Hero’s Creed

Chapter 174: Dark Altar

There was no sound, but the air suddenly shook visible to the naked eye, and a shield following Celesce broke. The wall behind her a dozen meters away was suddenly blasted out of a big pit. m.

After that, the sharp howling sound swept through the Colosseum. The horrible noise seemed to tear even the soul.

This is the strongest magic attack of the three-headed magic dog. If it were not blind to the three eyes, the remaining eyes were also injured. The eyesight was impaired and it was impossible to aim. This is not as simple as wiping the bullet. Absolutely seriously injured.

Downton was also taken aback, but quickly adjusted, carrying the shield and always cruising beside the three-headed magic dog, "Pay attention to all and leave the direction of the magic dog's head."

Homer did not remind it, it said that there are no more precautions, nor the depth of this kind of crisis that is going to die.

Combat experience is accumulated step by step.

"However, if I go around, I can't attack its eyes?" Celesce asked.

"It's all hurt like this. It doesn't matter whether you hit your eyes or not, just follow your head." Downton kept walking, and whenever the dog wanted to turn around to bite and pat him. He can flash off in time and keep on his side.

The Devil Dog roared and was mad, but there was no way to get Downton. He turned his head to bite and could not reach it. The claws slapped in the wrong direction. Unless his bones were fractured, his front paws could not be everted to catch Tang. pause.

Downton gradually became familiar with the magic dog's attacking method, even the shield was thrown away, and the knight sword was pulled out of the waist, and the two-armed attack.

The saber and long sword waved in a series, and a whirlwind was danced, which was cut on the body of the magic dog, and slices of flesh were cut off.

Walnut looked hot, and wanted to taste it, but the Devil Dog ignored her at all. It was because Downton's attack was too fierce. It had to kill this guy first.

After a few laps, the magic dog suddenly added a white head, aimed at Downton, and attacked with sound arrows.

Downton had guarded against this, a giant charged, and then attacked, and a giant seal was handed down and cut on its neck.

"Good opportunity, change the magic!" Don't worry about the sound arrows now, Homer quickly reminded, "Fire of Chaos!"

Ceres stopped floating and began a long chant.

The three-headed magic dogs also noticed that the magical energy around them was converging violently towards the death banshee, apparently preparing for large-scale magic. It was like a crazy barbarian sprinting past.


Homer projected text.

Under the command of Downton, the ghouls swarmed up, but without exception, they were all flew away.

"Look at me!"

Walnut plus sprinted, with a trace of afterimage, and hit the three heads of dogs diagonally. It was like being hit by a siege hammer. Without waiting for the jump, he deviated from Celes and rolled obliquely. Went out.

Downton played the giant jump, jumped more than twenty meters, and was still in the air. The seals of the two giants had been chopped down on the magic dog.

When the blood hit, Downton fell beside it, followed by two giant beheads, and two deep wounds were made in its body.

The Magic Dog climbed up with great effort, but Downton took a step back.

"I'm coming too!" Walnut jumped, and as a result, he happened to run into the standing Devil's dog. He turned his head and hit him with a flame, hitting him out.

"Be careful." Downton ran out of position. "Watch out for attack opportunities."

"Why is it always me who beats me?" Walnut climbed up, sulking, feeling like he was unlucky.

Celesque’s magic was completed, a wand pointed, and a green magical flame fired quickly. After hitting the magic dog, it was like touching the rolling oil, burning directly, letting it burn like a bunch of gorgeous bonfire.

Crackling, crackling, the fat and flesh on the dog's body were deflagration, smoking black smoke, and a bad smell of burning.

The magic dog wailed and began to chase and roll in pain, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

This is the fire of chaos. The magic from the abyss will ignite the soul and flesh of the target, and will be cruelly tortured until it is burned to death.

Downton looked at the dog's miserable appearance, his scalp numb, and it ran so fast that he and Little Loli could not attack.

"No need for you!" Homer saw Downton's thoughts, "Let's practice our long-range battery!"

Downton and Walnut began to dodge the magic dog.

Ceres levitates near the ceiling of the Colosseum and releases boneless missiles!

A half-meter-diameter mauve air mass formed in front of the Death Banshee, flashing an electric arc. As her staff waved, a skull followed by a purple flame burst out of the air mass, wailing and screaming, shooting at The magic dog.

Compared to the single-shot Arcane Missile, the Dead Bone Missile shoots faster, and once the singing is completed, an air mass is formed. Even if Celes stops, the Dead Bone Missile will continue to attack until the energy air mass is exhausted.

Although the dogs were running around, Celes, the conqueror, still guaranteed a hit rate of over 70%.

Each missile is only slightly more powerful than the phosphorus rocket, but it wins enough and fast enough, and the bullets are still raining, which still makes the devil's face unrecognizable.

Ceres chanted nonstop, and a minute later, she already had five energetic air masses around her, and their bone-fired missiles completely covered the magic dog.

Downton and his party had retreated to the Yongdaokou, watching Celesce suppress the Devil Dogs across the board, making it impossible for them to rush, stunned.

"It's worthy to be the fortress career that claims to be the first firepower among the magicians!" Hu Tao stunned. She asked herself if she was hit by such a blow, she was only for escape.

Ceres finally showed her magic suppression ability in the battle of oss. This carpet bombing is so gorgeous.

Homer understands that the battle is so smooth, completely because Downton used various means before the battle to consume the magic energy of the three headed dogs, and tried to remove his eyes as much as possible.

If it can release magic, how can Ceres dare to float in the air and guide the magic unscrupulously, it is not strange to be bombarded as a target.

"Why doesn't it retreat?" Walnut wondered. There was also a channel in the Colosseum, not knowing where to go, but the place where the devil guarded it must be inside.

"This kind of experiment product was either instilled with orders, or imprinted the shackles on the soul, and retreated into the channel. For it, it must be something more painful than death, or there are more powerful monsters in it." Homer explained.

There was no suspense in the battle. Under the bombardment of Celes, the devil's movements became slower and slower, and he was covered with blood. The place where he walked was already covered with blood and red blood stains, and the smell was pungent.

"Don't drink the magic potion." Downton quickly stopped seeing Celesis drinking the potion. "With the magic stone, the potion is too hurt."

"It's up to you to finish it, pay attention to its counterattack before dying."

Hearing Homer's instructions, the walnuts immediately ran out.

Facts have proved that the Grimoire is over-considered. The seriously injured Devil Dog, let alone counterattack, has no strength to escape, and can only be slain.

Downton didn't do anything, and satisfied Little Walnut's desire to fight~.

Little Loli waved her axe and cut off the heads of the magic dogs one by one.

"It's the war rank, so it was easily killed?" Looking down at the headless corpse, Downton was a little hard to be sure.

"This is the power of the team. Everyone performs their own duties, complements each other, and wields the fighting power, which is not as simple as one plus one." Homer took the opportunity to teach, "Even if the magician of the Dragon Slayer, a person's power, after all, Is limited."

"When will the world be invincible?" Walnut asked. "I want to be the God of War, can't I always bring the team?"

"On the Tulong level, it is the scepter level." Homer explained the magician system while projecting text, but just said a word, and the ground suddenly lit up a dazzling dark red light.

A magic circle emerged, and the people had not yet understood what was going on. The ceiling was like hail, and many skeleton warriors fell.

There are also on the ground. Many skeleton hands are stretched out, pressing the ground, pulling out radishes, and growing out skeletons one by one.

"Ah!" Celesque screamed, her ankle caught by a skeleton hand.

Others are not much better.

"Don't panic, open the shield, retreat into the Yongdao first." Downton kicked the leg, broke the skeleton hand, and waved the knife to the skull arm holding Celes and Walnut, and led them to retreat.

boom! boom!

After the skull soldier hit the floor, he immediately got up and began to charge towards Downton and his entourage.

Some skeletons with bows and arrows have already started shooting bows, and the rotten arrow clusters have rubbed their cheeks and shot, and occasionally hit the armor.

The ghouls surrounded Celes.


The two skulls fell off, hitting Jackson's head, knocked it over, and before he got up, he slashed his head with his knife.

"What's going on?" Jackson kicked the skeleton, his face depressed.

Although these monsters are not strong, but the number is too large, just like the ant colony, they are rushing to kill.

"It's a defensive magic circle." Homer explained. "It should be drawn by the mysterious master. Once the three magic dogs die, its blood will activate the magic circle and call out the skeleton soldiers."

"Is there a way to crack it?" Downton thought that with the magic circle, the skeleton soldier would not chase, but he was wrong. These guys are more difficult than psoriasis.

"Don't run away. It's not a way to go on like this. We've been locked up and will be chased to death." Homer urged. "You can only get in there. You try to hold on for a while and let me find a way to crack the magic circle." "

"Ghoul, v-shaped offensive formation!" Downton immediately followed suit, and he stood at the forefront as an arrow.

The order suit is worthy of being the perfect level. The skull's weapon hits on it, and it is almost impossible to break the defense, so he simply doesn't need a shield, and even gave up the block.

"It's too tough." Jackson looked straight and shook his head. It didn't have the courage to look at the sword. It always felt like he would be chopped to death at any time.

The giant's seal was cut off, and bones and sticks flying around were cut out.

Downton led the team and re-entered the Colosseum, and then approached the wall on one side, making the ghouls form an arc and defending with all their strength.

Homer throws out the eye of the abyss, emits green light, scans the surrounding walls, looking for the location of the magic circle.

Downton is lucky, if he chose to retreat just now, he will be completely trapped by the mysterious master. These skeletons will not only kill them all the time, make noise, but also put gargoyles, abominations, and spidering demons along the way. All attracted, at that time Downton, even if he had seven heads and six arms, had to be alive and dead.

Of course, even if Downton returns, he will still be blind if there is no professional magician like Homer to crack the magic circle.

"Magic is really a highly-intelligent, high-paying profession!" Walnut convinced, no wonder that in each team, the salary and status of the magician of the legal system will always be the highest. In addition to the scarcity of the number, the professional knowledge that people have, for The improvement of the team is also great.

"Well, a famous adventure group will inevitably have a great magician." Downton heard the bards in the tavern, and the secret realm, who is missing, can not lack an experienced magistrate, they It is a necessary staffing.

"When will it be done?" Jackson watched for less than three minutes. The Colosseum was already full of skeleton soldiers, and his scalp was about to explode.

Skeletons are still falling from the ceiling, which is the most troublesome, Downton has to pay attention to the top of the head at all times, and may fly into the team.

"Don't cut it, you can't kill it, save the magical energy." Don't break up the skeleton, it will be restored again, making Downton a big head. This consumption battle is the last thing he wants to encounter.

"Oops, this is just a side formation, the center is not here." Homer spared no effort to deplete the source of the soul, and let the eye of the abyss enter the channel that the dog guards. "You are the leader, you make a decision, kill or withdraw go?"

"What's your opinion?" Downton swept across the walnuts and Celese and asked Homer, "Will these skeletons keep chasing on?"

Little Loli never knows how to write the word "Fear", but she can't wait to move on. Silesi doesn't matter. Just follow Downton and go anywhere.

Jackson wanted to go out. UU read www.uukanshu.com. Unfortunately, it didn't, and was ignored directly.

"Yes!" Homer Anzan, Downton's question, will always be so bloody.

"What do you see in it?" Downton did not dare to joke about everyone's lives, and was also calculating supplies in silence. Fortunately, he had a lot of stock in the war space, and the reserves of potions and magic stones were enough to fight a consumption. war.

"The Eye of the Abyss was exploded, but the inside should be an altar." Homer said speculatively, "Looking at the style and effect of the vice formation, the mysterious master should have transformed the sacrificial altar of the goddess into a dark altar, generally Are used for ceremonies."

"It's the guardian of the magic dog, and the trap. What dark ritual is the guy doing? So you don't want people to see it?" Walnut tilted her toes and looked around the corridor.

"Go, kill in, ghoul, charge!" Downton looked out. If it was really dangerous, it would be a big deal for the demon to put Celes and Walnut into the war space and take it with him to escape.

Downton felt the power of the Titan idol was enough to crush the monsters along the way and rushed out in one breath. (To be continued.)

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