Hero’s Creed

Chapter 205: Financial officer

"Absolutely not. I'm a good businessman with a conscience.

Downton had just asked casually, but he didn't expect Abagong to actually come up with something that was impressive.

"If it weren't the goblin standing in front of me, I thought it was a savvy Jewish merchant!" Homer was also shocked after scanning it. It found that the data recorded on the account book was not only neat, but also clear, just like An experienced businessman works.

"Master, I am a descendant of the great Abagong family. The glory of our family can be traced back to the era of the Goblin!" Green Leather Goblin bowed his head and answered respectfully, "The business group that my family once established was enough to buy Half of the Western Continent!"

Abagong was talking about the history of the family, and there was a hint of self-confidence and pride in his face, even the small body stood up.


Some of the onlooker blacksmiths booed and laughed at Abagong, didn't they just keep accounts? Dare to say that he bought half of the Western soil, and in history, the greatest elf queen was qualified to say this.

Downton and Homer don't believe it, but they affirmed Abagon's mind for doing business. The goblin who has always been in the same position as the maggot actually knows so many words and calculations, and he is also a talent in the goblin.

"By the way, I will still speak five languages." Abagong's chin lifted up and he became proud, and he still has a gift for language, and he learned everything quickly.

"Great!" Celesque admired.

"Huh, it's just a slave goblin. What arrogance?" Walnut kicked out and kicked Abagong to the ground. "Confiscation, all confiscated. A copper plate is not allowed to stay."

Downton and Homer smiled. They knew that Little Loli felt that they were being compared. They were very useless and angry.

"I'm not even as good as a goblin?" Ceres was a little depressed.

"What did you say that I was cheated?" Downton had no intention of tangling those trivial matters, but looked at Giroud with distrust.

Giroud looked calm, and he really didn't move.

"I took advantage of Giroud's inattention and secretly found someone to appraise it, barely reaching the perfect inferior level. The estimated price is 900,000 gold coins, as for the cost price. I have investigated the materials he used. It should be 720,000 gold."

Abagong said the truth. It's organized and there is a sense of confidence in the conversation. It's not the same unlucky appearance that is often sloppy and beaten.

"Gilu, how do you explain?" Downton frowned. "Although the difference of 40,000 gold coins is not large, I hate cheating."

"No, what materials I used, I have done statistics!" Giroux couldn't say anything, because Abagon threw two parchment papers full of writing on his face.

"Downton, you seem to have picked up the treasure. This green-skin goblin has the qualification to be a talented businessman." Homer sighed, regardless of race and origin. Talented people can find impressive results when they find opportunities.

"Boss, I'm right, they overreported the price." After a brief glance at Giru's list, Giroud sweated from his forehead. He was very angry. "These **** guys lied to me."

The dwarf also came up with a list of supplies, which proved his innocence. He was just a blacksmith, not a clerk in the logistics department. He wanted to take things. Although he didn't have to pay in Downton's face, he had to keep accounts.

"No need to explain, I understand." Downton said to appease Jilu. "Don't worry, it's still one hundred sets, and it will be given to you at the price of 800,000."

"Master, no." Abagong was anxious. "I have calculated that even though this list still has water to squeeze, we can reduce the cost price to within 600,000, and if we make one hundred sets, You can also save on labor."

Downton did not interrupt Abagon, and he gave an encouraging look.

The green-skin goblin came to the spirit all at once, and his voice was more generous and passionate, "Your army can't just need a hundred sets of armor. Repairing and replacing in the future will require a blacksmith. Jilu is too slow to do it alone, so I suggest hiring a second Team of ten blacksmiths."

"As they become more familiar with forging, they are more and more familiar with the construction of armor, and they are certainly better than those blacksmiths who find them temporarily."

"Of course, there are ghoul troops, and their armor also needs to be repaired, and even new armor is installed."

Walnut listened dumbfounded and couldn't help looking up and down at Abagong. Is this still the poor bug that was beating himself after dinner every day? At this moment, she felt that the goblin less than one meter was so tall.

"I'm a civilian. What do you hire so many blacksmiths to do?" Although he defended his mouth, Downton was moved. Both the armor and the siege weapon I got from the dungeon arsenal needed to be repaired. If Jilu did it alone, it was estimated It's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. Besides, after becoming the mayor, the number of troops increases, and blacksmiths are even more needed.

"Great master, your footsteps will not stop at Chenwu Town. I wait for the moment when you come to the world!" Abagong lowered his voice and patted a small horse.

"I can be a real-power aristocrat with territories, and I am very satisfied!" Downton smiled. "Okay, you will be my property manager in the future. You will talk to Jilu this time."

"It's my honor to serve you." Instead of kissing Downton's boots this time, Abagong bowed, raised his chest with one hand, and paid a gentleman's salute.

"Find a goblin as a finance officer, do you want to be treated as a joke across the continent?" Homer quipped, it's not a racist, but it's really not very optimistic about goblins that have been crowned with the reputation of thieves and robbers.

"Master, Giroud is a personal talent and can be hired for a long time, but a fixed salary will dispel his enthusiasm, so I suggest changing to a reward system. The better he completes the task, the more bonuses he will give." Abagong entered the position Role, start talking about money.

"I have said everything to you, just talk." Downton remembered the space belt obtained from the Chief Doshaf, but he dared not use it, as long as he took it out, the Brotherhood must know what to kill. After him, "I will exchange some gold tickets for you when I go to Wangdu."

"Downton, sign him a death contract." Homer is much more sophisticated than Downton. He won't believe it because of the performance of the goblin. The reputation of the goblin is too bad. If it runs on money Although Downton didn't care, this became a joke.

A person who is played by a goblin, even if he becomes a noble, is also the object of being laughed at every day.

"Abagon, sign this contract." A piece of parchment and a quill floated from the ring.

Abagong couldn't understand the demon script, and before he asked it, Homer had read it, and he didn't bother to lie, so the harsh content terrified the onlookers Giroud.

"It doesn't take a lifetime, as long as thirty years." Downton interrupted Homer, and Abagorn was not such an uncomfortable undead soul like Jackson. There was no need to sign a lifetime.

"No need to change, I sign!" Abagong was demonstrating loyalty, so he took the quill pen and waited for Donton to refuse. He signed the name under the paper.

The handwriting of the Green Goblin is surprisingly beautiful, and it is also a common text in the era of the Goblin, which makes Homer a little surprised.

After the writing was completed, the contract immediately slammed and burned up. The green flame that formed formed two gritty devil heads, murmuring obscure language, and while the ashes fell, they turned into two arrows and flew towards. Abagong's forehead and Downton's arm were branded with a contract design.

"Hard work, as long as you do well, I will not treat you badly." For the new housekeeper, Downton is not stingy, let Homer take out a stack of gold tickets to him, "This is the start-up funds, whatever you want to do !"

"Two million gold coins?" Abagong glanced at the amount on the top, and then twisted the thickness with his hand, and then guessed the exact amount. Then he was shocked, and then grateful, he didn't expect the owner to despise himself.

"Boss, you must be crazy." Giroud shook his head, thinking Downton must have a brain problem, hiring gnomes can still be regarded as a farce, but what about the money?

Although a death contract was signed, Abagon could not escape with the money, but it might lose them.

However, Giroud soon didn't bother with these trivial matters, because Abagong began to argue with him and discuss every process of forging, and he took into account every detail that might save money.

Jilu heard cold sweats coming out, "Why don't you even let the scraps go?"

"Congratulations, I found a miser butler!" Homer laughed. "It may be you, and it is the most correct choice in his life."

Abagong changed his obsessive style and actively put his work into it because he wanted to double the funds within two months to prove his worth.

"Even if you're a butler in Downton, you're still my slave!" Looking at Abagong, who was waving his arms and arguing with Giroud, Walnut suddenly ran to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After kicking lightly, A trot to chase Downton.

"It's great!" Celesce followed Downton and glanced back.

"Everyone has something he is good at, so this simple comparison is not correct." Homer comforts the apprentice, "You are destined to become a genius magician, work hard."

"What about me? What about me?" Walnut asked, looking at Homer expectantly.

"do not know!"

Hearing Homer's answer, Walnut's face collapsed.

"Don't listen to it, you are our little princess, the most powerful **** of war!" Downton rubbed her head and rubbed her hair.

Arnold went to find his compatriots and hadn’t come back yet, which made Dunton feel sorry, otherwise there would be another barbarian corps, he would have more confidence to win Tyson, but with the abomination corps, he thought he should not be out What an accident.

It's not too early, Downton is going back to Chenwu Town, to see Xia Luo, and then go home for one night, and report to the military camp tomorrow.

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