Hero’s Creed

Chapter 181: Virtual snake

Boom, the sound of the teacup overturning slightly eased the tension in the reception room, and everyone's eyes moved to the door.

The maid stared panicly at the scene, and then asked Downton, "Do you need to call the guard?"

"Ma'am, we are just discussing." Vieri responded casually, instructing his men, "Put up your weapons."

The maid ignored Vieri, but looked at Downton. She knew that the teenager was a celebrity in front of Dolfink. She would definitely have a promising future, and she would naturally favor him.

"Don't you scare you? I'm fine, clean up the teacups!" Downton's expression with a smile and impatience always makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean it up!" The maid squatted on the ground and packed up the debris.

Hannah watched Downton wave his hand to make the ghoul retreat, and then sat on the chair, without any panic, she couldn't help but praised it secretly.

"Downton, I want to invite you to play for my family!" Hannah didn't want to miss this talent.

"Do you think it's possible?" Downton's lips sneered, "Are you insulting your IQ? Or look down on me?"

"Hello, do you know Sister Hannah's family? It scares you to speak out!" Fanny saw Donton's cold attitude towards Hannah and didn't get angry, she really wanted to teach this guy a meal, but The magician's circle and the crossbow of the demon servant kept facing this side, making her afraid to shoot.

"Why? Is it possible to be a royal princess?"

"Uh!" Finney choked on the top.

"Enough, isn't it embarrassing enough?" Hannah finally couldn't help but scold her companions, in fact, she was also dissatisfied with Downton.

Downton shrugged his shoulders indifferently. The seemingly careless mocking just now was actually tempting, as can be seen from Fanny's expression. Hannah did not reach the level of the princess.

"Downton, you can't keep that secret." Vieri persuaded bitterly, "If you change it to someone else, you must take it all and leave it to us, we can all share it. Hannah will never be ill-treated. After you, by the way, that Liszt, let us just move our finger and let him disappear!"

"Are you threatening our master?" Jackson, like a loyal dog guarding the Lord, stood in front of Downton and fangd towards Vieri.

"Without you, I can let Liszt disappear." Downton disdain.

"Yes, you are now a celebrity in front of Dolfink. But can you guarantee that he will deal with a mayor with the title of baron for you?" Fanny contemptuously.

Downton deliberately showed a silent expression and wanted to paralyze the other party.

Fanny thought he stabbed Downton's heart and made it worse, "You are just a civilian, and you don't understand the intertwined relationship between nobles. Do you think you can only deal with one mayor? Do you know who he is? What did you do to stabilize the position of the mayor?"

"Give me a month to think about it!"

Downton's words made Walnut unhappy, and Little Loli was like a cat stepped on its tail. Jumped up, "Why compromise? If you're worried. I killed them!"

Like an angry little lion, Walnut stared at Hannah, clenched and tearing the dragon teeth, ready to start.

Vieri knew that she was difficult, and quickly stopped in front of Hannah.

"One month is too long, at most a week. Not three days!" Fanny was aggressive, and she felt Downton was defeated by reality.

"Go away, you can intervene casually, and the transaction is directly invalidated." Downton suddenly yelled.

"Dare you dare to scold me?" Fanny was about to get angry, her appearance and figure were not bad. In addition to her excellent background, she has been the object of chasing and caring for men since childhood, which has suffered such humiliation, "I want to fight you!"

"Enough, go and stay!" Hannah exploded, and Fanny dared not pierce her head and walked to the side, but the grudges she cast from time to time were completely hated Downton.

"Okay, I promised your request." Hannah had guessed that the meeting was like this, so it was no surprise, "I hope you won't have other excuses at that time, otherwise..."

Hannah left the reception room and did not say anything in the back, but everyone understood that Downton would definitely endlessly give a disappointing answer.

"Ogre Tyson knows that you killed its younger brother, so you haven't left the mine recently, of course, we are friends, and I can help you kill it if needed!" Vieri wanted to shoot Downton's shoulder , Unfortunately blocked by Casimodo.

"Do not bother you, Tyson's head, I will pick it up personally."

"Haha, it's a war rank, a well-known gangster!" After listening to Downton's words, Vieri wanted to laugh, but looking at Downton's confident and calm face, the laughter still held back in his stomach, he found This young man's strength seems to have increased again.

"Why didn't you teach them a hard meal?" Walnut snorted when he saw Hannah leave, and expressed dissatisfaction. "This group of people is too abominable to blatantly **** someone else's things. It's shameless."

"Come on, Downton's choice is right, don't look at the momentum that you just suppressed them, really want to fight, it's really difficult to say who died, but there are three war stages!" Homer believes that Downton's handling is very proper. , "The current situation is that one day can be delayed, and you can hurry up and improve your strength!"

"How high can it be in a month?" Walnut pouted.

"Almost, with the help of the dark altar, you can at least advance to the first level, and during this time, it is estimated that you can take down the vault of the Duke's mansion. I hope that the loot inside will not let us down!" Downton had already considered it.

"Why don't you take more time then?" Walnut puzzled.

"They won't agree." Downton touched little Lori's head.

"What are you going to do then? That Hannah is obviously a ruthless man!" Ceres knew Downton's character and he would not compromise even if he died.

"Illian will be on her summer vacation next month. I will leave Chenwu Town to find her, and let Hannah wait for them to die!" Downton flashed a gloomy face. "Play hide and seek for a few months. To increase the strength and squeeze the value of the dungeon as much as possible, and then pit them hard and hit my mind, then you must do a good sense of death!"

Regarding the ownership of the dungeon, there is no room for compromise between the two sides. Hannah may be a person with words and trust, but the team is not her word, so in the end, the two sides will definitely have disputes and private fights because of the distribution of benefits. Tang Dun is on the disadvantaged side, no matter how it is counted, it is a loss. Instead of always compromising, it is better to start.

"The master is counting, and the smelly woman is going to be out of luck." Jackson clapped, but he had taught Downton's cunningness, otherwise he would not sign a death contract and be his servant for life.

Downton gave up his plan to go to Chenwu Town, but found a close friend and asked them to go back to town and bring Barak and herbs back.

"Don't go find Dolfink to inquire about Hannah's identity?" Walnut dragged his chin in his hands, trying to kill them, but in the end, he only came up with a simple question.

"It's not necessary for the time being. I will collect information in the future, including their family, strength, and childhood, but this can only be done in a big city!"

Downton heard the minstrel saying that Assassin's Creed is an organization that runs such a dark business, and even includes assassinations.

"We don't lack money, it's okay to spend 10 million to buy Hannah's life, but what pleasure does it take to kill the enemy with someone else's hand?" Downton felt disgusted when he thought of Fanny's attitude, "wait Go ahead and threaten my account, and sooner or later they will figure it out with them!"

Downton wrote a letter to her sister, telling her not to go out of college or back to Chenwu Town recently. After paying attention to the stranger, he found Hamlet.

"How did you do it? The injury was so serious?"

It must be said that Harley's character is perfect, and through various recent signs, he guessed that he might have gone to the tomb, but Downton didn't want to say that he stopped asking and he treated him carefully.

"If Hannah troubles you and can't solve it, tell me, I will help you." Harley sighed, he didn't expect Hannah to be such a woman.

After all, Harley is a war order, and his magic is much stronger than Downton. After treatment, he has recovered his combat effectiveness by 30%.

"No problem!" Farewell to Harley, Downton took the team and teleported back to the dungeon. He didn't want to waste it for a moment.

At the same time, in the guest room, Fanny chattered endlessly.

"Why tolerate him?" Fanny was depressed. "If you let me report the status of Sister Hannah, he will kneel and lick."

"Impossible!" Vieri shook his head. "I'm in a hurry. He will really kill the net. As long as the secret is revealed, we won't get anything."

"No?" Fanny said in amazement.

"If he tells the Duke of Xijing about the news of the tomb, no, with his IQ, he must have chosen King Drankford, and we will get nothing at that time." Hannah had many concerns. She was not a fool. Downton will not hand over secrets at that time, "This month, you can make some arrangements to make him difficult to fly."

"How about starting with her sister? He is such a loved one, UU reads www.uukanshu.com and is very good for her, and can be used completely." Fanny had long cleared Downton's information.

"Elaine is a genius, and he has a great mentor. We must be cautious." Vieri was not so optimistic. "Doing this is totally forcing Downton to confront us."

"What about the opposition? Have you forgotten Sister Hannah's father?" Fanny disdained, "If you annoyed him, you would surely scorch the entire western border."

"Fanny, you go to Wangdu to watch Elaine. You stay here and watch Downton. I'm going back to the Principality." Hannah got up. "I'm leaving tonight."

Secrets matter, Hannah must report to her father.

"Don't call me when I said that." For this nickname, Vieri was very depressed.

After staying in the laboratory for twenty days and recovering from the injury, Downton was full of enthusiasm and was ready to lay down the cathedral completely.

"Hate the guard, I'm here!" Walnut waved his small arm, more active than Downton. (To be continued...) RT


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