Hero’s Creed

Chapter 252: Bloodfire Morning Fog Town

"Chong! Chong! Chong!"

Walnut jumped on the war bear, holding a seven-meter-long warrior dragon gun, and couldn't wait to fight. M

"Little Princess, be careful!"

As a ghoul who turned on wisdom, Jackson was qualified to ride a war bear, and the other demon servants would not work. Even Downton gave them, they could not control them.

Cerise rode on a unicorn, not knowing why, and seeing Dunton holding Xia Luo was always uncomfortable.

The abominations do not have suitable weapons, and still use thick logs, but it is enough, and the strong sense of oppression makes the soldiers around retreat uncomfortably.

"Downton, once you do it, you will take the title of gangster in this life and be wanted for a reward, you can think about it!" The sheriff growled, but there was an unstoppable tension in her voice.

"I'm letting go now, will you let me go?" Downton shook his head helplessly, in front of two power people who could not wait for themselves to die soon, he had no choice.

Downton pulled out the sword of order and held it high.

All the soldiers' eyes were fixed on the blade, and they swallowed subconsciously. They sweated and realized that the moment the blade fell, the fight started.

Clang, clang,

As dusk passed, the mechanical clock of the clock tower above the town sounded, heralding the arrival of eight o'clock.

boom! boom!

Just as the conflict was about to start, several violent explosions suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at Xizhenkou, where the fire was blazing.

The fighting sound suddenly rang loudly and swept over like a tsunami.

"What's going on?" The mayor was shocked, appeasing the startled horse under the hips.

The sheriff had just sent a few people to see what was happening, and two scouts came to report.

"Sir, the big thing is not good, the robber coalition is attacking the town, and a charge will defeat the defender!"

The words of the scout suddenly made uproar on the long street.

"What are you talking about?" The sheriff panicked.

"You bullshit, Tyson said to give us three days to consider. Now that only two days have passed, how can it attack?"

"Adult, it's true!" Scouts were helpless, how could the gangsters believe it. "They said before, to paralyze us!"

Crying and running sound mixed together, rushed to the sky, Xizhenkou was completely lit. The fire light stained half of the sky.

"What now?" The mayor had no idea, and the defense in the town was left to the sheriff.

The sheriff wanted to run, but she fled without resistance, even after she survived. He will also be held accountable, and his backstage is not so hard that he can wash out this felony.

"You don't want to fight me again?" Downton sneered. "The top priority is to resist the bandits. Give the townspeople time to evacuate."

Now this situation. Even handing Downton to Tyson was useless. They made it clear that they came to burn and rob.

"Downton, you wait and see, I have written down this account." The sheriff shook the reins and rushed towards the Xizhenkou. "Why are you still doing something to support."

"Downton. I will definitely report to Lord Earl, it is because of you that it has caused the loss now." Franz said a ruthless word and left with the guard, but the direction was the morning fog town hall, He did not plan to die with those townspeople.

In an instant, the troops surrounding Downton walked away.

"What shall we do?" Walnut scratched his hair. "Want to leave, or fight?"

The town was already in chaos, and there were runaways everywhere. Their faces were full of panic and tension, and they couldn’t even take care of them.

"Of course it is leaving. When the master is in trouble, there is no townsman who speaks for him. Why should we fight for them?" Jackson looked at those unlucky townsmen, filled with joy in his heart, "Due, this is their own choice. ."

"Don't say that, even if they stand up, they can't help Downton!" Ceres was soft-hearted and spoke for the townspeople. In fact, she understood that the reason was untenable.

Xia Luo looked back and looked at Downton with interest.

The teenager frowned, straightening his back, looking at Xizhenkou, wondering what he was thinking?

"Run quickly, the robber coalition has come in!"

"What about the border guard? The security team? Where are all the dead? Go and kill those gangsters!"

Screaming, dissatisfied, crying, gathered together and played a dance of death.

Downton was indifferent and sat on the war bear, still not ordered.

"If you are soft-hearted, go to fight!" Xia Luo raised the brim upward, revealing her eyes, and the flames printed her amber pupil.

Downton clenched his fists.

"Quick escape, the security team was killed!"

Not only the security team, but also the soldiers of the border guards appeared in the field of vision, like ants in the ant caves that had been poured over by boiling water.

A little girl running away from her mother stood on the street, rubbing her eyes and crying helplessly.

The soldiers rushed past, no one looked at her, and even a **** in armor hit her without even helping her.

"Go away, don't block the road!" The **** cursed and continued to run, even losing his helmet in order to escape faster.

"Save her!" Downton ordered casually, asking Walnut to look through the binoculars and looking towards Xizhenkou.

Not all soldiers are cowards, and there are a few hundred men fighting fiercely with the bandits, and dead bodies are everywhere.

"Homer, let out all the devil servants, Celes, prepare for magic, and fight at any time!" Downton jumped out of the war bear, "Xia Luo, if you are afraid, ride it away!"

"This is more than ten million Sherman battle bear mounts, aren't you afraid that we would steal it?" Charola pulled the reins.

"You are not that kind of person!"

Downton rode a war bear again, took out the mechanical watch and looked at the time, while letting the hatred line up.

More and more townspeople fled here, and some people saw Downton, revealing a grateful look, but more of it was just looking at their own lives.

Some rogue rogues smashed the roadside grocery store while taking advantage of the mess, stolen the contents, and even blatantly entered the room to rob.

"Jackson, shoot them!"

"Observe, master!"

Jackson rushed out on a war bear, fired crossbows in a row, and shot several rifles at the door of the shop. Blood ran down the steps.

"Downton, save us!"

A wave of townsmen came running anxiously. Behind them was a grinning bandit who kept waving his knife. Kill those running slow on the spot.

The defeat came earlier than Downton had expected. Hundreds of gangsters bypassed the interception of the border guards and entered the town. It was precisely these. This poses the greatest danger to the townspeople.

"Downton, take your men and kill the robbers. We know you are powerful. It is the hope of Chenwu Town!"

A man ran to Downton, not afraid, and grabbed the armor of War Bear. Begging Downton. "Please, save my son!"

"Don't you dare to say that I am a broom star, clamoring to hang me?" Unfortunately, Downton knew this guy, and he just shouted very hard just now.

"I was wrong. I was blinded by the mayor." The man sucked his face. "Please, my son will be killed by them."

The robbers saw the haters who blocked the street, but there was no fear at all. They had roared with red eyes and rushed up unscrupulously.

"Slain them!"

The bandits charged with more than one hundred ogres five meters in height, followed by bear goblins, jackals, and even various orcs.

They are fierce in water, and their faces are dire!

"Kasimodo, it's yours!"

Downton didn't move. This group of miscellaneous fish was not worth his shot.

"Observe, Master!" Kasimodu stood upright, then stood at the forefront, "Abomination of the Corps, charge!"

The abominations started, like a steel chariot, crushed with hurricane momentum.

The ogres roared louder and strengthened themselves.

The townsmen sandwiched between the two teams hurried to the side and the ground was shaking.

boom! boom!

The Hate Corps and the Bandit Coalition collided together. The thick logs were like toothpicks in their hands, waving easily and smashing the bandits.

The ogres are completely planted. The whole person is like a blood bubble burst by violence, the whole body is broken, and it falls out with spray of blood.

The robbers couldn't stop even a half step of abhorrence. After they ran over the coalition forces, they fell two-thirds of the robbers. Those who didn't die because they were very clever. They hid on both sides of the road because the abhorrors couldn't reach them. Only survived.

Half a long street suddenly fell into silence, **** smell filled.

The robbers who survived saw the abominations stop, turned around, and shivered in unison.

"Don't be afraid, if you kill that human, they will collapse."

A small boss roared and rushed to Downton with the remaining bandits, who knew that to survive, they could only kill them from here.

Although the neatly arranged and heavily armed ghouls don't look good to deal with, they are never more difficult to eat than those burly abominations?

"Sirace, magic bombing!" Downton still did not move, commanding calmly, "Jackson, don't let me down again."

Taking advantage of the time of abhorrence and fighting, Ulay Reading www.uukanshu.com Celesis is already singing magic. At this time, it is just over, the dead bone missiles began to wreak havoc, and fired.

"All, V-shaped formation, charge!"

The aura of quickness at the feet of Jackson unfolded, blessing the Ghouls, and then they were killed out of fear.

"Is there any dark magic?" Downton asked Homer. His magic is a sacred system. If blessed to the demon servants, not only has no effect, but also burns their bodies.

"Yes, but I don't recommend you to study, it doesn't make much sense." Homer explained, "You should use the sacrifice to enhance the force. Anyway, these demon servants are dead, you can continue to add."

Jackson rode a battle bear to the forefront, and was originally planning to kill a lot. As a result, after the magic bombardment of Celes, there were less than twenty bandits remaining.

The ghouls swarmed up and tore them into pieces.

When a soldier saw this scene, he was scared to fall to the ground and looked down at Dunton with shock. Fortunately, he didn't fight with him just now, otherwise he was the one who died now.

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