Hero’s Creed

: About the next plot and updates!

The second volume is over. It has been on the shelf for 17 days and I have written 204,000 words. Although there are some manuscripts, it is still very tiring!

However, I am very happy and satisfied with the writing. I have shown the best gesture that I can get out of it, and I hope everyone can like it!

Tell me about the next update. .

A few days ago, I caught a cold. It is just today, I am in a bad mood, and the codeword is slow. As a result, the stored manuscript is about to be exhausted. In addition, near the end of the year, there are many things, so the next update cannot keep up with the four daily changes, but everyone Don't worry, the number will not be small, try to change three times a day to ensure ten thousand words a day.


Although the results of the new book are not satisfactory, we have not been slack, and have been working hard!

Thank you for your book friends who have voted, rewarded, and subscribed, and you are supporting me to continue to write down. Thank you very much!

The author also has to support his family. If everyone is happy and capable, please subscribe to support,

Wordy so much, please understand, this is the first time we ask for a subscription, if you don’t like it, just ignore it!

Red beans! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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