Hero’s Creed

Chapter 255: break out

In such a large number of subordinate deaths, even those talented officers can't keep calm thinking. After suddenly hearing the'feasible' method, they are like drowning unlucky eggs and grabbed the only life-saving straw. Will definitely execute.

The one-minute that Downton said was actually fake, and it took three minutes to actually get around. This time difference was enough for Charlotte to make several other magic projections.

People all have herd minds, and mediocre people will always occupy the majority. After most of the gangsters call out a roundabout, those who have good brains will also give up thinking. After all, they are fighting and cannot be distracted. Second use.

Of course, after being frustrated, the gangsters will certainly find a way to attack from the roof, but the delay is enough for their number to die to the point where Downton can counterattack.

"Unfortunately, if Celes can attack, this group of gangsters will definitely collapse." Downton sighed, and the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly.

"Abomination of the Abomination Corps, advance!"

Downton yelled, this was to give the gangsters sustained and sufficient mental pressure, so that they would be nervous and unable to think calmly.

"Advance! Advance! Advance!"

The abominations roared, the sound was amazing, they used their chests to resist the attack of the bandits.

The gangsters had to retreat as if hitting the sea water of the reef.

"Hey, such an excellent apprentice makes my mentor feel useless!" Homer looked at Downton's performance and found that although it was not perfect, it definitely broke most people. He is definitely the kind of natural. Will only.

"Downton, you must not die!"

Thousands of people were supported by excellent martial arts, but only a dozen of the guards died, and everyone was injured. This is still the gangsters seeing them too difficult to kill. Bypassing their sake.

"Xia Luo, you can clean them up together!"

Since it is not dead, Downton will not be polite.

Thousands were in a hurry, but there were houses on both sides. There are enemies before and after, and there is no way to escape.

"Adult, roof!" A guard found the way of life, begging for a thousand people. "Please bring me!"

"Go away!" Thousands of people grew overjoyed, kicked their guards, and jumped on the roof in a jump.

Downton fired dragon bombs in succession, but failed to stop him.

"Downton. I won't let you go." The gritted teeth put a harsh word, and a thousand people left.

The guards were badly injured and were just ordinary soldiers. There was no way to jump on the two-story roof at once. I didn't expect to be abandoned by the sir, and it suddenly became chaotic. The gangsters took the opportunity to kill them and cut them down in the pool of blood.

"What are you still doing? Detour from the roof!"

Tyson yelled that Tomahawk kept hitting Casimodo, but he didn't even cut a wound.

The gangsters finally woke up and began to climb the wall.

"It would be nice if there was a team of archers." This group of gangsters is mostly ogres and goblins. Secondly, there are all kinds of orcs, and their IQ is average. Downton overestimated them. Unexpectedly, in the end, thousands of people broke his plan.

"Jackson, bring fifty ghouls to protect Celes and Charlotte and retreat, walnuts, hacked them." Downton held his sharp blade and rushed to the bandits who jumped from the roofs on both sides.

The perfect weapon was so sharp that after cutting off the broken mace of the gangster, they were ripped.

"Block it!"

Tyson grabbed a bear goblin and hit Casimodo, flew back at the same time, then jumped onto the roof and rushed to Downton.

Casimodo was about to pursue and was stopped by Downton.

"Defending forward, Tyson gave it to me."

Downton waved his blessings to himself, and took out the potion of the steel body as quickly as possible and poured it into his mouth. He didn’t dare to care about the fifth-order enemies like Tyson. Pay the price of death.

The shark pattern passed through the neck, floated to the cheek, and the blood on the body added a bit of iron blood to Downton.

"Human, die!" Tyson leapt.

"嘁!" The person in the air can't dodge, and Jackson took the dawn messenger and aimed at Tyson, but the guy rotated five diamond shields around his body to defend his body strictly, so that he could only give up Sneak attack.

Downton leaned forward, and after a few sprints, his legs were bent, and he suddenly straightened like a spring. The whole body rotated, shooting straight at Tyson above.

Giant windmill, vertical attack!

The Wings of the Black Dragon brought out twelve sharp blades of light, all of which were chopped on Tyson's body. One confluence cut off its two shields, leaving a slash mark on its body.

But Downton was not well. Tyson’s strength was so great that the battle axe that had been blasted blocked the sword of order and chopped **** his waist.

Poof, Downton smashed into the floor, dusty, and if it weren’t for the iron potion, it would be cut by the waist.

Of course, Downton deliberately did not use the soul shield. After all, the potion has a time limit, and it should maximize the residual value.

Poof, Downton spit blood and climbed up with the pain.

Tyson was killed, the two men fought together again, the weapons struck, and a dense sound exploded.

"Big Brother!" Walnut was tearing the dragon's teeth and wanted to help.

"Go cut those miscellaneous soldiers!"

Downton is not trying to show his bravery, but for the greatest possible killing of the enemy. Now the strongest Tyson is dragged by himself, which is a good opportunity to kill miscellaneous fish.

Tyson's power is so great that every blow weighs a lot, and Downton can't intercept it, so that his offensive begins to climb.

"Damn, it's true that the human inferiority of the body is irreparable." Downton extracted the great power from the Titan idol hanging around his neck, but less than the power of the seven trolls, the idol was completely shattered with a click.


Downton was smashed by a battle axe and smashed into the wall of the road, and fell into a residential house, but he was quickly killed in the smoke.

"Damn man, why can you move?"

Tyson was extremely depressed, and he was a full four steps higher than this guy. It should be said that he should be crushed, but this human being was as tenacious as a cockroach and could not be killed at all, and he was frequently injured by the fierce counterattack.

Relying on the defense of the steel body, Downton not only held Tyson down. Moreover, the counterattack is vivid and colorful, and besides, his body reshaped by energy is not afraid of attrition.

Tyson was more and more anxious, and the firepower was full. It tried to kill Charlotte several times, but was stopped by Downton.

"You are going to die here today." Downton said **** and created psychological pressure on the gangsters. "You attack Chenwu Town. The Duke of the West Border will not let you go."

"Shut up!" When Tyson spoke, the last shield was exploded and completely naked.

"Don't shoot if you're not sure, a 10,000 gold coin. My purse is not enough for you." Downton pretended to tease Jackson easily.

"Relax master, I will definitely shoot his egg~ egg!" Jackson really frightened Tyson, this guy is not good at fighting. But there are many tricks.

Tyson was affected. No way, anyone who is pointed at by a perfect crossbow will be distracted.

"Head of the group, kill them quickly, can't bear it anymore."

The gangsters shouted anxiously.

Xia Luo's thunderstorm ball was so powerful that each one exploded several black corpses, a smell of burnt smell mixed with **** smell. Diffuse in the nose.

Celese hasn't eased yet, but Charlotte is enough.

"Fuck you all."

Tyson roared and released his talent. His muscles and bones instantly doubled, and the leather armor collapsed directly, and he could see the blood vessels crawling across the body surface.

The saber chopped on it, bursting out of Mars without hurting the root hair.


Tyson's speed of wielding a battle axe suddenly became faster. Downton couldn't dodge. After being hit by the axe blade in the neck, he even smashed his body into the floor.

cough! cough!

Downton vomited blood.

"Downton!" Ceres and Walnut were anxious and needed support.

"Keep your position." Homer warned, "Don't worry about Downton!"

Tyson cut off with a second axe, Downton's awkward roll, dangerously escaped.

"Its talent is similar to rage, which can increase the attack and defense. Use them, otherwise you will lose." The element arm grabbed the broken first hundred cracks and the anger mask handed out.

Without any hesitation, Downton took the black and red metal mask and covered his face.


The mask seemed to come alive, wriggling, tightening instantly, and firmly against Downton's cheek. He felt some small spikes stick out and plunge into the skin to draw blood.

The mask was like mercury, covering the head, spreading down Downton's body, and completely wrapping him, forming a set of tight armor against the body.

The black and red colors reflect the blurred luster under the bright moonlight.

Tyson's battle axe was cut again.

Downton's left arm waved and slammed, directly blocking the tomahawk, and then took the first hundred cracks, and a giant beheaded and cut to Tyson.

Tyson stepped back and blocked with a battle axe, but he was cut off in one face.

"What level of weapon is this?" Tyson was stunned. Although his tomahawk is not a perfect weapon, it is not so vulnerable?

Giant seal, five times the damage increase!

Under the shattered cracks, a **** streamer came out.


On the long street ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was cut a one-foot deep gully, fifty meters long.

Tyson's arm was scratched, a layer of skin was removed, and blood was flowing.

The two sets of armed use time is limited, so Downton firepower is fully on.

At the same time as the bombardment, the sacred dragon gun will occasionally appear in the sky, suppressing Tyson, so that it can not evade as it pleases.

The armor of anger continuously supplements the magic energy and physical strength, so that Downton does not need to calculate the consumption, and can use it frequently.

Downton came close and launched the Horn of Heaven. Tyson had no time to avoid it. He was shrouded in sound waves and his head was dizzy.

Giant windmill, a tenfold increase!

Downton stormed, Tyson tried his best to dodge, but there were still scars.

Twelve blades of light flashed over, and Tyson thought he could breathe a sigh of relief. As a result, the opponent stepped on the ground and the giant trampled on.

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