Hero’s Creed

Chapter 183: Shock Soul Level 6

In the silent war workshop, Jackson's cry for help shattered his heart and was full of anxiety. Downton couldn't hear it. It was impossible for him to hear it. His body was shocked, and he didn't wait for the soul angels to dissipate. M

Walnut has run to support with the fastest speed.

"This bastard, don't say it's a monster?" Downton was about to get up and heard Jackson's shout again, "Casimo, come and help me, it's a stone puppet."

"You solve it yourself!" Casimodo, who had always been silent, responded, but the answer was to make Jackson almost mad.

"If I had beaten them, what would you do with you?" Jackson's voice soon became happy again. "Little Walnut, woo, you are my great savior."

"How many? Take them away, don't disturb Celesis." Downton shouted, and didn't get up immediately, but quickly ran the soul seed, drawing all the magical energy into which the soul angel was decomposed into the body.

"Two." Jackson replied, "Master, come on, I can't stop it."

Although he complained, Jackson could only leave, but it did not dare to violate Downton's order.

"Go help it!" Ceres was about to drift past and was stopped by Casimodo. "No, it may be injured."

"Withdraw from the war workshop and fight in the Yongdao. If I destroy the training jar, I will tear you down." Downton slapped the ground and ran out, while holding the left sword and the right sword in his hands. Simo, go and intercept one!"


Casimodo responded roughly and began to run, despite the abhorrence of the thousand-year ritual, but its speed is still flawed, but its dexterity is okay, at least in the high-speed running, no crash training Jar.

Within the corridor, Jackson was chased up and down by a stone figure puppet. The other was fighting with the little walnut.

Little Loli likes the hard cuts she sees with blood, so she rarely evades attacks, slams her tomahawks, and fights against stone figures.

"Casimo, go help Jackson!" Downton charged the giant. Approaching the stone statue of Walnut, it's three swords.

Sharp and sharp blade. In the dim channel, like the suddenly appearing silver lightning, it flew on the statue body, bursting out a mass of stone powder.

Downton's original intention was to block one with Casimodo, and then the team worked together to slash one, but the new Demon Servant's performance was beyond his expectations.

Casimodo rushed in front of the stone statue, a home punch.

Bang, the fist is in the middle of the stone statue, it is like being hit by a high-speed tank. He flew straight out and fell a dozen meters away.

Casimodo didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, rubbing Jackson's shoulder as he ran over, hitting it to the ground.

"My Di Polo, look at it." Jackson soon couldn't scold. Because it found that the opponent's combat power is really breaking the table.

The statue climbed up, his arms flicked, and dozens of spears were pierced by his spear, which all fell on Casimodo.

In the dense sound of steel impact, Casimodo was completely intact and directly opened the spear, punching it in the head.


The stone figure fell to the ground again. The huge impact made the floor seem to shake.

"Good violence!" Walnut exclaimed.

The stone figure continued to pierce his spear, but after hitting Kasimodo's chest, he slipped a spark and slipped off the shoulder.

Without any words, or even with no change in expression, Kasimodo stooped down and grabbed the stone figure, just like waving a racket and slamming it towards the wall next to it.

boom! boom! boom!

With each impact, the stone figure's body will drop some stone powder, and then as the cracks grow more and more, the falling pieces become larger and larger.


The leg of the stone figure broke apart and rolled over.

Casimodo lost the remaining limb in his hand and continued to hunt down, still fighting hard against the attack and then smashing wildly.

Rough, savage, and unreasonable, Casimodo relied on the defense of the Dragon Slayer, completely ignoring the attack of the stone statue, and then crushed it with a more fierce attack.

"Too... Too domineering!" Jackson opened his mouth wide, and now he realized how powerful the master's new demon servant was, and then he felt a great threat.

Although the Downton trio suppressed the stone statue, it was not a problem to clean it up, but in the face of Casimodo's record, it was a bit unremarkable.

Without Downton's command, Casimodo killed back, heading towards the stone statue with another punch.

Unsurprisingly, the stone statue plummeted.

"It's just meat~ physical strength is so violent. Wouldn't it be more powerful if you gave it to the giant?

"Yes, if wrapped in heavy armor, it is simply a giant warrior smaller than one." Homer praised, "In fact, the soldier with this power, it is cumbersome to learn what martial arts, but on the battlefield, prepare him a A warhammer with a handle of 1,000 pounds is enough to crush all enemies."

Without suspense, within a minute, the stone statue was bombed and the crisis was lifted.

"How long will it take to wake up all the abomination fighters?" Downton kicked the head of the stone statue. "Jackson, get off the guard."

"About half a day." Homer collected some blood from Downton and urged Siles to start work.

"Let's go now!" Downton continued to meditate.

In fact, Downton took advantage, and there were a hundred abominations stored in the war workshop, which was naturally the top priority. The mysterious master not only arranged stone puppets, but also placed several spidered demons in the corridor, but because of the lack of food, all those monsters It ran away, and the people in the workshop starved to death because they couldn't get out.

It was shorter than expected, and in only five hours, Homer awakened all the abomination fighters and put them into the war space.

In the end, Walnut and Ceres didn't want to hate the guard, because they lack space equipment, so it is inconvenient to take them.

"Anyway with you, we must be safe." Celesque refused. Downton has been in a lot of trouble recently. Even if there is one more hate, you can also add a lot of strength. Besides, the hate is too ugly, death banshee But don't want to be around with a monster, in that case, the appetite will be reduced.

"You keep dealing with Hannah, I'm Lord Walnut. There is no hate, it's the same invincible player all over the world!" Walnut snorted, proudly.

Downton knew that they wanted to make themselves safer. He was impressed by this move.

"What now?" Jackson took his ear. "Go back to bed?"

"Are you looking for a fight?" Downton gave the devil a white look. "Go to the dark altar. Drain the essence of energy."

It takes a while for the teleport array to start, and it cannot be disturbed during this period, otherwise the guide mark will be affected, and there may be a teleport error, so Downton let Jackson walk out 500 meters to alert the enemy.

"I want energy too!" Jackson knelt on one knee and cried Downton's calf, but it was ignored.

"When will the fear of death be corrected?" Downton kicked Jackson lightly and went to the altar.

Jackson has to chase again. Casimodo grabbed his head and threw it out.

When Downton, Walnut, and Celesce sat cross-legged on top of the altar, Homer activated the magic circle.

With the passage of time, the purple lightning gradually increased, which was the essence of darkness free in the void.

Homer also knew that time was running short, so she once again consumed her source. Purify the essence of energy and instill it into the bodies of Downton and Walnut.

Over the next week, Downton didn’t even eat his meals. He spent four fifths of the day meditating.

Magic energy squeezes potions, energy essence, and five times the concentration of magic energy around, so that Downton's soul seeds are always under the immersion of saturated energy. With constant growth, his soul power is also skyrocketing.

"It's boring!" Walnut couldn't sit up at all. After losing interest, he started playing, so the essence of energy was given to Downton, which also made his cultivation speed increase rapidly.

"You are in a good state now. Let's attack the soul in six stages!" Homer projected soul detection. After inspecting Downton's body, he found that he could step up.

"it is good!"

Downton, who was about to rest, closed his eyes again and ran his soul seeds to the full to release his soul.

Now the soul angel has risen to seventy. Under the traction of the soul force, the speed of absorbing magic energy is suddenly accelerated, and the wings are almost continuously waved into the body of Downton.

The magic energy is accumulating and soon reaches saturation, and then continues to increase.

After a week of training, Downton's body was numb and his touch became dull, but as the magic energy exploded, the feeling that the body was torn apart as a result of excessive gas filled the nerves again.

The hot and humid sweat immediately covered his forehead, and then ran down his cheeks.

"It's to the limit!" Downton was about to rush to the stage. Jackson's scream suddenly reached the altar and hit his ear.

Sad and hesitant, as if the soul was crumbling, this was the worst thing that Downton had heard after he knew Jackson.

"Something's wrong, hurry, stop rushing!" Homer was shocked, and at the same time secretly luckily, fortunately Downton has not started rushing, otherwise, if interrupted, it will cause serious injury to the soul seed. What time is it.

Downton calmed his mind, dispelled his thoughts, and let the magical energy in the body dissipate. He took a deep breath bit by bit, breathed with magical energy spots, and flickered in the dim air, like a burning dragon breath.

Carrying a battle axe, Walnut was about to check it, but was stopped by Homer.

"You are not allowed to leave here!"

At the beginning there was Jackson's cry, but after ten seconds, it completely disappeared, leaving only monotonous footsteps.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the stone gate.

Homer re-locked the magic lock on the stone gate. It wanted to bring Downton through the teleporter, but he is now stabilizing too much magic energy in his body, and he can’t move at all, otherwise the magic energy can run away, even if he can run away. If you don't die, you will be seriously injured.


With the last breath, Downton finally dissipated the excess magic energy and then jumped up.

"Hurry up, leave here first!" Homer urged, at this time, he can no longer care about Jackson, can kill its enemies in seconds, and definitely has the strength to annihilate the team.

Not waiting for everyone to go down the altar, a cross-shaped magic energy knife chopped on the stone door, and after passing through, it hit a wall with a loud sound, and the dust was flying.


On the second blow, the entire stone gate exploded and collapsed.

A knight wrapped in white armor walked into the altar. His eyes flashed with green flames. Needless to say, he was a death knight and he was powerful.

"Uncle Hiller!" Ceres exclaimed, and then relieved, comforting everyone, "Don't worry, it's my uncle."

Downton was a little reassured, but immediately followed her with a warning sign, hugging Celesce and flashing to the side.

Shearer's sword waved without warning, a meniscus-shaped magical energy blade shot out and cut on the altar, leaving a half-meter deep slash directly.

"Uncle, it's me! Celice!" Celese yelled, drifting away, but was pulled down by Downton.

"Something wrong!" Looking at the death knight who raised the long sword, but did not swing it, Homer projected the text, "I think I know what's going on!"

"He is a kind Uncle Hiller, the head of the Knights of the Holy Snow Falcon, and will not hurt everyone." Seeing the aversion to charge, Ceres was anxious. "Downton, don't do it."

Downton looked at Homer and he needed an answer.

"Strictly speaking, it is not a death knight." Homer quickly explained, "Although he was eroded by the undead plague, he was a paladin in front of him, and his strength was at least above the scepter. The Great Divine Suppressed the plague, but as time went on, the effect of the Divine Spell was decreasing and its body began to become infected."

"My uncle is a human!" Ceres shouted for the first time, tears cut her cheeks, she could not accept Homer's answer.

"If it wasn't for the powerful, he would have died long ago." Homer just projected the text and rejected it again. "No, only after the death of the Paladin can he be reincarnated naturally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but they will be lost Most of the memories of his lifetime, but Celesz said that Hiller has been protecting her, which means that he voluntarily'fallen' into a death knight, so that most of the memories can be preserved."

"Is this possible?" Downton was startled. "Can I be a death knight?"

"Daydreams, please fall asleep and do it. In fact, the depraved statement is just pressed by the Holy See. This process is actually the same as the reincarnation of the lich. It is to get a longer life. Of course, there are many things that need to be prepared. Taboo There are also many issues and the success rate is not great."

"The point!" Downton stared at Shearer, squeezing her sword.

"The most important thing is that even if you want to reincarnate, even the Paladin of the Scepter rank can't do it, and you need a higher rank." Homer sighed. "For some devout Paladins, it's right to be a death knight. The blasphemy of faith is something that can't be tolerated more than death. If I guess right, he should be willing to fall into a death knight in order to protect Ceres."

"But his body was damaged by the plague at the time, and the ritual of depravity was incomplete, so it made his memory confused." Homer reminded, "This should be why it does not appear often!"

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