled, a teleportation, appeared behind Downton, mercilessly assassinated, the God of War's fighting experience was more abundant, quietly, directly covered by Saint Aoxun, sneak attacked Downton, must Kill him as soon as possible to avoid the chaos from expanding.

Looking at Lion Ji in a white wedding dress, Downton's heart was broken, and the one standing beside her, why not herself?


Saint Aoxun and God of War both had a look of joy, but the next moment, a Titan Downton illusion came out from behind him, punching hard.


Divine prestige broke out, and Saint Aoxun and the God of War were like two autumn leaves, sprayed with blood, and flew out.


Many people gasped, almost stunned their eyes, but the combination of Saint Aoxun and the God of War could not force Downton back.

"No wonder he dares to rob marriages, how terrible is this guy's strength?"

"Wait, grab a marriage?"

"Isn't this the wedding of the century that Heinrich and Dylan Xue have all watched? Did someone come to grab the marriage?"

It was only now that the distinguished guests were awakened and what happened in front of them.

Downton stood in front of the gate of the palace, full of blood, staring at Dilan Xue on the main altar, her wedding dress was white, her back was facing him, her shoulders were trembling, and Heinrich standing side by side, but her brows were slight. Fuck...

At this moment, an overcast cloud floated in front of the colorful glass windows, casting a large shadow, and everything seemed to solidify.


After waiting for the wedding to be completed, the flying white pigeon was frightened and flew with wings.

Feathers fall!

The VIPs who were watching the ceremony looked back, the Pope standing silent on the side, and faces with surprises, joys, surprises, and expressions...

At this moment, the world seems to be frozen, like a long scroll of oil painting painted by the hand of fate, carrying too much meaning.

boom! boom! boom!

The Krupp giant, armed under the armor of Hellfire, rushed into the palace. The steel army boots stepped on the floor, making a heart-pounding sound, and also broke the silence in the hall.

"Downton, what are you doing?"

When Anna saw Downton, she got angry and instinctively stood up and questioned loudly.

The giant guards standing on both sides finally reacted and rushed up with a stride to kill these intruders.

The Krupp giants raised their guns and pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

boom! boom! boom!

The head of the giant guard was blown away, or a big hole was opened in the chest. In short, the blood and meat splatter splashed and spilled all over the place.

what! what! what!

The giant fell to the ground, and the spattered flesh and blood splashed on the noble ladies and young ladies and boys and girls who were usually well-respected, and they were scared and screamed.

The sorrow and fear revealed in these voices, as if they had been stripped naked by a muscle-tangled ogre, squeezed on the ground, and penetrated the chrysanthemum with thick wooden sticks.

"Guard! Guard!"

The timid ladies and ladies screamed in their throats, and even got into the arms of their father or husband, timidly like a rabbit.

"There are too many dead people!"

The Pope sighed without any movement, and a white gold halo burst directly from above his head. After rushing out of the palace, the whole square spread.

The soldiers of the Downton Legion and the Death Star Legion are fighting, as if the flames of war are poured into the ice and snow, and they are instantly cold and transparent, and completely dissipated.

The Pope’s words are imperial orders, and almost anyone will obey, but they do not include these two regiments. Downton’s subordinates brought together this time, there is no indigenous mixed regiment of humans, so a stunned **** directly violently, again Kill.

The soldiers of the Death Star only listened to Heinrich’s orders, but they have lived in the human country for a long time, and they are stunned. After all, the influence of the pope is too great, so their reaction is slow. In normal times, there is no difference, but now face the Downton Corps.

So a soldier fell down instantly and was defeated.

The pope's face suddenly looked ugly.

"Downton, let your corps stop, or I will order and annihilate them." The pope yelled and looked at Heinrich, "and you."

Thyssen was not a native of the West, and he didn’t bird the pope at all, so he would open his mouth to scold, or black hand swiftly, covering his mouth, otherwise he would scold it, even if the pope was generous and said nothing, those devout believers would tear Got him.

Downton and Heinrich didn't speak, and waved the same.

The regiment turned off, stopped, and retreated, but in the process, they never forgot to seize the favorable terrain, and they were glaring at each other, which was a sturdy mess.

"Stop all hands, don't let go!"

Seeing Heinrich's father, Grand Duke Floris gave his subordinates a look, and Queen Cersei also sent the guards to take advantage of the opportunity to kill Downton, the Pope scolded again.

"Under the crown!"

There was a lot of anger in Floris's voice, and he didn't understand why a pope was protecting a border pariah, "You are insulting the Supperung family?"

Because of his anger, the Grand Duke even saved his respects. Of course, he had this capital.

"There are too many dead people."

The Pope sighed and motioned for Floris to calm down, "With his fighting power, how many of you go up is a dead end!"


The air in the entire hall was exhausted by these nobles. Before, they only knew that Downton was very strong, but there was no clear understanding. Now, finally, he heard the evaluation of him from the pope's mouth.

"I don't care, I need an explanation!"

After Floris finished speaking, he stared fiercely at Di Lanxue, "What's going on?"

Among the distinguished guests, seeing this scene, they could not help but curse an old fox. This guy could sit on the head of Xiupelonge. Sure enough, he was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He completely figured out Dilanxue's character and used her to break the situation.

Lion Ji lowered her head, her body was trembling all the time, and her shoulders were sideways, but she didn't twist it, because she really didn't know how to face Downton.

"Hey, old ghost, what is it, tell me, don't disturb big brother!"

Not waiting for Downton to answer, Walnut jumped on the chair, holding the fiend's finger to Floris, and roared loudly.

"Where are the rude boys?"

Flores was furious.

In the main hall, there was still no noise, but the chaotic eyes were enough to explain their emotions. Hundreds of unidentified sights turned around the three people in Downton.

"What the **** is going on, is the scandal true? Downton and Dilan Xue have a leg?"

"Ma Lei, everyone comes to grab a marriage, can there be fake?"

"Isn't Heinrich wearing a green hat? That's a big joke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's going to destroy the country."

"Yes, one is not good, it is Empire War!"

The VIPs thought about turning around, and suddenly turned around, looking at the Bavarian roses sitting in the first row. If you remember correctly, she and Downton are couples, and they have a great relationship!

"What's going on?"

The guests didn't understand it, and they couldn't think of killing them. Downton would get the love of the two Empire Flowers. After all, Dilanxue and Sissy are the same. They are the two most perfect girls on this continent.

Being able to get one is already the favor of the goddess of luck, and the public enemy of men all over the world. Even if men are daydreaming, they have never dreamed of marrying them, because that is simply luxury.

Sissi sat there calmly, not speaking, this was not her stage.

"Your Highness!"

The grand nobles of Lombardy were dumbfounded, and the head of Medici stared at Downton angrily, growling with dissatisfaction, "What are you going to do? Let our Princess Highness lose face?"

Downton openly grabbed the marriage, which made Sissy's position too embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. When the matter is over, I will apologize to Sissi personally and beg her for forgiveness."

Downton explained.

"End? Do you think you can leave Xia Zhimian alive?"

Grand Duke Borgia also fired. Although everyone has various differences, at the international level, the interests are the same, and Sissi's glory is damaged, which is the shame of Lombardi.

"Don't talk, two uncles, I encouraged Downton to take back Dilan Xue."

Sissi suddenly opened her mouth and stunned the VIPs. This was a big news. (To be continued.)

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