Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1536: Air battle

  The javelin of the troll hunter is of special quality. In addition to smearing poison, it also emits a special whistle, which can interfere with perception and create intimidation.

   The sound of the whistle together means that the troll hunter starts hunting. In the jungle, this is the sound of death.

  The officers of the Demon Cavalry were immediately taken care of by the best hunters and were shot on the spot by several javelins, which caused the cavalry to fall into a chaotic situation without any command immediately after being attacked.

  The dark ranger rode the black panther, detoured from the side, and carried out a projectile attack. Their short bow did not hurt the heavy ride, but against the light ride, there was still some lethality.

boom! boom! boom!

   Since the beginning of the war, the three largest flares burst into the sky and burst out the largest fireworks.

   This is a signal of the whole army's offensive.

   The demon camp is like boiling lava, bursting out instantly, and the soldiers ready to rush out of the gate and charge towards the enemy formation.

   "They attacked!"

   "Isn't this a tentative attack? Why did it look like this?"

"How to do?"

   The commanders were not prepared for a decisive battle at all, and the sudden outbreak made them unprepared, whether in reality or mentality, and inevitably fell into a panic.

   "Shut up all!"

   Downton shouted, "Announce the whole army, keep the front line firmly, retreat, kill no amnesty, the whole family sits!"

   This is definitely the most cruel order, only the tyrant will issue it, but at this time, it must be brutal, and no mercy is allowed.

   The rapid horn sounded, not only the soldiers in the fortifications, but also the recuperation reserve team in the rear camp, also raised their heads, staring at the front line in amazement, everyone, the body shivering uncontrollably.

   "It's over, it's over, this is the command to fight back!"

  The soldiers wailed.

   "Ma Lei, I don't like the softball you like most. Before the war, I thought about how to save my life."

   "Yeah, hey!"

   "Lao Tzu has his wife and children to take care of him, not like you have no bachelor burden.

   The soldiers quarreled. Many people serve as soldiers, not to defend their homes and defend the country, but to eat a bite and meet the orders of a dead fight.

   "Those on the plains. The soldiers of the Downton Legion are fighting alone, are they single? Having a family and a room is not an excuse for your weakness."

  Hundreds of people spoke, staring at these people fiercely, "I don't care what is behind you? Anyway, before the retreat order, let me fight with all my strength!"

   No one spoke.

   "A group of idiots, let the evil spirit army conquer here, let alone eat, you will all be eaten as rations."

  Hundreds of people scolded, he was a little smart. Regardless of whether you are fighting or fleeing, you must first twist your subordinates into a rope, so that you can rive the foot to the full strength, otherwise the sand will be scattered, and as long as you face a little pressure, it will collapse.

   On the battlefield, in the face of the pressure of death, there will always be a variety of thoughts, but the Downton Army as the mainstay has not collapsed. It will depress everything.

  In the demon camp, the air cavalry lifted off, and the black one was like a group of birds migrating south in autumn. Surging.

   "It's the Air Force, let the Mage regiment destroy them."

   There is a commander-in-chief. The Air Force has always been the most difficult arm. The natural advantage is that only the Mage and the Bow can deal with it. Once they are allowed to wreak havoc. Will cause major casualties in an instant.

   "I told you to shut up, haven't you heard?"

  Tang Dun slap in the past, the mouth full of the commander's teeth were removed, not to mention, the neck was almost twisted to ninety degrees, rolling on the ground.

   The shaman divisions couldn't make a shot at all. They kept fighting with the demon mages again. Once they changed their targets, they were absolutely broken.

   The bow corps gave up suppressing the infantry on the battlefield and waited for it, but the commanders were not confident enough.

The flying air cavalry is a four-armed winged demon with ugly bat wings. These guys are wearing light armor and carry four gun pockets. They stand high and don’t need too much effort to throw. They can hit the ground by gravity acceleration alone. force.

   In the high sky, the air is erratic and erratic, and the weight of the arrows is very light, even if the bow corps hits them, there is not much lethality.

  Originally confronting the warships began to move forward and **** air control.

   "It is worthy of being the troop of the abyss demons!"

  Rosicky likes this.

   The local air rider didn't show up, and it remains to be investigated, but the commander of others, being cautious, did not let the air rider attack the mage regiment, but accompanied the battleship attack, first help get the air supremacy.

  As the warship quickly approached, the infantry carried by the two sides also stepped on the deck, pulled out the war blade, and prepared to take the side battle.

   The demon side, a mid-water steel demon with a tall body and muscular knots, uses a huge two-handed broad sword like a door plate, and they also wear leather armor throughout the body to increase defense.

If it weren't for jumping in the air, pedaling a boat, and needing to reduce weight, they could wear even heavy armor with their power, but it doesn't matter, their racial talent can make the whole body ironed, weapons below the elite level, do not want to break the defense .

   Downton side, equipped with the Dota Ogre, this race has the ancient blood of the Ogre Ancient Empire, natural two heads, petrified skin, and the combat power bursts the table.

The battleship rested for hundreds of meters, and the sight of the soldiers on both sides was already like a blade of sword. They collided across the air, as if there were sparks. If they were changed to other races, just looking at this situation, they did not have the courage to jump from ship to ship. However, these two races are born for fighting. They have few painful nerves, and when stimulated, they will not make people afraid and timid. Instead, they will let the body secrete a hormone, which will lead to violent, Further increase combat effectiveness.

  Now! Uh! Uh!

   Every battleship is haloed. This is the enchantment of the army and the shaman is blessing the buff spell, power increase, leopard agility, barrier defense...

   "Everyone has it, prepare for a shock bomb!"

  The captain yelled, but after yelling, he waited for more than ten seconds without seeing the ogres acting.

   "What do you want to do?"

   The captain's heart shuddered instantly, and these hilly natives would not rebel?

   "This kind of iron can, let those cowardly immortal hate to use it."

   Chieftain Dota responded lightly and jumped on top of the bridge.

"who are we?"

   The chief screamed, the sound was rolling, boiling in the sky.

   "Dota Royal, champion guard!"

   ogres responded in unison.

  The shouting of these indigenous people shook the sky, and many people subconsciously looked up at these indigenous people from the dragon hills.

  The air cavalry has snatched the next step. Conquering arrows from the top, suppressing the deck, destroying the formation as much as possible, and fighting morale.

   "What is our record?"

   Chieftain continued to roar. I was completely unimpressed, and I didn't even bother to defend, letting those arrow clusters stick in my body.

   "Invincible, invincible!"

   The ogre's crazy response, also without defense, their blood boiling. The tribal totem rune on his body glowed blue.

   The pupils of the iron demons could not help shrinking slightly.

   "What are our goals?"

   The chief's scarlet eyes burst into cold light.

   "Conquer! Conquer! Conquer!"

   The turret of the knife tower roared, holding up the mace like Optimus Stone in his hand, demonstrating the surging fighting spirit.

   "Crush them!"

   The chief of the Dota tower roared, and saw that the front demon warship had flown 50 meters away, squatted directly, and followed the jump.


   is like a shell projectile. Chief Dota rushed directly to the demon battleship and slammed it against the wall of the bridge. Then, with the force of the anti-shock, a flip was landed on the deck.


  The warhammer waved and suddenly swept a storm.

boom! boom! boom!

  The brutal force of tyranny exploded, and many steel demons were blown flying with blood and fell out of the ship's side.

   "Crush them!"

  The outbreak of side-by-side battles, the ogres roared. Leap to the demon battleship.

  Blood flowers burst instantly, without any skills and fancy, all are the most primitive collision of meat and meat, fire and fire, steel and steel.

   "Damn, what are these guys doing?"

  Rosicky put down the monocular. Can't help cursing.

   The number of warships is relatively small. According to the plan, it should be based on defense, relying on the battle array to weaken the other party, but who knows that the knife tower ogre took the initiative to charge.

  Although a small number of soldiers remained on the ship, the enemy attacked once. There is a high probability of losing.

"In the impression of the Xitu tribes, the ogres are not even indigenous, and they have always been regarded as low-witted monsters. They are brutal, rude, and low-energy. You know, they have also built brilliant ogres in history. The ancient empire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has its own magical civilization. How can they bear this kind of discrimination? Now that the sword-tower ogres who have been with royal blood for thousands of years have come out, naturally they have to use this Battles, to change the world's views on them!"

   Looking at the steel demons who are always making dumplings falling from the battleship, Downton looked with emotion, and he understood the thoughts of the chief of the knife tower.

   There have been several long talks between the two people. The wise chief has good conversation skills and is more knowledgeable than many scholars. It is a friend worth making.

  Look at the chief's tactics and fight on a small deck. When there are many people, it is easy to affect your own performance, and there is no need to kill. As long as the battleship is bombarded, it is a victory.

   At this altitude, basically fall behind, and in all likelihood will die.

   "I understand, just..."

  Rosicky Coba was born and couldn't stand this passionate warfare, because that represented a huge increase in the chance of accidents. After all, he was used to feeling that he was in control of everything.

   "The Chief Chief is not a reckless person. If he loses, he will not have a face to see me."

   Downton sighed. He knew that once the chief made such a move, it represented a full-strength attack, and he would not retreat unless he died in battle.

"too frightening!"

  The commanders raised their heads and watched the fierce air combat, the whole back was numb. Do these people not know how to write?

   "I finally understand why His Majesty has the courage to challenge Heinrich, the entire Saint-Jean empire, and even the violent attack of the end of hell. These fearless soldiers are his power!"

   a commander with great emotion. (~^~)

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