Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1494: Artifact

Over the tropical rainforest, the law is surging wildly under the resonance of God's Word.

Downton and Heinrich are not very loud, but the power is terrifying, such as the waves rolling in anger, the ice falling like waterfalls, the towering ancient trees at the foot, the branches and leaves shake off, and the waves of green waves .

Bang! Bang!

Beasts and birds and worms with a radius of tens of thousands of yards are desperately running away, and then on this way, they are affected by God's words and die in pieces.

This is the power of ‘God’ to speak the law.

The white gold halo on Downton's head was even more dazzling, and his body shone with light, quickly collapsed into a streamer, and then gathered in an instant.

This is an aegis, because it cannot completely defend against God's Word, and can only be resisted by quick blessings.

Heinrich could not make a complete exemption, but his body was covered with purple light. He collapsed and reunited. Suddenly, his eyes flashed a glimmer of glory.


Downton was bounced away, but unscathed, because his left eye was already as bright as a star, his pupil surgery was fully open, and Heinrich's vulture was monitored.

"It's really troublesome!"

God's word was invalid, Heinrich gave up decisively, just about to move, but his face changed, his body flew forward violently, and at the same time turned around, his left hand was angry.

During this interval, a long sword appeared silently in the hand.

A strange feeling suddenly invaded the whole body. Downton seemed to fall into a large net, his hands and feet were restrained, so that he could not attack at will.


Downton wanted to release the astral reflection and deflect the attack, but it was the quicksand snow shield. This is the martial art he learned from the head of the Knights of the Snow Man Kingdom. Although it is a legendary level, for ordinary people, hundreds of millions Jin is hard to find, but he hasn't used it long ago.

At this critical moment, Downton's heart, warning signs of life, tried his best, and his body was biased.

"How are you?"

The cheap **** was also taken aback, but Downton was the **** of war, how could he make such a mistake? Epic martial arts are not necessarily badly hit Heinrich, not to mention this rubbish.


The long sword hit Downton, from the left shoulder to the right rib, a blood stain appeared, Yin Hong's blood shot, and the huge destructive power also rushed into the body, destroying the flesh and soul.

Downton gritted his teeth, unrelentingly attacking, and at the same time his body was shining with light, and the magic was launched to repair the injury.

Even if Heinrich didn't know Downton's power, he also knew the meaning of the title of God of War, but the pride in his heart made him choose not to retreat, but chose hard resistance.

Field skills, diamond stars!


The translucent Feng Lan burst out of Downton's arm, immediately covering a radius of 10,000 yards.

Click! Click!

The towering ancient trees swaying violently in the violent energy fluctuations were swept by the cold currents of the polar frozen soil, and suddenly turned into a silver statue.

Dragon Soul Skill, the world is falling!

Downton made consecutive moves.


A huge impact swept all around the ancient trees frozen into diamond crystals. In this hit, they instantly turned into transparent crystal dust and flew all over the sky.

"It's a wise judgment, but it's useless!"

Heinrich pouted and waved his sword again.

Worried about the mistakes just made, Downton chose the range technique, so that even if he missed, he could contain his opponent and find a response in such a short period of time. Without panic, it really deserved the title of victory.

Sure enough, that weird feeling struck again. Downton's move immediately changed out of control, and the sending and receiving all the time disappeared.


Downton hit the sword again.

"what happened?"

Some magicians can't understand it, let alone ordinary citizens, they are all confused.

"What sword is that in Heinrich's hand? It's awesome, it's a direct defense, it seems that you must hit it."

Some guests marveled.

"Ah? There is a sword? You guys are blind, are he empty-handed!"

"You are blind, then you can't see the strangely shaped sword?"

The onlookers frowned again.

"This guy is too shameless to bully people with weapons!"

Walnut shouted angrily, trying to tear down the palace.


Anna shouted and glanced at Sissy and her team proudly, like a winner, and then her expression froze the next second.


Downton punched Heinrich with a punch and blasted him.


Downton disappeared in place, caught up with Heinrich, and even attacked, he no longer used lore, all were ordinary attacks.


boom! boom! boom!

Numerous elemental punches as large as dragons condensed in the sky, followed by falling like a meteor, drowning Heinrich.

He wanted to dodge, but found that a black eye suddenly appeared under his feet. After opening, he shot numerous chains of law and imprisoned his body.

Dark shackles, soul gaze!


The eye with many pupils shot a thick black beam, and Heinrich dodges continuously, but it is like a tarsal maggot, and the soul is not scattered, and finally penetrated his left hand after a blow.

All kinds of negative energies immediately poured into the body, decayed, destroyed, abscesses, blood loss... And when the spider’s pupil opened, countless dark magic burst out and suppressed the entire audience.

Fear, panic, timidity, stiffness, aging, palpitations...

Even if the legendary pinnacle encounters these, it will be affected and weaken the combat effectiveness, but Heinrich's body is purged with purple light and all purified.


Downton's dark mirror image was broken and received Heinrich's attack. The body appeared behind him at the same time, holding a long sword and harvesting life.

Soul harvest!

The **** of death in his cloak appeared, and the moment it cut off the sickle, the sky suddenly darkened.

Heinrich cut off the shackles wrapped around his body with a sword, and then turned into a stream of purple streamer, breaking through the darkness.


On the route of the streamer, a giant Titan suddenly appeared, and it was shattered with a punch, just like the fireworks bursting on the harvest festival in midsummer.

The power of Downton’s God of War began to erupt, although he used a general attack, but various martial arts believers gradually came to suppress Heinrich.

"Is Downton not a priest? Why can you use such horrible dark magic and martial arts?"

"This guy is heresy, burn him to death!"

"Burn your mother, you didn't see the aura on his head, and the flames of magic, it's more familiar than some red cardinals."

The onlookers are about to quarrel again.

"A group of stupid~ forced to burn him? Even if he really fell, learning taboo dark magic, in his capacity, he can still sit high on the throne and accept the worship of thousands of people."

The Drankfoss has a fanatical worship of Downton, whether he is a **** or a demon, he will follow him firmly until he reaches the end of the world.

The Saint Auxuns are not so superficial, whether it is light or darkness, it is a means of harnessing power, and the real powerful is like this, the original heart is unchanged, the will is not shaken, the power is used as a pedal, and board the God On top, not to become a captive of power.

So St. Aoxun watched Downton's fascinating use of various epic martial arts skills.

Titan martial arts!


Dark fighting!


Not only these epic martial arts, but even simple punches, Downton hits, is also full of beauty and a certain mysterious rhythm.

"Downton's martial arts have become great."

The Moria song who came to Xia Zhiming with Juliet saw this scene with great emotion, and her eyes burst into a hot light. It was a belligerent desire after seeing a rival opponent. The desire was burning .

Guests of the Heinrich camp heard these words and wanted to refute them, but turned back to see the goddess who spoke, and closed their mouths consciously. To say, who is the most qualified to evaluate Downton in this palace, then It must be this **** of war.

"Bash him!"

Walnut shouted, "Bash this despicable villain!"

The VIPs didn’t look very good, they didn’t understand the mystery of the God of War, but they could see that after Downton’s promotion to the God of War realm, he was already out of his ingenious stage. His attack, his hands raised, just like splashing ink, The silver hook of iron painting is full of poetic and artistic meaning.

Every blow seems to contain certain principles.

Originally, Heinrich used the long sword of the artifact to twist Downton's attack, preventing him from freely exerting it, but Downton just broke through again under this pressure.

It takes time to predict and twist, but now, even if Heinrich changed Downton's next move, the changed move can still cause damage to him.

Downton is not taking one step at a time, but looking at the next step, but to coordinate the overall situation and form an attack after another vortex. No matter what Heinrich changed his tricks, he can play a perfect combo ~www.wuxiaspot. com~ suppresses him, imprisoned in a vortex.


Heinrich also found something bad, and was hit hard by Downton, and his long sword was furious.

Zi Zi!

A black death light split directly in the sky, as if death and life blocked Downton's footsteps.

"God of war is trouble!"

Heinrich frowned for the first time, not because he couldn't beat Downton, but because he couldn't kill him in seconds and got the perfect ending.

With his strength, enough to kill the God of War, or Saint Ao Xun, but Downton has a double title. This kind of enemy, even those old veteran Saint Ao Xun, if they are not life and death enemies, are not willing to provoke.

Why didn't both sides fight for so long just now, and no Saint Ao Xun shot? It's not that they don't want to crush Downton, nor is it the glory of a big man, they don't care about the ants, but they can't do it, head to head duel, they don't have the confidence to win.

Now seeing Downton's tyranny, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thanking that he had not rashly challenged just now, otherwise he didn't know how to die.

"Come out, Juno Bai!"

Heinrich shouted with a white light on the back of his left hand. The air behind him showed a mirage-like distortion, followed by a giant magic weapon god.

The eyebrows of the magic weapon **** shot a beam of light, shining on Heinrich, and then his figure disappeared and teleported into the mech.

After determining that Heidelberg could not beat Downton, Heinrich took the lead in making moves, and was much more flexible than Downton, who refused to merge with the devil.

Throughout the city, a huge exclamation sounded in an instant. Everyone's eyes widened, and the majestic figure of the magic weapon **** was printed in his mind.

(To be continued.)

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