Hero’s Creed

Chapter 244: Undead Butler

When Downton left the dungeon, Jackson was left with some magic stones and healing wine, coupled with the super high concentration of magic energy in Porosna, it recovered quickly. m

Jackson, who recuperates every day, is bored. In order to please his master, he is very hard to find the whereabouts of the vault, but still in vain, but in the early morning of one day last week, I heard a subtle sound from the underground.

"This is it?" Standing in the Duke's luxurious bedroom, Downton looked at the secret passage leading to the underground, and did not go in immediately, but looked at the surrounding environment.

"Yes!" Jackson was a little embarrassed. It was a ghoul who liked luxury and style, so he chose the bedroom that originally belonged to the Duke. It stands to reason that this room should be reserved for the master.

Walnut stood at the close of the road, raised his heels, and leaned out of his body to look down, but it was a pity that he saw everything.

"What is below?" Downton was worried that it was not possible to open the secret passage through the switch, and the trap could not be lifted. But he never found it and could only give up. "What monster are you talking about?"

"Here is a spiral staircase, about a hundred meters deep, and then a small square, only a monster guards." Jackson explained in detail, "That guy seems to be an undead, but there are mechanical parts in the entire body, which is quite difficult to tangle ."

"Have you tried to lead that monster out?" Downton smashed a vase into the secret passage. The echo was clear, but no footsteps could be heard.

"The order it received should be to guard the vault. I went down to investigate five times. Even if it saw it, it would stop after it reached the secret crossing."

Jackson lied. It actually only went down twice. If he didn’t worry about the host asking about the environment below, he might annoy him if he couldn’t answer. With its timid personality, it will never be the second time.

"Kasimodo, you lead the way, Celes and Walnut stay here. Without my order, you are not allowed to come down!" Now that the condition of the secret passage has been discovered, there is no need to send a ghoul to investigate, now What he did was kill the monster.

"Give you this!" Throw the Dawnbringer crossbow to Jackson. Downton held the knife in one hand and the shield in the other, dressed heavily, and walked down the spiral ladder behind the five abominations.

This is an octagonal square about half the size of a basketball court. Standing upright, a one-meter-eight-meter monster stood quietly in the center of the square.

"Warning, found an intruder." The dull mechanical sound started. "Please leave within ten seconds. Otherwise, you will be wiped out!"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't go down the stairs, it won't attack." Jackson reminded everyone to stop Casimodo from being too anxious. "But as long as it attacks, it will immediately counterattack, and will not stop until the secret road is chased. under!"

"Homer. Did you see what it was?"

With the help of the lighting technique shot by the magic book, Downton observes the monster, wearing a tattered costume on his body. No accident, it should have been a battle.

"It's a half-fabricated half-life undead steward." Homer deserves to be known as the existence of the Encyclopedia, which directly reports the origin of the monster. "After the death of a powerful magician, his body Add mechanical parts to the template, activate with the necromantic spells, and transform into the undead configuration. This was a very popular "guardian steward" of the dead language plane more than two thousand years ago."

"Housekeeper?" Downton felt slightly disgusted. With such a monster guarding the door, he would definitely have nightmares.

"Yes, a gold mark of about six to seven million, but a symbol of the rich." Homer teased, "We are lucky, it must have experienced a brutal battle before, you see its body, the damage is more than 100% Seventy, and this'square' is actually a magic circle, used to gather magical energy and provide power to the butler, but it was also destroyed."

"No wonder it won't chase it out. It turned out to be limited power!" Jackson understood. "We'll wait until it's scrapped. Let's accept the vault again. I've fought it. It's very powerful."

"Impossible, the magic energy naturally drawn from its core is not enough to deal with high-intensity combat, but it is enough for daily consumption, which is why it is not scrapped." Homer releases the eye of the demon and detects the body of the housekeeper, " Shout out Celes and let them go together, no difficulty."

"Just take this opportunity to train the team to fight!" Looking at the small fighting Loli, Downton knew that blind suppression was not enough, and let her let go to fight, "Casimo and I are responsible for containing and resisting the butler 'S attack, Walnut's main attack!"

"no problem!"

Carrying a tomahawk, Walnut made up his mind to perform well.

Kasimodo charged and then slammed into the butler with a strong butt. The latter took three steps backwards. Downton speculated its attack and defense based on the marks and damage it had hit the demon servant.

"Probably around the third order of the war, but the possibility of boosting the combat power in an instant is not ruled out." Downton made a few arrow steps behind the housekeeper, raising his shield and slamming it towards its back.

The butler stumbled, but just turned around, Downton had already run out of his way, circumnavigating behind it, and struck again, leaving a dent in its mechanical body.

Casimodo's heavy punch and walnut's battle axe were also cut on it.

"Hack you!" Walnut waved his battle axe quickly, hitting a fierce steel clash with the butler's arm.

"Don’t just focus on attacking and running, always stay on the side and behind the housekeeper, so that it will attack you, it will be very awkward, and it will take more time to move, which is a fighter for us. "" Downton taught.

"Oh, oops!" Walnut slammed into Kasimodo's thigh and nearly fell. Watching the butler's arm smash down, Downton took the first step to block the shield.

"Be careful!" Ceres was very worried, but unfortunately she didn't lock her eyes and could not perform magical assistance, otherwise she would hit herself.

"Can Casimo back away? It's too obstructive." Walnut complained, it was too big, and it took up a lot of dodge space.

"Don't treat it as a burden, but as a flesh shield, you have to use its super defense power reasonably." Downton made a demonstration. In the face of some attacks, he will not block, but from Casimodo flashed past behind him, then went out with a knife.

"Its defense has reached the Dragon Slayer, so you don't have to waste too much." Homer added, "A person's energy is limited. If you defend, then the attack must be lost at the same time, and it will consume energy and magic energy. With proper positioning, you can keep your attack suppressed while evading. You have to understand that under such fire suppression, the enemy's attack power cannot be fully exerted, and they must not be able to fully defend while attacking. , More likely to be injured."

"Well!" Walnut accepted the suggestion humbly and began to observe Downton. She found that her brother's vision of catching the fighter was too sharp. Now, he has cut off the monster with sixteen swords.

The steward realized that Downton was the most threatened, and had already rushed towards him, wanting to get rid of this enemy first.

"Don't worry about me. At the time when I attracted the monster's attention, it means that you are safe. It has minimized your attention and interference. At this time, if the firepower is not fully on, what are you waiting for?" Downton turned Keeping it for the attack, a shield protects the vital point and does not give the butler any chance.

Walnut turned to the back of the housekeeper, looking at the unprepared back, which was polite, directly a giant windmill.

The torn dragon teeth burst into a circle of blue halo, cut on the butler's back, leaving a half inch deep wound, and some green liquid spilled out.

The butler was steadily slammed and rushed forward.

Little Loli landed and connected to the giant beheading.

The butler turned and hit the walnut with a punch.

Casimo stretched out his hand and blocked it in front of the walnut like a shield, stopping the butler's heavy punch, but the little Lori's beheading also failed.

"Don't just pay attention to the attack and pay attention to the running position. In this dominant situation, you would rather fight for a while and don't get injured." Downton reminded Little Loli, "especially when releasing the giant windmill. After the strength of the martial arts, your body and magic energy will be fatigued due to the instantaneous consumption, resulting in slow movements. It is best to give back at this time to ensure a short rest."

"Even if this kind of garbage is a housekeeper, experienced magicians will choose to fight back at this time, so they don't pay attention, but they will lose a lot." Homer found that he had no use, and Downton was indeed a battle. Genius, after fighting with the lone wolf, his understanding of martial arts is deepened.

"It turns out so!" Walnut was ignorant before, relying on superior instinct to fight, she knew when to dodge and attack, but she didn't know why, and now she heard Downton's explanation and suddenly realized.

Downton and Homer's words, as if to open a door for Walnut, let this violent little loli see a whole new world.

Of course, it’s easy to say, but it’s difficult to do it. Not to mention all kinds of unexpected situations, but whether we can maintain a calm mindset at any time when we are going to die ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ requires constant training.

Downton is born with a big heart and is very resistant to stress, but he will also be nervous when faced with an unbeatable enemy such as the skeletal dragon and his friends in a crisis, which will affect his judgment.

Not to mention Walnut, the younger the child, the less mature the mind is, and the easier it is to be influenced by the environment. Don’t look at her higher rank than Downton, but there are dozens of ways to kill her.

Downton picked up a big bargain. If the undead housekeeper was in its heyday, it would never be won without a fierce battle, but now it has become a practice battle.

The butler was like a target, who was completely abused by three people, and then he was cut off by a walnut, and it completely fell apart, even one spray did not turn up.

"Well, I can be so powerful!" The walnut who grabbed the head with his hands tucked in his waist, proudly raised his chin, overlooking the enemy's body.

"Little Princess is invincible!"

Jackson patted the horse, and then hurried to the gate of the vault. "This is the treasure house of the Duke's Palace. The things stored in it must be valuable."

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