Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1520: Time goes by and dominates the will

Dark clouds rushed and snowflakes flew.

Xia Zhimian palace, garden square, cheers thunderously.



People who witnessed the wonderful World War I screamed wildly and vented their excitement. Many young people became Heinrich’s loyal and iron fans at this moment. They adore the strong and eager to become the strong.

Among the younger generation, Downton is hailed as the most qualified man to challenge Heinrich. Now that he is killed, Heinrich defends his own glory and becomes a veritable first in the world.

In the eyes of the Frankfort army, a flame of hatred burst out, and he wanted to kill all life in anger and burn the city.

If it wasn’t for Nicole to stop it in time, they would choose to burn both jade and jade.

In the palace, Heinrich pulled Dilan Xue, walked to the pope, and continued the wedding ceremony.

Every guest saw Lion Ji’s refusal, but many people still gave warm applause and false smiles, wishing them a happy wedding.


Heinrich commanded that he did not pay much respect to this hostess because of his papal status.

"I said, I will not marry you!" Di Lanxue struggled, "Let me go!"


Heinrich sneered, just about to talk, suddenly his face changed, and suddenly turned back, as if he saw the most incredible thing, his pupil shrunk into a pin-eye instantly.


The guests turned around unexplained, then exclaimed.

Downton's figure, I don't know when, appeared on the platform in front of the palace gate, still so imposing and Yuanyuan Yuezhi.

"Ah? Am I blinded? Isn't he dead?"

"what happened?"

"Who can tell me what happened?"

The VIPs were completely confused.


Sissi wept with joy.


Elaine and Ceres hugged together happily.


Juliet's fist was clenched at once, a joy, like a spring bud, growing in her heart. She hated this emotion, but she couldn't give up. She understood that she loved him so much.


Mo Lia sighed with emotion. Sure enough, the climax of the decisive battle is now just beginning.

"She said unwilling, didn't you hear it?" Downton asked, "And are you too happy, our fight has not yet won!"

"What is the origin of the sword beside him?"

A guest noticed that Downton's side was suspended with a long sword, the whole body was fuchsia, and the glowing clouds and the sunset glowed like fire. Looking at it, it seemed that the soul would be sucked away.

What they are doing is that they are all members of the wealthy family and the royal family. They are well-informed and possess more than 90% of the wealth and treasures of the entire continent. But even so, they still cannot recognize the origin of this sword. .

"Actually the Soul of the Netherworld?"

Homer screamed.

"Where did you go just now? Why can't you perceive you at all?"

Cheap God asked.

"Go to the future timeline, okay, wait until I have time to elaborate with you!"

Downton grabbed the Excalibur. As he said, an Excalibur could not determine the victory or defeat of the jihad, the world belonged to, so he was relieved that he would not try his best to send the Twilight back, and he believed that the girl After this adventure, it will definitely become stronger and become a real banner of the empire.


Di Lanxue screamed and ran to Downton subconsciously, trying to hug him.


Heinrich pulled Lion Ji and prevented her from leaving. The original handsome face comparable to Apollo's sun **** also became distorted.

"Okay, I can kill you the first time, and I can kill you a second time."

Heinrich didn't care where he was anymore, he directly activated his talent. He had to make quick decisions. He no longer wanted to see Downton's face.

Time goes by!

Talent started.

Click! Click!

In the palace, the sound of the clock running sounded, and the frequency of each guest's heart beat couldn't help but resonate with the bell.

A goddess of time emerged from behind Heinrich. Her body was all nicks of time, and her bronze pupil wobbled the pendulum of time.

Weather in the long river of time, time tide!

The goddess of time breathed a sigh of relief, and the bronze tide swept past and swept across the palace.

The guests were frightened and opened their magic shields in a hurry to activate all the magic outfits on their bodies for defense.

There are still bad luck eggs.

When the tides of time passed, a guest's senescence, death, corpse, and finally weathered into gravel, as if walking to the end of life.

Every guest's shield is broken, as if they have reached their limit.


Some guests did not dare to look down, and desperately ran away.


Downton's body lit up with a dark red light, the tide of time passed, but there was no way to hurt him.

"Huh? Realm plus?"

Heinrich frowned, followed by a sneer, "But so!"

Time to devour!

Bang! Bang!

In the sea of ​​time, a huge whale of time jumped out and opened its mouth wide, wherever it was, any concept of time was wiped out.


Just when the whale made a vertical jump and killed Downton vertically and wanted to completely swallow it, Downton waved his sword.


A door to the underworld unfolded above Downton's head, and countless black tentacles of black souls stretched out, caught on the whale, and pulled it in.


Stunt is broken.

"I remembered. This feature is the soul of the Netherworld. Damn. This is the most mysterious artifact in the planes. It is said that anyone who has seen it will die in the Netherworld."

The elf patriarch shouted, with unstoppable fear and panic in his voice, and some artifacts, which were always unpredictable and dissociated from the law.


Hailaheer supported his chin with one hand, and a meaningful smile ran from the corner of his mouth.

"how come?"

Dvorak was shocked, his body leaned forward, staring at the crystal ball, and Downton's strong return was beyond his expectations.

"We better leave, otherwise we will die."

The blind girl kept coughing and spitting blood.


Suran wanted to see the results. After all, it was a century war, but the girl’s serious expression was the first time he saw that he did not dare to neglect and hugged her away.

"Wait, you can't go, otherwise what do you plan to do?"

First Nova interception.


Ceran is furious. His plans are all for the girl. If something happens to her, even if the plan is completed, what use is it.


Dvořák was scolded and wanted to go wild, but he knew that there were already a lot of masters under the **** of evil in this city. If he went to war, he would not be able to get any benefits, and he wanted Heinrich’s head, " Next time, I will kill you."

Astral Labyrinth!

Downton and Heinrich were in a fierce battle, and their talents broke out.

"Unexpectedly, he just went to Hades!"

Sister Yu's head was surprised.

"Dark Heart Dagger, this is the key to the underworld, plus Sissi's lucky blessing, Downton's star eye talent, and the final blessing of life on the iron armor, these factors add up to let Downton take At this point, the Soul of Ningguo!"

Literary girl with emotion.

The most mysterious existence in the world, that is to say, this artifact, everyone knows that there is the existence of the underworld, but no one has ever found this plane.

Even the most knowledgeable wise man, the most psychic oracle, and the greatest astrologer know very little about the underworld.

Hades, mysterious land, what is it? Ideal town? Fantasy land? Is it heart? Is it hope? Is despair? Is the future? Still in the past? Is the source and end of everything?

No one knows the answer.

The powerful effect of this artifact is naturally unknown.

Downton holds the Excalibur, and the Netherland becomes a refuge, allowing him to catch water in the horrific time attacks of Heinrich.

Contradiction spiral!

Heinrich thrust a dagger to interfere with Downton's defense.

Eye of the star, pendulum of fate!

Downton's talent was also launched. After his journey to the underworld, his pupil surgery evolved again, and his entire eyes seemed to be stars, like the center of the galaxy, and seemed to be the entire galaxy.

Heinrich’s dual talents are incomparably powerful, but Downton’s is not bad, known as the most mysterious talent of the planes, and the most strange and unpredictable ability of the owner.

A wall clock of fate appeared, and the pendulum wobbled, changing the clue of fate.

The contradiction spiral is disturbed.

Hope to deny, the death of fate!

Heinrich did not give up.

In the chanting of the goddess of time, strands of golden thread overflowed from Downton's body, and then broke, to end his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Star Eye, Order of the Underworld, Wake of the Spirit!

At this time, all martial arts are useless, and it is a competition of the most original power.

"It's my turn to attack!"

Downton stared at Heinrich with his sword cut off.


The black sword gas suddenly disappeared when he hit Heinrich in front of him. When Downton wanted to cut the second sword, he suddenly froze.

"Haha, want to kill me? What a fool's dream!"

Heinrich laughed, mocking Downton's ignorance.

"What's wrong? Why doesn't brother attack?"

Elaine and Ceres are worried.

"There seems to be a force of law that is attacking Downton."

Xia Luo explained.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to kill me? Do it?" Heinrich mocked. "Did you forget the martial art? Forget the talent? Forget how to attack?"

Downton blinked his eyes, and there was indeed something going on in his mind. Those things that were originally used to make things seem to be completely forgotten.

"Haha, epic martial skills? Divine talent? No matter how powerful you will be, you will forget it. Not only that, you will also forget your family, your girlfriend, your subordinates. In the end, you will forget everything and become an empty memory. Puppet!"

Heinrich's prose was issued, killing Downton.

Time remains.

If it were not for the protection of the Soul of the Netherworld, in the tides of this year, more than a variety of martial arts and talents, Downton will forget the basic life skills, and even the body is weathered, and life eventually dissipates.

Time is the most ruthless, it can make people forget everything, drown everything, and eventually even the slightest ripples will not swing.

Downton was like a fossil, standing on the spot.

(To be continued.)

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