Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1542: The strongest team

"Would you like to visit my study?"

Before Dilanxue agreed, Downton had already pulled her and walked out.

"Why not the back garden?"

Feeling the body temperature of Downton's palm, Lion Ji's face was shy.

"Fenghuaxueyue does not deserve you."

Downton smiled.

"Are you saying that I don't have feelings~ Interesting?"

Di Lanxue's pretty drow frowned.

"No, you may occasionally glance at the flower bed, but your eyes will eventually stay on the bookshelf, that's where you are."

Downton finished, suddenly turned around, looked at Di Lanxue.

Under the corridor at night, the air was a bit cold.

"what happened?"

Di Lanxue was embarrassed by Downton and looked away.

"It's nothing!"

Downton grinned, followed one step forward, and bowed his head to Lion Ji’s lips.

From small to large, Di Lanxue has never been so intimate with a man, subconsciously retreating, but Downton's hand has been wrapped around her waist.


Di Lanxue raised his hand, blocking his lips.

"Twilight, I don't want to lose you anymore!"

Downton confessed affectionately, took Dilan Xue's hand away, and finally kissed her on the lips.

Some were cold, some were dry, and there was a slight tremor, like a little rabbit who was suffering.

Di Lanxue closed his eyes, felt Downton's breath close, felt his passionate lips, and finally gave up the struggle.

The two maids walked around the corner and saw the two kissing, startled. One of them was about to yell and was covered by the other.

"Hush, your majesty!"

The maid reminded.

Yue Hua was like water, pouring down the corridor, and covered with the figures of two people, which also made this bleak early spring. Added a warm warmth.


Di Lanxue murmured and wanted to push Downton away.

"I don't care, I don't want to leave you!"

Downton hugged Lion Ji and was very tight. As if to rub her into the body, "I won't hesitate anymore, nor let go!"


Listening to Downton's voice, Di Lanxue's eyes were wet, and tears cut his cheeks. She ignored it and hugged Downton hard, "I will never leave you again!"


One maid wanted to see it and was taken away by the other.

The two hugged together and stood in the corridor for a long time, and the servants shrank away consciously, until they found the little walnut who was holding a pillow to sleep with Downton.

The war is imminent, and Downton certainly can't do anything extraordinary, not to mention the big light bulb Little Loli.

At noon the next day, a properly prepared pedestrian. Assemble on Palace Square.

A thousand fully armed hatred fighters are ready to stand by, and three hundred ghouls are about to board as the death squad.

"These abominations..."

Tess frowned, feeling the difference between these undead and what he had seen.

"This is the latest undead technological creation. During the production process, a lot of metal elements were added, and new defensive runes were engraved, so their bodies are stronger, and crystal nuclei are embedded in their heads, which can instill Psychic. The effect is maximized, so their intelligence is three or four times higher than ordinary hatred."

Casimodo explained, "We call this new armament steel abomination!"


Tai Xifeng marveled. Probably because of too much racial discrimination, he did not discriminate against undead.

"Your Majesty, the troops have assembled!"

Casimodo salutes.


After Downton returned the salute, the abominations began to follow the squadron and board their warships.

"Our lineup is very luxurious!"

Walnut looked at the adventure group. Comment on.

A total of eight people, Rosicky is a death knight, Walnut is a violent warrior, two people are responsible for attacking and breaking the enemy, Di Lanxue is a Templar, responsible for avant-garde, handling emergency troubles.

Holy Lily is a sacred priest, but he also cultivates dark magic, so while providing treatment, it can also cause huge damage, and Nicole, the dragon lich genius magician who can use the martial arts to play a ban spell, as the legal power of the team , As the main attack.

Xia Luo and Tai Xifeng are shamans, and they are also fortified professions, but they have strong martial arts, so they don’t need to provide protection, which saves a lot of combat power. Therefore, as a double waist, use offensive and defensive switching to ensure the team’s attack power and Defense.

Downton led the team, part-time commander, he is a paladin and soldier, so as a defender, sit back and defend.

According to the general configuration of the adventure group, there are two guards who are responsible for the tail defense. They ensure that the group leader can observe the battlefield and command the battle, but Downton does not need it.

In fact, all of you present, except for Sacred Lily who knows a little about martial arts, even Xialuo, who did not show martial arts in peacetime, is at least a master of combat. Everyone expresses their attack power, and they are also proficient in command. So before Downton dispatches, they can do their best.

"It's more than luxury, it's luxury."

Elaine pouted, really want to join this top team, it is definitely a fantastic adventure.

"Gee, will the Holy Aoxun in the water, the Pope Black Flame scare and cry?"

Drizzt ridiculed that there was a deep regret in his expression. He was supposed to join the team as a scout, but the rank was too low and was eliminated.

"A king, a queen, a high prince, a goddess of harvest, a prince of Xueman, a prince of Khorasan, a dragon lich master, and a little walnut who does not know what the origin is , Throwing out this identity can scare a bunch of people."

Ceres stared at the stars with her eyes staring admiringly, with the urge to sign.

"let's go!"

Rosicky took out his pocket watch and glanced, urging everyone to get on board.

"Oh! Oh! Go to Tulongye!"

Walnut happily carried the battle flag and ran up to the deck.

The flagship took off, and half an hour later, a huge mountain suspended in the air was reflected in the vision of everyone. This is the Black Flame Fortress.

The Titan fortress standing beside it was like a stone at the foot of the mountain.

"This is too huge? How did it fly?"

Walnut doesn't understand.

"This should be a pre-historic Titan carrier that was transformed into a nest by Pope Heiyan."

Tai Xifeng has done detailed homework, and is a treasure trove of Nefarian's history.

"Have you finally surrendered?"

The pope's magnificent laughter penetrated the clouds. Resounded in the sky, "Come out, bow down, I will give you eternal life and strength!"

"Are you mentally retarded? Didn't see us fully armed. Are you here to cruel you?"

The walnut opened his mouth and sprayed, and the domineering could not be added.

"Walnut, it's rude."

Taixi Feng quickly stopped, these people are not afraid, but for the strong. There is a kind of ceremonial respect.

"Ah? Disrespectful? Isn't it more disrespectful to cut off its head later?" Walnut scratched his head and wondered, "Aren't we here to fight? What should we do politely?"


Rosicky, who had always been serious, couldn't help laughing.

"No... nothing, you are free!"

Tessie covered her cheeks and stepped aside. He swore that he would never talk to Walnut again. This is a little loli without common sense.

"Humble ants, you say it again?"

The pope was angry. The sound growled like thunder.

"Ah? You are not only mentally retarded, but you are also deaf. It's pitiful." Walnut looked sad and hesitant. "If you ask for a round, I won't cut your head."


At this time, everyone laughed, and with the thick line of walnuts, she was absolutely serious, so the pope who heard this meaning will be more angry.

"Ignorant ants. I will put your soul into the body of the cockroach and let you suffer forever!"

The pope snorted.

"Start attacking!"

Downton issued an attack order, but he was in no mood to fight the pope.

The warship that was moving at a constant speed began to accelerate. Close to the Black Flame Fortress, it is mountain-shaped and some parts are very flat.

After this period of observation, Nicole has been able to confirm that that is the entrance of the enemy.

"I'll go first!"

Walnut licked his lips. Ready to break the city, and was caught by Holy Lily.

After the warship drove over the fortress, the horn of the attack blew as the flag slammed, and the ghoul blasting team jumped off the deck and fell on the fortress, then quickly ran to the gate.

Because of the wind and running, some ghouls directly missed the landing point and fell to the ground, but the rest did not have any panic.

Upon arrival, the ghoul put the bag on the gate and detonated it.

boom! boom! boom!

The steel gate was blasted open, the warship lowered its altitude a step further, and the abominations began to airborne.

A purple flying dragon squad came out, trying to disperse the enemy. As a result, Holy Lily threw a halo of no-empty air, and their wings lost power and fell from the sky.


Seeing all the abhorrence burst in, Downton took the lead and flew to an entrance in the middle, and the others quickly followed.

According to the original plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~After the assault force entered, the battleship dropped a base bomb and interfered, and then evacuated.

"Let those guys come in. I'll break their necks myself."

In the shrine, the pope sat on the golden throne and ordered his men, but before the words were spoken, the whole shaking began to shake.

"Under the crown, the enemy came in."

A subordinate rushed in to report.

"Arrogant ants, go and kill them."

The Pope changed his mind, let them in, and was attacked by them, but they were two different things, otherwise they would be considered garbage by their own church.


The two kings ordered to leave.

boom! boom! boom!

The passage in the fortress was filled with explosions, and the abominations of the abominations were strong and powerful. When they saw the interception, they first threw a shock bomb, then brandished a tomahawk, and cut a blood path.

The five routes were advanced at the same time, distracting the enemy's attention very well, and it was not clear which was the main direction of attack.

"Go here!"

Not to mention that Downton’s mirror stops the water, even St. Lily and Dilan Xue also have the secret technique of perception. Finding the position of the Pope is not difficult.

"Can't you shoot yet?"

Walnuts are very itchy.

"Let hate open the way, otherwise you will lead heavy soldiers."

Rosicky explained. (To be continued.)

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