Hero’s Creed

Chapter 220: Bear Goblin Tribe

Jovic is a graduate of a military academy. He understands that the gangster is exerting mental pressure and wants to destroy the will and physical strength of the logistics team, so he keeps his subordinates running and shouts to encourage morale. M

The harassment tactics of the gangsters continue, but in front of the militia with enhanced security and defense, it is completely meaningless. Except for the occasional one or two unlucky ghosts who were shot and stabbed, for half a day, there was no increase in the number of new deaths.

Jovic was proudly riding on the pure white Orleans highland horse, with ten cavalry guards walking along the logistics team, rather than patrolling, it is to enjoy the envy and jealous eyes of the militia. .

"That's the sight, jealous of me, you untouchables!" Jovic's heart was dark, and then he waved his whip and explained with enthusiasm, "The gangsters will not let this stalemate continue, they should launch a The powerful offensive wave achieves the purpose of fatigue tactics"

"Sir, what shall we do?" A guard asked interestingly, giving the officer time to act.

"The herald soldiers, telling the soldiers to prepare to charge, as long as they dare to come, give them a head-on attack." Jovic started the pre-war mobilization. "Don't be afraid, the enemy is just a group of people, it can't stop ours. iron heel."

"A gangster's head is replaced by five Kindrans. Soldiers, fight for the military merit and the bounty!"

Soldiers who hadn't had much spirit heard the reward and immediately shouted with excitement and shouted excitedly. The infantry of the cavalry squadron, in their view, this would be a massacre.

Jovic smiled proudly. How to inspire the soldiers' warfare, Uncle Rokel taught him early, gold coins and future, soldiers are not for this!

"Nobles are nobles. Even if the character is no longer scum, just come one, they are more knowledgeable than our civilians!" Several militias murmured and looked at Jovic on the war horse enviously. As for Downton, they were completely ignored.

"This is the gap in education." Homer saw Downton's silence and took the opportunity to teach, "The education of the aristocratic class is much wider than that of the civilians, which leads to the general reserve of knowledge, vision, quality, etc., better than the civilians." To be honest. If you don’t have a magic book. Even if you have success in the future. It’s just to be a small businessman with a family property, or to hang a noble title."

"I understand!" Downton wouldn't even be a postman if he had learned some words with his mother. Like other teenagers, he could only work as a miner, or as an apprentice in the city, and then spend his whole life for the poor salary that even his family could not support.

Why was Downton appreciated by the last clerk? It wasn’t that his sister had to bring him some books every summer vacation, and taught him some lessons he learned, so that he had more talk than other rural teenagers, otherwise he How to stand out as postman?

"It's hard to learn, it's still easy to cut people." When Walnut thought of the harsh Homer, he had a headache. Even the sugar in his mouth felt a lot of pain.

"The attitude is very good. So I decided to list you a reading list, which was praised by the first Tudor king."

Before Homer finished, the forest on the right suddenly shouted to kill, and a group of gangsters rushed out, shooting at the logistics team.

"When did the bear gnomes start mingling with Tyson?"

Campana feels that she must be dazzled, with nearly a hundred adult bear goblins, which means that behind them there is at least a six hundred man goblin tribe. Such a force will never follow the gangsters like Tyson. of.

Downton has never seen a bear goblin so close.

They are generally close to two meters in height, with a wide waist and shoulders, full muscles, and no malnutrition. Because they are the strongest existence in the goblin-like creatures, they are good at throwing guns, used to hunting, and even some dragons. They are prey that dare to challenge.

"Ugly!" Walnut pouted, and picked up the axe.

The bear goblins have green body hair all over the body, they are thick, and they also emit a foul odor. They wear simple leather armor made of animal skin, carry a mace made of thick wooden rods and inlaid rust nails, and then match them with their faces. The painted tribal totem rune is full of indigenous flavor.

In the perception of the Western Continent, a bear goblin can fight five ordinary human soldiers, so the cavalry's face is a bit ugly.

"Fear of something, we are cavalry, crush them!" Jovic, who had never suffered a loss, was full of war. In his opinion, the bear goblins were military merits, so he pulled a scimitar and waved toward the front to launch a charge. .

Campana’s private soldiers had already followed the sixth brigade. When they saw the enemy appearing, they immediately hit the militia with a scabbard and let them follow the charge without the command of the master.

This is a customary method to prevent soldiers from cowardly fighting. If they are replaced by regular troops, the charge is too slow, and the supervising team has already cut it directly with a knife.

"Casimo, protect them!" Downton instructed, turning over and jumping on a thin packhorse, pulling the horse's buttocks back with a saber and sprinting.

Downton is not afraid of fighting, but he will not rush to the front in a silly way. Even if Jovic is investigated, he can use the crotch to run past the pack horse.

Most of the shots of the bear goblins failed, even if there was a hit, they could not pierce the cavalry armor.

Seeing the bears' goblins' poor equipment and bad attack, the cavalry became emboldened, especially when they saw that they immediately collapsed and hurriedly retreated to the forest. Their shouts were louder and accelerated.

Catch up, chop those backward enemies, and grab the first level. The cavalry are very good at picking up leaks. If they run slowly, even the soup is gone.

Looking at the suddenly excited cavalrymen, Downton was startled and thought they had found it with a conscience.

"Brothers, kill!" Jovic rushed past a bear goblin and cut off its mace, leaving a scar on his body.

The blood spilled on the ground and soon penetrated.

There were only a dozen bear goblins left in the field of vision. The cavalry slammed the war horses with a scimitar, saving no horsepower at all. In their view, more than a hundred cavalry against a dozen infantry are completely one-sided battles. I'm sorry for not grabbing the first level.

"Huh?" Downton originally thought that the bear goblins were defeated, but when they retreated to the edge of the forest, they immediately slowed down, which was somewhat unreasonable.

"Rush, kill them." The militia of the sixth brigade saw no danger and did not mind chasing.

"It's not right, everyone is careful about fraud!" Downton yelled to remind.

"The bear gnomes opposite are famous for being stupid. What traps can there be?"

"Coward go away, this is the battlefield of the Warriors!"

Someone who looked down on Downton immediately ridiculed him.

A dozen backward bear goblins gathered together and continued to retreat into the forest.

The cavalry did not want to lose their military power, dismounted, and chased them in, but these veterans were used to stealing and slipping, and they all wanted to take advantage of it, shouting to let others rush up to fight, and they cheered behind.

In this stalemate, no one noticed that the bear goblin had retreated into the forest about a hundred meters, and Campana could no longer see their figure.

The militiamen also came in with great momentum.

"Am I suspicious, or is the enemy tempting the enemy to go deeper?" Downton asked Homer, "There are only a dozen bear goblin orders, and even if the previous aid, we can calmly withdraw?"

"Wrong, the time we rushed in was enough for the enemy to ambush."

Homer's voice had just dropped, and behind him suddenly came the screams one after another.

Downton turned around and saw that more than 20 werewolf robbers jumped from the tree, led by the lone wolf Romario, blocked the retreat of the militia, brandished a machete, and slashed towards them.

The bear goblins who fled ahead immediately launched a counterattack.

"Damn, ambush."

"Hurry up!"

"It's Davis!"

The horrified shouts instantly filled the sky above the redwood forest.

The cavalry wanted to retreat, but just now the dozen or so besieged bear goblins started a fierce counterattack, which successfully dragged them down.

The two sides fought, and the cavalry and sixth brigade were in big trouble.

How can Jovic think of the bearish goblin, who has always been simple-minded, actually playing tactics? In addition, his brain is full of military merits, and he feels that there are no threats from the dozen or so backward bear goblins. As a result, he was drawn in and formed the current situation.

The battle situation has been out of control. No matter how Jovic yelled, he could not regroup. The veteran oil sons didn't listen to him at all.

There are so many militiamen, all of them are cannon fodder. No matter how stupid the bear goblin knows to pick a soft persimmon, the cavalrymen all have this kind of fluke in mind.

As a native of hills, the bear goblin has long been accustomed to the terrain here, charging, the mercury is like a smooth place, and the roar in the throat is constantly destroying the enemy's mind.

"Damn it, kill it!" Downton pulled out his saber and sword, and turned to sprint, "Homer, let go of ghouls and warriors!"

Homer broke the order for the first time, "Do you want to become a target?"

"Did you watch the militia die?" Downton couldn't bear it. Most of the militia had not even received simple military training. Facing this group of werewolves and gangsters, they were as weak as lambs, and they were all cut off during their escape. To ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The **** smell immediately filled the nose.

"A group of scumbags, it's not a pity to die." If you change to the understanding of other teams, Homer doesn't mind helping, but the sixth team is fine.

Downton shook his hand and threw the sword of order at a werewolf a dozen meters away.

The werewolf waved his sword to block, and flew the long sword, just about to sprint, and there was a flower in front of him, the human already appeared in front of him.

Three stars in heaven!

Three sharp cross-shaped light blades exploded from the blade of the saber, and they were cut on the werewolf. One of the rounds was scratched on its head, cutting out the scars of the cross and killing them directly.

"It's that simple?" Downton froze for a moment. He didn't expect the militia to be cut like a ferocious werewolf that cut melons and vegetables.

"They're not magicians, just ordinary gangsters." Homer reminded, "Run, that wild boar is staring at you!"

PS: Sorry, we have something. There is only one more change today. Don’t wait!

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