Hero’s Creed

Chapter 199: Legendary Magic Costume

"Great, hit it!" Walnut rode on the Sherman battle bear, rolling over the wreckage after the house collapsed.

A lot of dust drifts, coupled with the already dim environment, even with the aid of lighting, but the impact on vision is still great.

"Be careful of being attacked!" Downton's sprinting speed slowed down. There was no way. The floating ghost was very fast. Not only did he shoot black stabs continuously, but his head was excellent, and he did not leave him.

Robinson is qualified to be proud. Not only is his talent outstanding, but the gift of God's gift is still rare. This black ghost like an air mass is really suitable for sneak attacks in the dark.

It was with this talent that Robinson saved his first fortune.

Ceres floated over holding the magic book, taking advantage of Robinson's inability to fight back, and began preparing for the boneless missile.

Downton is going to be annoying, the black ghost has been around behind him, making the shield useless, he can't run forward with his back on his back.

After all, the blue liquid mass is limited in number, and can only reflect one shot at a time, and the rest depends on the soul shield, so it is constantly shaken by being hit.

"Why, where did that guy go?" Walnut staggered towards the place where Robinson might fall, holding the dragon gun, but with no gain.

boom! boom! boom!

Over the ruins more than ten meters away, six coconut-sized fireballs were suddenly lit out of thin air, and then shot at the nearest walnut.

Little Lolita did not dodge, opened the eggshell shield, and rushed towards Robinson at full speed against the attack. The flame hit the shield at close range and exploded the gorgeous fireworks.

Ceres waited at this moment, the shower staff pointed, the dead bone missile whistled from the lilac air mass flashing the arc, and shot at the location where the fireball appeared.

boom! boom!

The skull wrapped in purple flames burst, spitting green light. Robinson was completely overwhelmed.

"Not bad!" Homer is quite satisfied with Celesis's strain. If she has just used phosphorus rockets rashly, she will not only be unable to inflict heavy damage on her enemies, but also waste magic power. It is better to take the opportunity to prepare large magic and wait for the opponent's moment to appear. Suppresses magic blows.

The magic energy exploded, and a strong shock wave swept around.

Downton continued to sprint, he knew that Robinson must not die under this attack, as expected, the talented businessman surrounded by seven soul shields stood up from the ruins.


Hu Taojiao drank, made a leap, jumped from the Warrior Saddle, and ripped the dragon teeth. Hit Robinson.

But at the approaching moment, the magic book in the merchant's hand suddenly burst out with a gorgeous black light, followed by a thick arm like an endless breeding of vines, protruding from the page of the book, like a fly swatter, and swept it hard. Walnut.

Bang, Little Loli fell over.

The giant arm was still stretching, chasing the walnut. Photographed towards the ground.

Little Loli rolled continuously, avoiding dangerously.

The dead bones bombarded a Robinson shield. But instead of worrying about it, he laughed proudly.

"Haha, my magic book is not bad? This is the legendary magic costume found in the Master Tower, so you will all die here today." Robinson said, except that he was really satisfied with the current results. Still using words to defeat the will of everyone and put pressure on them.

The devil's big hand has been extended to five meters long, and with a straight wave, the remaining missiles were exploded without damage.

"It's terrible." Walnut got up. A trot rushed towards Robinson.

"Idiot, I took the initiative to lose the mount, but it saved me trouble." Robinson showed disdain, Downton couldn't get close, no need to worry, the death banshee was remote, she had a shield, she could fight with her, trouble It's the rider Xiong Xiaolioli.

Merchants have always remembered the first combat principle of the magicians of the legal system, that is, never let melee close, so even if the opponent is a loli, he still does not have a soft hand and gives a key attack.

Robinson has never been a careless person. Since little Lori can walk in the dungeon, she must have the corresponding strength. Sure enough, the offensive cannot kill her, but after seeing her take the initiative to abandon the war bear, he will no longer be. Put walnuts in your heart.

From this detail, Robinson sees that Walnut is a reckless little loli, who does not know how to play tactics. He relies on his talents to fight, so he adjusts the firepower and focuses on Celesce. As long as she beats her, there is no remote suppression. Can play dead two melee.

Celesis is too weak, it is impossible to gain the upper hand in the attack, and she even has to open the dragon shield of the pocket watch.

Walnut tried to get close several times, but was stopped by the demon arm in the Robinson's magic book. Even because he was too anxious to escape, he was photographed heavily.

"I'm mad!" Seeing the two little girls fighting, Downton lost his calmness for the first time, and simply stopped avoiding the dark spears shot by the ghost, and rushed directly to Robinson.

boom! boom!

Two semi-transparent **** were exploded, but Downton also successfully rushed into the ten-yard range, and then heaven sparkled.


Downton appeared in front of Robinson with a residual image. The sword of order in his hand and the sword of the Black Dragon's Wing turned back, cutting out a huge paradise of heaven.

"It's great." There was a happy look on Celesque's face. The timing of Downton's martial arts was too good. It was the interval when the devil's arm had just opened the walnut and he couldn't return. Robinson must only resist this time.

Downton was not so optimistic, because he saw Robinson's face close to him, with a wily smile.


Robinson suddenly disappeared into place. Five blue eggs, the size of brilliant blue eggs, were rolling in the air, before they fell to the ground. They suddenly shone brightly.

"Oops!" Downton immediately activated the sacred armor, flashing back suddenly, but still slowed down half a beat, the gem exploded.

boom! boom!

A series of explosions engulfed Downton, and the scorching flame rose like a tsunami, spreading around, igniting the wooden houses on both sides of the long street.

"Big brother!"


Walnut and Ceres were terrified, and a distraction was immediately hit by Robinson.

"I'm okay!" Downton screamed quickly, and then sprang out of the flames. Despite the embarrassment, he didn't die or even suffered serious injuries.

"Oh, it's okay? It seems that you also got a lot of good things in the dungeon!" Robinson ridiculed, but his heart was definitely not as calm as his face, and he was so distressed that he was about to bleed. That was a gem bomb. There are five of them, all of which can cause serious damage to an elite-level Warcraft. I didn't expect him to have any scars.

"Be careful, it's a gem bomb made by squeezing magic into Tiberian gems. The attack power is enough to tear any war-level shield." Homer quickly reminded.

The price of a gem bomb is more than half a million marks. In order to kill Downton, Robinson really spared no effort, but unfortunately still missed.

"The talkative guy, you really have the best magic outfit on you." Robinson stared at Downton violently, then swept over Celes and Walnut.

Thick jealousy bite his nerve like a snake, if he hadn't brought this guy to Crow Ridge, everything in the dungeon should be his own.

"It will teleport, too troublesome." Looking at Robinson fifty yards away, Downton had a headache, and he certainly wouldn't have the magic of teleporting the Dragon Slayer, then there must be a magical costume enchanting such magic.

The smoke was rolling, and because the two sides suddenly pulled apart, a strange calm appeared on the long street.

"This guy's scheming is terrible, be careful." Homer took the opportunity to remind the three of Downton that Robinson was more powerful than any opponent he had encountered before, even the mid-level ghoul who was stronger than the magical well. .

No way, this genius businessman's fighting wisdom is definitely top. If Downton is not inferior, he opened the sacred armor in time, he has won in one vs three.

Downton's mouth twitched, this was the first time he had encountered such a stifling battle.

"Why the melee is called the engineer, that's why, in the same rank battle, the melee rarely wins the magician." Homer sensed Downton's loss and quickly comforted him.

"We have read so many magic books and kept studying magic. It would be too cheap if they were easily overtaken by your engineers who have practiced muscles for a few days." Robinson's face was adorned with the magnificent gesture of the magician. .

Indeed, no matter what plane, the learned magician is always a higher profession.

"I'm sorry, I'm not an engineer, but a priesthood." Downton raised his hand and blessed himself and Walnut with the Three Divine Skills.

At this moment, Downton was depressed. It wouldn't be so passive if he learned how good some gods should be.

"Priesthood? It's just a servant of God." Robinson patted the dust on his robe. The original calm look, after seeing Downton took out the magic drill, turned into a terrible, "You are so extravagant To supplement the magic energy with magic diamonds, how many have you found?"

"I have snatched the armory and vaults of the Holy Prayers Cathedral." Downton delays the time again. The sacred armor is good, but it consumes too much magic energy. In six seconds, he can consume his magic energy. Empty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Impossible, the cathedral has a skeleton dragon guarding, how could you get in? "Robinson didn't believe it.

"So you are a fool, Big Brother has a way." Hu Tao snorted, ready to charge again. Although the previous fight was not injured, but there was no achievement, she felt lost and wanted revenge.

"Is there a way?" Robinson fell into contemplation, but within five seconds, his eyes suddenly lighted up, "Could it be to sneak in, yes, you can use the sewer!"

Downton pounced on Robinson, and gave Celes a look, allowing her to launch a sneak attack, but unfortunately the Death Banshee did not react at all.

But Walnut charged, but before he got close, Robinson's pages turned, and ten red flame arrows were fired. The black ghost, who didn't know when to return to him, also attacked immediately.

The two sides launched a sneak attack at the same time, and the battle was rekindled! (To be continued...)

ps: Seeking monthly tickets to support acridine! RT


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