Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1498: Contradiction spiral, hope denied!

In the Lord of Flames, Downton is struggling painfully.

Homer froze, yes, with Downton's self-esteem, if he helped himself, even if he won Heinrich, he would blame himself for a lifetime.

"You think I don't want to live? But people should have some kind of perseverance. Once lost, how is it different from the walking dead?"

The cheap **** and Downton coexist with each other's soul. If the other party dies, she will die, but at the moment, she has no regrets about this decision.

"I'm the ancient magic book, I don't understand the emotions of your creatures."

Homer retorted, after all, he never shot again.


Downton snarled, he felt like he was going to sink, just like in the deep blue sea, falling constantly, endless darkness and pressure, just like a wild beast, surging.

"I have not defeated Heinrich, how can I die in such a place?"

Downton's supreme will clenched his right fist and hit his head fiercely.


A violent impact like a siege hammer caused Downton's body to sway sideways, out of the driving seat, and the soul sinking into the body was also shaken and became disordered.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A sharp alarm sounded in the cockpit.

On the meter, the two originally overlapping wave curves began to fluctuate, the coherence rate dropped, and Downton's soul returned.

Downton punched again, hitting the button to lift the restriction.


Xingjue's back armor exploded, with a white steam blast, the cockpit popped out and fell into the rainforest thousands of meters away.

Heinrich flew over, suspended in the sky above the rainforest, and cut out with a sword.


A silver moonblade shot, breaking the cockpit apart, except that there was nothing but a pool of blood inside.

"Downton, get me out!"

Heinrich growled.

call out!

A white-gold ray of light emerged from the dense rainforest, expanded into a ring of light, and enveloped Heinrich.


When the aura hits, it instantly burned a golden flame and devoured the whole body.

"Holy Lights?"

Many guests exclaimed that there was a deep sense of fear, which was more horrible than the most cruel punishment.

Only those with the purest minds can be immune, otherwise the holy flame will be ignited until the mind and body are double purified, so-called burning to ashes.

This is a commendation listed as a taboo divine art, because even the pope does not dare to ensure that the soul is free from stains and passes the test without prejudice.

"During the eight congratulations, Downton realized four things. He already has the qualification to become an alternate pope!"

An archbishop in red sighed with emotion, but there was no one to pick up at all. After a moment of stunnedness, he also reacted, shut up, and hid in the corner.

"Sure enough Heinrich is also impure."

"This is going to be reversed."

"Naive, Heinrich must have defensive means, otherwise he will not make a move."

Adventurers are also talking about this battle, this battle is really a lot of attention.

"Do you think you can kill me by these small means?"

Heinrich sneered and waved the long sword in his right hand.

The flame that was originally ignited seemed to be splashed with cold water and extinguished instantly, while Downton in the rain forest was ignited instead.

The flaming silver flame directly exposed his position.

"God servant, kill him!"

Heinrich ordered that the air beside him seemed to be thrown into a lake of stones and rippled. Then a knight in white armor walked out, the dragon gun fluttered, and rushed to Downton.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Before the crowd arrived, several auras were first broadcast to Downton to control the field.


The knight roared and the sound wave technology exploded.

The rolling sound made the sea of ​​trees tumbling.

"Haha, is the Paladin awesome? Me too."

Seeing the knight killed with Downton, Heinrich laughed as if sitting on the Diaoyutai.

"Downton's flame is the effect of the Holy Light's praise? How could he hit it?"

"It must be the effect of the sword in Heinrich's hand? No surprise, it should be an artifact."

"So say, where is the sword? Why can't I see it?"

The guests made a quarrel, and their faces were confused, and then they all looked at Duke Floris.

"Don't stop selling customs, let us know?"

A king of a second-rate country with whom he had a good relationship begged.

"The two swords are indeed artifacts. They are the spoils he got after completing two great causes."

Floris explained.

"Then those who can't see them are stupid?"

A big noble is very proud.

"No, can you see, it seems to be related to personal destiny." Floris spread his hand, "I don't know, after all, it is an artifact."

In the right hand of Heinrich, there is a knight long sword that is one and a half meters long, but the blade is not a flat one, but a cylindrical shape like a dragon gun, and it is covered with a spiral pattern. One after another mysterious rune branding.

There is a black light flashing, one light and one light, just like breathing.

It is called a contradiction spiral, and as the name implies, it can interfere with and distort any established facts, so that what was originally going to happen can lead to another result.

The most basic effect is to forcibly interfere with any skills used by Downton, all wrong, before he played the snow wind martial arts, made a low-level mistake, and was repulsed by the Holy Light praise, which are the effects of contradictory spirals.


Some nobles listened to Floris's explanation and were directly confused.

"Do you know mathematics? There are various theorems, what are the conditions, and then you can deduce what result, but after interfering with the contradictory spiral, it will get another result."

The Lionheart pouted, and despised these human IQs. "In short, any common sense will be distorted. For example, you are slapped, but it hurts others."

"It's amazing. Doesn't it mean that Downton's martial arts are so strong that they can't beat people, is it useless?"

A guest responded.

"Not so!"

King Lionheart shook his head, forget it, too lazy to explain, the artifact is enough to reverse the trump card, but not invincible.

You know, Downton is not a miscellaneous fish, an artifact that is enough to make others desperate. For him, it may be a little troublesome.

Although very reluctant, Richard understands that Downton is more powerful than him.

"What about another short sword?"

The princess of the Kuta Magus Empire asked curiously.

"It should be a denial of hope."

Floris didn't want to divulge secrets, but Tessie opened the mouth, the learned prince of half-blood, in a word.

The short sword in Heinrich's left hand was only a foot and a half long, and was in the shape of a willow leaf, narrow in the middle, like a bee waist of a peerless beauty.

The blade is white, and at a certain frequency, there will be a different streamer, and there seems to be some images printed in this streamer.

The guests looked at each other.

"This is a magic sword, with extremely powerful calculus ability, you can see the future through the time flow, according to different timelines, various results will occur, and then it will activate the ability to force the enemy to only Follow a certain timeline and reach the result that is most beneficial to the artifact holder."

Taixi Feng explained.

"That is to say, once Heinrich uses this magic sword, will any battle result be beneficial to him?"

Elaine was worried.

"So it is called hope denial, and it can wipe out any hope and opportunity of the enemy to defeat."

Taixi Feng looks dignified.

"Too shameless."

Walnut screamed, and Ceres nodded frantically.

"This is the artifact Heinrich has experienced through life and death, can't he use it?"

Floris shrugged his shoulders, his face helpless.

The Downton camp had no way to refute.

"Oh, Big Brother won't lose!"

Walnut made a grimace.

"Yes, don't worry, although the artifact is powerful, it depends on who uses it."

Nicole comforted everyone, but everyone still had a nightmare lingering in his heart. Heinrich’s heritage was too deep. The gap in the magic costume was desperate, but Downton was still very strong. The Great Dragon, the national artifact of Great Britain, wept.

As Heinrich put down the so-called ‘boring self-esteem’ in his mouth, using the mighty and powerful artifact brightly, the battle began to fall towards him.

"Haha, you don't understand!"

Floris shook his head and looked at Sissy and his party with contemptuous eyes. "It is true that Downton is the God of War. Heinrich is inferior to him in martial arts, but ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is fighting, than It’s a person’s talent, not just martial arts."

"My son's strength is simply not conceivable to you humble ants." Flores sneered, "Did you see that? The knight is my son on a broken altar of an ancient ruin, using magic The deity fragments extracted by the guide science, through a technology similar to the abomination of the undead, create a servant of the gods, although it is not complete, it has the power of God."


Listening to Flores' introduction, the audience gasped, shocked by words, and then looked at the magic crystal screen.

The White Knight, playing Downton eloquently.

Yes, in the so-called duel, who stipulated that it must be a contest? Heinrich is showing his talent perfectly.

"My ancestors have the reputation of being the No. 1 school bully in the mainland, and my son will inherit it and become the strongest school bully that no one can surpass in the past, the present, or even the future."

Floris' face was full of excitement, all pride and pride, and the Supperung family was the most perfect human being.

Everyone was silent, and even God could be made into a servant to serve himself. They did not dare to think about this kind of thing, let alone did it.

"Huh, isn't it just a fighting puppet that breaks the divine form? My brother also has it, and I don't know how many times it is more senior than your son!"

Walnut retorted.

The guests’ eyes suddenly turned to Walnut. Some people would like to say, you are like an ant, the ground is full, you want to catch, but when you think of Downton’s terrible record, your lips twitch a few times. Did not dare to speak.

At the next moment, the glorious **** appeared and shattered all doubts.

(To be continued.)

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