Hero’s Creed

Chapter 229: Ambush circle

When the ogre rushed into the forty meters, Celestial's boneless missile was completed. m

A half-meter radius of purple mist appeared, and as the Death Banshee's staff waved, a skull surrounded by purple flames shot at the group of gangsters.

They wanted to dodge, but the next sharp voice like a tsunami swept through the hills instantly.

The death wailed, and the gangsters were directly stunned in front of them. Some of them with poor physique even irritated their nosebleeds, and there were fantasy in their minds.

They could no longer dodge, and one bone after another boneless missile flew into formation under the command of Celes.

As if the rpg rockets were raging, the ogre's body was exploded, flesh and blood flew, and there was no screaming, because they had not yet eased from the death wail.

The second and third boneless missiles formed one after another, bombing the ogres uninterruptedly, leaving a place of meat sauce and a large amount of blood in the gravel splashing the soil, making them muddy like swamps .

"What kind of magic is this?" Aseco was horrified, his ears still roaring, and he could not hear the sounds around him.

"It seems like death is howling?"

"Impossible, how could a banshee of death appear in the human kingdom?"

Although the mages have read the introduction in the magic book, after all, they have not fought with the undead family, and even the most daring slave slave group dare not go to the death plane to hunt dead female demon, so the human kingdom has seen their people Very few.

"Perhaps some kind of soul magic!"

After killing the three mages, they did not believe that the death banshee, who is an undead high noble, would have a close relationship with Downton, and he also worked as his personal magic advisor, so he found a reason for it.

"This is the last wave of Cerise's offensive. You'd better hurry to take advantage of the gangster's chaos!" Downton waved his hand and let the head go and cut his head.

"She just learned magic powers and can fight." Mussel blamed. If Celes is involved in the battle, he will have too much advantage for himself.

"Sirace's appearance fee is very high, let's take half a million gold coins to talk about." Downton's voice sank, "otherwise shut your mouth."

Mussel couldn't refute. People use magic diamonds, which are indeed very valuable.

"The three of you keep firepower suppressed. Mussel, Jovic, bring your guards, rush!" Rockell saw that Downton was determined to stay, and no longer dispute, the most important thing now is Hit the cottage, and then slowly clean up him.

The enemy's will was defeated, not to mention the sergeant who led the charge, so the soldiers yelled one by one. Want to compete for level.

Westbound worms have a good fight.

"It's terrible, just give them the military merit?" Walnut was very angry. "Selice bombarded the cottage with at least one hundred ogres."

"Don't forget that there is still a shaman that is not dead. It is estimated that it is difficult to deal with. Besides, I always feel that something is wrong. Why do the gangsters keep the cottage? Do they have any followers? These are issues that need to be considered!" Downton took the bill. Binoculars observe the cottage. Davis and an ogre leader are now convening their men, apparently trying to resist.

"Tyson hasn't appeared yet!" Walnut looked around the pergola. I really want to see the appearance of that gangster, after all, the head is worth more than 10,000 gold coins.

"Huh?" Downton froze for a moment, then shouted. "All attention, ready to fight, Casimodo. Protect Celes!"

The two captains took almost all the active soldiers, and the rest were either seriously injured or lightly wounded militias. They did not have any combat power at all, but they did not think that their own side would be attacked. So one by one leans on the train or sits in the shade to rest.

Finally breathing, they looked down at Dunton and whispered this, all the topics were about the teenager.

There is no way, whether it is a sturdy combatant abomination warrior, or Celesque's magic performance, they directly shocked them, and even a deep envy and jealousy, because they know that this guy will definitely reach back this time.

Downton's words immediately suppressed all the noise, and they looked at him for unknown reasons.

Without a hundred people to speak with the initiative, the other militiamen did not have enough status to dare to take the initiative to speak up, so the scene fell into tranquility.

"What the hell, ready to fight!" Downton yelled, quickly glancing at the surrounding woods.

"What's the matter?" a ten commander asked with courage, but as soon as the words fell, a spear suddenly shot out of the woods, entered from the vest, and pierced his chest.

As Mrs. Ten fell to the ground, more spears were fired, storming the soldiers who could move.

"Enemies attack, blow the horn quickly and let the sergeant give back!"

An experienced veteran yelled, but the next second he was set on fire by a spear and pierced into a honeycomb.

The bear gnomes tied their tribes out of the woods and went straight to the trucks.

On the other side, the lone wolf Romario also took more than 20 werewolf gangsters on the Texas Red Wolf mount to slash, and each time their scimitar waved, they would cut off a head.

The militias are completely messed up, even if they are not injured, they are also lambs to be slaughtered in the face of the robbers, their chiefs are all born in the nobility, the war experience is too little, and under the terrible killing, they do not have a bit of rebellion, one by one. To the mountain road, want to find a thousand people.

"These werewolves have problems. The riding and sword skills are better than the professional wolf cavalry, and the tactical intention is obvious, that is, kill the officer first, Downton, retreat to the cottage first!"

Homer reminded that Downton also intends to kill these militia anyway, just by virtue of these butchery knives.

"We seem to be caught in the trap, maybe since the beginning of the mine riot, we stepped in." Downton never thought of taking the initiative to save the militia? That is not his duty.

Aside from Downton, a hundred militiamen did not escape, but they were not immediately beheaded. The wolf riders used a net-throwing stunt, covered them, and dragged them on the mounts.

"Wouldn't it be to ask their family to blackmail a gold ticket?" Walnut was not afraid, pointing to the bear gnomes, "Look, they are robbing trucks."

"This is what the indigenous bandits should do. What do the werewolves want to do?" Downton was calm. Because both the bear goblin and the werewolf have avoided him, there is no way to hate the warrior's size is too threatening.

Some panicked militiamen finally saw this piece of land and started running towards Downton.

"Go, kill the bear goblin collar."

Downton's words directly scared the militiamen around him.

"Don't go. It will die."

"You have a pit in your head, it would be nice if people didn't kill you, why should you ask for trouble?"

The militiamen felt that Tang Dunxian's egg hurt, in fact, they did not think that this was an excuse to abandon them.

Downton took a dozen hate fighters as the vanguard and rushed to the bear goblin collar. This guy is obviously weaker than the lone wolf, and the fool knows how to choose.

The militiamen did not want to follow, but they would be killed when they left Downton, and they ran daringly.

"Kill them!" the leader shouted.

The bear goblins rushed up. The abominations will not protect the militia because of Downton’s order, so they suffer.

"Sir, let your hate attack!"

"Save us!"

The wailing and the cry of pleading became a piece. The militiamen regretted their death at this moment. If they had a better relationship with Downton at the moment, they can now be sheltered.

"Head, that boy shot. Do you want to help the bear goblin?"

A werewolf reported to Romario, in his opinion. The native leader must not be Downton's opponent.

"Don't need it." Duolang glanced away and no longer paid attention. The group of bear goblins in the plan is a group of abandoned children. It is the best result to share with the enemy.

The abominations opened the ogre next to the collar so that the master could face it.

"Hey, leave your head!"

Downton greeted and moved the giant to charge. Biao shot towards the collar,

The leader roared, carrying a bronze battle axe to Downton, as long as he grabbed the supplies, the entire tribe no longer had to worry about food this winter. So everyone who hinders it must die.

Giant seal!

boom! The magical saber descended from the sky and cut to the head of the collar, but was blocked by the battle axe.


Leading the battle axe vertically, a magical energy blade shot more than 20 meters away, and a ditch of half a meter deep was plowed on the ground.

Downton dodged, and the militiamen behind were unlucky. Three of them were cut into two pieces and died instantly, and two of them had their legs cut off and fell to the ground.

The bear goblin has a rough martial art, relying on strong physique and brute force, and those who are equally sturdy, but facing Downton, there is no advantage.

Kasimodo overthrew the bear goblins who tried to get close to assists with hatred. The stronger ogres are not their opponents, not to mention these natives, which is completely crushed.

The walnut figure of the rabbit rises and falls, and every time the torn dragon teeth wave, it will bring out a piece of blood, leaving behind a wailing hapless ghost.

"You can't let its advantage sway out!" Downton finished, the horn of heaven roared out, the center of the sound wave, and its eardrums were almost broken.

Giant windmill!

Facing the rotating soul shield around the body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Downton chose the strongest attacking technique, and the twelve-bladed sword burst into his chest.

The shield collapsed and the collar retreated. It wanted to fight back, but the head was stunned and the attack was completely defeated.

Five stars in heaven!

The five cross-cutting blades exploded at the tip of the knife and were printed on the body of the collar. The cut skin fleshed and blood flowed, followed by a giant beheading, almost opening its belly.

Downton saw the collar's body, and the offensive became fierce. Obviously, he recovered, and his right foot immediately slammed on the ground.

Giant tramples!


The ground shattered, the collar stood unsteady, and staggered back.

This is the best target for Downton. His dual arms tilted, a huge cross-slash killed him, and then a whirlwind of heaven.

The collar endured severe pain and retreated! (To be continued...)

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