Hero’s Creed

Chapter 218: Forest Avenue

"Unable to resist, Downton's demon servant is too good to fight!"

The adjutant was helpless. Downton had already suppressed them before the militia made any noise, and the **** previous record had already scared the thorns. How dare they provoke him.

"Is there no way?"

Campana was very depressed. He was very good at fighting between nobles and even dying a civilian. But this is a military camp, and his suit is completely useless.

Fortunately, the family had thought about these, and arranged an experienced adjutant for him.

"Sir, you can make him a pioneer!"

"What do you mean?" Campana didn't understand. "Isn't this not exhausting him?"

"Not for this purpose, we are now about two hours away from the two Thousands. At dinner time, regardless of whether Downton has left behind, you can say that because the sixth team is too slow, it left behind. Is it flogging, or beheading, isn't it all based on your mood?"

The adjutant’s tricks were insidious, and it was an upright conspiracy. Even if Dunton knew it, there was no way to guard against it unless he could now catch up with the big troops in one breath.

In the morning, the regular army crossed the border and speeded up the march. The number and frequency of scouts increased, and other brigades were also responsible for cleaning up possible robber strongholds along the way.

The soldiers carry a day's rations, so the logistics team can be slow, as long as they arrive at dinner time, and camp, and make dinner, the task will be completed.

Of course, in order to prevent the logistics team from being attacked, there is also a hundred soldiers responsible for protection. This is a beautiful difference. If you have nothing to do with a thousand people or don’t give money, you can’t get it, because it’s very safe to stay behind. The army swept through, almost no fish.

"Why didn't you say it early?" Campana glared at the adjutant. "You're not going to send orders yet!"

The adjutant should be, but the heart can't help defamation. These noble masters are proud and arrogant. If they don't take the initiative to inquire, they will come up with plans and they will definitely be whip up.

Campana looked at the busy sixth brigade and imagined the unlucky night of Downton, and was in a good mood. I finally have the leisure to enjoy the scenery.

This is a forest road leading to the Boulder Mountain Pass. The two sides are covered with towering trees. Although it is mid-summer, the sunlight can hardly pass through the dense branches and leaves, so the trees are on the avenue. Even the summer wind brings a cool breath, it is completely a taste of early autumn.

"It's a good time to hunt!" Campana said with emotion, just about to ask the servant to take the longbow, he saw a little loli carrying a wreath made of various wildflowers on his head, grabbing a handful Wild grapes ran out of the woods and dropped a series of childish laughter.

"Homer, what if we are attacked by sneak attack?" Since entering the forest road, Downton felt very uneasy. Although there was a large army sweep, as long as the bandits spent some effort to make a detour. You can still avoid it and attack the logistics team.

This is just the edge of the redwood forest, but the dense forest is enough to hide a team of three hundred people.

"It is said that there are about 500 members of the Iron Man Bandit Group, most of them are infantry. How many people can they send to attack the logistics team? Even if they come all, there are a thousand militiamen and a regular army of 100 people. They are enough for the cavalry to return." Homer smiled. "It saves the trouble of the army to find them."

"Unfortunately, my level is too low to see information." Downton was very depressed, and his status was low. He had no right to make decisions at all. If he meets an incompetent officer, he can only be unlucky.

Downton actually understands that Homer is right. Any bandit group encounters such a force of encirclement and suppression. The first reaction is definitely not to take the initiative to attack, but to think about how far to escape.

Morale, mounts, logistics, and armaments doomed them to be opponents of the regular army.

Tyson is not stupid. He hides and waits for the wind to pass. After all, the soldiers eat horse chews, which is a huge consumption every day. With the greedy character of Placido, when the anger disappears, I am afraid that the troops will be withdrawn immediately.

"Do you know why those officers are scattered? Because they understand that this battle is not dangerous even if it is fought." Homer had much more insight than Downton.

"But they are scouting meticulously to patrol and sweep the surrounding woods?" Celesi was puzzled. From time to time, smoke bombs would rise and explode in the sky. That was the signal to mobilize the troops, and she saw the time of dinner. , And the army was drawn to fight.

"That's to hunt for human heads. There are also some indigenous people living in the Red Pine Forest. Compared to the bandits, they are simply dishes. It's so good to kill."

"Hunting heads?" Ceres was startled. "Why? People are not robbers!"

"There must be a head-to-head job, and the officers must at least make superficial effort. To be honest, if there are not enough indigenous people living on this land, I think the human town on the border is probably unlucky." For the merits, Homer doesn't see too much, even the Slaughter City, it has not seen more than ten thousand times.

Why does Campana sit firmly on the Diaoyutai? Still free to go hunting? Why do the parents of the noble children let them come for their qualifications? It is because of the knowledge of these greasy things, otherwise, with their character, they are not willing to send the baby son to the battlefield.

"That's what it is!" Downton was a little disappointed. He had thought that he could kill Tyson this time and get rid of a big disaster for the people on the border. Unexpectedly, it was such an inside story.

The reputation of the West End moth is not blind. Downton did not know that for this expedition, several officers of the Corps also fought a fight. It is also possible to make a fortune from the logistics.

On this route, occasionally there will be caravans that trade with the Red Pine Forest and the indigenous tribes. If they encounter them, the officers can also blackmail in the name of protecting the caravans.

"Big Brother, you try it!" Walnut ran back, suddenly turned on the warhorse, and stuffed a handful of wild grapes into Downton's mouth. "It's a little sour, but delicious."

"It's not allowed to run around, be careful to be taken away by Xiong!" Downton's mouth overflowed with a smile as he watched the walnuts become purple lips and small face stained by grape juice.

Touching the head of Little Loli, Downton found a grass stalk and made up the grasshopper, which would be idle anyway.

"It's okay, I have this, and I can find out the danger in time." Walnut pulled out the binoculars and shook it. She found this to be fun. She could see it farther, rotating the barrel, and even seeing berries a kilometer away. Arrived, it is simply a weapon to find wild fruits.

Celesce reached out and carefully removed the grass clippings from the walnut dress.

When a group of wild deer passed through the forest road, the noble children who served as a hundred people could no longer bear it, and began to call friends and friends, and led the servants into the woods for hunting.

This is also social, and when the bandit operation ends, these noble children will form a small network of relationships.

"Are you still used to it?" In the crisp sound of horseshoes, Jovic drove his horse to Downton and followed ten cavalry guards behind him.

"What instructions does the sir have?" Downton was not humble.

The man in front of him was twenty-five or six years old. He was Rockell’s nephew. At a young age, he commanded a hundred cavalry squadron. It was the moment when he was full of enthusiasm. Downton glanced.

"What do you think of my men?" Jovic pointed the guard behind him with a whip, all of them were white light knight armor with a scimitar in their waist.


Hearing Downton's evaluation, the guards were not satisfied yet, and all snorted coldly.

"Haha, just know." Jovic's tone was threatening, and he looked at the monocular in Walnut's hand. "Is this forged by the dwarf craft?"

Nobleman, as an officer, went to the military academy and loved the military. Jovic once looked at the Hubble telescope in the textbook. He wouldn’t be humble if he didn’t accidentally glimpse what was in Loli’s hands. Downton spoke up.

"What's your business?" Walnut rolled his eyes, disliked his arrogant attitude towards Downton.

"Well, poor ghosts are poor ghosts. They can't afford the Hubble telescope, and don't use fakes to charge them up. In the eyes of my expert, it's almost a dead man." Jovic held back his anger and smiled. Laughing excited.

"You are the poor ghost. This is the real Hubble telescope. I don't believe it!" Walnut had no intentions. When he heard someone slandering, he was angry and wanted to prove it.

Downton wanted to stop it, too late.

"Really, let me see!" Jovic's breathing was short, and even his guards were surprised, staring at the monocular.

"This is Hubble, which is banned in other countries except for the nine empires?"

"I heard that a cost of one million gold marks is also a symbol of the commandership!"

"My Emperor Polo, what's the point of this kid? Why do you even have this thing?"

Don't wait for Dunton to speak~www.wuxiaspot.com~The walnut finally reacted again, suddenly shrunk his hand and stared at Jovic with vigilance.

"What's wrong? Don't let me see, how do I know if it's fake?" Yue Weiqi has made up his mind. As long as he gets it, he says it's his own. Anyway, everyone is his own. Who dares? Testify to Downton?

"Your hands are dirty, they will get dirty!"

Walnut made an excuse.

Jovic almost vomited blood, how could he be dirty with white gloves on his hands, but this little loli, because the hands of wild grapes are all covered with purple juice, and even stained the barrel, then he I began to feel distressed, but this is a Hubble telescope worth millions of gold coins. You actually touched it with dirty hands, and you still have it in your pocket, and you are not afraid of losing it.

In terms of status and backstage, Jovic has an earl dad and an uncle Rockell who is a thousand people. He does not care about Downton at all.

"I thought it would be lawless with Dolfink backstage? I'll let you die terribly." When Jovic was hesitating if he was looting, a javelin suddenly shot out of the woods and stuck in a The body of the militia.

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