Hero’s Creed

Chapter 226: It’s you who pit!

"You let the ordinary militia charge, but let the little Grande who is the magician stay behind, is it because he has a rich dad?" Downton pretended to be angry, "You mean to cover him. Is it too obvious?"

The sixth brigade was all thorns, and in the guise of not being unlucky and not making others feel better, they began to swear and curse. m

"My dad is rich, you have the ability to bite me!"

Hearing that he didn't have to go to the battlefield, Little Grande was very proud and wanted to suffocate Downton. Unfortunately, he stabbed Ma Honeycomb instead, and the militiamen became more hostile to him, hitting stones at him and venting their dissatisfaction.

"If he doesn't go, we won't go!" Downton took the lead to coax, in short, he couldn't make Little Grande wish.

"Believe it or not, I cut your head?" Jovic glared, trying to suppress these disobedient militia.

"You can try!" Downton yelled. "Don't be afraid, I protect you. I went back to Chenwu Town and told everyone about these guys."

"Enough!" Rockell sullenly stared at Little Grand Terrace, "You're on!"

"No, I don't want it, I give money!" Little Grande was crushed by the pressure of death. He said nothing. Even if Rockell wanted to protect him, he would have no choice but to commit public anger.

Although more than two hundred militiamen died, there were still many left. If there was a mess, he would blame him.

The Sixth Brigade closed their mouths when they heard the captain, and then looked at Downton, looking frightened. They felt that the kid would definitely hide behind and push others to death.

"Little Grand Terrace, you and I are at the forefront!"

Downton pulled out his saber and walked towards the mountain road.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Downton foolishly, wondering if he was a fool, or confident enough to be brave.

After being surprised, the militiamen of the Sixth Brigade began to rejoice, and even regretted it, Downton was actually pretty good. If you don’t provoke others, how peaceful you will be.

Rockell and his men frowned, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Downton's gourd?

"Brother, are you stupid, why go to the front?"

Walnut anxiously did not know what to do, and simply stopped him, "I am with you too."

Ceres ran over. Grabbing Downton's arm, the expression of concern overflowed with words.

"You stay to protect Celes!" Downton touched Little Lori's head. "Homer, let out six haters to protect them."

"No, you don't have hatred, how do you attack the cottage?" Waiting for Cerise to refuse. Jovic rejected it first.

"Are you in control?" Downton glared at Jovic and told Celesce. "You stay at two hundred yards. Without my order, you must not attack!"

The military order is like a mountain. If Little Grande wants to be executed as a deserter, he can only climb a mountain.

Take Downton as an example. The fifth echelon regrouped in the straight zone.

Casimodo not only gave everyone confidence, but also caused some commotion on the cottage. Its body is too burly, and then equipped with heavy armor, it looks like a steel barrier, which is extremely visually oppressive.


The melodious horn sounded, urging the echelon to attack.

"Go!" Downton held the Order Shield in his left hand and the Black Dragon Wing in his right. After greeting Little Grande, he started to climb with Casimoduo as a shield.

Dead bodies are covered with corpses and blood, and a strong smell smells with the mountain breeze.

Little Grande wanted to postpone, but the militia behind him wouldn't let him do what he wanted, they were all urging, he could only follow Downton's ass.

Seventy meters. Sixty meters!

Downton reached a distance of fifty meters, the gangster still did not attack, he looked back, and now those are as expected. The militiamen were cursing and shoving for the position behind him.

Mussel's soldiers are no exception. They all feel that with Casimodo as a meat shield, Rolling Stone and Takagi can never cross Downton, so the area perpendicular to him must be safe.

"Well, the formation is good and the plan is ready."

A smile appeared on the corner of Downton's mouth and suddenly added.

Casimodo charged at the same time, as if the legs of the siege hammer were stepping on the ground, and there was a loud noise, which suddenly made the gangsters nervous and quickly hit the rolling stone.

"Be careful!"

"They started attacking!"

"Magic suppression!"

The soldiers' rapid breathing and shouting sounded a piece of death. All of them struggled to squeeze behind Dunton, looking for shelter, and a few unlucky ghosts stumbled out of the mountain and rolled straight down.

Kasimodo did not resist the boulders as the militia expected, but hid to the side, Downton followed, but the militia did not respond so quickly.

Little Grande originally squeezed other people away from the power of the magician, hiding behind Downton, cursing him to death, suddenly suddenly bright in front of him, and smashed down with a giant stone.

Downton's dodge time was just right. When Little Grande saw the boulder, the two sides were less than five meters away. Before he dodged, the rolling stone rolled over behind him and rushed in. In the militia.

A scream, a piece of people turning their horses, and the blood of a place!

No one thought that Downton was deliberate. After all, whoever faced the Rolling Stone attack, the first thought was definitely dodge.

"Where is the magic suppression?"

Downton shouted, drawing the echelon's attention to the magician.

The enchanted magician had already received instructions from Rockell, and would not support this attack on the ground that the magic energy was exhausted.

The militiamen were indeed induced, and they were all yelling at the mage, but soon they could not care, because more rolling stones were dropped.


Stones with a radius of about one meter were pushed down the Zhaimen, like a meteor group, and rushed to the fifth echelon!

Without dodge space, Downton could only resist.

Casimodo stepped on the ground fiercely. His legs were like a pile driver, and he inserted it directly. After fixing his body, he leaned sideways and his arms were sideways, making an anti-collision gesture.


The first rolling stone hit Casimodo without any suspense, and slid directly to the side. It was like a mainstay. It was stiffly stuck on the mountain road, and it could not be shaken by the heavy impact of the rolling stone.

"It's worthy of being the abominable warrior who claims to be the first heavy infantry of the 6th Tutu!" Roquel's eyes looked hot, and he wished to have his own, as long as there were ten abominations. Can completely attack the cottage without loss.

"Why hasn't he been smashed to death." Jovic was spitting blood jealously.

"The enemy prepared so many rolling stones, obviously it was premeditated." Homer reminded.

"I'm still worried about not enough!" Downton hid behind Kasimodo, and even looked back safely.

The fifth echelon was divided into two distinct lines, and the soldiers staying in a straight line behind him seemed to reach out to heaven, while the other side was hell.

The rolling stone ran over, leaving behind a ground meat. Some militias could not bear the torture and turned and ran down.

Downton poked Kasimodo's waist, who understood that when he resisted the rolling stones, he pushed them deliberately to the other side, preventing them from rolling off the mountain.

The little Grande, who was run over, had a broken bone. Spitting blood, lying on the mountain road, watching the rolling stone community, he once again jumped his teeth to the hillside, and then rolled down.

"Blow the horn and let them attack!"

Rockell wanted to kill Downton.

"I've been waiting for you, Casimodo. You can move." Downton was looking for excuses to move.

"Observe, master!"

Casimodo suddenly sprinted up and down two steps, so the unresponsive militia behind him fell badly and was completely crushed.

When Downton walked out five meters again, there was no one behind him. Except for the dead, all the rest fled back.

"Okay, you can go back!"

Downton probably counted it. A total of 200 people participated in the attack, leaving more than 130 corpses. Most of the survivors were relatively professional soldiers.

"Why do you lead more people but die more?"

When Downton came back, Rockell immediately rode over and questioned, he could not cure the crime of his return, because all the soldiers behind him died. Never allow a person to charge.

"There is no magic suppression, of course, much dead!"

Downton made an excuse early.

Rockell was dumb, he now wanted to kill Downton's plan, but instead pitted himself.

"I don't care what excuses. You must continue to charge!"

Jovic yelled, "Your hate can reduce casualties."

"Yes, for the safety of the militia, I am willing to take the lead in attacking the cottage!" Downton said the righteous words, no one can see any flaws.

Jovic thought that Downton would refuse, and prepared a lot of words, but with Downton's promise, he couldn't say anything.

"Get ready, I think their rolling stones are going to run out." Downton took a fist, "I think it can be killed this time!"

Rockell didn't know what Downton paid attention to, but he also understood that after this consumption, the gangster's reserve was estimated to be not much left, so he arranged two 100-member militia and a 100-person soldier to follow Downton.

"No, there are too few soldiers. I don't want to rush up, there is no reinforcements behind the buttocks." Downton refused, "and your mage must keep suppressing attacks."

"Okay!" Rockell agreed, and the Bearded Centenary team was pushed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't be afraid, this time you can succeed! "Tunton shouted to boost morale, and then rushed forward to the cottage, he had wanted to pull the little Grand Terrace, but his goods just broke his legs, and even broken his ribs in half, it is really standing Can't get up.

Seeing the increase in the number of enemies, the gangster's commander responded and let them reach a distance of forty meters before they began to hit the rolling stone.

Downton did not stop this time, but the progress was very slow, and the continuous slashes continued in the direction. The militiamen who wanted to hide behind him were dumbfounded and could not keep up, so they were crushed by the rolling stone.

The entire mountain road is wailing on the verge of death.

"Hurry up, you bastard!"

Rockell is about to die. Downton is only 30 meters away from the cottage. With the help of Casimodo, he can rush up in one breath, but his degree is slow to die, which means that the soldiers behind will be exposed for a long time. The enemy fire suffered heavy casualties. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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