Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1522: Death's food, evil spirits come!

Even those who admired Heinrich watched him use such means to create Dilanxue and sneak attack on Downton.

"It's just losing and losing!"

Even the Dragon couple who firmly supported Heinrich could not hold their faces.

If Heinrich is evil, the party is a villain like the three big dark organizations, even if he is Saint Aoxun, he has no one to accuse him of doing such a mean behavior, because it was originally a chaotic evil camp. send.

But Heinrich is the star of hope on the mainland. He has no shortcomings. His perfect life is the object of admiration and envy of people across the continent. But now, even under the eyes of everyone, he has attacked Dilanxue with a despicable means. And Downton.

"Di Lanxue, why don't you understand?"

Sissi rushed over and pityed and hated, and the knights who abide by the eight virtues were indeed flawed in character.


Di Lanxue pressed her lips tightly and looked at Downton worriedly, almost tangled to death, so that a simple girl who had never changed the principle, experiencing these choices, was a cruel torture.

"Don't talk about it, treat it first, I understand, I understand everything!"

Downton hugged Lion Ji.

"You don't want me to kill him, you want us to reconcile, not only to make up for our inner guilt, but also to let us work together to resist the evil spirit."

Sure enough, Downton understood himself. Di Lanxue wanted to explain, but she would spit out blood when she opened her mouth. Her injury was too heavy.

"If Heinrich is on our side, it will indeed increase the victory rate, but he does not. I just saw the world under the rule of the evil **** in the future."

Downton stroked Di Lanxue's cheek, choking with impatience. "That's hell!"

St. Lily, who was working hard to treat the lion girl, heard this and glanced down at Downton. Realistic points to lie!

"Heinrich betrayed everyone and he must die in order not to let the mainland take that step."

Downton explained.

Di Lanxue looked up hard.

"do you understand?"

Downton stared at Lion Ji's eyes, he could feel it. The girl's body temperature is passing rapidly.

No longer able to make a sound, Di Lanxue tried her best to touch Downton's hand, stroking her cheek, and blood was contaminated.


Downton got up if he didn't see the future. He would indeed let Heinrich go, but now he will not, even if Di Lanxue misunderstands that he is for private enmity, he will kill him.

Downton was ready to be misunderstood, but found out that Di Lanxue looked at himself and showed his trust.

"Downton won't deceive me."

Even in the view of those guests, Downton's excuses were so poor that Dilan Xue chose to believe him, since he could not change. Then let yourself bear it with him.

Floris looked at his son, and his face was all tangled. This time, his prestige was about to fall, and he had to make up as soon as possible. However, this kind of behavior made him hard to find even the wording of washing the floor.

"We are always together."

Downton clenched Dilanxue's heavenly will and charged strongly.

"Suicide, dominate the will!"

Fate and strength gathered, and a goddess was formed behind Heinrich. She spoke eloquently and ordered Downton to commit suicide.

Uh! Uh!

Downton wields his sword twice, cutting off this ray of will, and then appears in front of Heinrich.

Big cross cut!


A cross edged light. Exploded on Heinrich.

"The body of God... Ah, it hurts!"

Heinrich screamed. His body was sprayed with blood in the shape of a cross. These were the two most powerful artifacts, even if it was just the simplest killing technique. It can also cause serious damage to his body.

When it comes to martial arts, Heinrich is ultimately unable to beat Downton with the title of God of War. After the gap between weapons, talents and lineage is narrowed, he begins to show an overwhelming disadvantage.

Titan expression!

call out!

Heinrich’s body of the gods couldn’t bear Downton’s repeated attacks, and he began to collapse, and his soul was continuously hit.

It stands to reason that the master of the will of the kingdom of heaven is Di Lanxue, and strangers will be bitter when they get it, but the love for Lion Ji in Downton's heart makes it fully effective.


Heinrich was once again bombed, and his defense had been largely broken, and it was only a step away from death.

"Downton, stop."

An orc shaman walked into the hall to stop this fight. "You are all chosen by chance to end the jihad. You should not waste your life in such a place."

"Who is this guy?"

The guests didn't know Asadin, but some old guys, they were surprised.


The Pope also spoke, no matter who died, it was a huge loss for the Xitu camp.

"Go away, my Heinrich, have not fallen to the point of letting the two old men sympathize."

Heinrich roared, staggering backwards, and suddenly hit the wall, "Do you think I lost? No, I still have a hole card!"

With the fall of Heinrich's voice, a bang sounded as if a cork had been pulled out, and a plume of purple smoke drifted in the air.


There were screaming and crying of babies suddenly.


Downton reached out his hand and plunged into the purple mist. A series of disgusting tentacles immediately sprang out and drilled into his arm, sucking his blood.

Heinrich bit his teeth and grabbed a red fruit.


On the fruit, suddenly opened his eyelids, revealing a terrifying eye, no matter what angle he stood at, he was facing it, and the soul had to be sucked in.

"The food of death?"

Many old guys exclaimed that this was the evil potion that the evil spirit exhausted from the mind and swallowed it, and you could get endless life and enough power to conquer the world, but at the most cost, it would become a puppet of the evil spirit.

In the history of jihad, there were several great heroes who could have been listed as holy coffins, because they did not resist the temptation and swallowed the food of death, which caused huge damage to the mainland.

"You have to calm down!"

Floris was terrified, he could not accept the fact that his son became a public enemy in the mainland.

"Haha, it's just a food of death, even a **** of evil. I can't control my soul."

Ignoring the dissuasion at all, Heinrich swallowed the food of death without hesitation.

call out! call out! call out!

The black tentacles stretched out of the void, like a leech, wrapped around Heinrich. At the moment when others wanted rescue, he was wrapped into a cocoon shape.

boom! boom! boom!

An evil supernatural power erupted, squirting around like a tsunami, instantly making everyone fall into the ice cave, and even the soul must be frozen.

"kill him!"

The pope was decisive. Heinrich's fall made him extremely heartbroken, but there was no room for turning. If he was allowed to become the shadow of the evil god, it would be a disaster for the whole continent.

More than one hundred holy aussie-level magic, magic, and martial arts hit the black oval egg ~ nest, but they were all absorbed and could not cause any damage.

Just as everyone was preparing to give a full blow, a laugh full of cold sentiment suddenly enveloped the entire palace. Spread all over the king city.

"Haha, after ten thousand years, I finally woke up again!"

Bang! Bang!

In the sky, there is black lightning raging, endless like a jungle. The original pure white snowflakes are dyed black.

A figure in black robe suddenly moved into the hall.

Downton beheaded, still half a beat.

The black robe seemed to have taken off its clothes, and the flesh ~ body skin sac was removed. Only the soul shot into the black eggs with lightning.


The black egg trembles, and a black shadow emerges from above. It is twisted and has no specific form, only a big mouth and two black holes like eyes.

"Haha, ants, my god, come back!"

Shadows laughed.

The guests stepped back in unison, and some people were even scared to pee. Paralyzed.

In the city, riots are spreading.

The three huge portals stood up at the moment of the coming of the evil spirit, and then activated, and the elite army of the evil spirits came.

Those evil spirit soldiers who had already believed in evil spirits and were hidden in the city recovered their appearance at this time and were killed from hiding places.

Crying, fighting, grinning, all kinds of emotions collide together.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

As the light and shadow flickered, a high-ranking Evil Army appeared on the square.

"The Governor of Blood!"

"Governor Boiling Flame!"

"Vice Governor!"


Twelve governors, six came in full, and the three giants under the **** of evil, the Bloody Queen and the Infinite Dragon King arrived.

As an ally of the abyss, the demon king sent all seven demon grand dukes, as well as two princes and a prince.

Other masters do not count.

Ordinary citizens do not yet know what happened. Those rich family heads and members of the royal family have already looked pale.

This lineup ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is simply too luxurious, it is completely Jihad level.

"Jihad is here? Is it too sudden?"

The homeowners are still somewhat unacceptable. No one expected that the evil spirit would appear in this way. After waking up, he would not even have a chance to rest, and he would directly showdown and attack.

"Haha, I smelled the smell of war, wailing, blood, death, this should be the main theme of the mainland!"

The evil **** laughed heartily.

Those nobles who have just heard the legend, now finally appreciate the power and madness of the evil god, it even directly entered the main city of Twilight, exposed to the highest power of these continents.

This guy is a lunatic, enjoying killing and death, tasting the fear of ants.

"Small sea!"

Floris shouted anxiously.

Swallowing the food of death shouldn’t be the effect. The wealthy house owner didn’t know that Heinrich’s qualifications were so outstanding that even the evil **** wanted his body, so the food given for death passed Specially cultivated.

After taking it, Heinrich will not become a puppet, but will be directly swallowed and become the nutrients of the **** Evil God.

The black egg dissipated, and Heinrich's body was exposed. He was like a puppet with a black soul thread on his body, which constituted the dark body of the evil god.

"Evil God!"

Heinrich squeezed this title out of his teeth. (~^~)

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