Hero’s Creed

Chapter 201: Holy Whaling Fork

The magic book flew out of Celestial's arms, the pages unfolded, and then a dazzling white-gold arrow burst into the direct shot of Downton. M

"Oops!" Robinson also felt bad, and the flames bombarded him, trying to intercept the arrow, but unfortunately all failed.

Like a shooting star, it roared and shot directly into Downton's back, making him stumble a few steps.

Just like being slammed hard by the siege hammer, Downton's head appeared dizzy, and countless complicated platinum-gold spots appeared at once, just like the tide, forcibly poured into the mind, and then formed a long and obscure puzzle. The spell.

"Opportunity!" Robinson was ruthless this time, directly tearing off a page and throwing it in the air.

The pages burned, and a meteor shower formed immediately, slamming down to Downton.

"Downton, take the shield!"

The elemental arm grabbed the order shield and threw it all down towards Downton.

Huh, the shield shot over the top of the head, Downton reached out, grabbed it steadily, and hurriedly blocked it.

boom! boom! boom!

The flame meteor descended and hit the shield, exploding a burst of sparks.

Downton's arm tingled with impact, but he gritted his teeth and started to charge hard against the magic attack. "Walnut, Celese, Robinson, give it to me, you take care of the enemy in front of you, don't be distracted."

"Be careful!" Walnut was able to stop Di Maria demon, already very hard, there is really no time to assist.

Celesque blames herself, because she is too stupid, otherwise Downton will never need to work so hard. After all, he is in a disadvantageous position when he fights magicians in close combat.

"Arrogance!" Robinson was almost mad, and he was looked down upon by an engineer. It was really intolerable. But Downton's strong charge also made him linger, almost instinctively retreating, and tearing a page, after burning, released group magic.

This is the magic that comes with the magic book, but after using it, it can't be recovered. If Downton is too difficult. Robinson was absolutely reluctant to waste, and he was so distressed to die that he wished to put his bones down.

"Almost!" Silently calculating the distance, Downton held the Dawnbringer crossbow.

It must be said that Homer is very insidious. It throws order shields just to cover up. The real purpose is to give Downton the loaded crossbow.

With Downton’s current position, the new magic art can only reach the range of thirty yards, so he has to continue to charge.

Robinson is not close combat after all. After running for so long, he also began to pant, and the speed was slightly slower, which was suppressed by fast attack magic, so that Downton could not get close.

"Oops." Robinson watched Kasimodu dismantle his own structure so quickly with hatred that he completely abandoned his plan to fight in the end. Start looking around, ready to apply oil on the soles.

"Thirty yards!" Downton launched heaven to shine, rushing into thirty yards. Then he raised his hand for a shot, then dropped the shield and pulled the crossbow machine to load it.

call out!

The armor-cracking arrow appeared with a scream of tearing air in front of Robinson.

Robinson was almost scared to death. Downton had only one set of order in addition to the battle bag around his waist. There was no crossbow at all. What did he get? And the speed of the crossbow arrows is too fast, almost in the blink of an eye, already on the scene.

"Open shield!" Robinson screamed. Like a hapless ghost with a chrysanthemum exploded by a dragon, his voice changed.

I have to say that the legendary magic suit is amazing. On the occasion of a desperate attack, a shield was opened in front of Robinson.


The armor-breaking arrow hits the shield and breaks it directly.

Robinson hadn't had time to rejoice. The second shot came. Although he didn't kill him, he exploded its last shield.


Downton's left arm was pointed at Robinson, and a wavy air wave appeared in front of his palm. A huge whaling fork shot out and flew towards Robinson.

The whaling fork is three feet long. At the front is a sharp spearhead with a spiral pattern. The body is white gold, with mysterious runes and white halos. A chain is attached to the tail and is directly wrapped around Downton's arm.


The speed of the whaling fork is the same as the bed crossbow fired by the steam crossbow car. It is fast and fast, and Downton chose the right timing and distance.

Robinson, who hadn't had time to replenish his shield, wanted to dodge, but he was already half a shot slower, only half a step, and the whaling fork hit his shoulder.


The body of the gun near the gun's head was peeling off, and like a barb, it was directly embedded in Robinson's skin, so that he could not pull it out.

"How do you run this time?" Downton pulled his left hand, and Robinson immediately fell to the ground. Not only did his blood stain half of his body, but the pain was also tearing his nerves, making his screams of pain continued, and the whole person twitched and shrank. In a ball.

This is the sacred whaling fork of the scepter order. It is an attacking magical technique used by the archbishop to punish fallen people and evil rebellion. As long as it hits, even the soul will be pierced, and it is absolutely impossible to break free.

The platinum chain automatically retracted, dragging Robinson back. The strong pain made him unable to even read the spell.

However, the magic book is still fighting back automatically. In addition to blessing the owner's shield, it also shoots a fire arrow.

Phosphorus rockets come and intercept each other's magic.

Facing the black ghost, Celesque was still enough to gain an advantage.

Giant seal!

The magic saber descended from the sky, not only chopped a crack on the floor, but also smashed several arrows.

Downton launched a giant charge and appeared in front of Robinson who was struggling to get up. The giant windmill battered.

Under the light of twelve explosive flashes, the shield was exploded, and Robinson was completely exposed to the air.

"No, I can give you an artifact and redeem myself!"

Robinson didn't have an artifact, he just wanted to use this word to paralyze Downton and fight for time. His right hand shot into the magic robe, enduring the pain, and took out a magic gem to crush it with the fastest speed.


Downton was unmoved, the giant beheaded and slashed down on Robinson's neck, and a head rolled over in the spray of blood.

Before dying, Robinson inspired the magic in the gem. A large devil's mouth with fangs spawned over Downton's head and bit him.

"Holy armor!"

As soon as Downton's body turned golden, his big mouth bit down. Even so, the huge pain was still added, making him feel like he was punished with a waist and the whole lower body lost his intuition.

Poof. The big mouth disappeared, but Downton also stood unsteady and fell to the ground.

As Robinson died, the ghost completely dissipated in the air, the uncontrolled magic book slowly closed, and the Di Maria demon also shattered.

"Big Brother!" Walnut flew all the way without considering the blood on his face.

Celesis went all the way.

"sorry Sorry!"

The Banshee of Death kept apologizing and watched Downton's tattered look. The crying pear blossom brought rain.

"My Di Polo, this guy has more cards than me. If I don't react fast enough, I will be dragged by him."

Downton felt terrified.

"Robinson is definitely a strong enemy. If such a genius is given him sufficient resources and time. It is definitely the No. 1 figure in the mainland." Looking at Robinson's headless body, Homer started to think about Ei Cai and couldn't help it. sigh. "If he was born in an aristocratic family, he can definitely achieve higher achievements."

"No way, this is life. We can't choose to be born, but we choose the future!" Tang Dunqiang sat up and greeted Kasimo, "Don't stand still, hurry up, stay here and wait to die." ?"

There has been such a great deal of war between the two sides. The monsters must have been brought in early. They didn't shoot. They must have waited to collect the profits.

as predicted. Downton's voice just fell, and a black shadow arrow shot from the dark.

"Leave that magic book, I can spare you a life!"

The Skeleton Mage appeared from a roof, raised his staff, and attacked three people.

The abominations form a meat shield, intercepting magic, and Kasimodo explodes the other's magic.

"Walnut hurry up." Downton climbed up on the unicorn's back and made Celesce come up, slamming the horse's belly.

"What should I do?" Ceres was anxious.

"Go over there!" Downton had already considered this question, and was not in a hurry, but pointed to the manhole cover 100 meters away.

"Big Brother is so powerful." Walnut found that following Downton, he didn't even need a little brainpower, he almost thought about anything.

The team began to escape, the elemental arm extended, and put Robinson's body and magic book into the war space.

"Master Lord, what are you waiting for? Quickly kill them!" the Skeleton Master shouted, "that is, they destroyed the Millennium Altar and stole the abomination."

I don't know when the skeletal dragon that had been hidden in the nearby street flapped its wings and flew into the air. It quickly flew towards Downton and opened its mouth hundreds of meters away. The dragon breathed out.


A green flame full of undead breath fell from the sky and chased behind the team. The scorching heat caused the surrounding air to almost evaporate, and the scene appeared to be'twisted'.

A fireball with a radius of one meter was formed, and the meteor usually fell down.

"Wow, so big!" Walnut turned around and glanced. She didn't have a heart or lungs. She even had the leisurely thought whether to fight another battle, to slaughter a dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The manhole cover, this time Celice finally got rid of it. Before the command of Downton, the firepower was fully opened, breaking the manhole cover and the surrounding ground.

"Jump in!"

The three of them jumped into the black sewer. Downton was too seriously injured, his legs were soft, and he knelt on the ground. Walnut and Celesce pulled, even Homer stretched out the elemental arm and dragged him to the sewer. Run deep.

Dirty stagnant water and silt covered half of Downton's body, but no one could care about it.


The green flame pours into the sewer from the crack, and in a squeal, the accumulated water is immediately evaporated into white steam.

Bang! Bang!

The skeletal dragon was too big to enter the sewer, so it raged on it and collapsed the road, chasing the team.

"Quick turn!" Walnut was shocked, she didn't want to be buried alive.

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