Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1518: Endless battle

Therefore, everyone thinks that Rommel will win first and end the battle, but the winner is Downton. Watching him put away the handsome chess pieces, all eyes have solidified.

"It's incredible!"

If you are not in a battle, others will also applaud this wonderful battle.

The handsome died of pride and contempt. If he knew that the man he played was Downton, he would not have played so easily.

The second player to win the game is Twilight.

The devil is too scum, and there is no chance to become a chess piece.

The game ended one after another, but it is no longer important for everyone to win or lose, because the opponent in the next game is Alfa Wang.

"This game, called Endless Battle, is that you will play the Western soil or the evil **** camp at will, and fight Alfawang."

The queen introduced the rules of the game, "Only those who have persisted for more than two decades and finally ranked in the top three will be eligible to enter the next round of competition, otherwise they will be wiped out."

"Want us to play chess here for twenty years?"

The mermaid who died a lot of companions was very upset.

"In the game of chess, the time flow rate is different. One hour is equal to one day in reality. In addition, after 20 years of safety, the challenge continues. Every five years, there is only the right to opt out. If it is defeated during the period, Then die."

Alfa Wang replaced the queen to introduce the rules of the game.

Everyone fell into contemplation and continued to challenge, which inevitably increased the risk, and if they did not challenge, maybe they could wait for the previous person to die in the game, but if they did not challenge, if they could not enter the top three, they would definitely die.

"Ma Lei, what are these bad rules?"

People cursed, since Alfa Wang was so confident. There must be strength, and every five or five years must be a huge torture.

"I haven't finished my words. During the battle, every day. You will be stabbed with a sword, and the pain you suffer will double with time."

"You just let us die."

Not waiting for Alfa Wang to finish his speech, the dragon has been swearing. This is not a game, this is a torture of the law.

Too late, there is no chance to quit.

The crowd was transported into a combat command room, in front of a huge chessboard. Everyone was just going to observe the geography. A dragon gun appeared and pierced the heart.

Blood splattered and everyone had cramps when they hurt.

This pain hits the soul and cannot be defended.

Twilight, Dragon, and Mermaid, these three are very lucky to become the evil **** camp, and Downton and his party are the commanders of the Western-Turkish Allied Forces.

Because the endless battle is simulated according to the actual situation. So the evil spirit army has the advantage.

The battle began.

As time progressed, a dragon gun with a handle stabbed the commanders. They will not disappear, hurting the soul all the time.

"Damn, when I get the Soul of the Netherworld, I will definitely kill you."

The dragon swears. This is a cruel punishment that is even more cruel than Ling Chi. The longer you persist, the greater your chances of winning and the greater the pain you can suffer.

Twilight sat on the chair, treating the torture as hard work. In fact, despite being only sixteen. But the war pain she experienced far outweighed the damage.

Alpha Wang is worthy of being the strongest man-made wizard elf dog. Super computing power, after each step of the opponent, you can deduce almost all the possibilities of the evolution of the battle, and then select the best coping strategy.

Even on behalf of the evil spirit camp, the three of Twilight felt great pressure. As for Downton, it was even worse, and it was suppressed in full.

The battle is going on.

Because of the relationship of identity, Twilight read the history of jihad, and communicated with the commanders, and participated in many combat meetings, so she carried out operations according to the attack plan of the evil spirit army. Some of Alfawang’s responses really let her open. Vision.

Twilight forgets the pain and indulges in it. If not, it will sigh. If some battles did not make mistakes that year, the situation on the mainland may not be so passive.

Some people were kicked out of the game, some people still insisted that every time they spent a five-year node, it was a torture of the soul.

"Do you want to continue, or choose to quit?"

Because they can't see other people's battles, they don't know even if only one contestant is left, and they can only continue with their daring.

But in this way, he must bear the mad attack of Alfa Wang, and the pain of the sharp edge of the day.

Downton's time on the Flying Dutchman is not wasteful, but he has a detailed understanding of the jihad in this world, so now fighting can avoid many mistakes and make the most optimal choice.

"These people are very powerful."

The Queen sighed that Suran and Downton were of the same grade, and the twilight was worse, but she was young enough, and some had time to accumulate experience.

"Ma Lei, I don't want to play anymore. I don't believe you are longer than me in 95 years of jihad!"

The Dragon snarled, relying on his powerful talents and long life, read countless war history, and accumulated accumulation broke out at this time, persisting for more than a hundred years, he thought he could enter the top three.

When he quit the game, the dragon's face suddenly turned white, and there were actually five more people than himself.

Mermaids and elves have the same long life, which is endless wealth. Besides, no one is a fuel-efficient lamp to enter the Temple of Dawn.

"One hundred years, this is my limit."

The mermaid chose to quit, and then he fell on the ground with a normal voice, and the powerful soul injury has been fed back to *.

When I saw four more people, the mermaid was dumbfounded, but instead of hysterical, it waited calmly for death.

"Congratulations, you have survived for a hundred years, and you are qualified to compete in the soul of the underworld."

Queen congratulations.

There are hidden conditions in the game, which can be exempted from death after being triggered.

"Why didn't you say it early?"

The dragon questioned angrily.

"The goddess of luck only cares about the hard work. In fact, you have not reached the limit. You gave up hope yourself."

The queen scolded.

The dragon was staggering two steps, it is impossible to say, as long as he persisted for another five years. Can live!

The elf who persisted for 120 years later withdrew and looked at the three people, Downton, Suran, and Twilight, revealing a look of admiration.

Until now. Only those who watched it discovered that Downton was three. They didn't care about the five-year deadline at all, and they only had one goal, which was to defeat Alfa Wang.

A handle of a dragon gun pierced three people into a hedgehog, blood gathered on the ground into a pool, and the whole person was stained scarlet.

"Miss, you can quit."

The knights are very worried that Twilight's identity is too important. If you die here, it will have an impact on the situation on the mainland.

"I want to fight!"

Twilight looked at the endgame and knew that she could no longer hold on for another five years. She wanted to challenge her limits, but remembered Aunty Sisie's words again.

Think about your father and mother, your life no longer belongs to you, but belongs to this Western soil camp.

Twilight exits.

After learning that she got the third place, the girl did not feel any joy, but looked at Downton and Suran. Study their battle situation.

Suran Wenwu double full, otherwise it will not become one of the only three governors, as far as Downton. Although that answer is a bit weird, but it’s not close to ten, otherwise it’s impossible to explain so many similarities.

Later, Suran, who persisted for 180 years, withdrew.

Downton is the only fruit.

The situation at this time was already in jeopardy, and Downton had the potential to capsize at any time, but as he won the Battle of Songmuhe, his small battlefields were like a spark of fire. Connected one by one, showing the trend of Liaoyuan.

Although still unable to fight back. But the situation is flat.

"It turns out that this is really a finishing touch. Your seemingly broken battles were originally born for this moment."

Alpha Wang sighed.

After the deduction, Alfa Wang found that Downton could persist for a long time, so he chose a draw.

"This is over?"

Downton is still not satisfied, he wants to use this dog to experiment his tactics, in order to get some advantages in the upcoming jihad.

"Congratulations to the five, enter the final battle, the Excalibur is there, understand the true meaning of the soul of the Netherworld, you can get it!"

As the queen waved, the forest cabin changed, and everyone seemed to be in a starry sky, surrounded by stars.

An Excalibur hangs above the Milky Way.

The mermaid grabbed it impatiently, but the Excalibur was like an illusion, crossing his hands.


Some people exclaimed that on every star, there are images constantly changing, which seems to be the memory of someone's life.

"Could these stars be the soul of someone?"

Carrie speculated.

"That's not the Milky Way, is it Styx?"

Suran looked at the galaxy in the sky, that was the return of all souls, or rebirth, flock to the future.

"Ningguo Soul, Ning......guo, wait, don't you say..."

Suran suddenly looked at Carrie.

Both Carrie and Twilight were shocked, and two bright girls, guessing an answer from his reaction at the same time.

"kill me!"

Carrie urged.


Suran refused.

"If you want to fulfill your ideals, you must get the Soul of the Netherworld, and kill me is the only way."

Carrie screamed, she yelled out deliberately to force Serran to do it, because she knew that even if she died, Serran would not hurt herself.

"You don't kill me, we will all die when they get the Excalibur."

Carrie can give everything for Suran, "and after you return, you can try to resurrect me."

"No, I would rather die with you than live alone."

Suran refused.

"Miss, you seem to know what to do, why not execute it?"

The knights urged.

Di Lanxue shook his head.

"I understand, only by killing the souls of the enemy, the souls of loved ones, or even my own soul, and cutting off all feelings, can I rule the underworld."

The elf suddenly shouted and ran towards the Excalibur, reaching for it and actually holding it.

"Haha, I really guessed right."

The elves laughed and beheaded their men, and their souls were attributed to the Excalibur and the Excalibur.


The elf backhanded and chopped on his neck, the blood spewed, and the wound recovered quickly.

"Undead, haha!"

The elf could feel that there was a surge of power coming from the Excalibur.

"His Royal Highness, kill us, kill him, take back the Excalibur."

The knights were in a hurry.

"Do not!"

Di Lanxue refused, attacking the elves, Seran assisted, but before approaching, he was forced to retreat with a sword.

"This is the power of God!"

The eyes of the elf, flashing purple light, want to slaughter these people, completely holding the final step of the Excalibur.

"No, why cut off feelings, this **** is the most precious priceless treasure."

Downton suddenly spoke.

"So you don't understand."

The elf countered.

"Yes, I don't understand. If you get it, you will lose all your feelings. What is the difference from the cold-blooded golem? Then I would rather not."

Downton will be determined.

"Stupid, supreme power is the king!" The elf shook his head. "Since you withdraw from the competition, it will be the first sacrifice of my Excalibur!"

The elf held a sword and beheaded Downton.

The sword was empty, but a deep slash appeared in the elf's body, blood raging.

"what happened?"

The elf screamed incredulously, and he felt that the Excalibur was struggling to fly away.

"Fool, of course, because he is qualified to be the true master of the soul of the Netherworld!"

The queen teased.


Suran was surprised.

"You forgot, the first game of death flag game, but tested the bond between the chess player and the chess piece, the deeper the feeling, the stronger the fighting power, now tell me to hold the holy sword, to kill the emotion, this is not self-confidence Is it a paradox?"

Downton puzzled.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The Queen applauded, and Alfawang also shouted, expressing appreciation.

The others suddenly realized that even Suran, who had a high self-esteem, couldn't help casting a surprise and admiration on Downton, and then he confirmed the identity of this guy.

Although he did not know how he was resurrected, he was definitely Downton.

"No, come back, I am your master."

Ningguo Zhenshen left his hand, no matter how the elf shouted and how to catch it, he passed through directly, and could no longer touch it.

The Excalibur floated in front of Downton, floating quietly. Just as Downton was about to get it, Seran suddenly punched and killed him.

Downton attacked, powerful shock waves scattered.

"Queen, the rules don't say that I'm not allowed to **** the Excalibur?"

Suran asked.

"Yes, you have the strength to take the Excalibur from his body."

The queen answered.

"Sorry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the sake of the people, I must get the Soul of the Netherworld."

Twilight apologized and took a fighting stance.

Downton glanced around and looked at the people who were staring at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth, then raised his hand, grabbed the Excalibur, and threw it to Twilight.


A group of people were dumbfounded.

"If you want, take it!"

Downton looked at Twilight and shook his head in disappointment. "If you think a sword can reverse the situation, are you worthy of the dead warriors? It is not the sword but everyone who wants to defeat the evil god. Every strength."

Others are still wondering, and Celan and Twilight are both shocked and have a sense of enlightenment.

Only by surpassing death and overcoming the fear of death can you touch this sword. Downton, Twilight, and Suran have all achieved this. Only in the core concept, Downton is better. (To be continued.)

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