Hero’s Creed

Chapter 210: Unstoppable rise

The sheriff was the first stage of war. Although he hated the timidity and uselessness of the captain, he couldn’t watch him killed, so he pulled out his long sword and slashed violently towards the ‘iron can’.

Kasimodo waved his arms, and the powerful force collapsed the long sword, followed the stride meteor to catch up with the captain, and slapped him on the body.


Like a baseball hit by a home run, the captain's body changed direction suddenly, fell out laterally, and hit a wall a dozen meters away.

Blood spilled all the way, and half of the captain's chest collapsed, apparently breaking a lot of ribs.

Casimodo walked past calmly, clutching his head as if dragging a broken sack and pulling him back.

When passing by the Long Street, the security forces withdrew, and none of them had the courage to intercept.

"Are you a traitor?" Downton asked, looking at the half-dead captain, leisurely as if discussing what to eat for lunch?

"No!" The captain dare to admit, otherwise it is definitely the outcome of being sent to the gallows.

"Very good, guts!"

Everyone didn't know whether Downton was complimenting or ironic, and then he saw him waving a saber and cut off a captain's finger.

Ah, the scream of sorrow is the pale face of the captain.

"Are you a traitor?" Downton asked again.

"Sir, save me... ah!" The captain had not yelled, and turned into a scream, because Downton cut off his finger again.

"Downton, are you crazy?" The sheriff was furious. "Archer. Shoot him, infantry, move forward!"


The abomination warriors took a step forward and arranged together. With the strictness of Downton's guards, the ghouls are also arranged in a V-shape formation, ready to charge.

Seeing the anger of the adults, the soldiers had no choice but to move, but when they saw this scene, they all stopped again. There was no way. The opponent's lineup was too tough.

"Are you not going to be a traitor?" Downton ignored the sheriff and continued to ask. The Wings of the Black Dragon were placed on the captain's finger again. "Which one did you cut this time?"

"No. Please!" The captain burst into tears, afraid to die, and wanted to hide. But Casimodo stepped on his arm, making him unable to move at all.

"Forget it, it's a hassle, just smash it all." Downton took a step back, "Kasimo!"

"Observe, master!"

Casio responded, raised his big feet, and stepped on it. He stepped on his right hand in the captain's horrified shout.

Heartbroken screams and fractured sounds swept the Long Street. When Casimodo moved his big feet away, the crowd saw the captain's entire arm crushed to pieces.

"Downton, are you too much?" The sheriff threatened Downton and ordered his men, "Go, call all the security guards!"

"Are you a traitor?" Downton did not quibble.

"Excessive? There is no reason to catch the elder brother, is it not excessive?" Walnut yaya, these guys are coveting Downton's treasure, if he is not a strong card, now he was tortured into the water prison.

"Yes, yes, save you from tormenting me!" The captain compromised and wanted to survive first, but he obviously underestimated Downton's determination.

"Very well, you all heard that he is Tyson's spy!"

Everyone knows that the situation has reversed, let alone torture for confession, as long as the captain speaks, Downton's behavior is justified.

"What's he going to do next? If someone changes his mind, he still has no way?"

The onlookers soon discovered that they were worried. Downton watched the captain's mouth overflow with a smile, and then the saber slashed.

The sharp blade flashed a white light in the air, the captain's body twitched, and a few whizzes as the trachea broke, and then a red line spilled from his neck, and then blood was sprayed.

Not only the adventurers, but also the security forces backed out in full, with a shocked look on their faces. They did not expect that Downton still killed him after the captain admitted that he was a traitor, and he came to death without proof.

"It's a big crowd, is this kid too lawless?"

"With strength, with backstage, there is arrogant capital. Isn't the sheriff bullying him by right, but unfortunately people don't eat this set."

"For me, I have Dovink, the minister of Prasido, as the backstage, let alone the sheriff, I am not afraid of the mayor!"

The adventurers talked a lot. They watched Downton standing on the long street, surrounded by hatred and ghouls, and confronting a hundred-person security team. Their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

"The traitor actually stabbed me after the secret defeat. Fortunately, I responded fast enough to kill him on the spot." Downton looked at the sheriff and described calmly.

"He's all beaten to death by you, how to assassinate?" This is a red ~ naked ~ naked provocation, but the sheriff has no way.

"So, who's still the traitor next?" Downton's cold eyes swept across the long street, and he pointed at a security guard. "It's you?"

Downton’s eyes were like the cold currents of the frozen ground in the north. All the security soldiers he saw directly shivered, and all of them looked back with anxiety, especially the named guy fell to his knees. The tears and snot justified, "I'm not, sir, I'm really not a traitor."

On the long street, with Downton silent, he suddenly fell into a strange quiet.

The night breeze blew through, and a **** smell rolled up.

A decapitated body lay at Downton's feet. Behind him, a long blood stain dragged out, stimulating everyone's eyeballs, as if mocking the sheriff's incompetence.

A sound of horseshoe broke the stalemate. Mayor Franz finally heard the news, looked at the scene of the opponent, and yelled, "What are you doing?"

"As you can see, arresting the traitor who attacked the mine." Downton replied indifferently. This was not the first time he saw the mayor of the sword, but it was the first time he faced him equally.

Franz is a 40-year-old man who is slightly fat. His years of good life have made him neglect to exercise, but his strength is at the war level, and he actually sits in his seat. Networking is more important than strength.

"Who is a traitor?" The mayor's voice was hoarse and questioned Downton. He heard his son Liszt said that there was a lot of superb magic on his body. You can blackmail hard, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Downton pointed to the captain's body, "Casimo, throw him over, so that our mayor can see clearly."

Casimodo was too lazy to use his hands, and flew directly to kick on the body.

Bang, the body flew straight out like a cannonball, and a lot of blood was spilled along the way, even the mayor was not spared.


There was an uproar in the audience, and the adventurers originally thought Downton and the security team clashed and killed on the street. Bold enough. Unexpectedly, he didn't even look at the highest power in Chenwu Town. Provoked directly to the face.

The security forces were moved and even more at a loss.

"Do you want to die?" Franz growled.

"I was ordered by Lord Dovek to investigate the cause of the riots in the mine. If you are an accomplice, hum!" Downton snorted deliberately, without telling the whole story, to confuse the mayor.

Sure enough, not only the mayor, but also some guys with fast-moving brains had more ideas. Is this the start signal for Dofink and Doshaf competing for the power of Chenwu Town? It seems that there is a period of restlessness in town recently.

"Is this kid's behavior instructed by Dofink? Right, otherwise he is a civilian, how can he have the courage to do such a thing?" The mayor was suspicious, but he was even more afraid to move Dunton. He didn't want to be the first bird, this kind of thing still had to be handed over to the people below.

"What are you still doing? Packing the long street, lying down, and affecting our image of Chenwu Town more!" Downton yelled at the security forces.

"Damn, where did Doshaf go?" The mayor was very depressed. Doshaf hadn't appeared in more than a month, otherwise he would not be so passive.

"Sir, let's leave first, let's think long!" A staff member approached the sheriff's ear and muttered in a low voice.

"Clean up the endgame, let's go!"

The sheriff, as the No. 2 power player in the town, has good political wisdom. Let’s look at the situation first, and if Doshaf can’t do it, he still has the opportunity to turn to Dolfink, but if he offends Downton here, it will be miserable.

Doshaf took control of the Dagger Mine for nearly ten years, during which he drove away several principals, but this time, he failed completely, and even no one could see it.

"Aren't you dying in a horn?" The sheriff quipped and ordered the troops to be withdrawn.

"Enough is enough, put away this farce, and it's all gone." Franz shouted and left in a hurry. He would visit Doshaf's villa overnight.

In an instant, the security forces who had just wanted to catch Downton into the water cell just made a gray face. Not only did they retreat in embarrassment, but they also left some people to clean the body and clean the blood stains.

The adventurers preparing to watch a good show didn't expect this result, they were all shocked.

"No, the most powerful sheriff and the mayor of Chenwu Town are close to each other. They haven't won Downton. Am I seeing it wrong?"

"Starting today, a number one figure has emerged in the morning fog town, enough to be tied with Robinson, Eugene, and Liszt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A local adventurer looked at 15-year-old Downton and looked at him The undead warriors around him are sighing, really young.

"Come on, the young businessman Robinson has the courage to dare to challenge the mayor and the sheriff? Don't mention Liszt, purely relying on his father's aura, Eugene is qualified to be the first person in Chenwu Town."

"Yeah, when it comes to the speed of rise, Downton is the fastest. Don't forget that before he went to the mine for more than two months, he was just a civilian. One almost had to break his legs every day to earn a dozen silver coins. Postman!"

"And he is younger and he can get this kind of achievement without family care. It is indeed the number one figure!"

Some people disagree with the adventurer's claims and refute him.

"Well, if you let these people know that you have killed Robinson already, your eyes will be blown away!" Walnut murmured, pulling Downton and Ceres to dinner, "Go away, starve to death."

"I see a dragon that is stuffed with your stomach?" Downton quipped, and found Dilanxue's seat empty.

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